SCOTUS divided over SSM

Well of course they are.


Very telling that some believe equal rights, as guaranteed by our constitution is "something radical".

Straights have changed the definition of marriage many times. Are you phobes okay with that?

The real question here is whether homosexuality is a normal human condition. The marriage issue is just a dodge of the real issue.

Society as a whole should decide this, not 9 old farts in black robes.
That question has already been answered. Just because you don't believe the answer, it doesn't mean your opinion matters objectively.

9 farts shouldn't decide it huh? I didn't realize you were such an anti-constitutionalist.
That question has already been answered. Just because you don't believe the answer, it doesn't mean your opinion matters objectively.

ROFLMNAO... It uses the word "Objectively" even as it demonstrates subjectivity.

Reader what you just witnessed, above... Is Relativism PERSONIFIED!
What doesn't help kids is having two mommies. If you pleasure seekers (male and female alike) would consider the "give and take" part of a working marriage you would not divorce left and right. When there is new "fuck" coming along you just divorce. Restraint and honoring the contract. Alien concept, huh?
What's wrong about having two mommies?

I say one daddy and three mommies:thup:
I think there's a religion or two that can accommodate you.

the court should cover that as well... Discrimination?
Not with regard to marriage law, no.

Whats state marriage law in the eyes of the leftists:dunno:
The right to enter into a sexual relationship with another human is not what you people call an unalienable right
Hey Don Juan, I think you need to muster all your carbines if you want to come over trying "to enter into sexual relationship with my wife -as another human being. See the stupidity of your remark?
Wrong. PLease show me the gay couples currently in custody for getting married.
You arent very good at this, are you?

That wasn't your claim- you aren't very good at this are you?

No one is preventing gays from marrying each other Another fallacy popped.

I just showed you that people are preventing gays from marrying each other.

Another of your lies exposed.
You havent shown anything, dumbshit. You asserted a fact that is simply untrue.
No state prevents gays from getting married. I live in TN. Gays get married here all the time. They're not doing it at the courthouse, of course. But they get married plenty.

You can't possibly not know these conversations are about civil marriage.
Apparently Syrius does not. He claims gay marriage is illegal in some places. Take it up with him.

There are many places where civil same sex marriage is not recognized.
You understand that is not the same as "gay marriage is illegal" right?
I suppose the libs will claim she "evolved" the way Obama did. Of course, that was after being backed into a corner because of Biden's big mouth. It's all such bullshit..

Dick Cheney is a liberal?

Lots of folks have 'evolved' - look at the shift in polling numbers.

But maybe you really are Conservative- and you believe that no one should ever change their minds.

In the mind of the leftist, anal sex between two men is "evolving":slap:
The right to enter into a sexual relationship with another human is not what you people call an unalienable right
Hey Don Juan, I think you need to muster all your carbines if you want to come over trying "to enter into sexual relationship with my wife -as another human being. See the stupidity of your remark?
Wrong. PLease show me the gay couples currently in custody for getting married.
You arent very good at this, are you?

That wasn't your claim- you aren't very good at this are you?

No one is preventing gays from marrying each other Another fallacy popped.

I just showed you that people are preventing gays from marrying each other.

Another of your lies exposed.
You havent shown anything, dumbshit. You asserted a fact that is simply untrue.
No state prevents gays from getting married. I live in TN. Gays get married here all the time. They're not doing it at the courthouse, of course. But they get married plenty.

You can't possibly not know these conversations are about civil marriage.
Apparently Syrius does not. He claims gay marriage is illegal in some places. Take it up with him.

There are many places where civil same sex marriage is not recognized.

Yes Gilligan. And that's because Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Civil Unions are not marriage... Nor anything even remotely akin to such. Such is a union for people who are otherwise unsuitable, or otherwise disqualified for Marriage.
No, it isn't; that is a Diaconate.

Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.--1 Timothy 3:12
What "it" is... Is an immutable fact of nature, stemming from the standard that is the human physiological design.
What it is, is a simple lack of Faith in the execution of our own laws:
The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.
Yep. And that's why in no State is there a law which prohibits the Sexually deviant from marriage so long as they apply for such with a person of the opposite gender.

Ya see scamp... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
There is no Appeal to Ignorance of our own laws; not even in the name of morals from the Age of Iron.


Now isn't that precious?

So you lament ad ignorantum while appealing to popularity...

LOL! You can't make this crap up.

It helps if you have a clue and Cause:
The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.
What's wrong about having two mommies?

I say one daddy and three mommies:thup:
I think there's a religion or two that can accommodate you.

the court should cover that as well... Discrimination?
Not with regard to marriage law, no.

Whats state marriage law in the eyes of the leftists:dunno:
A burden on natural rights and Individual Liberty.
I suppose the libs will claim she "evolved" the way Obama did. Of course, that was after being backed into a corner because of Biden's big mouth. It's all such bullshit..

Dick Cheney is a liberal?

Lots of folks have 'evolved' - look at the shift in polling numbers.

But maybe you really are Conservative- and you believe that no one should ever change their minds.

In the mind of the leftist, anal sex between two men is "evolving":slap:
That's just the beginning of the evolutionary process like early life is crawling out of the warm ocean. Now they are evolved to "shrimping". I got to puke just to mention it. It involves a straw after "crawling" out of the ocean.
That question has already been answered. Just because you don't believe the answer, it doesn't mean your opinion matters objectively.

ROFLMNAO... It uses the word "Objectively" even as it demonstrates subjectivity.

Reader what you just witnessed, above... Is Relativism PERSONIFIED!
Lol you try too hard.

This isn't hard to figure out. I know you cons struggle with complex sentences but try and keep up will you? Yes obviously his opinion is subjective you doofus, which is why it doesn't matter if the answer to the question has been objectively answered already.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Marriage is contract law, written by the states and administered by state courts.

Marriage is the joining of two consenting adult partners not related to each other in a committed relationship recognized by the state, same- or opposite-sex.

Consequently, same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts, where to seek to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is un-Constitutional.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Marriage is contract law, ...

Marriage is what Nature designed; the behavioral extension of coitus, wherein One Man Joins with One Woman, forming One Being.

And this without regard to contracts, or the opinion of Leftist Jurists... .

Now if the opinions of Leftist Jurists are irrelevant, where do ya suppose the opinions of mouthy British Socialists fraudulently posing as US Citizens rests?
That question has already been answered. Just because you don't believe the answer, it doesn't mean your opinion matters objectively.

ROFLMNAO... It uses the word "Objectively" even as it demonstrates subjectivity.

Reader what you just witnessed, above... Is Relativism PERSONIFIED!

This isn't hard to figure out.

Yet there ya struggling to understand... .

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

It could not be less complex.
If two men or two women marry- none of that changes.
But it does change. There are no distinct mother of father figures in that so called "family" Girls/boys would not have the affinity to their opposite sex

Do you really not understand that we still have the children whether you let us marry or not? You harm our families by denying civil marriage.

Also, studies show that children do best in two parent households. The gender of the parents don't matter.
Don't call it marriage call it civil union. Don't call your female partner wife or male partner husband of the same sex relationship.

Once you've agreed that civil unions are acceptable you've agreed that same sex marriage is acceptable.
What an imbecile. Don't call it marriage. I have no problem for you faggots entering into binding relationships and I support that. But not changing the definition of marriage, husband/wife.
Given this post, you're in no position to call anyone an 'imbecile.'

Again, what you support is the malevolent dogma of 'separate but equal,' the same dogma used to 'justify' segregation, and just as un-Constitutional.

Otherwise, allowing same-sex couples to access marriage law they're eligible to participate in doesn't 'change the definition of marriage,' that notion is ignorant and ridiculous; indeed, same-sex couples enter into the exact same marriage contact as opposite-sex couples, marriage unchanged, unaltered, and not 'redefined.'

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