Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

LOL...reality? Interesting coming from a dipshit still unable to deal with the reality of the 2016 election.
“The first Article of Impeachment charged President Trump with an abuse of power as that constitutional offense has long been understood,” the report says. “While there is no need for a crime to be proven in order for impeachment to be warranted, here, President Trump’s scheme or course of conduct also encompassed other offenses, both constitutional and criminal in character, and it is appropriate for the Committee to recognize such offenses in assessing the question of impeachment.”
He did things we don't like, and while we don't have prove he actually did them, we can accuse him of them, they were bad, he did them, and he's bad.
We're past that now. The 17 witnesses who testified during the House inquiry blew up that canard. Perhaps it's time you deal with reality.

You bed wetters exist in a fantasy land, you are so far removed from reality it's comical.

Not one of those "witnesses" provided evidence of any wrong doing, even if you believe what that bunch of partisan hacks even said.

There would be NOTHING illegal about Trump requesting the Ukrainians re-open an investigation into Biden or his crack head son. Biden clearly committed a crime, he bragged about it. Just because he is running a campaign that is destined to fail makes no difference now.



Don't spout off truth....

Trump haters can't handle the truth!
I'd guess, it depends largely on whether or not McConnell is confident to have 51 Senators behind his White House-coordinated spectacle, no ifs or buts. ?

Yes, how wily and shrewd of Trump to have planted those 14 no-witness "witnesses" before those House Committees, in order to get this spectacle running at full steam!
I admit to being frustrated with the constant refrain there are "no facts" and "no evidence" when the opposite is true.
Have you asked yourself why Trump won't allow the people who presumably could defend him from testifying? If he is innocent as he claims why keep all those people from testifying and why prevent the documents from being handed over?

There are no facts or evidence.

It's not up to Trump to prove he is innocent.

It's up to the House of Rep (and Pelosi) to prove he is guilty.
1. Not if the justices wanted to streamline the process.
2. If it's really about justice, what's the problem? It's not, it's about getting something to use on the campaign trail, and Trump knew that Schiff wouldn't do anything that would take any amount of time at all because of that.

There's no reason to believe that it would make it through three rounds of court cases within the next year, and that puts them entirely at the mercy of the justice system. It took 6 months just to get an initial decision against McGhan.
And Trump knew that Schiff and crew were more interested in getting a campaign issue than actually trying to remove him, so he knew he could easily run out the clock. Like I said, if it was really about justice, they would have gotten the courts to rule on it. They didn't.

The fact that you acknowledge this all has to be done in a year is an admission that it's all about the election.

One side wants the facts out and one side doesn't. That's all you really need to know.
Both sides want their facts out, as was obvious in the House show trial.

The Republicans only want to dig for facts that are 100% irrelevant to the topic of the impeachment.
Wow...They only want to stick to what is presently being charged, instead of going on fraudulent fishing expeditions of their own.

Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
Didn’t the republicans want the whistle blower? Did they get him? Too funny what the fk he wants
Mitch McConnell is "in literal violation of the oath" he must take for impeachment trial, says government professor

"After Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recently confirmed that he will conduct President Donald Trump's Senate impeachment trial in full accordance with the White House's wishes, a government professor said the senator will be acting "in literal violation of the oath" he will be required to take at the start of the trial.

In recent days, McConnell indicated that he has held discussions with the White House to formulate an impeachment game plan to achieve a favorable outcome for Trump. "Everything I do during this, I'm coordinating with the White House counsel," the senator told Fox News host Sean Hannity late last week. "There will be no difference between the president's position and our position as to how to handle this." The Republican also revealed that he will be working in "total coordination with the White House counsel's office and the people representing the president in the well of the Senate."

McConnell's remarks have drawn fierce criticism from Democrats who have condemned him for failing to act impartially and openly gaming the process to ensure Trump's acquittal. In a recent op-ed written for The Bulwark, Jeffrey K. Tulis, a professor in the Department of Government at the University of Texas, slammed McConnell's actions as "anti-Constitutional" and asserted that the senator will be "in literal violation" of the impeachment oath he will have to take before the trial begins.

Tulis explained that the impeachment trial in the Senate is so serious that senators will be required to make a new oath of office. He noted that Article I, section 3, clause 6 of the Constitution sets out that senators sitting on a trial of impeachment "shall be on Oath or Affirmation."


Judiciary Committee impeachment report alleges Trump committed 'multiple federal crimes'
Judiciary Committee impeachment report alleges Trump committed 'multiple federal crimes'

“Although President Trump’s actions need not rise to the level of a criminal violation to justify impeachment, his conduct here was criminal,” the panel’s Democrats argue, labeling Trump’s behavior “both constitutional and criminal in character” and contending that the president “betrayed the people of this nation” and should be removed from office.

The staff report, which was filed to the House Rules Committee just after midnight Monday, argues that Trump directed a months-long scheme to solicit foreign interference in the 2020 election, the allegation that forms the core of the two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — approved by the Judiciary Committee last week. Democrats emphasized that proving a criminal violation is not required to justify impeachment.
Yet not a one of these "multiple federal crimes" is spelled out with specificity in the articles of impeachment.


