SCOTUS says keep punishing the Rs for cheating

Fucking Republicans not allowing the non-living to vote

No wonder their Party is dying
and these IDIOTS are willing to just deny what our courts say about it.

the party of fucking liars
Supreme Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree - Los Angeles Times

January 14, 2013

just last year.

now why do you refuse these cold hard undeniable facts?

Because it pales in comparison to this: "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too. The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold."

30+ years of cheating in elections?

your fucking insane
Your right wing packed SCOTUS turned your party down flat.

they decided you needed to be punished for cheating
Suppressing voting among minorities has always been a strategy of the RNC and nothing has changed.

You do TDM proud, didn't read it did ya?

dear fucking idiot tell us what you claim it says

Well, sugarplum, it says exactly what you cut and paste..over and over and over again. Since you clearly misunderstand the written word I don't think I can help you out.

About your anger issues, I suggest yoga.
look at the right refusing to incorporate FACTS into their world view.

This happened and no amount of lying on your side makes it untrue

Up to the point of this quote there is 4 posts... 3 are yours and 1 is simply a picture not denying anything.

Too much blind hate TM.

Why do you lie so much?

The Republicans should not have consented to the out of court deal, but argued their position instead. 30 years later it is still biting them on the butt with Democrats casting multiple votes, votes cast by dead people, and voting in two or more States and the National Party can't do a damned thing about it apparently.
Because TM is in love with this guy...

Obama runs massive deficits
Obama spends over 150 billion more than Bush/Reps on wars
Obama starts new wars and expands old wars
Bush had to end the Iraq war on his set timetable despite Obama trying to keep us there
Obama spies on our allies and all US citizens.
Obama got the country downgraded
Obama divided the country
Obama has more people on food stamps than ever before
Obama has historic welfare usage
Obama has historic black un-employment
Obama managed to be a worse public speaker than mother fucking Bush when he's not reading a script someone else wrote for his ignorant ass
Obama expanded homeland security
Obama expanded the patriot act
Obama failed to close Guantanamo
Obama passed the NDA after claiming he would't
Obama assassinated a US citizen, historic!
Obama plays golf, a lot... LOLz
Obama says "ya'll"
Obama lies so much that most the nation no longer trusts him
Obama is losing the youth
Obama lost 1 million voters in 2012 VS 2008, historic! As no time has either party lost voters outside of Perot. Obama is forcing people to buy a product - can't wait to see where that goes in the future! Obama bailed out the rich Obama blew a near 1 trillion dollar stimulus and then laffed about it "I guess these shovel ready jobs went so shovel ready." Obama got the Government shut down only to days later after it re-opened try and the very thing Republicans were asking to be done due to Obamacare failing, a extension to implement Obamacare..
Obama spies on our allies, destroying our reputation as well… being an ally.
Obama spies on hundreds of millions of Americans despite it being unconstitutional, then lies and tries to cover it up after being caught.
When are you Republican assholes going to realize Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck have the same voting rights as you and I ? ............
You do TDM proud, didn't read it did ya?

dear fucking idiot tell us what you claim it says

Well, sugarplum, it says exactly what you cut and paste..over and over and over again. Since you clearly misunderstand the written word I don't think I can help you out.

About your anger issues, I suggest yoga.

To her it says what she thinks it says regardless of what it actually says.

Why do you lie so much?

The Republicans should not have consented to the out of court deal, but argued their position instead. 30 years later it is still biting them on the butt with Democrats casting multiple votes, votes cast by dead people, and voting in two or more States and the National Party can't do a damned thing about it apparently.

I think she geniunely doesn't understand.
is the 13th thread you've created on this?


you have no credibility. you completely ignore democratic voter fraud. you're a worthless hack.

If she didn't have all this RNC stopping the vote shit to post, hell. She wouldn't post anything.
I honestly think Truthsplatters (kudos whoever coined that in here!) has a bit more than a few screws loose. Either that or she's completely incapable of adhering to her meds' schedule.
Explain how you continue to pretend this SCOTUS decision didn't take place?

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