Scott Brown: 'Thank God' Elizabeth Warren Didn't 'Take Her Clothes Off'

The "conservative" position ladies and gentlemen!


no, i only speak for myself. i don't care if *someone else* is fighting harder for the middle class, bozo, unless *someone else* is running for the us senate seat from massachusetts.

you still haven't gotten that tattoo, or are you waiting on the mirror?

here's a template, maybe you can print it out, tape it to your forehead, and borrow a mirror.

no need to thank me; virtue is its own reward.


And I never said otherwise. It just so happens, you have the "conservative" position.

you cut off my quote. i fixed it for you. :thup:
no, i only speak for myself. i don't care if *someone else* is fighting harder for the middle class, bozo, unless *someone else* is running for the us senate seat from massachusetts.

you still haven't gotten that tattoo, or are you waiting on the mirror?

here's a template, maybe you can print it out, tape it to your forehead, and borrow a mirror.

no need to thank me; virtue is its own reward.


And I never said otherwise. It just so happens, you have the "conservative" position.

you cut off my quote. i fixed it for you. :thup:

heh heh I quoted the part I was responding to.

But hey, abuse your Moderator privileges. I don't care.
heh heh, you're not supposed to cut off quotes, but that's okay, pal.

Yeah. Sure. Because no one on this board ever does that.


well if you're gonna cry, i'll change it back.

here, have a cookie.

I'm not crying. Like I said, abuse your power all you want. You earned it somehow right?

I just find it interesting you lecturing me on the "rules" while at the same time breaking them yourself.

But hey, such is life on the interwebs.

Have a good night :eusa_angel:
Yeah. Sure. Because no one on this board ever does that.


well if you're gonna cry, i'll change it back.

here, have a cookie.

I'm not crying. Like I said, abuse your power all you want. You earned it somehow right?

I just find it interesting you lecturing me on the "rules" while at the same time breaking them yourself.

But hey, such is life on the interwebs.

Have a good night :eusa_angel:

you too. come back when you can stay longer. :cool:
She's 62.


Wow, I think she looks pretty damn good for 62 - or any age! Must be nice to have both beauty and brains.
If you think THAT is "beauty", I sure would hate to see your idea of "ugly". I've been drunk in my life, but never drunk enough to find anything that looks like THAT remotely attractive!:lol:
Well, not that anyone really cares, but it was the questioner at the debate who brought up Brown in Cosmo in the question he asked Warren.

I have to say that the most pathetic thing about this are the women's groups throwing a fit.
why would i care?

The "conservative" position ladies and gentlemen!


no, i only speak for myself. i don't care if *someone else* is fighting harder for the middle class, bozo, unless *someone else* is running for the us senate seat from massachusetts.

you still haven't gotten that tattoo, or are you waiting on the mirror?

here's a template, maybe you can print it out, tape it to your forehead, and borrow a mirror.

no need to thank me; virtue is its own reward.


:lol: This guy doesn't know Del very well. He acts like your some conservative republican shill :lmao:

My take on this....both canidates had a humorus response to their questions, neither did anything wrong, and neither are making a big deal out of it.

Its the media and political groups that are trying to "make hay" out of the situation.

She took a jab at brown, brown took a jab back. End of story, no harm no foul.
I was once a big supporter of Brown, and voted for him in the special election.

But that was when I still thought he was an independent and that the best interests of his constituency was his top priority. Boy was I duped. His voting record clearly shows that he comfortably snuggled in the pocket of the big oil lobby. We have enough of those in Congress from other states, we don't need one from Massachusetts too.

Warren isn't my first choice, but I'll certainly vote for her over that phony douche Brown.
I was once a big supporter of Brown, and voted for him in the special election.

But that was when I still thought he was an independent and that the best interests of his constituency was his top priority. Boy was I duped. His voting record clearly shows that he comfortably snuggled in the pocket of the big oil lobby. We have enough of those in Congress from other states, we don't need one from Massachusetts too.

Warren isn't my first choice, but I'll certainly vote for her over that phony douche Brown.

You think you got all the way to Camp Niggerhead all on your own? If it wasn't for the roads "we" paid for, you'd have never made it there. You would have also likely been gang raped along the way without the protection "we" paid for.

So it looks like there are two phony douche's running for office there.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
I was once a big supporter of Brown, and voted for him in the special election.

But that was when I still thought he was an independent and that the best interests of his constituency was his top priority. Boy was I duped. His voting record clearly shows that he comfortably snuggled in the pocket of the big oil lobby. We have enough of those in Congress from other states, we don't need one from Massachusetts too.

Warren isn't my first choice, but I'll certainly vote for her over that phony douche Brown.

You think you got all the way to Camp Niggerhead all on your own? If it wasn't for the roads "we" paid for, you'd have never made it there. You would have also likely been gang raped along the way without the protection "we" paid for.

So it looks like there are two phony douche's running for office there.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

So I guess I'll have to vote for the phony douche more likely to cast votes I agree with, like eliminating government subsidies for corporations generating billions in profit quarter after quarter.
Isn't it Friday ?..... :eusa_whistle:


I already put in a request to Elvis to get the 4F opened, since he was the only mod showing up on the active user list. But he must be on a coffee break or something.

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