SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

[Q UOTE="TheProgressivePatriot, post: 11807737, member: 54822"]

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There was a reference in there to Saudi Arabia alluding to some hypocrisy on the part of the Administration with regards to gay rights. More proof that this Shapiro kid has no clue and no credibility. Consider this:

Gay Rights and International Relations by Progressive Patriot 5.15.15

I will be the first to say that we are often too forgiving and accepting of the human rights violations of all sorts that are perpetrated by other nations. But I must also say that foreign policy is complicated and to simply say that we should not tolerate any abuses what so ever, and take whatever action we can, without regards to other considerations is naïve and simplistic. In a world where economic partners and strategic allies are needed to survive, we might find ourselves with few friends. In addition, we have to be realistic about how much influence even the United States can effectively apply-regardless of what sacrifices we are willing to make- in countries run by ultra-religious fanatics and heavy handed dictators.

I don’t believe that we can, or should try to hold other countries to our standards by force and coercion when it comes to human rights. To do so is just another form of nation building doomed to failure in countries that do not have a history of democracy, human rights, and the separation of religion from government.

What we could and should be doing is to claim the moral high ground by teaching and leading by example. Unfortunately, we could be doing a much better job of that than we are. True, gay people are not treated nearly as badly or with the brutality of these countries. We don’t kill them and jail them. However, in many cases they continue to be vilified, marginalized and discriminated against. While the overt behavior is not as harsh as in many other places, the underlying attitude is the same and many of those who wish to continue to deny gays full participation in our society would, in fact, do much more harm if allowed to. The attitudes and values that underlie discriminatory policies are not distinct from those that advocate the death penalty for gays. They just occupy a different place on a continuum- a continuum of violence and oppression. All oppression and genocide starts with scapegoating and fear mongering which we see much too much of in this country. That is why Indianan matters and that is why we have to clean up our own act in this country before criticizing others. Know too, that while Indiana may have represented an inconvenience or a humiliation to these people, gays have been suffering in far more significant ways-ways that a measurably and observably harmful for a long time.

And let’s not forget that American fanatics have been responsible for promoting the anti-gay laws and policies in some of those countries. Just because we are the United States of America, it does not mean that we can just say that we are better than others and leave it at that. If we accept complacency, we will never be better. We must actually be better in thought, word and deed. Those who consider themselves patriots should understand that.

Here are some examples dangerous and hateful rhetoric coming out of this county by little know fringe lunatics, prominent politicians, various organizations and others which calls into question our ability to present ourselves as a shining light of equality and human rights or to shame anyone else into reform:

‘Death Penalty For Gays’ Ballot Initiative May Be Allowed To Proceed Under California Law

Hateful Bigot Mike Huckabee Totally Fails At Basic Civics In, Idiotic, Anti-Gay Rant

“I want to say that across the country there are numerous cases, whether it’s the chaplains in the military being told to put their bibles away, no longer pray in Jesus’ name, not to counsel people who are in a homosexual lifestyle, not to counsel them to try to seek assistance for that, but rather to affirm that lifestyle as being normal and appropriate, we’re continually seeing the courts overturn marriage amendments in states, which is very disturbing, because a lot of times, elected officials are capitulating immediately when a court makes a decision.”

Ted Cruz Shows Signs Of Gay Marriage Panic Ahead Of SCOTUS Hearing

It is sometimes hard to discern a Ted Cruz Town Hall gathering from a Christian revival meeting. His audience members often interject encouraging "alleluias" and "amens" when he talks about his policy positions, and they frequently end with a group prayer. The religious extremists who used to flock to Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum are now enthralled by Senator Cruz and his radical opposition to marriage equality. The Texas senator has gone where even those two renown homophobes have dared not venture; Cruz has said if the Supreme Court rules states' marriage bans are unconstitutional, he would lead an effort to pass a law taking away the power of the judicial branch to decide that issue.

James Dobson: Gay Marriage Signals 'The Fall Of Western Civilization'

After warning that a Supreme Court decision striking down bans on same-sex marriage could lead to a civil war, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson took to WorldNetDaily yesterday to warn that “barring a miracle, the family that has existed since antiquity will likely crumble, presaging the fall of Western civilization itself.”

