Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

It should be embarrassing that the 9 republicans who actually had the audacity to call for Schiff's resignation so moronically echoed what Trump also called for just hours before.

These so-called "congressmen" instead of representing the interests of their constituencies, are simply STOOGES of Trump, assigned to do the idiot-in-chief's bidding.....because they're afraid of the wanna-be despot's bad tweets.

Schiff's eloquent rebuttal to these idiots CANNOT be refuted by any clear thinking voter.......and as Schiff stated, Trump's action may not (prior to a thorough review of Mueller's report and the further investigations by various prosecutors) YET rise to criminal infractions....BUT, Trump's actions certainly fall within the scope of UNETHICAL, IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC behavior (not to mention pathological lying.)

Of course, we can NOW easily conclude that among the Trump cult membership, ETHICS, MORALITY and PATRIOTISM are unproductive values....the current GOP representatives no longer need a moral compass, as long as they can keep Trump from bad-mouthing their sorry asses.

Trump has virtually obliterated the need for a GOP and replaced it with a bunch of cult members.

Really telling that you don't mention any of the stated reasons for demanding his resign, nor any of his rebuttal.

Instead you post nothing but partisan fluff.
Pencil dick is a fucking joke. The only thing that cuck wipes up from the floor is his old ladies boyfriends love juice.
I have already lit one cross today. How many more should i do? You females can never be satisfied!

How fucking eloquent .........and, moron, I'm a 72 year old MALE...take your misogyny and racism and stick them up your sorry ass.
Did you stop taking your Amenda again?
schiff is like 90% of the other congress people who have been in congress way to a lot of talking,but they dont do a lot for their districts....
A very progressive coworker told me yesterday that he wants Schiff to run for President in 2024. That's how much he loved Schiff's response to the naysayers.

There are a lot of people loving what that guy said, and they are in the majority right now, folks, so buckle up.
The majority in the House, Old Lady, not the Senate, and not the Oval Office.
Just because a 'very progressive' coworker wants Schiff to run, one thing to remember....Schiff
created a lot of baggage for himself over the lie.
Of course, Meister. I was only referring to the House investigation. The Senate and the WH can't stop that. I think it is interesting that Schiff has such an admiration society, but I think he sincerely believes he is some kind of Warrior for Truth and Justice. I don't think they will find a single thing that Mueller didn't. But they can come to different conclusions based on those facts, and maybe Schiff hopes that it will lead to an impeachment proceeding. If Nancy lets him.

I wish they'd stop. At least until the underlying details of the Mueller investigation are known. But Schiff has made it clear that, even without knowing what Mueller has already seen and looked at, he has already made a different decision. I guess I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed.
Pencil neck Schiff is a dead man walking

"Brilliant" addition to this thread......."Pencil-neck"??? how original.....wipe that orange tinge from your lips.

Pencil neck went all in on the fake Collusion narrative, illegally leaked - he's done, and that's before he has to explain why he paid off a 19 year old boy $400,000 to keep his mouth shut
prove Schiff is lying -

“My colleagues might think it’s OK that the Russians offered dirt on the Democratic candidate for president as part of what’s described as the Russian government’s effort to help the Trump campaign. You might think that’s OK.

“My colleagues might think it’s OK that when that was offered to the son of the president, who had a pivotal role in the campaign, that the president’s son did not call the FBI; he did not adamantly refuse that foreign help – no, instead that son said that he would ‘love’ the help with the Russians.

“You might think it’s OK that he took that meeting. You might think it’s OK that Paul Manafort, the campaign chair, someone with great experience running campaigns, also took that meeting. You might think it’s OK that the president’s son-in-law also took that meeting. You might think it’s OK that they concealed it from the public. You might think it’s OK that their only disappointment after that meeting was that the dirt they received on Hillary Clinton wasn’t better. You might think that’s OK.

“You might think it’s OK that when it was discovered, a year later, that they then lied about that meeting and said that it was about adoptions. You might think that it’s OK that it was reported that the president helped dictate that lie. You might think that’s OK. I don’t.

“You might think it’s OK that the campaign chairman of a presidential campaign would offer information about that campaign to a Russian oligarch in exchange for money or debt forgiveness. You might think that’s OK, I don’t.

“You might think it’s OK that that campaign chairman offered polling data to someone linked to Russian intelligence. I don’t think that’s OK.

