Save the planet - buy an electric car

I own a Volt, good car nice and easy to charge, only goes forty miles on a charge, but I use it locally. The state is now charging me $200, I believe to register the car. My other car, a Suburban cost $70 to license. After the feds and state extolled the virtues of helping to save the environment. Looks like money is more important to the state.

I used to get behind one of the few Volts I ever saw on the road every morning! That asshole would get on a two-lane road with a 55 mph speed limit and could not get that thing above 45 mph going downhill with a strong tailwind! I used my big SUV to blow his doors off every morning. He got so used to it he would pull off the road to let me pass and I never exceeded the speed limit!

You were in hurry? Why? Because always everyone is in hurry? Why?

I drove 45 miles to work. Why should I sit behind someone and burn more fuel at an inefficient speed because he drives an electric car with no power?

The Volt has the power to run at 90 to 100 if you want to. I drove it at normal speeds and it had a lot of power.

I have yet to see one able to maintain 55 mph. Maybe you are just lucky to have a decent model. Everyone who rides with me says I drive like a "grandpa" which I proudly am. The only time I ever see a Volt is in the right lane of an Interstate with everyone trying to safely pass them. I have NEVER been passed by a Volt.
I own a Volt, good car nice and easy to charge, only goes forty miles on a charge, but I use it locally. The state is now charging me $200, I believe to register the car. My other car, a Suburban cost $70 to license. After the feds and state extolled the virtues of helping to save the environment. Looks like money is more important to the state.

I used to get behind one of the few Volts I ever saw on the road every morning! That asshole would get on a two-lane road with a 55 mph speed limit and could not get that thing above 45 mph going downhill with a strong tailwind! I used my big SUV to blow his doors off every morning. He got so used to it he would pull off the road to let me pass and I never exceeded the speed limit!

You were in hurry? Why? Because always everyone is in hurry? Why?

I drove 45 miles to work. Why should I sit behind someone and burn more fuel at an inefficient speed because he drives an electric car with no power?

The Volt has the power to run at 90 to 100 if you want to. I drove it at normal speeds and it had a lot of power.

I have yet to see one able to maintain 55 mph. Maybe you are just lucky to have a decent model. Everyone who rides with me says I drive like a "grandpa" which I proudly am. The only time I ever see a Volt is in the right lane of an Interstate with everyone trying to safely pass them. I have NEVER been passed by a Volt.

I have never been passed by anyone.

But more seriously let me say: Did you know that you are able to drive with salad oil too? Salad oil is also only a special form of Diesel. Diesel is for sure the best engine. Diesel moves the world - fast, powerful and efficient. But we have to look for better alternatives in different contextes and situations. A farmer for example is able to produce the own Diesel-substitute. And in the cities electricity is the juice of life, isn't it? And not to forget: the climate change is not a little problem only because some of your politicians say lots of stupid things. No - it is a very serious problem. Fight for life - so easy is perhaps the "question" of the universe to everyone of us - although we will perhaps lose in the end. On the other side: Who fights for death will for sure always win. So what about if the people, who like always only to win against all others, are always only on the wrong way? The question is never "everything or nothing". This question will always lead only to nothing and less than nothing.

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Oh by the way: Congrats Daniel, Sebastian, Patrick and Matthias. You are pretty good! It flies, I heard. What an unbelievable moment, isn't it?

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I used to get behind one of the few Volts I ever saw on the road every morning! That asshole would get on a two-lane road with a 55 mph speed limit and could not get that thing above 45 mph going downhill with a strong tailwind! I used my big SUV to blow his doors off every morning. He got so used to it he would pull off the road to let me pass and I never exceeded the speed limit!

You were in hurry? Why? Because always everyone is in hurry? Why?

I drove 45 miles to work. Why should I sit behind someone and burn more fuel at an inefficient speed because he drives an electric car with no power?

The Volt has the power to run at 90 to 100 if you want to. I drove it at normal speeds and it had a lot of power.

I have yet to see one able to maintain 55 mph. Maybe you are just lucky to have a decent model. Everyone who rides with me says I drive like a "grandpa" which I proudly am. The only time I ever see a Volt is in the right lane of an Interstate with everyone trying to safely pass them. I have NEVER been passed by a Volt.

I have never been passed by anyone.

So, you are a large kidney stone?

You really need to work on the language Deutsch boy!

But more seriously let me say: Did you know that you are able to drive with salad oil too? Salad oil is also only a special form of Diesel. Diesel is for sure the best engine. Diesel moves the world - fast, powerful and efficient. But we have to look for better alternatives in different contextes and situations. A farmer for example is able to produce the own Diesel-substitute. And in the cities electricity is the juice of life, isn't it? And not to forget: the climate change is not a little problem only because some of your politicians say lots of stupid things. No - it is a very serious problem. Fight for life - so easy is perhaps the "question" of the universe to everyone of us - although we will perhaps lose in the end. On the other side: Who fights for death will for sure always win. So what about if the people, who like always only to win against all others, are always only on the wrong way? The question is never "everything or nothing". This question will always lead only to nothing and less than nothing.

