Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

You are going to be crying in real butt hurt on inauguration day as The Pretend President faces a national strike.
Why would I be upset to find that on election day the 'nation' of bitter, butthurt, sore-loser snowflakes all across this nation continues to show its collective ass in a massive display of hatred and division rather than accept and rally around - if not at least just accept - the newly elected President?

I wouldn't expect anything less from the likes of you.
Because your pres is not going to go anywhere in his presidency except backwards, you little butt hurt easyt. :lol:
ahhh, someone is upset that ole trump won. ahhhhhhhh do you need a tissue?
Have you noticed that I never have to use profanity?

That's 'cause I'm never wrong....and you help me prove it!

Now...your use of vulgarity?
Guess why.
Aww, poor, baby. I didn't realize your skin is so fucking thin. <smh>

I had soooo much fun destroying you.
Seems to be Karma, huh?

I don't see you whining about any videos being 'cut' anymore.....

....not since I posted this:

Could you be this provided proof of exactly what I've said !!!!!

This is your claim of the 'original video.'
Let's use it!

@3:25 she actually says "Many of the millennials, dreamers, UNDOCUMENTED citizens....and I call them citizens because they contribute to the country....are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family and deport us? ..."
Without missing a beat, Obama the liar resonds "not true. "(@3:38)
Hey....any 'cutting of the video'????

Contiunuing @ 3:42, Obama lies: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"
Hey....any 'cutting of the video'????

Ooooo,,,,you poor, sad, ugly thing.....look how you just proved exactly what I've said!
And I did it with your video!!!!

Continuing, @3:46 Obama says "there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over, and people start investigating...."
Hey....any 'cutting of the video'????

30 seconds.....exactly what I've posted and your 'original video' proves!!!!!

I win again!'ve been lying all along, huh?
She asks if UNDOCUMENTED aliens can vote...will they be caught and deported....Obama says 'no way''re a citizen if if you're illegal!!!!

And not a smidgen of 'cutting' of the video!!!!!


You know you're a conservative nut, right?

Of course I didn't point out you're posting an edited video... after posting an edited video more than a dozen times (and denying you were doing so), you finally posted the uncut version I posted to prove you were posting edited versions of that interview.


You're such a dolt. :eusa_doh:

As far as Obama saying, "not true, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself," that was a reply to an American citizen herself asking, "if I vote, will I have to worry about immigration knowing where I live?"

He's pointing out an American citizen is an American citizen when she votes and doesn't have to fear immigration because they won't be coming after her undocumented family and friends if she does vote.

Plus, in that video, he goes on to say illegal aliens can't vote. Which is why until recently, you were posting an edited version of that interview which cut that part out.

Also in that video, and also lost in the edited version you were posting, is where he encourages folks to visit for information on voting; and that website informs readers they must be a U.S. citizen to vote.

You've got to be a completely brain-dead conservative to hear all that and have your deranged mind translate that into Obama's encouraging illegals to vote.

And look! You fit that bill perfectly. :lmao:

The video I posted was EXACTLY the same as the 'original video' that you're trying to claim is any different.

Here's the one I posted that you swear is "cut."

The first line from the lovely (jealous?) young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@0:19 Obama makes this outrageous claim:
When you vote, you are a citizen yourself.

Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't one will catch your.'

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

Let's review what we on the right stated long ago....and Obama himself just proved:

Isn't this great?

I prove you're a liar, you prove you're ugly.


You're lying again. Anyone here surprised?

I never said the video you linked in your latest post was cut. Why would I when I was the one who first posted that uncut version to prove the version you were posting is edited?

As far as Obama saying, "not true, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself," that was a reply to an American citizen herself asking, "if I vote, will I have to worry about immigration knowing where I live?"

He's pointing out an American citizen is an American citizen when she votes and doesn't have to fear immigration because they won't be coming after her undocumented family and friends if she does vote.

Plus, in that video, he goes on to say illegal aliens can't vote. Which is why until recently, you were posting an edited version of that interview which cut that part out.

Also in that video, and also lost in the edited version you were posting, is where he encourages folks to visit for information on voting; and that website informs readers they must be a U.S. citizen to vote.

You've got to be a completely brain-dead conservative to hear all that and have your deranged mind translate that into Obama's encouraging illegals to vote.

And look! You fit that bill perfectly. :lmao:

"I never said the video you linked in your latest post was cut. "

You claimed that the video I used was cut.

I proved it wasn't....and proved it by showing that the 30 seconds I quoted was exactly....EXACTLY...the same 30 seconds from your "original video."

I caught you lying.....and your mirror caught you ugly.

Over/under on Trump lifting Russian sanctions.......Three months


Don't you want to claim that the CIA said Russia changed our election outcome????

You're not backing away from that lie.....

...are you?
Spot the disconnect....

