Science Is/As A Religion

No. It is not a scientific theory. Nor does it describe, as you originally stated, that "whole universe (including life) moves gradually from lower to higher levels of complexity."

Now scientific theories such as evolution and gravity are golden. They are as close to being 100% factual as evidence allows. Now as I just mentioned, "cosmic evolution" is not such a theory. In fact, the wikipedia article you just cited, which at the top states the entire thing needs to be rewritten because it does not "comply with Wikipedia's quality standards" defines it as an "intellectual framework." Are you aware of the value or meaning of an "intellectual framework" in science? Worthless. There isn't even a Wikipedia article to define what "intellectual framework" actually is, let alone one that meets basic Wikipedia standards.

So it's just dandy that you managed to find a completely unsupported standard-lacking undefined concept that happens to have the word "evolution" in it, but that doesn't mean it's in any way related to the scientific theory of evolution. Sure, it would certainly be nice if there were a single all encompassing formula that explained everything, which is why there is a name for that, but such a thing is NOT supported by scientific standards or evidence, and thus not accepted as equal to things like gravity or actual evolution by the scientific community.

Let me know if you'd like me to continue pointing out your mistakes, or if you'd like to stop there.
Religion is "magical" in nature. Science is not. They are mutually "exclusive". It's just that simple.

Explain dark matter and dark energy. We can't find it, can't see it, can't prove it exists, yet it is the only thing that holds the universe together. I don't know what your definition of magical is, but that sounds a lot like magic to me.
Religion is "magical" in nature. Science is not. They are mutually "exclusive". It's just that simple.

Explain dark matter and dark energy. We can't find it, can't see it, can't prove it exists, yet it is the only thing that holds the universe together. I don't know what your definition of magical is, but that sounds a lot like magic to me.

and yet the entire reason we even have the concept of dark matter is because scientists are able to measure its effects on the physical universe. We don't know exactly what it is or exactly how it works, but we do know THAT it works. There is evidence of it all over space.

You can't say the same for religion. There is a noticeable difference in magic tricks when exhibited to a child or an adult: adults know there's an explanation for it, even if they don't know the explanation themselves, whereas children think it's really magic. Science may seem to have its fair share of tricks, but it's best to avoid acting like a child when referencing them.
I guess I am simple-minded. What I have difficulty understanding is why a faith in God would lead one to reject "science", or even just evolution.

What do the Creationists believe accounts for dinosaurs?
I guess I am simple-minded. What I have difficulty understanding is why a faith in God would lead one to reject "science", or even just evolution.

What do the Creationists believe accounts for dinosaurs?
Years ago I asked a crackpot southern baptist preacher that very question.
His reply ?
The devil created dinosaur bones to deceive mankind.:cuckoo:
as a reborn, deeply god loving christian i have this thoughts about this issue:

Faith is faith and Science is science. The one fills my heart, gives me hope, let me believe, makes me happy, helps me to become a good man, helps me to see others suffering and shows my ways to help them. THe other gives me the tools and instruments for doing it. The one i believe, the other i know.

Science is alwasy provable. Faith never, anyelse it´s not faith but knowing. I don´t need to trust in science. If a scientific method works, then it works. THere´s no need of trusting anymore. But faith works only with trust.

So i don´t have any problem to accept the evolutionary theories. It´s just how God made it, nothing more, nothing less. Anyway how it happened, the world is here. Don´t we have more urgent questions than this?
What the sciencers fail to realize a lot of times is that evolution explains only the differentiation of species. It doesn't explain the origin of life itself.

What moron wingnuts fail to realize is that evolution is silent about the origen of life itself. For the benefit of the moron wingnuts I will post the definition of evolution because it's obvious that some wingnuts are too dumb to know that they don't know what they're talking about

Evolution is the study of how and why the distribution of genes changes over time within a population
So many of our fellow board members have been generous with their advice, and explanations of the superiority of ‘science,’ and reason, compared to faith…

With respect to this ‘truth,’ how is is possible to accept the theory of evolution…as so much is based entirely on faith?
It's clear to me that you have no actual knowledge on evolution, but through the magic of using outdated copied and pasted information you also don't understand, you feel you are in a position to draw conclusions! Fantastic.

