Save the spotted owl but not the blonde hair blue eye human...WTF Liberals? the 80's and 90's Liberals fought to send thousands of American families into bankruptcy to save a spotted owl from forward to today and now they fight to force blonde hair blue eye humans into extinction...Does anyone else find the logic bizarre?

link, idiota
Look it up lazy filth the 80's and 90's Liberals fought to send thousands of American families into bankruptcy to save a spotted owl from forward to today and now they fight to force blonde hair blue eye humans into extinction...Does anyone else find the logic bizarre?

link, idiota
Look it up lazy filth

sorry white supremacist scum, I don't do research on white supremacist sites. the 80's and 90's Liberals fought to send thousands of American families into bankruptcy to save a spotted owl from forward to today and now they fight to force blonde hair blue eye humans into extinction...Does anyone else find the logic bizarre?
WHY are you blaming others for your lack of sexual activity and procreation.....

Put the phone down, turn off your internet, and start producing children!!!

This is no one's fault but your own!!!! We are not bearing children, everyone else is.....

I can answer that quite easily. It is because this numbnuts truly believes that white, especially blonde haired, blue eyes whites, are superior to everyone else. And if any other group gets ahead of them, it must be because of unfair practices. In other words, they blame others for the problems they caused.

"Superior" is a very subjective'll spin the fuck out of that.
But let me ask you a few very simple questions that your filthy dumb ass will be scared shitless to answer.
Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?
Man, it would fucking suck if this nation were all white....huh?
I wonder why people like you fools aren't flocking to Somalia to know, since you love and prefer filthy, dangerous, shitholes so much.
Now go ahead...start your Loony spin.

LMAO!!! Oh yes, all whites deserve sainthood, huh? Look, you can spin it any way you want. But I judge the individual based on what they do, not something so trivial as the color of their skin.

But please do share what evidence you have of the impending extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed people. You have yet to do that. You also have yet to show that anyone is pushing for that extinction. So your entire basis for this thread is bogus. And yet, you come in spinning like a top.

Haha...boy that was sidestepped the fuck out of those questions just like any nutless pussy filthy fucks are way too predictable...haha
Let's try this again oh sackless one.....grad your balls and go for it.
"Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?"

None of that has anything to do with the claim you made in the OP. Absolutely nothing. So if you are going to accuse someone of sidestepping, you might want to make sure they aren't simply avoiding your attempt to derail your own thread.

And just FYI, blonde haired, blue eyes whites are not the only whites. But I guess white people with brown, red, or black hair aren't as important? Let's see, what person or organization felt that way?

Once again, do you have any evidence that there are fewer blone haired, blue eyed white people in the world? the 80's and 90's Liberals fought to send thousands of American families into bankruptcy to save a spotted owl from forward to today and now they fight to force blonde hair blue eye humans into extinction...Does anyone else find the logic bizarre?

link, idiota
Look it up lazy filth

sorry white supremacist scum, I don't do research on white supremacist sites.

Haha....I'm scared to seek out truth and facts as well.
I much prefer to play stupid and pretend shit isn't what it really is...haha
Fucking Loon! the 80's and 90's Liberals fought to send thousands of American families into bankruptcy to save a spotted owl from forward to today and now they fight to force blonde hair blue eye humans into extinction...Does anyone else find the logic bizarre?

link, idiota
Look it up lazy filth

sorry white supremacist scum, I don't do research on white supremacist sites.

Haha....I'm scared to seek out truth and facts as well.
I much prefer to play stupid and pretend shit isn't what it really is...haha
Fucking Loon!

Your entire thread is based on your claim that blonde haired, blue eyed white people are going extinct. And yet, you don't offer one shred of evidence that there are fewer of these people in the world, to say nothing of them being endangered,

Hypocrisy comes easy to you, doesn't it? the 80's and 90's Liberals fought to send thousands of American families into bankruptcy to save a spotted owl from forward to today and now they fight to force blonde hair blue eye humans into extinction...Does anyone else find the logic bizarre?

link, idiota
Look it up lazy filth

sorry white supremacist scum, I don't do research on white supremacist sites.

Haha....I'm scared to seek out truth and facts as well.
I much prefer to play stupid and pretend shit isn't what it really is...haha
Fucking Loon!

no. a white supremacist made a claim in his o/p.

are you and he too stupid to prove your white supremacist assertions? or you got nothing, bubba?
WHY are you blaming others for your lack of sexual activity and procreation.....

Put the phone down, turn off your internet, and start producing children!!!

This is no one's fault but your own!!!! We are not bearing children, everyone else is.....