Obama: "what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

[B]PoliticalHack[/B]: "Obama told illegal aliens to go out an vote,and no one would catch on!"


Is any more evidence needed that PoliticalHack is clinically insane?

Please forgive her...

Political Chic suffers from a Columbia University education. Other than cut and paste, she has no reading comprehension

But I'm pretty good as math.....

I documented a million and a third illegals voted in Obama's first election....

"Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama."
Soooo.....if 6.4% voted.....that would be about 1.3 million votes.

....if 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted last time

....and now
a. their icon, Obama, told them to vote and not be concerned that there would be any penalty (as per the video)


b. the central issue in Trump's campaign was throwing them out of the nation that they invaded....

....ya' think maybe 13.2%....or 17.6%.....or more of 'em voted??????

You betcha'!!!!!!!

There's your 3 million votes!!!! Illegal aliens....the Democrat constituency.

Get it?
That means that there is actual evidence that 3 million illegal aliens voted for Bill's wife....
...and no evidence that Russia influenced our election via hacking.

How' that, boooyyyyyyyeeeeee????
Some calculation Professor

You still can't point out a single illegal vote that was cast
Where are your arrests?

LOL...looks like your "calculation" is only off by 1.3 million votes

Did any illegals vote?

How many?

Up to 1.3 million Russians voted for Trump in the last election

So you gave up the 'Russian hacking' thing, huh?
If she is speaking for herself and she is a citizen, WHY is she afraid that Immigration will come after her?

It is very clear that Obama was encouraging illegal aliens to vote.....

The low-life actually said this:

Obama lies:
"When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

Obama says "there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over, and people start investigating...."

....meaning "go ahead and one will check up to see if you are an actual citizen."
Uh-oh, you forgot to mention again that Obama also said, illegals can't vote. :ack-1:

Actually, that we've agreed that you lied in claiming that the video was "cut," Obama told illegals this:
"When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

He might as well have said that you are beautiful!!!!!!!
You're still lying. How lucky are you that you have no shame and don't care that everyone here sees that for themselves?

Of course the video you were posting earlier in this thread was cut. Stop lying and denying that. Want proof it was cut? It doesn't contain the part where Obama said illegals can't vote because that part was cut out. It doesn't contain the part where Obama endorses a website with instructions on how to vote which points out one must be a U.S. citizen to vote because the edited version you were posting cut that part out too.

G'head, keep denying you were posting an edited version of that interview. :bad grin:

Its all she learned from a Columbia education......Copy and Paste

No need to actually comprehend what youpost

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.
Many of the millennials, dreamers, UNDOCUMENTED citizens....and I call them citizens because they contribute to the country....are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family and deport us? ..."
If she is speaking for herself and she is a citizen, WHY is she afraid that Immigration will come after her?

It is very clear that Obama was encouraging illegal aliens to vote.....

The low-life actually said this:

Obama lies:
"When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

Obama says "there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over, and people start investigating...."

....meaning "go ahead and one will check up to see if you are an actual citizen."
Uh-oh, you forgot to mention again that Obama also said, illegals can't vote. :ack-1:

Actually, that we've agreed that you lied in claiming that the video was "cut," Obama told illegals this:
"When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

He might as well have said that you are beautiful!!!!!!!
You're still lying. How lucky are you that you have no shame and don't care that everyone here sees that for themselves?

Of course the video you were posting earlier in this thread was cut. Stop lying and denying that. Want proof it was cut? It doesn't contain the part where Obama said illegals can't vote because that part was cut out. It doesn't contain the part where Obama endorses a website with instructions on how to vote which points out one must be a U.S. citizen to vote because the edited version you were posting cut that part out too.

G'head, keep denying you were posting an edited version of that interview. :bad grin:

This is toooo you.

My original video:


Your 'original video'

The pertinent part: from 3:25 to 3:50......


It is very clear that Obama was encouraging illegal aliens to vote.....

The low-life actually said this:

Obama lies:
"When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

Obama says "there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over, and people start investigating...."

....meaning "go ahead and one will check up to see if you are an actual citizen."
Uh-oh, you forgot to mention again that Obama also said, illegals can't vote. :ack-1:

Actually, that we've agreed that you lied in claiming that the video was "cut," Obama told illegals this:
"When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

He might as well have said that you are beautiful!!!!!!!
You're still lying. How lucky are you that you have no shame and don't care that everyone here sees that for themselves?

Of course the video you were posting earlier in this thread was cut. Stop lying and denying that. Want proof it was cut? It doesn't contain the part where Obama said illegals can't vote because that part was cut out. It doesn't contain the part where Obama endorses a website with instructions on how to vote which points out one must be a U.S. citizen to vote because the edited version you were posting cut that part out too.

