SCOTUS divided over SSM

If two men or two women marry- none of that changes.
But it does change. There are no distinct mother of father figures in that so called "family" Girls/boys would not have the affinity to their opposite sex

Do you really not understand that we still have the children whether you let us marry or not? You harm our families by denying civil marriage.

Also, studies show that children do best in two parent households. The gender of the parents don't matter.
Don't call it marriage call it civil union. Don't call your female partner wife or male partner husband of the same sex relationship.

Once you've agreed that civil unions are acceptable you've agreed that same sex marriage is acceptable.

Gilligan, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

While Civil Unions are merely incorporation, which is a legal means for any people to join for any reason, in any number... without regard to anything.
But it does change. There are no distinct mother of father figures in that so called "family" Girls/boys would not have the affinity to their opposite sex

Do you really not understand that we still have the children whether you let us marry or not? You harm our families by denying civil marriage.

Also, studies show that children do best in two parent households. The gender of the parents don't matter.
Don't call it marriage call it civil union. Don't call your female partner wife or male partner husband of the same sex relationship.

Once you've agreed that civil unions are acceptable you've agreed that same sex marriage is acceptable.

Nope, trying to calm a crying child with a lollipop is sometimes necessary so that the adults can get some peace and quite.

If there is no material difference between a civil union and a civil marriage, and you concede that gays should have the right to civil unions that are no different than a civil marriage,

then you have conceded that same sex marriage is acceptable.

All you're bitching about at that point is the use of the word 'marriage'.

I concede that immature buffoons need to be givin sweets so they will STFU.

The difference between a Male/Female couple and a same sex couple is night and day.

Male/Female couplings are required to keep the species going. The other, not so much.
Looks like SCOTUS ruling in favor of SSM isn't the lock the homos led everyone to believe. Roberts nailed it. Kennedy is all over the map, he's obviously conflicted.

Please, drunk Irish hole.

SCOTUS is big people talk. Go back to the children's table and blow little Johnny.

Kennedy has already decided, look at the last decision on Gay marriage. He's just doing his due diligence, appearing impartial.

Gay marriage will be legal in all 50 states by summer.

Fail Homophobes!!!!

My good god, speaking to normal folks like that DOES NOT make you look normal.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
No, it isn't; that is a Deaconate.
I, from the New Testament standpoint I do agree with you on that one. Nowhere else is stipulated in the Bible.

1Tim 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife,

1Tim 3:8Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

Tit 1:5-6 ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: If any be blameless, the husband of one wife,
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
No, it isn't; that is a Diaconate.

Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.--1 Timothy 3:12
What "it" is... Is an immutable fact of nature, stemming from the standard that is the human physiological design.
What it is, is a simple lack of Faith in the execution of our own laws:
The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
No, it isn't; that is a Diaconate.

Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.--1 Timothy 3:12
What "it" is... Is an immutable fact of nature, stemming from the standard that is the human physiological design.
What it is, is a simple lack of Faith in the execution of our own laws:
The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.

They ARE.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Unless the law says differently. Religious notions have no standing. The first amendment protects us from the imposition of religious standards.

Biology dude, biology. Within the couplings of Male/Female is all that the species needs to go on.

Within the couplings of same sex?

Wet spots

That's all folks
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
No, it isn't; that is a Diaconate.

Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.--1 Timothy 3:12
What "it" is... Is an immutable fact of nature, stemming from the standard that is the human physiological design.
What it is, is a simple lack of Faith in the execution of our own laws:
The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.
Yep. And that's why in no State is there a law which prohibits the Sexually deviant from marriage so long as they apply for such with a person of the opposite gender.

Ya see scamp... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Unless the law says differently. Religious notions have no standing. The first amendment protects us from the imposition of religious standards.
Biology dude, biology. Within the couplings of Male/Female is all that the species needs to go on.
The species doesn't need marriage to go on. Also, there are marriages between men and women where due to infirmity or age procreation is impossible. I'm afraid your logic doesn't hold water. Procreation isn't the be all and end all, of marriage.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
No, it isn't; that is a Diaconate.

Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.--1 Timothy 3:12
What "it" is... Is an immutable fact of nature, stemming from the standard that is the human physiological design.
What it is, is a simple lack of Faith in the execution of our own laws:
The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.
Yep. And that's why in no State is there a law which prohibits the Sexually deviant from marriage so long as they apply for such with a person of the opposite gender.

Ya see scamp... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
There is no Appeal to Ignorance of our own laws; not even in the name of morals from the Age of Iron.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
No, it isn't; that is a Diaconate.

Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.--1 Timothy 3:12
What "it" is... Is an immutable fact of nature, stemming from the standard that is the human physiological design.
What it is, is a simple lack of Faith in the execution of our own laws:
The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.
Yep. And that's why in no State is there a law which prohibits the Sexually deviant from marriage so long as they apply for such with a person of the opposite gender.

Ya see scamp... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
There is no Appeal to Ignorance of our own laws; not even in the name of morals from the Age of Iron.


Now isn't that precious?

So you lament ad ignorantum while appealing to popularity...

LOL! You can't make this crap up.
He only sounds conflicted. Each justice must make a compelling case for both sides before they decide. That's how it works.
Again Reader... The key to defeating Leftist in debate requires two key fundamental elements...

1- find a leftist

2- get them to speak.

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