Does the looney left ever consider how the electricity that powers these over priced turds is made?
It's like how they have their cute little recycle containers but are oblivious to the fact that most of it ends up in the landfill anyway

Around here, it's made with Natural Gas, Hydroelectric, Solar and Wind. There are, I believe, one coal fired plant left and it's on the chopping block. And WE have the coal but are smart enough not to burn it for electricity. Right now, 20% of all electric power come from Hydro, Solar and Wind. And it gets more and more each year. And are you aware that Hydro, Solar and Wind cost less than either the Coal or Natural Gas plants to operate. The electricity locally here is Hydroelectric. We haven't had a gas or coal fired plant for about 40 years. I can't help it that where you are from, people are dumber than a Box of Rock. Just one rock in that box. A Box of rocks would be smarter.
You keep lumping solar and wind in with hydro power when you know they have nothing to do with each other. Hydro is cheap, but wind and solar are several times more expensive. Furthermore, they require 100% backup from a reliable source of power, like coal.

The new house construction that uses solar has a zero electric daily cost of operation. In the daytime, it sells electric power to the Electric Company and at night it uses the grid and removes what it put in the grid during the daytime. Cost versus payback is estimated at 7 years. In 7 years, the cost savings pay for the added installation. After that, it's free.

And you believe that Hydroelectric is cheap? Wow, the cost of construction of a Dam Project can only be done at a national level. Before I went into the Service, I worked at Marrow Point and the cost of that project was way out of hand for anyone other than the United States Government. Over quite a number of years, it's paid for itself but it took it decades to do it. Solar and Wind are a far cry less expensive and pay for themselves in no more than 7 years.

How is that box of rock.

solar only works when the sun is out, not at night, not when its cloudy or raining or snowing. Nuclear is a much better option.

... said Ahmed, the dead terrorist. Nuclear power plants are a security problem.

so are tall buildings in big cities, the answer to that problem is to eliminate the terrorists, not cave in to them.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'
Since most electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels, how does driving an electric car save the planet?

I used a city in China that has made or is seriously making the change to electric because people were dying from the polluted air. They use Coal to generate their electricity. Today, even with the electricity being generated by coal, the air is now breathable. Yes, it would be better if they used something other than coal but it's what they have. It would be better if they used Natural Gas but that's in short supply. They are also starting to build new buildings and homes with solar power built right in. That reduces the need to expand their coal system. China will do it before we do since it's a National Effort. But we are on the brink of having to do a national level as well.

let us know how that first solar plane night flight works out for you. Seriously, we should be using solar, wind, hydro, et. al. But to think that we can ever totally eliminate oil, gas, and coal is naive and ignorant.
Think about it. Electric cars do not use gas, so as electric cars replace the gas powered cars think of the loss of money the state and the feds due to the reduction in the gas tax, They have to make up that money someplace so I would bet we will see more of this in the future
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

and where does the electricity to recharge them come from? does it just pop up out of the air?

There is a net energy loss when transferring from fossil fuel to grid to battery.

Also, the spent batteries are toxic, where do you propose that we dispose of them?

electric cars are not the answer, sorry dude.

First of all not all fossil sources are the same. Last time I checked no one uses gasoline to make electricity.

Secondly part of electricity already comes from non-fossil sources and if really needed to we could make 100% of our electricity from non-fossil sources.

not with current technology we could not make all power from non fossil sources. Maybe some day, but not in the foreseeable future.

an electric car or truck has a max range of 200 or so miles. after that it has to recharge for about 8 hours. Do you really think that would work for someone traveling across the country, or for a long haul trucker?

and you guys never consider the source of the recharge energy or the net energy loss when transferring from grid to battery to wheels to motion.

the day of the Jetsons is not here yet, sorry.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.
You ought to buy up the used Chevy Volts before they are crushed.
Or doesn't your home insurance cover any vehicles they suddenly catch fire in your garage?
"Hi honey. I'm at the supermarket. I'll be home in about two days. The fucking Volt ran out of battery again for some reason so I have to plug it in. Is your sister's Wrangler still for sale?".
Chevy Volt discontinued: Chevrolet's last Volt rolls off the assembly line
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

and where does the electricity to recharge them come from? does it just pop up out of the air?

There is a net energy loss when transferring from fossil fuel to grid to battery.

Also, the spent batteries are toxic, where do you propose that we dispose of them?

electric cars are not the answer, sorry dude.

First of all not all fossil sources are the same. Last time I checked no one uses gasoline to make electricity.