G'head, keep denying you were posting an edited version of that interview. :bad grin:

Its all she learned from a Columbia education......Copy and Paste

No need to actually comprehend what youpost

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Instead of a degree in Cut and Paste.....

What Columbia should have taught you

Uh-oh, you forgot to mention again that Obama also said, illegals can't vote. :ack-1:

Actually, that we've agreed that you lied in claiming that the video was "cut," Obama told illegals this:
"When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

He might as well have said that you are beautiful!!!!!!!
You're still lying. How lucky are you that you have no shame and don't care that everyone here sees that for themselves?

Of course the video you were posting earlier in this thread was cut. Stop lying and denying that. Want proof it was cut? It doesn't contain the part where Obama said illegals can't vote because that part was cut out. It doesn't contain the part where Obama endorses a website with instructions on how to vote which points out one must be a U.S. citizen to vote because the edited version you were posting cut that part out too.

G'head, keep denying you were posting an edited version of that interview. :bad grin:

Its all she learned from a Columbia education......Copy and Paste

No need to actually comprehend what youpost

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Instead of a degree in Cut and Paste.....

What Columbia should have taught you


Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

So I win again???

Over/under on Trump lifting Russian sanctions.......Three months


Don't you want to claim that the CIA said Russia changed our election outcome????

You're not backing away from that lie.....

...are you?

Up to 1.3 million Russians voted illegally for Trump

Tell the truth for really hurt you that I rammed your attempt to claim some sort of proof that the Russians hacked the election and swung it to Trump.

This Thomas Hardy verse sums it up"
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

You should have someone explain that to you.
Actually, that we've agreed that you lied in claiming that the video was "cut," Obama told illegals this:
"When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

He might as well have said that you are beautiful!!!!!!!
You're still lying. How lucky are you that you have no shame and don't care that everyone here sees that for themselves?

Of course the video you were posting earlier in this thread was cut. Stop lying and denying that. Want proof it was cut? It doesn't contain the part where Obama said illegals can't vote because that part was cut out. It doesn't contain the part where Obama endorses a website with instructions on how to vote which points out one must be a U.S. citizen to vote because the edited version you were posting cut that part out too.

G'head, keep denying you were posting an edited version of that interview. :bad grin:

Its all she learned from a Columbia education......Copy and Paste

No need to actually comprehend what youpost

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Instead of a degree in Cut and Paste.....

What Columbia should have taught you


Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

So I win again???

You received a degree in Copy and Paste

Amazing how the standards of Columbia University dropped once President Obama left

Can you get a degree in Selfies now?

Over/under on Trump lifting Russian sanctions.......Three months


Don't you want to claim that the CIA said Russia changed our election outcome????

You're not backing away from that lie.....

...are you?

Up to 1.3 million Russians voted illegally for Trump

Tell the truth for really hurt you that I rammed your attempt to claim some sort of proof that the Russians hacked the election and swung it to Trump.

This Thomas Hardy verse sums it up"
“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

You should have someone explain that to you.

Still having problems reading?

You really need to try some of the "Hooked on Phonics"
You're still lying. How lucky are you that you have no shame and don't care that everyone here sees that for themselves?

Of course the video you were posting earlier in this thread was cut. Stop lying and denying that. Want proof it was cut? It doesn't contain the part where Obama said illegals can't vote because that part was cut out. It doesn't contain the part where Obama endorses a website with instructions on how to vote which points out one must be a U.S. citizen to vote because the edited version you were posting cut that part out too.

G'head, keep denying you were posting an edited version of that interview. :bad grin:

Its all she learned from a Columbia education......Copy and Paste

No need to actually comprehend what youpost

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Instead of a degree in Cut and Paste.....

What Columbia should have taught you


Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

So I win again???

You received a degree in Copy and Paste

Amazing how the standards of Columbia University dropped once President Obama left

Can you get a degree in Selfies now?

First, let's underscore the fact that you couldn't develop a coherent dispute of anything of substance in any of my you were relegated to decrying the manner of presentation....'copy and paste'

I exposed you here:

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Let's see....the popular vote, Russian hacking the election, now 'cut and paste.'

....that leaves you at zero.
Its all she learned from a Columbia education......Copy and Paste

No need to actually comprehend what youpost

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Instead of a degree in Cut and Paste.....

What Columbia should have taught you


Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

So I win again???

You received a degree in Copy and Paste

Amazing how the standards of Columbia University dropped once President Obama left

Can you get a degree in Selfies now?

First, let's underscore the fact that you couldn't develop a coherent dispute of anything of substance in any of my you were relegated to decrying the manner of presentation....'copy and paste'

I exposed you here:

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Let's see....the popular vote, Russian hacking the election, now 'cut and paste.'

....that leaves you at zero.

Real Columbia University grads must shed a tear when they read what you post
What ever happened to academic standards?
Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Instead of a degree in Cut and Paste.....

