Scalise Withdraws From House Speaker Race

The process is mostly automated, and funds are either directly deposited into beneficiaries’ bank or credit union accounts or issued via EBT – it’s all digital.

But your point is otherwise sound, particularly with regard to damaging the economy and harming military members.

Of course, damaging the economy is what Republicans want, they’re willing to see Americans suffer for some perceived partisan benefit.
The Democrats used to be the ones who were self-defeating. The 80s were a laugh riot watching them whine and moan and shoot themselves in the face. We used to say, "The Democrats always manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory."

Now the roles have reversed.

I'm so glad my conservative heroes did not live to see this. The perversions, the lies, the hypocrisy, but most of all the psychosis.
The House is the most democratic part of government. Its job is to do the will of the people. It exists to respond to that will, not impose its members' collective ego upon the nation. Currently, those members are not doing their job and should be fired.
The problem is that they just hate everyone.
They will not even name who they will support and compromise is off the table

They are absolutely right on the debt. It is likely the one and only thing they are right about but they are actually being the adults in the room.
Jeffries is worse than Scalise and Scalise is nothing more than an establishment globalist and a whining pussy. People like these two hate the middle class. Unite behind Jordan or destroy the party. MAGA.
Jordan is currently abusing his power by interfering in georgia state justice, and feigning ignorance of the law. Jodan defied a congressional subponea. Defying law is a disqualification in membership in the legislative branch.
That is not how you resolve the debt issue
Default is not the answer

Cut spending and raise taxes = Less Debt

Seems that those who can address the debt issue will not. All they want to do is continue to add to the debt. You address it or others will do it for us.

Nobody is interested in your compromise. They have had plenty of chances to do so.
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., has withdrawn from the House speaker race after he failed to unite the Republican conference around his candidacy.

"I just shared with my colleagues that I'm withdrawing my name as a candidate for the speaker designate," the Louisiana Republican told reporters on Thursday night, just one day after he narrowly won the support of his conference over Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the Trump-endorsed pick for speaker and the House Judiciary Committee.

But as the hours wore on, it became clearer and clearer that Scalise could not win over his detractors. At least 19 House Republicans opposed his candidacy as of Thursday evening, according to a Spectrum News tally.

"Our conference still has to come together and is not there," he added. "There are still some people that have their own agendas, and I was very clear we have to have everybody put their agendas on the side and focus on what this country needs.”

"This House of Representatives needs a speaker and we need to open up the house again," he said. "But clearly, not everybody is there. And they're still schisms, that has to get resolved."

Scalise has been the No. 2-ranking House Republican since 2019 and part of Republican House leadership since 2014. The Louisiana Republican, who turned 58 last week, was nearly killed in 2017 when a left-wing extremist opened fire on lawmakers during a practice for the annual congressional baseball game, wounding Scalise and three others.

This is a developing story. Check back later for updates.

Scalise withdraws from House speaker race - NY1

Well, that's a fine mess! What will they do now? What do you think?
The extremists are so stupid. They are not happy with a glass half full. They would rather have an empty glass instead, by letting moderate Republicans and Democrats come up with a plan that works.

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