I can answer that quite easily. It is because this numbnuts truly believes that white, especially blonde haired, blue eyes whites, are superior to everyone else. And if any other group gets ahead of them, it must be because of unfair practices. In other words, they blame others for the problems they caused.

"Superior" is a very subjective'll spin the fuck out of that.
But let me ask you a few very simple questions that your filthy dumb ass will be scared shitless to answer.
Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?
Man, it would fucking suck if this nation were all white....huh?
I wonder why people like you fools aren't flocking to Somalia to know, since you love and prefer filthy, dangerous, shitholes so much.
Now go ahead...start your Loony spin.

LMAO!!! Oh yes, all whites deserve sainthood, huh? Look, you can spin it any way you want. But I judge the individual based on what they do, not something so trivial as the color of their skin.

But please do share what evidence you have of the impending extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed people. You have yet to do that. You also have yet to show that anyone is pushing for that extinction. So your entire basis for this thread is bogus. And yet, you come in spinning like a top.

Haha...boy that was sidestepped the fuck out of those questions just like any nutless pussy filthy fucks are way too predictable...haha
Let's try this again oh sackless one.....grad your balls and go for it.
"Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?"

None of that has anything to do with the claim you made in the OP. Absolutely nothing. So if you are going to accuse someone of sidestepping, you might want to make sure they aren't simply avoiding your attempt to derail your own thread.

And just FYI, blonde haired, blue eyes whites are not the only whites. But I guess white people with brown, red, or black hair aren't as important? Let's see, what person or organization felt that way?

Once again, do you have any evidence that there are fewer blone haired, blue eyed white people in the world?

Yeah, yeah, we go, this is where we start to play retard semantics....AWESOME, I love word games.
Let's be adults here...let's pretend I won't go to internet jail for "derailing" my own thread.
No grad your straight jacket and man-up.
"Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?"
That's Apelanta to you , YT

"I prefer to live in dirty shitholes loaded with dangerous, unfriendly, unproductive classless humans."
If I say otherwise I'm a racist. I'm a disgusting Liberal and love to pretend to be stupid for this reason.
I thought so....

Funny, you are trying to make a point by asking questions that have nothing to do with the actual topic. And then act as though my refusal to answer the derailling questions mean something.

Except you have continued to ignore my questions that are directly related to the topic of the OP. "I thought so...." applies more to your refusal to answer a single question than to my refusal to answer your questions.

Once again, what evidence do you have of the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed whites? Because without that, your OP is baseless nonsense.
I thought so....

Funny, you are trying to make a point by asking questions that have nothing to do with the actual topic. And then act as though my refusal to answer the derailling questions mean something.

Except you have continued to ignore my questions that are directly related to the topic of the OP. "I thought so...." applies more to your refusal to answer a single question than to my refusal to answer your questions.

Once again, what evidence do you have of the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed whites? Because without that, your OP is baseless nonsense.

Okay, okay...I'll play along....I made all that shit up in my own head about whites disappearing from southern Mexifornia...I was just fucking with you....there's actually blonde hair blue eyed people couldn't throw a rock in any direction without hitting's amazing, there's no filthy wetbacks anywhere which is so fucking weird considering that shithole Mexico butts right up to us. Anyhoo....sorry to fuck with you.....on to something else.
"Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?"
(This is where you run and hide and or pretend you didn't see this post.)
I thought so....

Funny, you are trying to make a point by asking questions that have nothing to do with the actual topic. And then act as though my refusal to answer the derailling questions mean something.

Except you have continued to ignore my questions that are directly related to the topic of the OP. "I thought so...." applies more to your refusal to answer a single question than to my refusal to answer your questions.

Once again, what evidence do you have of the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed whites? Because without that, your OP is baseless nonsense.

Okay, okay...I'll play along....I made all that shit up in my own head about whites disappearing from southern Mexifornia...I was just fucking with you....there's actually blonde hair blue eyed people couldn't throw a rock in any direction without hitting's amazing, there's no filthy wetbacks anywhere which is so fucking weird considering that shithole Mexico butts right up to us. Anyhoo....sorry to fuck with you.....on to something else.
"Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?"
(This is where you run and hide and or pretend you didn't see this post.)

LMAO!! At least you admitted you made the shit up.

I don't have to pretend I didn't see it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the OP and the topic. It is just your way of diverting attention away from the topic (which has been shown to be ridiculous).

If I saw 'No' to your questions, you will call me a liar.
If I say 'Yes' to your questions, you still have not shown anything about the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed white people.

So I will go with 'I don't know". Since I have seen many unproductive, dirty, unsafe, and unfriendly people that are brown, black and white. YOu want to lump everyone together based on skin color. That is a basic trick of those pushing diversity.
I thought so....