What Columbia should have taught you


Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

So I win again???

You received a degree in Copy and Paste

Amazing how the standards of Columbia University dropped once President Obama left

Can you get a degree in Selfies now?

First, let's underscore the fact that you couldn't develop a coherent dispute of anything of substance in any of my you were relegated to decrying the manner of presentation....'copy and paste'

I exposed you here:

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Let's see....the popular vote, Russian hacking the election, now 'cut and paste.'

....that leaves you at zero.

Real Columbia University grads must shed a tear when they read what you post
What ever happened to academic standards?

Hey...d'ya' see this?

Obama, backing up just what I said yesterday....and smashing a custard pie in your kisser.....again!!!!

"Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election"

Face it....I'm never wrong.
Instead of a degree in Cut and Paste.....

What Columbia should have taught you


Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

So I win again???

You received a degree in Copy and Paste

Amazing how the standards of Columbia University dropped once President Obama left

Can you get a degree in Selfies now?

First, let's underscore the fact that you couldn't develop a coherent dispute of anything of substance in any of my you were relegated to decrying the manner of presentation....'copy and paste'

I exposed you here:

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Let's see....the popular vote, Russian hacking the election, now 'cut and paste.'

....that leaves you at zero.

Real Columbia University grads must shed a tear when they read what you post
What ever happened to academic standards?

Hey...d'ya' see this?

Obama, backing up just what I said yesterday....and smashing a custard pie in your kisser.....again!!!!

"Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election"

Face it....I'm never wrong.

Obama also claims there were no illegals voting in the 2016 election

Choose your poison PC
Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

So I win again???

You received a degree in Copy and Paste

Amazing how the standards of Columbia University dropped once President Obama left

Can you get a degree in Selfies now?

First, let's underscore the fact that you couldn't develop a coherent dispute of anything of substance in any of my you were relegated to decrying the manner of presentation....'copy and paste'

I exposed you here:

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Let's see....the popular vote, Russian hacking the election, now 'cut and paste.'

....that leaves you at zero.

Real Columbia University grads must shed a tear when they read what you post
What ever happened to academic standards?

Hey...d'ya' see this?

Obama, backing up just what I said yesterday....and smashing a custard pie in your kisser.....again!!!!

"Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election"

Face it....I'm never wrong.

Obama also claims there were no illegals voting in the 2016 election

Choose your poison PC

But he did tell them to vote, didn't he.

"When you vote you are a citizen yourself"
And "there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over, and people start investigating...."'re position is that Obama is simply inept?

Haven't I said that for seven years?????
Instead of a degree in Cut and Paste.....

What Columbia should have taught you


Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

So I win again???

You received a degree in Copy and Paste

Amazing how the standards of Columbia University dropped once President Obama left

Can you get a degree in Selfies now?

First, let's underscore the fact that you couldn't develop a coherent dispute of anything of substance in any of my you were relegated to decrying the manner of presentation....'copy and paste'

I exposed you here:

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Let's see....the popular vote, Russian hacking the election, now 'cut and paste.'

....that leaves you at zero.

Real Columbia University grads must shed a tear when they read what you post
What ever happened to academic standards?

Hey...d'ya' see this?

Obama, backing up just what I said yesterday....and smashing a custard pie in your kisser.....again!!!!

"Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election"

Face it....I'm never wrong.
he has to say that because this would be all on him!!! He's currently the president and it would have happened under his watch.

It didn't happen I know, cause no one can post up one word that is evidence. but he has to make this claim to save whatever is left of his presidency stays intact. He actually got something for once.
You received a degree in Copy and Paste

Amazing how the standards of Columbia University dropped once President Obama left

Can you get a degree in Selfies now?

First, let's underscore the fact that you couldn't develop a coherent dispute of anything of substance in any of my you were relegated to decrying the manner of presentation....'copy and paste'

I exposed you here:

Bet you can't articulate a problem with documentation, e.g., copy and paste.

Bet you can't.

Let's see....the popular vote, Russian hacking the election, now 'cut and paste.'

....that leaves you at zero.

Real Columbia University grads must shed a tear when they read what you post
What ever happened to academic standards?

Hey...d'ya' see this?

Obama, backing up just what I said yesterday....and smashing a custard pie in your kisser.....again!!!!

"Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election"

Face it....I'm never wrong.

Obama also claims there were no illegals voting in the 2016 election

Choose your poison PC

But he did tell them to vote, didn't he.

"When you vote you are a citizen yourself"
And "there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over, and people start investigating...."'re position is that Obama is simply inept?

Haven't I said that for seven years?????

Actually, it has been demonstrated to you repeatedly that Obama did not say that

But....I guess a Columbia education will only get you so far
Up to 1.3 million Russians voted for Trump in the last election

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