First off, if you want to discuss evolution, it's best to avoid material from the 1800s. Just because you don't understand the topic doesn't mean others need faith. It just means we're smarter than you in the subject.

I find it interesting that it's always the religious nuts who try to force faith upon others, even if it's not their own.

I see the two as entwined. Science seeks, by measurement and technical understanding, to explain that which is not known or well understood. Religion does the same. Different paths, but the end result, (to my view) is the one power.
Religion does the same? Well yes, except one goes about it with evidence and fact, and the other goes about it with blind guessing and folk tales.

Again, the only ones who compare religion and science are people who don't understand science.

Sciencers? Really? You do realize how absolutely retarded that sounds, don't you? And I don't use that word lightly ever. No, no "sciencer" fails to realize that evolution only explains differences between and within species. That's because THAT'S ALL EVOLUTION DOES. It has nothing to do with the origin of life itself. Seems to me that "religioners" fail to realize that. Similarly, learning how to drive a car has nothing to do with learning how to manufacture a car from scratch. They are two completely separate concepts in the same field.

I hope you realize that poor excuse for a rebuttal came from this:

José;3127868 said:
The origin of life remains to this day one of the biggest Achiles' heel in evolutionary theory.
See above regarding evolution to have nothing to do with the origin of life.

Who else would like to look like they have no clue what they're talking about?

Your post begins with a HUGE error.....PC has no desire to DISCUSS evolution as proven by the fact that she has not responded to any post which refutes her absurd claims. Instead of discussing anything, she is only responding to posters who agree with her

She doesn't want to discuss evolution because she knows she doesn't know what she's talking about. Thats why she always cuts and pastes her arguments; She's too ignorant to express an idea using her own words
Don't have to. The existence of life is self evident. The absolute moment that chemicals and elements transformed into self replicating life will probably never be found. It is almost a certainty that the very first life did not have any defenses or methods of self protection and only lived barely long enough to replicate. It was almost certainly totally dependent on a very specific environment which does not exist today. For instance...there was no oxygen in our atmosphere when life got started. We know this because the element Iron turns red when exposed to oxygen and there is evidence of pre oxygen affected iron. Earliest life has long since become reintegrated into the earths crust through the actions of plate tectonics.

Your ignorance is impressive! That kind of stupid takes hard work!
I can see why you're reluctant to accept your beliefs being distilled down to a small graphic.
José;3127868 said:
Originally posted by Daveman
What the sciencers fail to realize a lot of times is that evolution explains only the differentiation of species. It doesn't explain the origin of life itself.

Fair enough, Daveman.

The origin of life remains to this day one of the biggest Achiles' heel in evolutionary theory. Any self-respecting biologist will readily admit that science does not have any solid explanation for abiogenesis (how life sprang from brute matter).

If the OP was worth a roll of toilet paper scientists would have already "filled this gap" with a pseudo-scientific/superstitious explanation instead of admitting the fact that their best attempts at explaining the issue amount to little more than scientific speculation.

Now that would be science mimicking religion!!
Or there's the Huggy Approach: "It doesn't have to! Neener neener!"
What the sciencers fail to realize a lot of times is that evolution explains only the differentiation of species. It doesn't explain the origin of life itself.


Guess what: thermodynamics can't explain gravity! Particle physics is refuted!

Spectacular fail on your part. I didn't say that evolution's inability to explain the origin of life means that evolution has not taken place.

So, in summary, it looks like I'm not stupid, but you are.
What the sciencers fail to realize a lot of times is that evolution explains only the differentiation of species. It doesn't explain the origin of life itself.


Guess what: thermodynamics can't explain gravity! Particle physics is refuted!

Spectacular fail on your part. I didn't say that evolution's inability to explain the origin of life means that evolution has not taken place.

So, in summary, it looks like I'm not stupid, but you are.