Dobson wrote that the “homosexual activist movement” is bent on “overturning laws prohibiting pedophilia” and turning the U.S. into Sodom and Gomorrah.

End Times Pundit: Gay Marriage Linked To California Drought, Imminent Financial Collapse

After hosting a two-part series with ex-Rep. Michele Bachmann about the approaching Rapture and related natural disasters, Jan Markell spoke last week with "White House correspondent Bill Koenig about America’s collision course with God.”

When co-host Larry Kutzler asked if poor political leadership is a form of God’s judgment, Koenig responded that the election of President Obama was a sign of divine judgment because of his support for LGBT rights, adding that further judgment could come in a financial collapse at the end of 2015.

Barber: 'Revolution Is At Hand' If SCOTUS Legalizes Gay Marriage

"Same-sex marriage and the free exercise of religion, particularly biblical Christianity, cannot coexist in harmony," Barber warned, saying that Christians are already being "forced to call evil good and good evil."

Texas Senate testimony: It’s a ‘hate crime’ to make people not discriminate against gays


Texas church member testified to a state Senate committee on Monday that the government would be guilty of a “hate crime” if he was forced to recognize that LGBT people had an equal right to marriage.

On Monday, the Senate committee on State Affairs heard testimony in favor of Senate Bill 2065, which would allow religious organizations and their employees to refuse to provide services related to same-sex marriages if it violated their “sincerely held” beliefs.
w are gay people marginalized or discriminated against in america? They have representatives everywhere in movies, tv shows like Ellen. I mean come on lol

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Aside from that not being the appears that you, like Shapiro, don't have a clue. I suspect that you just happened upon that video clip and posted it without thinking that you would be called on it. Am I right?

Not at all I expect someone will reply to anyone of my posts :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I suspect that you were looking for a different kind of reply. NOW you have to defend the indefensible[/QUOTE]
Indefensible? Someone's on a crusade :) gay people (whom I don't hate so you can't use that old shtick against me-then again you probably will) have more people in every area of entertainment, and there not like black people in the 50's etc... There's a BIIIIIG difference in not serving a gay couple cause there gay (which is wrong) and not wanting to cater a gay EVENT.
If your logic follows:
Force Muslims to make a muhammad cake. Force Jews to make a Nazi cake. Force blacks to make a Segregation cake. Unless you just want to target Christians :)

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The far unChristian right got stomped on ACA, gays, fair housing, and the flag.

Your days of influence have fled.
[ QUOTE="JakeStarkey, post: 11808234, member: 20412"]The far unChristian right got stomped on ACA, gays, fair housing, and the flag.

Your days of influence have fled.[/QUOTE]
Oh noooooo lol

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Same sex marriage is constitutional.

Those of you who don't like it: sux to be you, huh?
This decision is comparable to Vietnam, were Americans bought LBJ's BS Gulf of Tonkin reasons to involve us into Vietnam. Phony trumped up reasons for a illogical outcome we will regret later...It will inevitably be found that those 2% of Americans, homosexuals, REALY are just victims of a mental/physiological impairment. And not some oppressed class of people. And all this focus on them, will be seen as a further form of political corruption. Remember this post, because it WILL happen.



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[Q UOTE="TheProgressivePatriot, post: 11807737, member: 54822"]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There was a reference in there to Saudi Arabia alluding to some hypocrisy on the part of the Administration with regards to gay rights. More proof that this Shapiro kid has no clue and no credibility. Consider this:

Gay Rights and International Relations by Progressive Patriot 5.15.15

I will be the first to say that we are often too forgiving and accepting of the human rights violations of all sorts that are perpetrated by other nations. But I must also say that foreign policy is complicated and to simply say that we should not tolerate any abuses what so ever, and take whatever action we can, without regards to other considerations is naïve and simplistic. In a world where economic partners and strategic allies are needed to survive, we might find ourselves with few friends. In addition, we have to be realistic about how much influence even the United States can effectively apply-regardless of what sacrifices we are willing to make- in countries run by ultra-religious fanatics and heavy handed dictators.

