Scott Walker On Evolution: 'I Am Going To Punt On That One'

He sidestepped it like most smart politicians do in hot debates. It is not an exclusively right of left thing.
You do realize that Obama never explained how he would do his hope & change thing in America when he was running.
Your approval of people lying to get elected is noted.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.
But he's wrong science says the bible does not prove a god exists. And there are many key stories in the bible that are scientifically impossible.

A scientific theory is when an idea graduates. No higher honor. Evolution is a fact.

It is a most elegant Theory. One can say "The Sun will rise tomorrow" without knowing about the rotation of the earth.

But he's wrong science says the bible does not prove a god exists. And there are many key stories in the bible that are scientifically impossible.

A scientific theory is when an idea graduates. No higher honor. Evolution is a fact.
Are Obama and Hillary just as wrong to be Christians as Walker ?

Just like Obama lied about being anti gay marriage I doubt he takes the bible literally just like most christian cherry pickers.

They may believe in god but not like conservative anti science types do.

And if they are atheists they won't admit it. You can't and win elections. Not yet.

Do you think not one politician in all washington is an atheist? None have come forward.
You may very well be right that they are lying.

Not possible 100% of them are all religious.

Same way its impossible that 100% of NFL players are all straight. But ask every one of them and they'll say straight.
I was referring to Obama and H. Clinton specifically, not all politicians.

I do suspect that many of the politicians are atheists.

Please don't!! I'm about to have breakfast!!!

Your approval of people lying to get elected is noted.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.
But he's wrong science says the bible does not prove a god exists. And there are many key stories in the bible that are scientifically impossible.

A scientific theory is when an idea graduates. No higher honor. Evolution is a fact.
Are Obama and Hillary just as wrong to be Christians as Walker ?

In my opinion absolutely. But probably not just as wrong. For example a lot of christians don't believe all non christians are going to hell. That's what their religion says but they cherry pick.

But if they believe in god they are just as wrong.

But there's two kinds of christisns.
Your approval of people lying to get elected is noted.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.
But he's wrong science says the bible does not prove a god exists. And there are many key stories in the bible that are scientifically impossible.

A scientific theory is when an idea graduates. No higher honor. Evolution is a fact.

Walker did not say that
He said that faith and science are compatible.
They aren't. God is not a scientific theory. It is a hypothesis. You people say "you just feel it" not understanding its a coping mechanism.
Read post # 580.

I believe that God took 6,000 years to do his Creation but that does not mean Earth is 6,000 years old.
I believe science, that Earth is billions of years old.
This is the mistake that Creationists make. Just because it took God 1,000 years (one day for him)- for each one of his 6 Creations does not mean that Earth was not billions of years old before.

Really? Then how do you explain the 3.8 billion years between the first appearance of microbes on Earth and the evolution of man?

You realize you didn't come up with a scenario that contradicts what she said, no?

If it took her god 6,000 years to do his creation, it doesn't explain why it took 3.8 billion years before man appeared on the scene after the microbes first appeared. According to her mythos, man is a part of her god's creation, is he not? He's going to need a lot more time that she gives him.

You need to read her post again because you obviously didn't read her last one. I helped you find the part that directly addresses your question by putting it in green for you.

To suggest that time for her god and time for humans is different (I.e., 1 god day = 1,000 human years) is ludicrous and is simply a creationist invention created from whole cloth. It is preposterous so I simply ignored it. It still doesn't answer my question. If her claim was correct, it would still take 3.8 million god days from the time the first microbes appeared to the time man first appeared, not six "god" days.

1,387,000,000,000 days (3.8 billion years)/365,000 days (1,000 years , which is allegedly one god day)=3.8 million days.

You both need not only to take a geology class, but also a math class.

What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.
But he's wrong science says the bible does not prove a god exists. And there are many key stories in the bible that are scientifically impossible.

A scientific theory is when an idea graduates. No higher honor. Evolution is a fact.

Walker did not say that
He said that faith and science are compatible.
They aren't. God is not a scientific theory. It is a hypothesis. You people say "you just feel it" not understanding its a coping mechanism.

Why can't they co-exist?
The idea that God created the universe and then, being very patient, used the process of evolution to craft us "in his image" over a 2.5 billion year period is not incompatible with evolution. While it cannot be proven, it also cannot be disproven. It does not conflict or negate any of the data collected by scientists.
This is what Scott Walker believes as well as millions of Christians.
Really? Then how do you explain the 3.8 billion years between the first appearance of microbes on Earth and the evolution of man?

