Zone1 Saying "Blacks" commit 50% of murders is Racism

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No. It’s not. Thread headline is ridiculous on its face. The claim is either correct or it’s not. But even if mistaken, that doesn’t make it “racist.”

These endless nonsensical threads about “racism” in everything are tiresome and disingenuous.
The statistic isn’t racist, but how it is used can be.
Every time I ask this question (and it isn’t the first time) I get crickets. The causes of poverty and crime is far from simple. There are so many variables that go into It. When people go into looking only at race, they aren’t getting the entire picture…nor do they want to. Everyone wants either a one size fits all solution (Dems) or one cause fits all blame (Pubs).
Indeed there needs to be a holistic approach. I mean not just equal pay and more education, but financial literacy, economic/community development, psychological and physical improvement plans to offset for the overall damage that comes with poverty..
Indeed there needs to be a holistic approach. I mean not just equal pay and more education, but financial literacy, economic/community development, psychological and physical improvement plans to offset for the overall damage that comes with poverty..
Some time ago I read a book “Nickel and Dimed” that really looked into the many different contributing causes to poverty and it’s possible solutions. Causes and solutions varied across regions.
Race has nothing to do with either poverty or financial success. You are correct that it has many causes, but education and living a responsible life style are a near guarantee of not being poor. Unfortunately poor decisions breed poor decisions. It's tough for someone who has no positive role models to develop the skills necessary to succeed. I expect the children of successful Blacks to be no less successful than the children of successful members of all the other races, creeds and nationalities.
Not really. The poor decisions made by whites in positions of authority have created the wealth gap that exists today. You cannot solve a problem caused by race conscious policy by implementing race neutral ones. Blacks are not the only ones facing this. If you take India away from Asians, Asians are in bad shape. Hispanics have 17 times less wealth than whites and members of the first nations are in the worst condition..

But racists have adopted Asians because for some reason a portion of the white community believes its great for people to take racism and be quiet about it while whites can yell about anything they want even if its made up.
Some time ago I read a book “Nickel and Dimed” that really looked into the many different contributing causes to poverty and it’s possible solutions. Causes and solutions varied across regions.
I'm going to buy that book and read it.
End the Hatred of America ( CRT / 1619 Mishegoss ) and they will come around eventually
America is not defined by whites only. CRT is about solutions to racism and the 1619 project is about understanding the complete story of America. You're about fascism. That's not supposed to be American.
Collectivizing all blacks together for crimes they didn't personally commit, is racism and black guilt. It's ok to be black, blacks don't have to have black guilt for crimes they've never committed. Funny enough, the same people who cite 13/50, are the same ones who called Don Lemon a racist for saying that white men are the biggest domestic terror threat. By their own logic, they are racist then. This type of racism is mainstream, people try to rationalize their racism through the guise of "facts".
Thank you! Agree 100%!

Also, Progressives believe that all men are evil because men commit 88% of murder. Both Conservatives and Progressives blame whole demographics due to crimes of a small percentage of them.
Our criminal Justice system in and of itself, is a mess with a lot of inequities starting with the juvenile justice system.
American Penal System is extremely harsh for everyone -- in particularly African Americans and Native Americans. Scandinavian and Canadian Penal Systems are humane.
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Every time I ask this question (and it isn’t the first time) I get crickets. The causes of poverty and crime is far from simple. There are so many variables that go into It. When people go into looking only at race, they aren’t getting the entire picture…nor do they want to. Everyone wants either a one size fits all solution (Dems) or one cause fits all blame (Pubs).
What do you mean you get crickets? I answered. You just ignored it.

I pointed out other reasons for failure to get out of poverty - lack of motivation, having little discipline, subpar intelligence, mental illness etc. - but a very big reason IS having babies one can’t afford when unmarried and failing to complete one’s education.

So when there’s such an obvious correlation between illegitimacy and poverty, and blacks have a 72% rate! - why keep saying, “well, there could be other reasons“ and thus deflect from a primary cause?

If I kept falling down the stairs because I’m hopping down on one foot, and it was pointed out that people who use both feet fall much less often, how is it helpful to say, “well maybe I’m falling a different reason. Maybe the stairs are uneven. Maybe I have vertigo.” Why not recognize that people using both feet do so much better, and start using both feet?

Your insistence on deflecting from a major cause of poverty - high OOW birthrate, which is sky high among blacks - is failing to hold blacks responsible for their own ability to significantly reduce their poverty rate via their own actions.
Thank you! Agree 100%!

Also, Progressives believe that all men are evil because men commit 88% of murder. Both Conservatives and Progressives blame whole demographics due to crimes of a small percentage of them.
Men are also progressives. It's more like feminist females believe that.
if black kids had a real stay at home dad, not sleeping around that had a real job then yes, that would eliminate most of the problems in the black community.
Why do white people think they get to say shit like this? Half of white marriages end in divorce and there are white suburbs full of divorced women with kids who rarely see their fathers. The root cause of our problem is white racism and that white racism includes not hiring black men for jobs.
Good points, but you can live a responsible lifestyle, work hard, and still be poor.
Yes you can and often for reasons outside your control. But it’s rare as least as far as true poverty is. Then we have to define poverty which is a real can of worms. I really don’t want to open that can.
Good points, but you can live a responsible lifestyle, work hard, and still be poor.
Agree 100% -- I have Moderate Autism. Thank G-d and my parents -- I am provided for. Many disabled people have no way to escape poverty. For me achieving anything is much harder then for a normal person.
Agree 100% -- I have Moderate Autism. Thank G-d and my parents -- I am provided for. Many disabled people have no way to escape poverty. For me achieving anything is much harder then for a normal person.
But MOST people aren’t poor because they are disabled. MOST people are poor because they had babies out of wedlock as teens and didn’t complete their education. And MOST black babies are born out of wedlock. Corredt for that, and the poverty rate would drop substantially.
But MOST people aren’t poor because they are disabled.
Many disabled people are seen as lazy or worse. Thank G-d and my parents, I did not get addicted to alcohol.

I prefer not to judge others, since many people would judge me harshly based on my disability.
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Many disabled people are seen as lazy or worse. Thank G-d and my parents, I did not get addicted to alcohol.

I prefer not to judge others, since many people would judge me harshly based on my disability.
Nobody’s judging. We are saying that there is a direct and significant correlation between out of wedlock birthrate and poverty, and pointing out that this is an obvious cause of a high poverty rate among blacks given their 72% OOW rate. Constantly blaming whites and racism isn’t helping them - only furthering hostility and anger to white people who have nothing to do with it.
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