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And therein lies the rub. The usual suspect will run around from now until the sun burns out screeching that Trump committed all of these crimes, yet the people with the power to actually charge him with them refuse to do. I wonder which group has the most insider information, the House democrats or the internet keyboard jockeys who read something someone wrote about it?
You understand the OLC guideline prevents the DoJ from indicting a prez, right? It's the opinion that prevented Mueller from indicting Individual 1 for obstruction.
The Judiciary report makes clear Trump violated the law but while they can include the evidence of such in the articles he can't formally be charged with a crime by Congress. You get all that, right?
The articles of impeachment are the political indictment, meathead.

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official. Impeachment does not in itself remove the official definitively from office; it is similar to an indictment in criminal law, and thus it is essentially the statement of charges against the official.

Impeachment - Wikipedia
Assuming Trump cooperates and doesn't block it, in which case it goes to the courts, which is where Schiff didn't want to go.
If Trump stops obstructing the investigation these cases don't have to be decided in the courts. The witnesses would simply testify, the documents would simply be handed over.
Trump knows he can legally run out the clock. You may not like the political reality, but there's really no imperative for him to cooperate. There are multiple things that can happen:

1. He holds out and the Senators drop it because they want to campaign. He wins.
2. He holds out and the Senators take it to court, which goes past the election. He loses the election and isn't impeached. He wins.
3. He holds out and the Senators take it to court, which goes past the election. He wins the election and keeps the Senate. He wins.
4. He holds out and the Senators take it to court, which goes past the election. He wins the election and loses the Senate. He loses.

I think 75% odds of winning are pretty good.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
You have evidence now? Lol
We had it all along, you're just too fuckin' stupid to see it.

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Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
You have evidence now? Lol
We had it all along, you're just too fuckin' stupid to see it.

View attachment 295057
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
You have evidence now? Lol
We had it all along, you're just too fuckin' stupid to see it.

View attachment 295057
I knew your brain would snap sooner or later.

Oh well, it's .it like you were using it for anything anyway.
This is a thread on impeachment, not your hatred of the FBI.

It's a troll thread about a bullshit hoax. The corruption of the FBI is far more relevant in relation to the persecution of a sitting president.


You're trolling the thread, mate. Start a thread on the FBI if you want to discuss it so badly.
I think the American people deserve to hear a full trial of Trump. Not doing so is nakedly abandoning their constitutional duties.

This is a thread on impeachment, not your hatred of the FBI.

It's a troll thread about a bullshit hoax. The corruption of the FBI is far more relevant in relation to the persecution of a sitting president.


You're trolling the thread, mate. Start a thread on the FBI if you want to discuss it so badly.
I think the American people deserve to hear a full trial of Trump. Not doing so is nakedly abandoning their constitutional duties.
They've already heard the best the prosecution has, so the only new evidence would be from the defense. Is that what you want, to see the charges be reduced to shreds and lying in the dust?
But..........that's not true at all. Trump's illegal obstruction prevented a lot of pertinent testimony and access to documents the Dems want to have placed in evidence.

What illegal obstruction?

Show us the 'proof'

Hold on! Let me call Holder and ask him how many times he and Obama blew off 'subpeonas'
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
You have evidence now? Lol haven't been paying attention. Not that I blame you. The evidence is all bad for the Orange Messiah. There's more of it too. But the Obstructionist-in-Chief is keeping it from being revealed.

OBSTRUCTION!!! When you on the left level that charge against Trump it makes me shake my head in disbelief. Yes, the White House is declining to help the Democratic sham that's taking place in Congressional hearings! Executive Privilege is established law and has been long before Donald Trump took office. Barack Obama utilized it to stonewall Congressional investigators in the Fast & Furious inquiry. Refresh my memory...was Obama charged with "OBSTRUCTION" and impeached by Republicans? Did I somehow MISS that? So why is Donald Trump being impeached? For utilizing the rights he's given as President?

This is akin to a defendant being charged with "obstruction of justice" by a prosecutor because said defendant invoked his 5th Amendment rights! It's a bullshit charge...always has been...always will be. If you on the left don't think Trump has the right to claim Executive Privilege then you need to take THAT to the courts for a ruling! Having Congress file impeachment articles over it is a farce!
It's a troll thread about a bullshit hoax. The corruption of the FBI is far more relevant in relation to the persecution of a sitting president.


You're trolling the thread, mate. Start a thread on the FBI if you want to discuss it so badly.
I think the American people deserve to hear a full trial of Trump. Not doing so is nakedly abandoning their constitutional duties.
They've already heard the best the prosecution has, so the only new evidence would be from the defense. Is that what you want, to see the charges be reduced to shreds and lying in the dust?
What makes you think that they can't call witnesses and subpoena documents that were obstructed from reaching the House?
They can, if the Republicans in charge allow them to.
Don't you think Republicans should be in favor of getting all the facts? If not for impeachment, but for the voters?

The Senate is not 'Republicans'.

Impeachment is supposed to be non-partisan

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