I don’t believe that we can, or should try to hold other countries to our standards by force and coercion when it comes to human rights. To do so is just another form of nation building doomed to failure in countries that do not have a history of democracy, human rights, and the separation of religion from government.

What we could and should be doing is to claim the moral high ground by teaching and leading by example. Unfortunately, we could be doing a much better job of that than we are. True, gay people are not treated nearly as badly or with the brutality of these countries. We don’t kill them and jail them. However, in many cases they continue to be vilified, marginalized and discriminated against. While the overt behavior is not as harsh as in many other places, the underlying attitude is the same and many of those who wish to continue to deny gays full participation in our society would, in fact, do much more harm if allowed to. The attitudes and values that underlie discriminatory policies are not distinct from those that advocate the death penalty for gays. They just occupy a different place on a continuum- a continuum of violence and oppression. All oppression and genocide starts with scapegoating and fear mongering which we see much too much of in this country. That is why Indianan matters and that is why we have to clean up our own act in this country before criticizing others. Know too, that while Indiana may have represented an inconvenience or a humiliation to these people, gays have been suffering in far more significant ways-ways that a measurably and observably harmful for a long time.

And let’s not forget that American fanatics have been responsible for promoting the anti-gay laws and policies in some of those countries. Just because we are the United States of America, it does not mean that we can just say that we are better than others and leave it at that. If we accept complacency, we will never be better. We must actually be better in thought, word and deed. Those who consider themselves patriots should understand that.

Here are some examples dangerous and hateful rhetoric coming out of this county by little know fringe lunatics, prominent politicians, various organizations and others which calls into question our ability to present ourselves as a shining light of equality and human rights or to shame anyone else into reform:

‘Death Penalty For Gays’ Ballot Initiative May Be Allowed To Proceed Under California Law

Hateful Bigot Mike Huckabee Totally Fails At Basic Civics In, Idiotic, Anti-Gay Rant

“I want to say that across the country there are numerous cases, whether it’s the chaplains in the military being told to put their bibles away, no longer pray in Jesus’ name, not to counsel people who are in a homosexual lifestyle, not to counsel them to try to seek assistance for that, but rather to affirm that lifestyle as being normal and appropriate, we’re continually seeing the courts overturn marriage amendments in states, which is very disturbing, because a lot of times, elected officials are capitulating immediately when a court makes a decision.”

Ted Cruz Shows Signs Of Gay Marriage Panic Ahead Of SCOTUS Hearing

It is sometimes hard to discern a Ted Cruz Town Hall gathering from a Christian revival meeting. His audience members often interject encouraging "alleluias" and "amens" when he talks about his policy positions, and they frequently end with a group prayer. The religious extremists who used to flock to Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum are now enthralled by Senator Cruz and his radical opposition to marriage equality. The Texas senator has gone where even those two renown homophobes have dared not venture; Cruz has said if the Supreme Court rules states' marriage bans are unconstitutional, he would lead an effort to pass a law taking away the power of the judicial branch to decide that issue.

James Dobson: Gay Marriage Signals 'The Fall Of Western Civilization'

After warning that a Supreme Court decision striking down bans on same-sex marriage could lead to a civil war, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson took to WorldNetDaily yesterday to warn that “barring a miracle, the family that has existed since antiquity will likely crumble, presaging the fall of Western civilization itself.”

Dobson wrote that the “homosexual activist movement” is bent on “overturning laws prohibiting pedophilia” and turning the U.S. into Sodom and Gomorrah.

End Times Pundit: Gay Marriage Linked To California Drought, Imminent Financial Collapse

After hosting a two-part series with ex-Rep. Michele Bachmann about the approaching Rapture and related natural disasters, Jan Markell spoke last week with "White House correspondent Bill Koenig about America’s collision course with God.”

When co-host Larry Kutzler asked if poor political leadership is a form of God’s judgment, Koenig responded that the election of President Obama was a sign of divine judgment because of his support for LGBT rights, adding that further judgment could come in a financial collapse at the end of 2015.

Barber: 'Revolution Is At Hand' If SCOTUS Legalizes Gay Marriage

"Same-sex marriage and the free exercise of religion, particularly biblical Christianity, cannot coexist in harmony," Barber warned, saying that Christians are already being "forced to call evil good and good evil."

