Say Hello To NEW Politics!


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
That is what this NEW revolution is ALL about. The Trump revolution NOT beholden to ANY party OR its demands/input. The voice of the White House belongs to the PEOPLE not the party. WE give the walking orders.

You democrats are offering the same old sh8t that has put un-needed un-wanted programs and feel goods BEFORE nation building. And yes republicans tried as well with that Bush sh8t but you see how far that has gotten.

So WE cleaned our house and you CAN see it but your place is a hole. Trump is going to kick Hillary's ass BAD, shameful BAD. All because you as a party *read rabble* have REFUSED to remove the political "elite" from your party. Just the same old tired ass sound bites with a different face.

Your "elite" leadership may as well use dog whistles to round your ass up. "Well Hillary supports women's right you bellow! Ah, just where was that support when Bill's accusers stepped forward? Where was all that CONCERN for the VICTIM?
"Hillary Clinton is FOR women' rights" UNLESS you are raped by Bill.
Hillary Clinton is FOR children. Unless of course her client is a child molester.

Bush is out quite frankly because he is stupid and would just be more of the same old same ol. Trump reflects an entire inner party revolution INSIDE the party where a NEW voice will be heard. That being the American men and women that BUILT this place to start with you morons DESPITE what your supreme leader says.

Welcome to the revolution and toss your rule book away. Countries are built by LEADERS not your damn rule book. Besides we HAVE one we rather like and DESPITE your efforts to destroy it we like it. You don't? YOU leave, we like it here.

Well, usually when you elect somebody President, you wind up getting whatever his biggest campaign contributors want.

When we elect Trump President, at least we'll get what HE wants.

We just have to figure out what that is, before we vote.
I hate Trump's TV shows. But his policies? On the right track in most things imo.

I'm for the one that can lead this country for the betterment of it's people and uphold the constitution it was founded on, regardless of what party they are affiliated.

As for the possible candidates? I agree Hillary sucks. She's much more interested in playing with the big boys from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave than the people she'd serve. Besides, she's still married to that guy that can't keep it in his pants & lets face it, he never would have even run for office if she hadn't pushed him. Yeah, she's ambitious and would sell her soul for a dime, if it got her where she wants to be.
Trump? Let's just say that's a whole other ball game. It's true that he brings fresh air to an old & stagnant system & some of his ideas are worthy. I just have a big problem with how he presents himself as a 10year old, loudmouth, bigot who thinks he can buy his way to the next challenge. He doesn't care about the presidency or the country, he only cares about himself and doing whatever it is he wants. The Middle East has hated US for many years and other countries don't take kindly to 'Americans' either....If Trump is elected, with his big mouth, immature attitude and name calling....he'd land this country into WW3 before he could even get moved into the White House much less spend a night. Not only that, we'd be the biggest laughingstock for the rest of the world...even our allies. If he could keep his mouth shut, stick to the real issues facing this country and grow some mature balls.....I'd say he might have half a chance of being a decent president. He can't be bought, because he has more money than he knows what to do with already.
Sorry old friend (yes we are old friends ;)), but unless he can keep a cool head under pressure, I don't want him in charge.

Other possible options? Sanders? Paul? Maybe, they do have more going for them with their positions on the issues, both want to make this a better country with concern for the people and neither are easily 'bought' or swayed by corporate causes. They just don't get the big press to put them out in front. They don't make for profitable press. Yes the media controls the outcome.
Any of the other candidates? Carson? Christie? Bush? Cruz? Or who ever else is running? None of them have a snowballs chance of getting anywhere.

I'm still not so sure that our vote really counts anymore. There's been too damn many discrepancies at the ballot box to claim a fair, unprejudiced and untampered election.

just saying
I'm for the one that can lead this country for the betterment of it's people and uphold the constitution it was founded on, regardless of what party they are affiliated.

