Schumer is meddled in Republican primary races


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Groups aligned with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have meddled in several Republican primaries this election cycle, a tactic that has been underway a number of years.

The Senate Majority PAC (SMP), which works to elect and keep Democrats in Congress' upper chamber, has targeted Republican primaries in at least two states for the 2024 elections.

SMP tends to maneuver using other groups to conceal its involvement until after the primaries. It mainly targets swing states by boosting candidates supported by former President Trump, who they likely view as more prone to lose to their Democrat Senate candidate in the general election.

They are spending massive sums of money to impact elections without filing the legally required reports.

The controversial approach, which Democrats have also utilized in House races, has drawn scorn from Republicans.

"When you involve yourself in another party's primaries, it sharpens the divide," veteran Republican strategist Keith Naughton told The Hill in November 2022.

"It makes it harder to compromise," he said. "It makes it harder to make a deal because there's a lot less trust. So, there's an immediate advantage, but you've got a long-term disadvantage."

Democrats, meanwhile, have defended the tactic.

This is another example of how the corrupt Democrats use underhanded tactics.
The Democrats are liars and cheaters.
They can't win on the issues, so they cheat.

Groups aligned with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have meddled in several Republican primaries this election cycle, a tactic that has been underway a number of years.

The Senate Majority PAC (SMP), which works to elect and keep Democrats in Congress' upper chamber, has targeted Republican primaries in at least two states for the 2024 elections.

SMP tends to maneuver using other groups to conceal its involvement until after the primaries. It mainly targets swing states by boosting candidates supported by former President Trump, who they likely view as more prone to lose to their Democrat Senate candidate in the general election.

They are spending massive sums of money to impact elections without filing the legally required reports.

The controversial approach, which Democrats have also utilized in House races, has drawn scorn from Republicans.

"When you involve yourself in another party's primaries, it sharpens the divide," veteran Republican strategist Keith Naughton told The Hill in November 2022.

"It makes it harder to compromise," he said. "It makes it harder to make a deal because there's a lot less trust. So, there's an immediate advantage, but you've got a long-term disadvantage."

Democrats, meanwhile, have defended the tactic.

This is another example of how the corrupt Democrat use underhanded tactics.
The Democrats are liars and cheaters.
They can't win on the issues, so they cheat.
I got two words for you. "Citizens United".

Deal with it. :)
There's something new under the sun here? :dunno:

They have been doing it with Independents/Libertarians that might make mark for years.....They are always bankrolled by Ds or Rs depending on which one might get an advantage in a third party effort.

Groups aligned with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have meddled in several Republican primaries this election cycle, a tactic that has been underway a number of years.

The Senate Majority PAC (SMP), which works to elect and keep Democrats in Congress' upper chamber, has targeted Republican primaries in at least two states for the 2024 elections.

SMP tends to maneuver using other groups to conceal its involvement until after the primaries. It mainly targets swing states by boosting candidates supported by former President Trump, who they likely view as more prone to lose to their Democrat Senate candidate in the general election.

They are spending massive sums of money to impact elections without filing the legally required reports.

The controversial approach, which Democrats have also utilized in House races, has drawn scorn from Republicans.

"When you involve yourself in another party's primaries, it sharpens the divide," veteran Republican strategist Keith Naughton told The Hill in November 2022.

"It makes it harder to compromise," he said. "It makes it harder to make a deal because there's a lot less trust. So, there's an immediate advantage, but you've got a long-term disadvantage."

Democrats, meanwhile, have defended the tactic.

This is another example of how the corrupt Democrats use underhanded tactics.
The Democrats are liars and cheaters.
They can't win on the issues, so they cheat.

Schumer’s PAC has very openly propped up MAGA whack job candidates to (hopefully) score easy victories for the democrats in the fall. It worked in Georgia and Pennsylvania in 2022. Hopefully it works in Ohio and NC this year.

Sort of Machiavellian. Nice.
It's only lying and cheating when the other guy does it.

President Trump has stepped up his efforts to boost Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and to sow doubts among Sanders’ supporters about the fairness of the nomination process, an update of the disruptive strategy he believes helped him win the White House four years ago.

People close to Trump and his campaign say the tactic is as deliberate as it is simple, with a goal of creating chaos in the Democratic Party in hopes of weakening its turnout in November while aiding a potential opponent who Trump considers fatally flawed.

Welcome to money in politics. Thanks SC(r)OTUS.
On the other hand the corrupt weaponized 'Dept. of Just Us' has been exposed once again.
Supposedly Schiff wanted Garvey to be one of the top two in the California Primary instead of either of the two Progs running in it also. And there was supposedly a push for him, and resources spent. Schiff must have expected he was definitely going to be one of the top two contenders.
On the other hand the corrupt weaponized 'Dept. of Just Us' has been exposed once again.

YOu do know that we realize your deflections mean you can't respond and thus know you have lost, right?

Groups aligned with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have meddled in several Republican primaries this election cycle, a tactic that has been underway a number of years.

The Senate Majority PAC (SMP), which works to elect and keep Democrats in Congress' upper chamber, has targeted Republican primaries in at least two states for the 2024 elections.

SMP tends to maneuver using other groups to conceal its involvement until after the primaries. It mainly targets swing states by boosting candidates supported by former President Trump, who they likely view as more prone to lose to their Democrat Senate candidate in the general election.

They are spending massive sums of money to impact elections without filing the legally required reports.

The controversial approach, which Democrats have also utilized in House races, has drawn scorn from Republicans.

"When you involve yourself in another party's primaries, it sharpens the divide," veteran Republican strategist Keith Naughton told The Hill in November 2022.

"It makes it harder to compromise," he said. "It makes it harder to make a deal because there's a lot less trust. So, there's an immediate advantage, but you've got a long-term disadvantage."

Democrats, meanwhile, have defended the tactic.

This is another example of how the corrupt Democrats use underhanded tactics.
The Democrats are liars and cheaters.
They can't win on the issues, so they cheat.
Remember Al Green?

The Black guy with the singer's name the GOP snuck into the Democratic senate primary in 2010?


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