Texas Senate testimony: It’s a ‘hate crime’ to make people not discriminate against gays


Texas church member testified to a state Senate committee on Monday that the government would be guilty of a “hate crime” if he was forced to recognize that LGBT people had an equal right to marriage.

On Monday, the Senate committee on State Affairs heard testimony in favor of Senate Bill 2065, which would allow religious organizations and their employees to refuse to provide services related to same-sex marriages if it violated their “sincerely held” beliefs.
w are gay people marginalized or discriminated against in america? They have representatives everywhere in movies, tv shows like Ellen. I mean come on lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Aside from that not being the appears that you, like Shapiro, don't have a clue. I suspect that you just happened upon that video clip and posted it without thinking that you would be called on it. Am I right?

Not at all I expect someone will reply to anyone of my posts :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I suspect that you were looking for a different kind of reply. NOW you have to defend the indefensible

Indefensible? Someone's on a crusade :) gay people (whom I don't hate so you can't use that old shtick against me-then again you probably will) have more people in every area of entertainment, and there not like black people in the 50's etc... There's a BIIIIIG difference in not serving a gay couple cause there gay (which is wrong) and not wanting to cater a gay EVENT.
If your logic follows:
Force Muslims to make a muhammad cake. Force Jews to make a Nazi cake. Force blacks to make a Segregation cake. Unless you just want to target Christians :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

Another faux conservative who doesn't even know what law he is upset about.
Marriage Equality is equal to the Vietnam War? Yep, you heard it here. The freaks of the far right believe they are exempt from the law. No, they are not, as they found out in SC this week. That is only the start.
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My take away from this is you can bash religious rights , but don't question queers, because they got BIG mojo NOW.

Well Mary, our take away is that you live in your own fantasy world where Homosexuals have always had equal rights, and were never discriimnated against and unicorns have wings.
Marriage Equality is equal to the Vietnam War? Yep, you heard it here. The freaks of the far right believe they are exempt from the law. No, they are not, as the found out in SC this week. That is only the start.
Yeah, Vietnam. Let me dumb it down for you: we got suckered into something ( The Vietnam war) because of lies. We are being suckered into legalizing gay marriage for lies. It's a corollary, a similar instance of being you need pictures? The dupes that bought the war were just as self righteous and incredulous as you. Then we got into Iraq, same day different morons, Now, a new day dawns we get this Homosexual propaganda stuff. It is all the same thing, people manipulating the facts to suit their SPECIAL agenda. Regardless of the facts. And the truth WILL out.
My take away from this is you can bash religious rights , but don't question queers, because they got BIG mojo NOW.

Well Mary, our take away is that you live in your own fantasy world where Homosexuals have always had equal rights, and were never discriimnated against and unicorns have wings.

Your fantasy world is better? You guys are better than this cheap flame board trolling mockery. I think you are.
Homosexuality is a bargain basement dysphasia. I remember when the AMA promoted smoking as HEALTHY. Gays like outing others, the truth will out them inevitably once this empty passion for promoting this dysfunction ends, and it WILL end, I assure you.
Marriage Equality is equal to the Vietnam War? Yep, you heard it here. The freaks of the far right believe they are exempt from the law. No, they are not, as the found out in SC this week. That is only the start.
Yeah, Vietnam. Let me dumb it down for you: we got suckered into something ( The Vietnam war) because of lies. We are being suckered into legalizing gay marriage for lies..

The only one who appears to be lying here is you Mary.

You are the one who has lied and said gays always had the same rights.

I don't know why you think gay couples having the same right to marriage as my wife and I enjoy is suckering anyone.
Homosexuality is a bargain basement dysphasia. I remember when the AMA promoted smoking as HEALTHY. Gays like outing others, the truth will out them inevitably once this empty passion for promoting this dysfunction ends, and it WILL end, I assure you.

And is that what the voices in your head are telling you Mary?

What I assure you is younger Americans find your bigotry as offensive as bigotry because of race or religion or color.

Your kind of bigotry is a dying breed.

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