Zone1 Scott Adams Warns White People to Stay Away From Black People

And he was a BIG HYPOCRITE for advocating racial segregation knowing that he had a baby by a Black woman. When he met with his daughter, was it out in public? Or behind closed doors? We know he met with the child's Momma behind CLOSED doors. ;)

Actually he was a states right guy, which is completely consistent with opposing forced segregation. And lots of men have babies with women they don't intend to marry, especially black men who knock up black women. Why was he worse than them? He took responsibility, whereas most black men don't. His kid lucked out relative to the norm in the black 'community'.
He went too far.
I would say about 70%-80% of what he said is in fact true. It simply is - in inner city areas.
But then he kept going, and the longer he went the deeper down the hole he took it.
I said on this forum several times, several years ago... that when my two kids went to college and lived off campus, I went with them and specifically picked out an apartment complex where there were not a lot of black people. It cost a good $250 more a month but it was way worth it.
Indianapolis went through gentrification several years prior and the city made it mandatory for complexes to offer Sec. 8 housing. Most of the complexes chose buildings as far back and away from the rest as best they could. I made sure both my kids were nowhere near the Sec 8 (overwhelmingly black) buildings. Everyone in the city knows you don't want to be near those buildings. Everyone. They won't say it... but they won't live there either.
Is he wrong? Or is he just being a racist? I personally believe that he's mostly right. Not one hundred percent since there are a lot of decent black people out there, but not as many as there are thugs and that's not just an opinion, that's a fact.

Oh my gosh. He is just blabbing extremism to mock the other extremist on the other side. Is it that impossible to read between the lines? There is not a single white person living today that wouldn't sit down and eat lunch with a white person and vice versa. This is all theatrics on all sides and people love to watch it.

The two opposing political views are these:

Black people are pathetic and worthless and need government money.
Black people are normal citizens just like everybody else and get zero government money.

Let's see. Would anybody engage in psychological warfare to pursue billions of dollars in money for a cause they believe in or would they just sit quiet and hope to get the money through the normal process of prudent governance? Race wars are fabricated but don't take my word for it. Ask your black friend if he or she hates you. Chances are they probably don't. Ask your black friend if he or she hates Candace Owens. Chances are they will tell you that they do. Odds are pretty high too that they never sit at a table with Candace Owens to talk. If they did, I bet they would answer the question differently.
Actually he was a states right guy, which is completely consistent with opposing forced segregation. And lots of men have babies with women they don't intend to marry, especially black men who knock up black women. Why was he worse than them? He took responsibility, whereas most black men don't. His kid lucked out relative to the norm in the black 'community'.
Black men who have children with black women are NOT being lying hypocrites. That is the difference.
Where does Ice Tea live? Or Queen Latifa? Or Will Smith? With the bothers in Compton?
Betcha scott adamns doesn't live in a place like this.

Black men who have children with black women are NOT being lying hypocrites. That is the difference.

Rubbish, He knocked up a woman he would never marry in the first place, and did the honorable thing by her. Very different than men who knock up women and then disappear, as is the case with the majority of black men in the same situation.
I strongly advise all those wise and sage critics, try living in a poor black community for a time. I have. There is a reason why people move the hell out of there as quick as they can, and I can assure you, Bad cops and "systemic racism" is the least of their problems. Mental illness, violence, anger and paranoia and addiction. White racism? not so much. So blacks move the hell away from these toxic black holes and move to white communities when they can. Says it all.
You must wanna get people killed.

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