You realize you didn't come up with a scenario that contradicts what she said, no?

If it took her god 6,000 years to do his creation, it doesn't explain why it took 3.8 billion years before man appeared on the scene after the microbes first appeared. According to her mythos, man is a part of her god's creation, is he not? He's going to need a lot more time that she gives him.

You need to read her post again because you obviously didn't read her last one. I helped you find the part that directly addresses your question by putting it in green for you.

To suggest that time for her god and time for humans is different (I.e., 1 god day = 1,000 human years) is ludicrous and is simply a creationist invention created from whole cloth. It is preposterous so I simply ignored it. It still doesn't answer my question. If her claim was correct, it would still take 3.8 million god days from the time the first microbes appeared to the time man first appeared, not six "god" days.

1,387,000,000,000 days (3.8 billion years)/365,000 days (1,000 years , which is allegedly one god day)=3.8 million days.

You both need not only to take a geology class, but also a math class.

Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.
But he's wrong science says the bible does not prove a god exists. And there are many key stories in the bible that are scientifically impossible.

A scientific theory is when an idea graduates. No higher honor. Evolution is a fact.

Walker did not say that
He said that faith and science are compatible.
They aren't. God is not a scientific theory. It is a hypothesis. You people say "you just feel it" not understanding its a coping mechanism.

Why can't they co-exist?
The idea that God created the universe and then, being very patient, used the process of evolution to craft us "in his image" over a 2.5 billion year period is not incompatible with evolution. While it cannot be proven, it also cannot be disproven. It does not conflict or negate any of the data collected by scientists.
This is what Scott Walker believes as well as millions of Christians.

And anyone who doesnt believe in jesus will burn in hell for eternity?
Why can't they co-exist?
The idea that God created the universe and then, being very patient, used the process of evolution to craft us "in his image" over a 2.5 billion year period is not incompatible with evolution. While it cannot be proven, it also cannot be disproven. It does not conflict or negate any of the data collected by scientists.
This is what Scott Walker believes as well as millions of Christians.

And anyone who doesnt believe in jesus will burn in hell for eternity?

No the Bible does not say non believers will burn in hell for eternity.
It says non believers will not live forever.
Hell is the grave.
Non believers souls go to a place that has no light and is dark. Some call this purgatory.
God gives everyone plenty of chances to believe in him, the ones who have the absolute proof and still refuse will no longer exist.
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Whether they fell inwards or outwards is irrelevant. The cause of all the destruction was earthquakes on Dead Sea Rift zone, a completely natural phenomenon.

It was also a natural phenomenon that the sound of trumpets can cause them to fall also. But you will just dismiss that fact away.

Yes that is what the mythology claims? And yet we have irrefutable scientific evidence from geology and archaeology that Jericho was destroyed at least nine times by earthquakes (and could well be destroyed again by earthquakes), while we have NO evidence that an iron age musical instruments could have brought those walls down. You people need to grow up and stop believing in fairy tales.

No that is what Scientific experiments in sounds have claimed.
Like I said you would, you dismissed this science.

What science, where? All you've done is make an unsupported claim here. You've provided no science. So of course I am going to dismiss it.

Have you forgotten that sound can shatter glass?
Sound Physics Science Fair Projects Experiments

Again, what science? Where is the peer reviewed paper that describes the science behind the parting of the red sea? Also, clue - water is not glass.
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Your approval of people lying to get elected is noted.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.
But he's wrong science says the bible does not prove a god exists. And there are many key stories in the bible that are scientifically impossible.

A scientific theory is when an idea graduates. No higher honor. Evolution is a fact.

Walker did not say that
He said that faith and science are compatible.

Which essentially means nothing.
If you can't deal with evolution, a most basic tenant of modern biology, you might as well be. He's either being dishonest or stupid, neither are good things.

He sidestepped it like most smart politicians do in hot debates. It is not an exclusively right of left thing.
You do realize that Obama never explained how he would do his hope & change thing in America when he was running.
Your approval of people lying to get elected is noted.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.

So basically, he is a creationist who believes that the best scientific theory ever conceived (one adhered to by over 90% of the world's scientists) is wrong. Got it.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.
But he's wrong science says the bible does not prove a god exists. And there are many key stories in the bible that are scientifically impossible.

