Seattle Democrats Cancel Columbus Day. Replace It With "indigenous People's Day"

Injuns were constantly waging wars and stealing land from other injuns. THINK

You mean like the rest of the world?

Exactly like the rest of the world. That's the whole point. Those were brutal times and only an idiot looks at those times and judges based on today's standards.

Speedo said it didn't happen; he said that Columbus and the Injins were totally BFFs.

Just pointing out that that was absolutely NOT the case.
Columbus was a mass murderer, folks.

The native peoples have every right for their holiday, and if Seattle wants to give them Columbus Day, no one of any intelligence really cares.

Oh, another thing. Every day is White History day.

Grow up.

Blah blah blah idiot. That was the 15th Century idiot. Everyone was a mass murderer in those days.

It's Columbus Day moron, left wing nut cities like Seattle are just putting up a temporary show that won't catch on anywhere but other left wing loony bins.

Get a clue.

I profoundly disagree. Columbus day should be a bit more inclusive. Most people believe that.

You can't look at those times through the prism of the 21st Century. Those were brutal times. Even the indigenous people of the Americas were brutal to each other. Employ some perspective.

Present-ism never precludes moral judgment.

Even if I believed that nonsense, you are VERY selective in your moral judgement.

Stop blathering and write something sensible, please.
Did you consider the reply in terms of your post.

Might does not make right.
The white race and Christianity was not a blessing to the overwhelming number of indigenous peoples.
Blah blah blah idiot. That was the 15th Century idiot. Everyone was a mass murderer in those days.

It's Columbus Day moron, left wing nut cities like Seattle are just putting up a temporary show that won't catch on anywhere but other left wing loony bins.

Get a clue.

I profoundly disagree. Columbus day should be a bit more inclusive. Most people believe that.

You can't look at those times through the prism of the 21st Century. Those were brutal times. Even the indigenous people of the Americas were brutal to each other. Employ some perspective.

Present-ism never precludes moral judgment.

Even if I believed that nonsense, you are VERY selective in your moral judgement.

Stop blathering and write something sensible, please.

It not only is sensible, it's true. It isn't my fault if you haven't the intelligence to understand it, or the intellectual honesty to admit it if you did.
PredFan, you are wrong and I am grateful you are not teaching history in our schools.
You have been told clearly and precisely why you are wrong.

That you can't accept your error is not the problem of those who have corrected you.
PredFan, you are wrong and I am grateful you are not teaching history in our schools.

Oh look, a liar and an idiot says I'm wrong! He can't say why, we are all supposed to just accept it. No one believes anything you say idiot.
I believe him. You are an idiot. Its proven Columbus is not only a bumbling fool that thought he landed in India, he was also a pedophile, enslaver, and genocidal maniac with a dog fetish. Your hero.
Injuns were constantly waging wars and stealing land from other injuns. THINK

You mean like the rest of the world?

Exactly like the rest of the world. That's the whole point. Those were brutal times and only an idiot looks at those times and judges based on today's standards.
What a retarded statement. Of course you look back and judge on today's standards. You've supposedly grown and become more civilized. How do you realize that what you did was wrong or attempt to atone for it?
The white race and Christianity was not a blessing to the overwhelming number of indigenous peoples.

Whites have given the world nearly every modern technological invention. The world has been blessed that white males have been so inventive, and so giving.
Europeans were far less savage than natives, and certainly far less savage than Africans, Asians, Arabs, Indians, etc. ...

You are clearly ignorant of history. All human peoples are violent and aggressive. Europeans have a long, bloody history of full and equal participation in this universal human behavior.
DD, grow up. All civilizations have created the modern world, and the white race is no more special than is your race.
You have been told clearly and precisely why you are wrong.

That you can't accept your error is not the problem of those who have corrected you.

So says the liar, the fraud, the one by o one believes about anything. Again we see that you are full if shit. You believe that all you have to do is say something and it is do. Dumbass.

When white man arrived in North America, there were about 5,000,000 native red indians. After 20 years of European occupation, several wars and deliberate hunting and destruction of most of the buffalo herds (the Indian's primary food supply)... this population dropped to only about 250,000 native Indians.

When white Europeans landed in Australia, they killed over 40,000 native black aborigines in a deliberate campaign of genocide and slaughter.

During World War 1, over 21 million people died for no good reason.

During World War 2, over 50 million people died, also for no good reason. Who do you think paid for Hitler's rise to power, and who PAID for the growth of his army?

Given some of these facts, ask yourself: Which RACE of human beings has proven itself to be the most aggressive, violent and harmful compared to other races of people? Which RACE has been involved in more killing and imperial military invasions and occupations of other countries than any other RACE?

any sane person would have to conclude that it was white europeans..

Now tell us about idi amin and robert mugabe and charles taylor. Africa has produced plenty of mass murderers too. Whites have also given us great men like newton and einstein. Blacks have never produced anyone of value. THINK
mindless ignorant racism at it's finest!
PredFan, you are wrong and I am grateful you are not teaching history in our schools.

Oh look, a liar and an idiot says I'm wrong! He can't say why, we are all supposed to just accept it. No one believes anything you say idiot.
I believe him. You are an idiot. Its proven Columbus is not only a bumbling fool that thought he landed in India, he was also a pedophile, enslaver, and genocidal maniac with a dog fetish. Your hero.

Oh look! One idiot agrees with another! Here's a clue moron, one idiot plus one idiot is two idiots who are still wrong.

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