Funny, you are trying to make a point by asking questions that have nothing to do with the actual topic. And then act as though my refusal to answer the derailling questions mean something.

Except you have continued to ignore my questions that are directly related to the topic of the OP. "I thought so...." applies more to your refusal to answer a single question than to my refusal to answer your questions.

Once again, what evidence do you have of the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed whites? Because without that, your OP is baseless nonsense.

Okay, okay...I'll play along....I made all that shit up in my own head about whites disappearing from southern Mexifornia...I was just fucking with you....there's actually blonde hair blue eyed people couldn't throw a rock in any direction without hitting's amazing, there's no filthy wetbacks anywhere which is so fucking weird considering that shithole Mexico butts right up to us. Anyhoo....sorry to fuck with you.....on to something else.
"Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?"
(This is where you run and hide and or pretend you didn't see this post.)

LMAO!! At least you admitted you made the shit up.

I don't have to pretend I didn't see it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the OP and the topic. It is just your way of diverting attention away from the topic (which has been shown to be ridiculous).

If I saw 'No' to your questions, you will call me a liar.
If I say 'Yes' to your questions, you still have not shown anything about the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed white people.

So I will go with 'I don't know". Since I have seen many unproductive, dirty, unsafe, and unfriendly people that are brown, black and white. YOu want to lump everyone together based on skin color. That is a basic trick of those pushing diversity.

Haha...I knew you didn't have the nutsack to be honest with yourself...spin, spin, koooks are so fun.
If I were you I wouldn't read this. It will make it tough for you to keep your head in your ass.

Major Findings
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • Both violent and nonviolent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Crime rates
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
Interracial crime
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
Urban centers
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
Police shootings
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
Because you twisted wack-jobs are such link whores....
The Color of Crime - American Renaissance
I thought so....

Funny, you are trying to make a point by asking questions that have nothing to do with the actual topic. And then act as though my refusal to answer the derailling questions mean something.

Except you have continued to ignore my questions that are directly related to the topic of the OP. "I thought so...." applies more to your refusal to answer a single question than to my refusal to answer your questions.

Once again, what evidence do you have of the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed whites? Because without that, your OP is baseless nonsense.

Okay, okay...I'll play along....I made all that shit up in my own head about whites disappearing from southern Mexifornia...I was just fucking with you....there's actually blonde hair blue eyed people couldn't throw a rock in any direction without hitting's amazing, there's no filthy wetbacks anywhere which is so fucking weird considering that shithole Mexico butts right up to us. Anyhoo....sorry to fuck with you.....on to something else.
"Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?"
(This is where you run and hide and or pretend you didn't see this post.)

LMAO!! At least you admitted you made the shit up.

I don't have to pretend I didn't see it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the OP and the topic. It is just your way of diverting attention away from the topic (which has been shown to be ridiculous).

If I saw 'No' to your questions, you will call me a liar.
If I say 'Yes' to your questions, you still have not shown anything about the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed white people.

So I will go with 'I don't know". Since I have seen many unproductive, dirty, unsafe, and unfriendly people that are brown, black and white. YOu want to lump everyone together based on skin color. That is a basic trick of those pushing diversity.

Haha...I knew you didn't have the nutsack to be honest with yourself...spin, spin, koooks are so fun.
If I were you I wouldn't read this. It will make it tough for you to keep your head in your ass.

Major Findings
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • Both violent and nonviolent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Crime rates
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
Interracial crime
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
Urban centers
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
Police shootings
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
Because you twisted wack-jobs are such link whores....
The Color of Crime - American Renaissance

Ok, now that you got that out of your system, can we get back to your ridiculous claims that liberals are pushing for the extinction of blonde haired, blued eyed whites? You remember, the OP where you made shit up?
I thought so....

Funny, you are trying to make a point by asking questions that have nothing to do with the actual topic. And then act as though my refusal to answer the derailling questions mean something.

Except you have continued to ignore my questions that are directly related to the topic of the OP. "I thought so...." applies more to your refusal to answer a single question than to my refusal to answer your questions.

Once again, what evidence do you have of the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed whites? Because without that, your OP is baseless nonsense.

Okay, okay...I'll play along....I made all that shit up in my own head about whites disappearing from southern Mexifornia...I was just fucking with you....there's actually blonde hair blue eyed people couldn't throw a rock in any direction without hitting's amazing, there's no filthy wetbacks anywhere which is so fucking weird considering that shithole Mexico butts right up to us. Anyhoo....sorry to fuck with you.....on to something else.
"Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?"
(This is where you run and hide and or pretend you didn't see this post.)

LMAO!! At least you admitted you made the shit up.

I don't have to pretend I didn't see it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the OP and the topic. It is just your way of diverting attention away from the topic (which has been shown to be ridiculous).

