SCOTUS divided over SSM

Read and learn. Your marketing of this so called "civil right" is a hoax. Bruce Jenner proved it's often a choice.
Kind of off-topic, but for years his choice was to live a life opposed to his feelings. He has now decided to live as God created him.

Ohhhhhh, so God is relevent now???

No, he happily functioned as a heterosexual, now, by spending 10s of thousands of dollars he plans on becoming a lesbian.

It ain't a civil rights issue of its choice, now is it
Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.


Isn't that ADORABLE?

It feels that the Supreme Court is the SUPREME LAWMAKER IN THE LAND.

They are not. They are the Supreme Court of the Land. See how that works?

Yep... the Supreme Court. Not the Supreme Legislature.

LOL! But as a mouthy British socialist fraudulently posing as a US Citizen, there was NO WAY you could have known that.

Isn't that ADORABLE?

It feels that the Supreme Court is the SUPREME LAWMAKER IN THE LAND.

Its, reading comprehension leaves very much to be desired.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You are not our Founding Fathers.

If that were in any way relevant, that might be a good point. Sadly it's not relevant.

And you should know... the Founders of the United States, executed homosexuals... for being homosexual.

And that is because Homosexuality is irrational, with a long history of destroying entire cultures. So the Founders realized that tolerating homosexuality was tantamount to cultural suicide.

And just based upon the destruction that such has caused in just the last 5 years... wherein we have gone from lifting sodomy laws, to seeing government force people into bankruptcy for simply refusing to participate in a celebration of debauchery... and even as we 'speak', we're awaiting the SCOTUS to decide is the nation will be forced to accept men marrying men.
Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.

Well you keep telling yourself that... I hope it brings you great comfort.

It's not going to help 'tho... As Nature always wins.
Read and learn. Your marketing of this so called "civil right" is a hoax. Bruce Jenner proved it's often a choice.

Behavior is ALWAYS a choice... with no exceptions.

The problem comes into play, wherein the disordered mind provides the illusion of a lack of choices... (which is the downside to 'Mental Disorder' and why it is essential to not pretend that those suffering such are otherwise normal).
Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.


Isn't that ADORABLE?

It feels that the Supreme Court is the SUPREME LAWMAKER IN THE LAND.

They are not. They are the Supreme Court of the Land. See how that works?

Yep... the Supreme Court. Not the Supreme Legislature.

LOL! But as a mouthy British socialist fraudulently posing as a US Citizen, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
Its, reading comprehension leaves very much to be desired.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You are not our Founding Fathers.

If that were in any way relevant, that might be a good point. Sadly it's not relevant.

And you should know... the Founders of the United States, executed homosexuals... for being homosexual.

And that is because Homosexuality is irrational, with a long history of destroying entire cultures. So the Founders realized that tolerating homosexuality was tantamount to cultural suicide.

And just based upon the destruction that such has caused in just the last 5 years... wherein we have gone from lifting sodomy laws, to seeing government force people into bankruptcy for simply refusing to participate in a celebration of debauchery... and even as we 'speak', we're awaiting the SCOTUS to decide is the nation will be forced to accept men marrying men.
Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.

Well you keep telling yourself that... I hope it brings you great comfort.

It's not going to help 'tho... As Nature always wins.

Only the Right prefers to prove their infidel-ism, protestant-ism, and renegade-ism to a God; merely to prove their True loyalty to the Animal Kingdom.
Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.


Isn't that ADORABLE?

It feels that the Supreme Court is the SUPREME LAWMAKER IN THE LAND.

They are not. They are the Supreme Court of the Land. See how that works?

Yep... the Supreme Court. Not the Supreme Legislature.

LOL! But as a mouthy British socialist fraudulently posing as a US Citizen, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You are not our Founding Fathers.

If that were in any way relevant, that might be a good point. Sadly it's not relevant.

And you should know... the Founders of the United States, executed homosexuals... for being homosexual.

And that is because Homosexuality is irrational, with a long history of destroying entire cultures. So the Founders realized that tolerating homosexuality was tantamount to cultural suicide.

And just based upon the destruction that such has caused in just the last 5 years... wherein we have gone from lifting sodomy laws, to seeing government force people into bankruptcy for simply refusing to participate in a celebration of debauchery... and even as we 'speak', we're awaiting the SCOTUS to decide is the nation will be forced to accept men marrying men.
Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.

Well you keep telling yourself that... I hope it brings you great comfort.

It's not going to help 'tho... As Nature always wins.

Only the Right prefers to prove their infidel-ism, protestant-ism, and renegade-ism to a God; merely to prove their True loyalty to the Animal Kingdom.

Yeah... you keep trying to turn the law of nature into a religious contest. That's what reasonable people should expect of the delusional; which is to say: those suffering mental disorder.
Read and learn. Your marketing of this so called "civil right" is a hoax. Bruce Jenner proved it's often a choice.
Kind of off-topic, but for years his choice was to live a life opposed to his feelings. He has now decided to live as God created him.