Actually, you're still a moron and your statement is still dumb

What the sciencers fail to realize a lot of times is that evolution explains only the differentiation of species. It doesn't explain the origin of life itself

It is stupid becuase evolution is not supposed to explain the origin of life itself. You are just too dumb to realize that evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life itself, so you think you said something brilliant!!:lol:
Sciencers? Really? You do realize how absolutely retarded that sounds, don't you?
Of course I do. I was mocking the left.
And I don't use that word lightly ever. No, no "sciencer" fails to realize that evolution only explains differences between and within species. That's because THAT'S ALL EVOLUTION DOES. It has nothing to do with the origin of life itself. Seems to me that "religioners" fail to realize that. Similarly, learning how to drive a car has nothing to do with learning how to manufacture a car from scratch. They are two completely separate concepts in the same field.
Odd, then, that I've seen people "refute" creationism by pointing to evolution.
I hope you realize that poor excuse for a rebuttal came from this:
Yeah, and that one's wrong.
What the sciencers fail to realize a lot of times is that evolution explains only the differentiation of species. It doesn't explain the origin of life itself.

No, we realize that. It's the evolution-deniers who can't seem to accept that.
As I told Hick, I've seen people "refute" creationism by pointing to evolution.

So, no, it doesn't look like you all realize that.
Don't have to. The existence of life is self evident. The absolute moment that chemicals and elements transformed into self replicating life will probably never be found. It is almost a certainty that the very first life did not have any defenses or methods of self protection and only lived barely long enough to replicate. It was almost certainly totally dependent on a very specific environment which does not exist today. For instance...there was no oxygen in our atmosphere when life got started. We know this because the element Iron turns red when exposed to oxygen and there is evidence of pre oxygen affected iron. Earliest life has long since become reintegrated into the earths crust through the actions of plate tectonics.

Atheism is a "lack" of belief in mysticism, the supernatural and the occult.
Then AGW and atheism are incompatible?
What the sciencers fail to realize a lot of times is that evolution explains only the differentiation of species. It doesn't explain the origin of life itself.

What moron wingnuts fail to realize is that evolution is silent about the origen of life itself. For the benefit of the moron wingnuts I will post the definition of evolution because it's obvious that some wingnuts are too dumb to know that they don't know what they're talking about

Evolution is the study of how and why the distribution of genes changes over time within a population
I know that. YOU know that. But there are some creation-deniers out there who don't.
Actually, you're still a moron and your statement is still dumb

What the sciencers fail to realize a lot of times is that evolution explains only the differentiation of species. It doesn't explain the origin of life itself

It is stupid becuase evolution is not supposed to explain the origin of life itself. You are just too dumb to realize that evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life itself, so you think you said something brilliant!!:lol:
I'm perfectly aware of what evolution attempts to explain. You can tell because I said: "... evolution explains only the differentiation of species."

So you're left with nothing but knee-jerk opposition. Just another day at the office.
Daveman... don't both. You're trying to part the Dumb Sea.

Oh, I know they'll never accept that some people on their side are dumb as rocks.

That they're all intelligent is something they take on faith. :lol:
And I don't use that word lightly ever. No, no "sciencer" fails to realize that evolution only explains differences between and within species. That's because THAT'S ALL EVOLUTION DOES. It has nothing to do with the origin of life itself. Seems to me that "religioners" fail to realize that. Similarly, learning how to drive a car has nothing to do with learning how to manufacture a car from scratch. They are two completely separate concepts in the same field.
Odd, then, that I've seen people "refute" creationism by pointing to evolution.

Once again, you have demonstrated a stunning stupidity

Evolution refutes creationism because creationism says that humans were created by God "as is" and did not evolve. Evolution contradicts Creationism. Evolution doesn't need to explain the origin of life itself in order to refute Creationism

But you are so dumb, you're still hung up on the idea that evolution does or should explain the origins of life itself. No matter how many times you are educated on this, you will continue to insist that the origins of life itself has something to do with evolution. You can't drop this idea because you are too dumb to realize how dumb you are. Here's a study that explains the phenomena of stupid people who are certain they are not stupid

Confident dumb people - Boing Boing

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