As for the possible candidates? I agree Hillary sucks. She's much more interested in playing with the big boys from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave than the people she'd serve. Besides, she's still married to that guy that can't keep it in his pants & lets face it, he never would have even run for office if she hadn't pushed him. Yeah, she's ambitious and would sell her soul for a dime, if it got her where she wants to be.
Trump? Let's just say that's a whole other ball game. It's true that he brings fresh air to an old & stagnant system & some of his ideas are worthy. I just have a big problem with how he presents himself as a 10year old, loudmouth, bigot who thinks he can buy his way to the next challenge. He doesn't care about the presidency or the country, he only cares about himself and doing whatever it is he wants. The Middle East has hated US for many years and other countries don't take kindly to 'Americans' either....If Trump is elected, with his big mouth, immature attitude and name calling....he'd land this country into WW3 before he could even get moved into the White House much less spend a night. Not only that, we'd be the biggest laughingstock for the rest of the world...even our allies. If he could keep his mouth shut, stick to the real issues facing this country and grow some mature balls.....I'd say he might have half a chance of being a decent president. He can't be bought, because he has more money than he knows what to do with already.
Sorry old friend (yes we are old friends ;)), but unless he can keep a cool head under pressure, I don't want him in charge.

Other possible options? Sanders? Paul? Maybe, they do have more going for them with their positions on the issues, both want to make this a better country with concern for the people and neither are easily 'bought' or swayed by corporate causes. They just don't get the big press to put them out in front. They don't make for profitable press. Yes the media controls the outcome.
Any of the other candidates? Carson? Christie? Bush? Cruz? Or who ever else is running? None of them have a snowballs chance of getting anywhere.

I'm still not so sure that our vote really counts anymore. There's been too damn many discrepancies at the ballot box to claim a fair, unprejudiced and untampered election.

just saying
We are "old friends". Care to PM me who you are?
I would if I wasn't so lost on here:lmao:
Well all welcome to the new member. I support Trump because I feel BOTH parties are a let down. One worse then the other but Republicans are cleaning house of the old the tired and broken ways.

I do agree both sides are a disappointment.....but whoever does end up in the White House had better hang on to their hat, it's going to be a wild ride.
I would if I wasn't so lost on here:lmao:
Well all welcome to the new member. I support Trump because I feel BOTH parties are a let down. One worse then the other but Republicans are cleaning house of the old the tired and broken ways.

I do agree both sides are a disappointment.....but whoever does end up in the White House had better hang on to their hat, it's going to be a wild ride.
The ride may not be as wild as liberal media tells you. In truth major things can be done in a month. Obama built this crap on the power of the E.O. which does not need the House or the Senate.

Trump CAN void those E.O.s and take apart Obamacare and immigration and gun restrictions in days. Days! That is a HUGE drawback to using the "Pen and Phone".

Six Eo's prop up Obamacare in finance. Kill those and the money supply dies and so does Obamacare. All those new immigration regs he set PLUS increasing a given number in can be lowered with a pen just as easy.

Then the gun regs. Say good bye to that Clinton crap as well. The power of the "pen and phone" works BOTH ways and THAT scares democrats BAD.
I'm for the one that can lead this country for the betterment of it's people and uphold the constitution it was founded on, regardless of what party they are affiliated.

As for the possible candidates? I agree Hillary sucks. She's much more interested in playing with the big boys from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave than the people she'd serve. Besides, she's still married to that guy that can't keep it in his pants & lets face it, he never would have even run for office if she hadn't pushed him. Yeah, she's ambitious and would sell her soul for a dime, if it got her where she wants to be.
Trump? Let's just say that's a whole other ball game. It's true that he brings fresh air to an old & stagnant system & some of his ideas are worthy. I just have a big problem with how he presents himself as a 10year old, loudmouth, bigot who thinks he can buy his way to the next challenge. He doesn't care about the presidency or the country, he only cares about himself and doing whatever it is he wants. The Middle East has hated US for many years and other countries don't take kindly to 'Americans' either....If Trump is elected, with his big mouth, immature attitude and name calling....he'd land this country into WW3 before he could even get moved into the White House much less spend a night. Not only that, we'd be the biggest laughingstock for the rest of the world...even our allies. If he could keep his mouth shut, stick to the real issues facing this country and grow some mature balls.....I'd say he might have half a chance of being a decent president. He can't be bought, because he has more money than he knows what to do with already.
Sorry old friend (yes we are old friends ;)), but unless he can keep a cool head under pressure, I don't want him in charge.