Ohhhhhh, so God is relevant now???


And THAT is the root of the issue... The Ideological Left exists to separate mankind from The Father.

Such is the nature of Evil.
Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.


Isn't that ADORABLE?

It feels that the Supreme Court is the SUPREME LAWMAKER IN THE LAND.

They are not. They are the Supreme Court of the Land. See how that works?

Yep... the Supreme Court. Not the Supreme Legislature.

LOL! But as a mouthy British socialist fraudulently posing as a US Citizen, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
You are not our Founding Fathers.

If that were in any way relevant, that might be a good point. Sadly it's not relevant.

And you should know... the Founders of the United States, executed homosexuals... for being homosexual.

And that is because Homosexuality is irrational, with a long history of destroying entire cultures. So the Founders realized that tolerating homosexuality was tantamount to cultural suicide.

And just based upon the destruction that such has caused in just the last 5 years... wherein we have gone from lifting sodomy laws, to seeing government force people into bankruptcy for simply refusing to participate in a celebration of debauchery... and even as we 'speak', we're awaiting the SCOTUS to decide is the nation will be forced to accept men marrying men.
Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.

Well you keep telling yourself that... I hope it brings you great comfort.

It's not going to help 'tho... As Nature always wins.

Only the Right prefers to prove their infidel-ism, protestant-ism, and renegade-ism to a God; merely to prove their True loyalty to the Animal Kingdom.

Yeah... you keep trying to turn the law of nature into a religious contest. That's what reasonable people should expect of the delusional; which is to say: those suffering mental disorder.

I don't need to appeal to ignorance of the law or the abomination of hypocrisy for my Cause.

Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.


Isn't that ADORABLE?

It feels that the Supreme Court is the SUPREME LAWMAKER IN THE LAND.

Its, reading comprehension leaves very much to be desired.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You are not our Founding Fathers.

And you should know... the Founders of the United States, executed homosexuals... for being homosexual.
Oh? And who might that be?
I don't need to appeal to ignorance of the law or the abomination of hypocrisy for my Cause.

Why would ya? When you spend all of your time appealing to popularity.
Which popularity is that; shill for the Right:

Our supreme law of the land is more supreme than any Commandments of Any religion; simply because our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
... same-sex marriage...
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Unless the law says differently. Get used to it.

Laws can be overturned when the truth comes to light.

Get used to it
They can. What truth are you planning to bring to light? And why didn't you share that truth with the lawyers arguing in front of SCOTUS yesterday.

Read and learn. Your marketing of this so called "civil right" is a hoax. Bruce Jenner proved it's often a choice.
So what if it is a choice? A beautiful aspect of our rights, such as the right to pursue happiness, is our choice to pursue them. There is no legal excuse to allow the government to prevent that.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Unless the law says differently. Get used to it.

Laws can be overturned when the truth comes to light.

Get used to it
They can. What truth are you planning to bring to light? And why didn't you share that truth with the lawyers arguing in front of SCOTUS yesterday.

Read and learn. Your marketing of this so called "civil right" is a hoax. Bruce Jenner proved it's often a choice.
So what if it is a choice? A beautiful aspect of our rights, such as the right to pursue happiness, is our choice to pursue them. There is no legal excuse to allow the government to prevent that.
You are a Priapus worshipper, aren't you?
Priapus is marked by his oversized, permanent erection,
Unless the law says differently. Get used to it.

Laws can be overturned when the truth comes to light.

Get used to it
They can. What truth are you planning to bring to light? And why didn't you share that truth with the lawyers arguing in front of SCOTUS yesterday.

Read and learn. Your marketing of this so called "civil right" is a hoax. Bruce Jenner proved it's often a choice.
So what if it is a choice? A beautiful aspect of our rights, such as the right to pursue happiness, is our choice to pursue them. There is no legal excuse to allow the government to prevent that.
You are a Priapus worshipper, aren't you?
Priapus is marked by his oversized, permanent erection,
I do not know who priapus is, so no.
That question has already been answered. Just because you don't believe the answer, it doesn't mean your opinion matters objectively.

ROFLMNAO... It uses the word "Objectively" even as it demonstrates subjectivity.

Reader what you just witnessed, above... Is Relativism PERSONIFIED!

This isn't hard to figure out.

Yet there ya struggling to understand... .

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

It could not be less complex.

Marriage by definition has never been that. Ever.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Marriage is contract law, ...

Marriage is what Nature designed; the behavioral extension of coitus, wherein One Man Joins with One Woman, forming One Being.

And this without regard to contracts, or the opinion of Leftist Jurists... .

Now if the opinions of Leftist Jurists are irrelevant, where do ya suppose the opinions of mouthy British Socialists fraudulently posing as US Citizens rests?

Nature designed humans to be polygamous. Nature's design is for the strongest most fit human males to be able to reproduce the most, acquire the most mates they can take care of, and to acquire them by force if necessary. Nature's design is for human females to be mated upon reaching puberty.

Are you really so sure you want Nature to write the law?

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