Secondly part of electricity already comes from non-fossil sources and if really needed to we could make 100% of our electricity from non-fossil sources.

not with current technology we could not make all power from non fossil sources. Maybe some day, but not in the foreseeable future.

an electric car or truck has a max range of 200 or so miles. after that it has to recharge for about 8 hours. Do you really think that would work for someone traveling across the country, or for a long haul trucker?

and you guys never consider the source of the recharge energy or the net energy loss when transferring from grid to battery to wheels to motion.

the day of the Jetsons is not here yet, sorry.

You need to check your facts.

Current Tesla Model S has up to 370 mile range.

Model S | Tesla

It can recharge 50% of that range in 20 min, 80% in 40 min.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.
You ought to buy up the used Chevy Volts before they are crushed.
Or doesn't your home insurance cover any vehicles they suddenly catch fire in your garage?
"Hi honey. I'm at the supermarket. I'll be home in about two days. The fucking Volt ran out of battery again for some reason so I have to plug it in. Is your sister's Wrangler still for sale?".
Chevy Volt discontinued: Chevrolet's last Volt rolls off the assembly line

Volt can't compete with Model 3.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.
You ought to buy up the used Chevy Volts before they are crushed.
Or doesn't your home insurance cover any vehicles they suddenly catch fire in your garage?
"Hi honey. I'm at the supermarket. I'll be home in about two days. The fucking Volt ran out of battery again for some reason so I have to plug it in. Is your sister's Wrangler still for sale?".
Chevy Volt discontinued: Chevrolet's last Volt rolls off the assembly line

Maybe they should charge like they do manufacturing with carbon credits. Instead of dinging the one that has a lower carbon footprint, ding the ones that have the highest carbon footprint. But I don't see that happening as long as our politicos are bought and paid for (2 out of 3 that affect us here on a federal level) by the oil companies.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

and where does the electricity to recharge them come from? does it just pop up out of the air?

There is a net energy loss when transferring from fossil fuel to grid to battery.

Also, the spent batteries are toxic, where do you propose that we dispose of them?

electric cars are not the answer, sorry dude.

First of all not all fossil sources are the same. Last time I checked no one uses gasoline to make electricity.

Secondly part of electricity already comes from non-fossil sources and if really needed to we could make 100% of our electricity from non-fossil sources.

not with current technology we could not make all power from non fossil sources. Maybe some day, but not in the foreseeable future.

an electric car or truck has a max range of 200 or so miles. after that it has to recharge for about 8 hours. Do you really think that would work for someone traveling across the country, or for a long haul trucker?

and you guys never consider the source of the recharge energy or the net energy loss when transferring from grid to battery to wheels to motion.

the day of the Jetsons is not here yet, sorry.

You need to check your facts.

Current Tesla Model S has up to 370 mile range.

Model S | Tesla

It can recharge 50% of that range in 20 min, 80% in 40 min.

Wow, and only $70,000 (without tax), what a bargain.
I own a Volt, good car nice and easy to charge, only goes forty miles on a charge, but I use it locally. The state is now charging me $200, I believe to register the car. My other car, a Suburban cost $70 to license. After the feds and state extolled the virtues of helping to save the environment. Looks like money is more important to the state.

I used to get behind one of the few Volts I ever saw on the road every morning! That asshole would get on a two-lane road with a 55 mph speed limit and could not get that thing above 45 mph going downhill with a strong tailwind! I used my big SUV to blow his doors off every morning. He got so used to it he would pull off the road to let me pass and I never exceeded the speed limit!

You were in hurry? Why? Because always everyone is in hurry? Why?

I drove 45 miles to work. Why should I sit behind someone and burn more fuel at an inefficient speed because he drives an electric car with no power?

The Volt has the power to run at 90 to 100 if you want to. I drove it at normal speeds and it had a lot of power.

I have yet to see one able to maintain 55 mph. Maybe you are just lucky to have a decent model. Everyone who rides with me says I drive like a "grandpa" which I proudly am. The only time I ever see a Volt is in the right lane of an Interstate with everyone trying to safely pass them. I have NEVER been passed by a Volt.

They are just like any other car, good engine, gets good gas mileage. I test drove several, they can all go over 90, they can call move off a dime quickly. It seems you have no experience and biased against them because one Volt driver didn't drive the speed limit.
Think about it. Electric cars do not use gas, so as electric cars replace the gas powered cars think of the loss of money the state and the feds due to the reduction in the gas tax, They have to make up that money someplace so I would bet we will see more of this in the future

Yep, they are not going to lose money, the government always gets their cut.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.
You ought to buy up the used Chevy Volts before they are crushed.
Or doesn't your home insurance cover any vehicles they suddenly catch fire in your garage?
"Hi honey. I'm at the supermarket. I'll be home in about two days. The fucking Volt ran out of battery again for some reason so I have to plug it in. Is your sister's Wrangler still for sale?".
Chevy Volt discontinued: Chevrolet's last Volt rolls off the assembly line

The Volt runs on gas and electric. So your scenario is BS!
Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

and where does the electricity to recharge them come from? does it just pop up out of the air?