Other possible options? Sanders? Paul? Maybe, they do have more going for them with their positions on the issues, both want to make this a better country with concern for the people and neither are easily 'bought' or swayed by corporate causes. They just don't get the big press to put them out in front. They don't make for profitable press. Yes the media controls the outcome.
Any of the other candidates? Carson? Christie? Bush? Cruz? Or who ever else is running? None of them have a snowballs chance of getting anywhere.

I'm still not so sure that our vote really counts anymore. There's been too damn many discrepancies at the ballot box to claim a fair, unprejudiced and untampered election.

just saying
I think Sanders is an honest man I DO. The DNC is sticking it to Sanders far worse then any I can remember. I do NOT support his politics but I do respect his way of doing things.
That is what this NEW revolution is ALL about. The Trump revolution NOT beholden to ANY party OR its demands/input. The voice of the White House belongs to the PEOPLE not the party. WE give the walking orders.

You democrats are offering the same old sh8t that has put un-needed un-wanted programs and feel goods BEFORE nation building. And yes republicans tried as well with that Bush sh8t but you see how far that has gotten.

So WE cleaned our house and you CAN see it but your place is a hole. Trump is going to kick Hillary's ass BAD, shameful BAD. All because you as a party *read rabble* have REFUSED to remove the political "elite" from your party. Just the same old tired ass sound bites with a different face.

Your "elite" leadership may as well use dog whistles to round your ass up. "Well Hillary supports women's right you bellow! Ah, just where was that support when Bill's accusers stepped forward? Where was all that CONCERN for the VICTIM?
"Hillary Clinton is FOR women' rights" UNLESS you are raped by Bill.
Hillary Clinton is FOR children. Unless of course her client is a child molester.

Bush is out quite frankly because he is stupid and would just be more of the same old same ol. Trump reflects an entire inner party revolution INSIDE the party where a NEW voice will be heard. That being the American men and women that BUILT this place to start with you morons DESPITE what your supreme leader says.

Welcome to the revolution and toss your rule book away. Countries are built by LEADERS not your damn rule book. Besides we HAVE one we rather like and DESPITE your efforts to destroy it we like it. You don't? YOU leave, we like it here.

This is as pathetic as it is wrong and ridiculous.
I think Sanders is an honest man I DO. The DNC is sticking it to Sanders far worse then any I can remember. I do NOT support his politics but I do respect his way of doing things.

I'm still not sure if I'm voting at all. I'll wait & see what happens over the next few months to determine if any are worth my support. The battle for respective seats will get interesting the closer we get to November.
Btw, hubby likes Trump also.

Right now, I gotta get the champagne ready. Keep it safe & have a good one
That is what this NEW revolution is ALL about. The Trump revolution NOT beholden to ANY party OR its demands/input. The voice of the White House belongs to the PEOPLE not the party. WE give the walking orders.

You democrats are offering the same old sh8t that has put un-needed un-wanted programs and feel goods BEFORE nation building. And yes republicans tried as well with that Bush sh8t but you see how far that has gotten.

So WE cleaned our house and you CAN see it but your place is a hole. Trump is going to kick Hillary's ass BAD, shameful BAD. All because you as a party *read rabble* have REFUSED to remove the political "elite" from your party. Just the same old tired ass sound bites with a different face.

Your "elite" leadership may as well use dog whistles to round your ass up. "Well Hillary supports women's right you bellow! Ah, just where was that support when Bill's accusers stepped forward? Where was all that CONCERN for the VICTIM?
"Hillary Clinton is FOR women' rights" UNLESS you are raped by Bill.
Hillary Clinton is FOR children. Unless of course her client is a child molester.

Bush is out quite frankly because he is stupid and would just be more of the same old same ol. Trump reflects an entire inner party revolution INSIDE the party where a NEW voice will be heard. That being the American men and women that BUILT this place to start with you morons DESPITE what your supreme leader says.

Welcome to the revolution and toss your rule book away. Countries are built by LEADERS not your damn rule book. Besides we HAVE one we rather like and DESPITE your efforts to destroy it we like it. You don't? YOU leave, we like it here.

This is as pathetic as it is wrong and ridiculous.
Sorry but a NEW EO can kill an old one. Simple really.

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