“You might think it’s OK that the president himself called on Russia to hack his opponent’s emails, if they were listening. You might think it’s OK that later that day, in fact, the Russians attempted to hack a server affiliated with that campaign. I don’t think that’s OK.

“You might think it’s OK that the president’s son-in-law sought to establish a secret back channel of communication with the Russians through a Russian diplomatic facility. I don’t think that’s OK.

“You might think it’s OK that an associate of the president made direct contact with the GRU through Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks, that is considered a hostile intelligence agency. You might think it’s OK that a senior campaign official was instructed to reach that associate and find out what that hostile intelligence agency had to say in terms of dirt on his opponent.

“You might think it’s OK that the national security adviser designate secretly conferred with the Russian ambassador about undermining U.S. sanctions, and you might think it’s OK that he lied about it to the FBI.

“You might say that’s all OK, that’s just what you need to do to win. But I don’t think it’s OK. I don’t think it’s OK. I think it’s immoral, I think it’s unethical, I think it’s unpatriotic and, yes, I think it’s corrupt – and evidence of collusion.”

dont just say HE'S A LIAR, PROVE IT.
How so, didn't Schiff say he had evidence? Why did he withhold it from Mueller and the American public?

You fucking moron.......Schiff eloquently outlined the undisputed evidence of immoral, unethical and unpatriotic behavior of Trump and his stooges.........It may not be criminal (as of yet) but idiots like you are now welcoming the swallowing of Trump's bullshit.

Within the cult membership, there is no longer room for ethics, morality and patriotism.....All you want is for a lying, egotistical demagogue to make you feel all tingly inside....and wear a MAGA hat.
Your a moron
Well, not including the islamic terrorist and the brain dead commie.

What the fuck are you now spewing, moron???

Either address the thread's topic or go light a cross on someone's yard.......
Pencil dick is a fucking joke. The only thing that cuck wipes up from the floor is his old ladies boyfriends love juice.
I have already lit one cross today. How many more should i do? You females can never be satisfied!
A lot of classic CRC comments all in one post.
What a dykish reply
It should be embarrassing that the 9 republicans who actually had the audacity to call for Schiff's resignation so moronically echoed what Trump also called for just hours before.

These so-called "congressmen" instead of representing the interests of their constituencies, are simply STOOGES of Trump, assigned to do the idiot-in-chief's bidding.....because they're afraid of the wanna-be despot's bad tweets.

Schiff's eloquent rebuttal to these idiots CANNOT be refuted by any clear thinking voter.......and as Schiff stated, Trump's action may not (prior to a thorough review of Mueller's report and the further investigations by various prosecutors) YET rise to criminal infractions....BUT, Trump's actions certainly fall within the scope of UNETHICAL, IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC behavior (not to mention pathological lying.)

Of course, we can NOW easily conclude that among the Trump cult membership, ETHICS, MORALITY and PATRIOTISM are unproductive values....the current GOP representatives no longer need a moral compass, as long as they can keep Trump from bad-mouthing their sorry asses.

Trump has virtually obliterated the need for a GOP and replaced it with a bunch of cult members.
You're not taking the Mueller report well at all. Poor snowflake.
A very progressive coworker told me yesterday that he wants Schiff to run for President in 2024. That's how much he loved Schiff's response to the naysayers.

There are a lot of people loving what that guy said, and they are in the majority right now, folks, so buckle up.
Why wont he show his evidence against Trump that he claims he has everyday? Lol, the fact that you believe his lies is telling.
That's my coworker, not me.
I don't know about any lies, but that is everyone's first accusation around here, so who cares.
Well, not including the islamic terrorist and the brain dead commie.

What the fuck are you now spewing, moron???

Either address the thread's topic or go light a cross on someone's yard.......
Pencil dick is a fucking joke. The only thing that cuck wipes up from the floor is his old ladies boyfriends love juice.
I have already lit one cross today. How many more should i do? You females can never be satisfied!
You're a bigger assclown then Trump is for believing his bullshit. Trump cares about you & fellow cult members about as much as the cheeseburger wrappers he leaves laying around. Who's the next cult member gonna be for you once Dear Leader is out of the picture, idiot?
A very progressive coworker told me yesterday that he wants Schiff to run for President in 2024. That's how much he loved Schiff's response to the naysayers.