There is a net energy loss when transferring from fossil fuel to grid to battery.

Also, the spent batteries are toxic, where do you propose that we dispose of them?

electric cars are not the answer, sorry dude.

First of all not all fossil sources are the same. Last time I checked no one uses gasoline to make electricity.

Secondly part of electricity already comes from non-fossil sources and if really needed to we could make 100% of our electricity from non-fossil sources.

not with current technology we could not make all power from non fossil sources. Maybe some day, but not in the foreseeable future.

an electric car or truck has a max range of 200 or so miles. after that it has to recharge for about 8 hours. Do you really think that would work for someone traveling across the country, or for a long haul trucker?

and you guys never consider the source of the recharge energy or the net energy loss when transferring from grid to battery to wheels to motion.

the day of the Jetsons is not here yet, sorry.

You need to check your facts.

Current Tesla Model S has up to 370 mile range.

Model S | Tesla

It can recharge 50% of that range in 20 min, 80% in 40 min.

Wow, and only $70,000 (without tax), what a bargain.
More like 80K if you want a stereo and wheel covers. LOL!
In a couple of years there will be more VW 'Things' on the road than Volts.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.
You ought to buy up the used Chevy Volts before they are crushed.
Or doesn't your home insurance cover any vehicles they suddenly catch fire in your garage?
"Hi honey. I'm at the supermarket. I'll be home in about two days. The fucking Volt ran out of battery again for some reason so I have to plug it in. Is your sister's Wrangler still for sale?".
Chevy Volt discontinued: Chevrolet's last Volt rolls off the assembly line

Volt can't compete with Model 3.

I own a Volt, would never buy a Tesla, a hybrid is fine, all electric makes the Tesla unreliable.
and where does the electricity to recharge them come from? does it just pop up out of the air?

There is a net energy loss when transferring from fossil fuel to grid to battery.

Also, the spent batteries are toxic, where do you propose that we dispose of them?

electric cars are not the answer, sorry dude.

First of all not all fossil sources are the same. Last time I checked no one uses gasoline to make electricity.

Secondly part of electricity already comes from non-fossil sources and if really needed to we could make 100% of our electricity from non-fossil sources.

not with current technology we could not make all power from non fossil sources. Maybe some day, but not in the foreseeable future.

an electric car or truck has a max range of 200 or so miles. after that it has to recharge for about 8 hours. Do you really think that would work for someone traveling across the country, or for a long haul trucker?

and you guys never consider the source of the recharge energy or the net energy loss when transferring from grid to battery to wheels to motion.

the day of the Jetsons is not here yet, sorry.

You need to check your facts.

Current Tesla Model S has up to 370 mile range.

Model S | Tesla

It can recharge 50% of that range in 20 min, 80% in 40 min.

Wow, and only $70,000 (without tax), what a bargain.
More like 80K if you want a stereo and wheel covers. LOL!
In a couple of years there will be more VW 'Things' on the road than Volts.

Actually Teslas come loaded, the only options are colors, bigger wheels and Full Self Driving for $6000

If you want cheaper, Model 3 is 25k cheaper, has 310mile range and charges EVEN FASTER.

Model 3 based SUV, Model Y should start rolling off the production line in a year. It will cost $48,000 fully loaded with rear wheel drive, $52000 AWD (without full self driving and optional thrid row seats)
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First of all not all fossil sources are the same. Last time I checked no one uses gasoline to make electricity.

Secondly part of electricity already comes from non-fossil sources and if really needed to we could make 100% of our electricity from non-fossil sources.

not with current technology we could not make all power from non fossil sources. Maybe some day, but not in the foreseeable future.

an electric car or truck has a max range of 200 or so miles. after that it has to recharge for about 8 hours. Do you really think that would work for someone traveling across the country, or for a long haul trucker?

and you guys never consider the source of the recharge energy or the net energy loss when transferring from grid to battery to wheels to motion.

the day of the Jetsons is not here yet, sorry.

You need to check your facts.

Current Tesla Model S has up to 370 mile range.

Model S | Tesla

It can recharge 50% of that range in 20 min, 80% in 40 min.

Wow, and only $70,000 (without tax), what a bargain.
More like 80K if you want a stereo and wheel covers. LOL!
In a couple of years there will be more VW 'Things' on the road than Volts.

Actually teslas come loaded, the only options are colors, bigger wheels and Full Self Driving for $6000

If you want cheaper Model 3 is 25k cheaper, has 310mile range and charges EVEN FASTER.

Model 3 based SUV, Model Y should start rolling off the production line in a year. It will cost $55,000 fully loaded (without full self driving)

The model Y looks more like a pregnant sedan than an SUV.
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