A scientific theory is when an idea graduates. No higher honor. Evolution is a fact.

Walker did not say that
He said that faith and science are compatible.

Which essentially means nothing.
Then it's a perfect political response to a question/issue which is irrelevant.
He sidestepped it like most smart politicians do in hot debates. It is not an exclusively right of left thing.
You do realize that Obama never explained how he would do his hope & change thing in America when he was running.
Your approval of people lying to get elected is noted.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.

So basically, he is a creationist who believes that the best scientific theory ever conceived (one adhered to by over 90% of the world's scientists) is wrong. Got it.
He did not say that he did not beleive in evolution. Many Christians tie evolution and creationism together. If God is the creator, then he made the scientific "laws" by which the universe operates.

Obama and Hillary both claim to be Christians. When will hillary be asked if she beleives that God created the universe?
Faith is a belief in something not in evidence. Religion has, throughout history, attempted to explain, sans evidence, the nuts and bolts of the universe via dogmatic reasoning, ridiculous parables, and mythology. And when they can't explain it, they conclude that you must have "faith" that they know better than you do. Primarily, it is a god of the gaps argument. Science rejects this kind of reasoning because it doesn't actually explain anything.

Science is not about disproving anything. You cannot disprove anything in science. There are no proofs in science, either. Only in mathematics do you have proofs.

Peer review is a vital part of the scientific process. Galileo's peers were the scientists of Europe, and the ones who were not under the constraints of the Catholic Church agreed with him. It was the Catholic Church that not only disagreed with him, but threatened his very existence for publicizing his discoveries.

If you are going to recite the catechism, you should recite the entire verse:

In science, the truth is what is in evidence. In religion, the truth is whatever they say it is. Simply stating that "These discoveries invite us to even greater admiration for the greatness of the Creator" doesn't mean that the creator actually exists. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to support them. Got anything like that? We only have the Church's word for it. And I'm sorry, but personal revelation is, by definition, first person in nature. As such, I am under no obligation to believe one person's (or group's) personal revelation over that of another. It is not objective, and cannot be falsified.


I would not suggest that you conform to anything, but your "belief in" Science is as faith based as any religion. Understand the limits of Science and your faith is limited. It's like having faith in plumbing!! lol


That's like saying that I must have faith in the force of gravity. If I drop my pen, I know it will fall to the ground. My belief that it will is not faith-based. It is based on empirical evidence through experimentation, repeated ad nauseam. I can demonstrate it, make predictions about it, generate a mathematical theorem of how it works, and have you do the same and thereby, through peer review verify that my findings are valid. Got anything remotely resembling that with your creator? Sorry, you are mistaken.

If you drop it in space will it fall down? I have falsified it!! So your theory is incomplete!!!


If I drop it in space will it fall? Yes. Space ships orbiting the Earth are falling AROUND it. You should take a class. Zero gravity in Earth orbit is a misnomer. Objects in orbit do not have zero gravity. They are in free fall. There is a huge difference between the two.

You forgot the "to the ground" bit. Mind you; depending on WHERE you drop it it may also fall to the moon, or sun. Please engage ALL the variables in the experiment!!


Please learn some basic science so you don't look foolish when you post.
Whether they fell inwards or outwards is irrelevant. The cause of all the destruction was earthquakes on Dead Sea Rift zone, a completely natural phenomenon.

It was also a natural phenomenon that the sound of trumpets can cause them to fall also. But you will just dismiss that fact away.

Yes that is what the mythology claims? And yet we have irrefutable scientific evidence from geology and archaeology that Jericho was destroyed at least nine times by earthquakes (and could well be destroyed again by earthquakes), while we have NO evidence that an iron age musical instruments could have brought those walls down. You people need to grow up and stop believing in fairy tales.

No that is what Scientific experiments in sounds have claimed.
Like I said you would, you dismissed this science.

What science, where? All you've done is make an unsupported claim here. You've provided no science. So of course I am going to dismiss it.

You can dismiss all you want but you have not falsified it!!


I don't have to falsify it, dummy. It isn't my claim.
Really? Then how do you explain the 3.8 billion years between the first appearance of microbes on Earth and the evolution of man?

You realize you didn't come up with a scenario that contradicts what she said, no?

If it took her god 6,000 years to do his creation, it doesn't explain why it took 3.8 billion years before man appeared on the scene after the microbes first appeared. According to her mythos, man is a part of her god's creation, is he not? He's going to need a lot more time that she gives him.