If I saw 'No' to your questions, you will call me a liar.
If I say 'Yes' to your questions, you still have not shown anything about the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed white people.

So I will go with 'I don't know". Since I have seen many unproductive, dirty, unsafe, and unfriendly people that are brown, black and white. YOu want to lump everyone together based on skin color. That is a basic trick of those pushing diversity.

Haha...I knew you didn't have the nutsack to be honest with yourself...spin, spin, koooks are so fun.
If I were you I wouldn't read this. It will make it tough for you to keep your head in your ass.

Major Findings
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • Both violent and nonviolent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Crime rates
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
Interracial crime
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
Urban centers
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
Police shootings
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
Because you twisted wack-jobs are such link whores....
The Color of Crime - American Renaissance

Ok, now that you got that out of your system, can we get back to your ridiculous claims that liberals are pushing for the extinction of blonde haired, blued eyed whites? You remember, the OP where you made shit up?

Look, I know you people aren't so stupid that you can't see the point.
It gets old watching you pretend shit isn't what it actually is out of paranoia.
Wetbacks are the majority in southern Mexifornia
Crime continues to rise in southern Mexifornia
Welfare and poverty rates at all time highs in southern Mexifornia
Education rankings at all time lows in southern Mexifornia
Entire communities inhabited by beaners degraded and turned to filthy shitholes like Tijuana.
All this and you retards continue to push for Liberal policy as it relates to immigration. Imagine if you cared about REAL Americans like you did the spotted fucking owl. Your nutless policies, disregard for our Constitution and REAL Americans and embrace of foreign filth is flushing the hard working, law abiding, tax paying productive white from Mexifornia. Are you starting to tie it all together yet dumbass?
Funny, you are trying to make a point by asking questions that have nothing to do with the actual topic. And then act as though my refusal to answer the derailling questions mean something.

Except you have continued to ignore my questions that are directly related to the topic of the OP. "I thought so...." applies more to your refusal to answer a single question than to my refusal to answer your questions.

Once again, what evidence do you have of the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed whites? Because without that, your OP is baseless nonsense.

Okay, okay...I'll play along....I made all that shit up in my own head about whites disappearing from southern Mexifornia...I was just fucking with you....there's actually blonde hair blue eyed people couldn't throw a rock in any direction without hitting's amazing, there's no filthy wetbacks anywhere which is so fucking weird considering that shithole Mexico butts right up to us. Anyhoo....sorry to fuck with you.....on to something else.
"Would Atlanta be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive city if it were all white?
Would this nation be a cleaner, safer, friendlier more productive nation if it were all white?"
(This is where you run and hide and or pretend you didn't see this post.)

LMAO!! At least you admitted you made the shit up.

I don't have to pretend I didn't see it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the OP and the topic. It is just your way of diverting attention away from the topic (which has been shown to be ridiculous).

If I saw 'No' to your questions, you will call me a liar.
If I say 'Yes' to your questions, you still have not shown anything about the extinction of blonde haired, blue eyed white people.

So I will go with 'I don't know". Since I have seen many unproductive, dirty, unsafe, and unfriendly people that are brown, black and white. YOu want to lump everyone together based on skin color. That is a basic trick of those pushing diversity.

Haha...I knew you didn't have the nutsack to be honest with yourself...spin, spin, koooks are so fun.
If I were you I wouldn't read this. It will make it tough for you to keep your head in your ass.

Major Findings
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • Both violent and nonviolent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Crime rates
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
Interracial crime
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
Urban centers
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
Police shootings
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
Because you twisted wack-jobs are such link whores....
The Color of Crime - American Renaissance

Ok, now that you got that out of your system, can we get back to your ridiculous claims that liberals are pushing for the extinction of blonde haired, blued eyed whites? You remember, the OP where you made shit up?

Look, I know you people aren't so stupid that you can't see the point.
It gets old watching you pretend shit isn't what it actually is out of paranoia.
Wetbacks are the majority in southern Mexifornia
Crime continues to rise in southern Mexifornia
Welfare and poverty rates at all time highs in southern Mexifornia
Education rankings at all time lows in southern Mexifornia
Entire communities inhabited by beaners degraded and turned to filthy shitholes like Tijuana.
All this and you retards continue to push for Liberal policy as it relates to immigration. Imagine if you cared about REAL Americans like you did the spotted fucking owl. Your nutless policies, disregard for our Constitution and REAL Americans and embrace of foreign filth is flushing the hard working, law abiding, tax paying productive white from Mexifornia. Are you starting to tie it all together yet dumbass?

And blonde haired, blue eyed whites are facing extinction?

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