There are a lot of people loving what that guy said, and they are in the majority right now, folks, so buckle up.
Why wont he show his evidence against Trump that he claims he has everyday? Lol, the fact that you believe his lies is telling.
That's my coworker, not me.
I don't know about any lies, but that is everyone's first accusation around here, so who cares.

ignore the facts, point a finger, call names - the Right Wing MO
Uh-huh. And when the Mueller report is released and it refutes the collusion charge, then what will you guys say?
Well, not including the islamic terrorist and the brain dead commie.

What the fuck are you now spewing, moron???

Either address the thread's topic or go light a cross on someone's yard.......
Pencil dick is a fucking joke. The only thing that cuck wipes up from the floor is his old ladies boyfriends love juice.
I have already lit one cross today. How many more should i do? You females can never be satisfied!
You're a bigger assclown then Trump is for believing his bullshit. Trump cares about you & fellow cult members about as much as the cheeseburger wrappers he leaves laying around. Who's the next cult member gonna be for you once Dear Leader is out of the picture, idiot?
Why clipper your still a asshole I see .
But your not screaming russia russia russia cant stop mueller on this board like you did on other boards. Did you have a attack of common sense or sober up .
Uh-huh. And when the Mueller report is released and it refutes the collusion charge, then what will you guys say?

exactly what I've been saying since day one -

the POTUS cant be indicted.

btw - Trump never was charged.
It should be embarrassing that the 9 republicans who actually had the audacity to call for Schiff's resignation so moronically echoed what Trump also called for just hours before.

These so-called "congressmen" instead of representing the interests of their constituencies, are simply STOOGES of Trump, assigned to do the idiot-in-chief's bidding.....because they're afraid of the wanna-be despot's bad tweets.

Schiff's eloquent rebuttal to these idiots CANNOT be refuted by any clear thinking voter.......and as Schiff stated, Trump's action may not (prior to a thorough review of Mueller's report and the further investigations by various prosecutors) YET rise to criminal infractions....BUT, Trump's actions certainly fall within the scope of UNETHICAL, IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC behavior (not to mention pathological lying.)

Of course, we can NOW easily conclude that among the Trump cult membership, ETHICS, MORALITY and PATRIOTISM are unproductive values....the current GOP representatives no longer need a moral compass, as long as they can keep Trump from bad-mouthing their sorry asses.

Trump has virtually obliterated the need for a GOP and replaced it with a bunch of cult members.

Partisan Democrats - "Adam Schiff wiped the floor with Republican stooges!"

Partisan Republicans - "Adam Schitt embarrassed himself with idiotic rants!"



A very progressive coworker told me yesterday that he wants Schiff to run for President in 2024. That's how much he loved Schiff's response to the naysayers.

There are a lot of people loving what that guy said, and they are in the majority right now, folks, so buckle up.
Why wont he show his evidence against Trump that he claims he has everyday? Lol, the fact that you believe his lies is telling.
That's my coworker, not me.
I don't know about any lies, but that is everyone's first accusation around here, so who cares.
Like always you avoid the question. Why doesn't Schiff EVER back up his claims of having evidence? Because he's a butt slime liberal like all of you.
A very progressive coworker told me yesterday that he wants Schiff to run for President in 2024. That's how much he loved Schiff's response to the naysayers.

There are a lot of people loving what that guy said, and they are in the majority right now, folks, so buckle up.
Why wont he show his evidence against Trump that he claims he has everyday? Lol, the fact that you believe his lies is telling.
That's my coworker, not me.
I don't know about any lies, but that is everyone's first accusation around here, so who cares.
Like always you avoid the question. Why doesn't Schiff EVER back up his claims of having evidence? Because he's a butt slime liberal like all of you.
I guess we'll find out if he has his investigation, huh?
A very progressive coworker told me yesterday that he wants Schiff to run for President in 2024. That's how much he loved Schiff's response to the naysayers.

There are a lot of people loving what that guy said, and they are in the majority right now, folks, so buckle up.
Why wont he show his evidence against Trump that he claims he has everyday? Lol, the fact that you believe his lies is telling.
That's my coworker, not me.
I don't know about any lies, but that is everyone's first accusation around here, so who cares.
Like always you avoid the question. Why doesn't Schiff EVER back up his claims of having evidence? Because he's a butt slime liberal like all of you.
I guess we'll find out if he has his investigation, huh?
The investigation is over liar. You may have heard of it.

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