You need to read her post again because you obviously didn't read her last one. I helped you find the part that directly addresses your question by putting it in green for you.

To suggest that time for her god and time for humans is different (I.e., 1 god day = 1,000 human years) is ludicrous and is simply a creationist invention created from whole cloth. It is preposterous so I simply ignored it. It still doesn't answer my question. If her claim was correct, it would still take 3.8 million god days from the time the first microbes appeared to the time man first appeared, not six "god" days.

1,387,000,000,000 days (3.8 billion years)/365,000 days (1,000 years , which is allegedly one god day)=3.8 million days.

You both need not only to take a geology class, but also a math class.

Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.
But he's wrong science says the bible does not prove a god exists. And there are many key stories in the bible that are scientifically impossible.

A scientific theory is when an idea graduates. No higher honor. Evolution is a fact.

Walker did not say that
He said that faith and science are compatible.
They aren't. God is not a scientific theory. It is a hypothesis. You people say "you just feel it" not understanding its a coping mechanism.

Why can't they co-exist?
The idea that God created the universe and then, being very patient, used the process of evolution to craft us "in his image" over a 2.5 billion year period is not incompatible with evolution. While it cannot be proven, it also cannot be disproven. It does not conflict or negate any of the data collected by scientists.
This is what Scott Walker believes as well as millions of Christians.

I also cannot disprove the existence of unicorns, but that doesn't mean that I default to a belief that they do exist.
Your approval of people lying to get elected is noted.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.

So basically, he is a creationist who believes that the best scientific theory ever conceived (one adhered to by over 90% of the world's scientists) is wrong. Got it.
He did not say that he did not beleive in evolution. Many Christians tie evolution and creationism together. If God is the creator, then he made the scientific "laws" by which the universe operates.

Obama and Hillary both claim to be Christians. When will hillary be asked if she beleives that God created the universe?

Catholics are also Christians, and yet they teach the theory of evolution in their schools. It is where I was first exposed to it.
Your approval of people lying to get elected is noted.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.

So basically, he is a creationist who believes that the best scientific theory ever conceived (one adhered to by over 90% of the world's scientists) is wrong. Got it.
He did not say that he did not beleive in evolution. Many Christians tie evolution and creationism together. If God is the creator, then he made the scientific "laws" by which the universe operates.

Obama and Hillary both claim to be Christians. When will hillary be asked if she beleives that God created the universe?

Why would you ask that question? That is not the question that was asked of Walker?
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.

So basically, he is a creationist who believes that the best scientific theory ever conceived (one adhered to by over 90% of the world's scientists) is wrong. Got it.
He did not say that he did not beleive in evolution. Many Christians tie evolution and creationism together. If God is the creator, then he made the scientific "laws" by which the universe operates.

Obama and Hillary both claim to be Christians. When will hillary be asked if she beleives that God created the universe?

Why would you ask that question? That is not the question that was asked of Walker?
No, but it is the flip side of the coin when it comes to this issue.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.

So basically, he is a creationist who believes that the best scientific theory ever conceived (one adhered to by over 90% of the world's scientists) is wrong. Got it.
He did not say that he did not beleive in evolution. Many Christians tie evolution and creationism together. If God is the creator, then he made the scientific "laws" by which the universe operates.

Obama and Hillary both claim to be Christians. When will hillary be asked if she beleives that God created the universe?

Catholics are also Christians, and yet they teach the theory of evolution in their schools. It is where I was first exposed to it.
Then what is your problem with Walker? Why can't he have his faith and beleive in science also. You don't seem to mind that Catholics beleive that God is the creator.
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.

So basically, he is a creationist who believes that the best scientific theory ever conceived (one adhered to by over 90% of the world's scientists) is wrong. Got it.
He did not say that he did not beleive in evolution. Many Christians tie evolution and creationism together. If God is the creator, then he made the scientific "laws" by which the universe operates.

Obama and Hillary both claim to be Christians. When will hillary be asked if she beleives that God created the universe?

Why would you ask that question? That is not the question that was asked of Walker?
No, but it is the flip side of the coin when it comes to this issue.

But Walker wasn't asked about his religious beliefs. And dude, one cannot be barred from holding Federal office because of one's religious (or lack of) beliefs. If Walker had been asked about his faith, I would have objected. He wasn't. But his stance on matters of science are fair game.

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