Seattle Mayor Challenges Authority of President Trump

Trouble with that is in the meantime, people in the AZ are suffering. Police Chief Carmen Best is reporting calls to 911 from the 6 block area have tripled since the takeover, with rapes, robberies, assault and battery, been reported repeatedly.

Trump needs to get the troops in there now, and restore law & order, and arrest the criminals, including Dunce Durkan and Insane Inslee.
The fans of anarchy and crime don't give a fuck. They would rather discuss how nice the street fairs are there
and how no one is complaining in the Zone...which apparently is not true at all.

I couldn't agree with you more except to say don't forget the city council who originally told the police to stand down when they still had a chance to stop the savages. They should be in chains too.
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
Any one including me should be able to call in the goose stepping drug induced storm troopers up for a week on their special marching powder. They would rape their women, kill their children, and sodomize the survivors, leveling the place and put a couple in that mayor on the way out of town, Real patriots. It's called justice.
No. DoD personnel will obey lawful orders issued by the CiC. They will not obey UNlawful ones. Ask the ghosts of the Nuremburg Trials about that one.
What are you referring to as "unlawful order" ? This notion was squashed way back in Post # 25. If you read the thread before posting, you won't screw up your posts.
The white lib seattle mayor is going to fold

but not because of pressure from trump

rather she is getting pressure her own black female chief of police to end the occupation
Problem with that is ........ Trump has not even talk to the mayor and the governor. Trump sents these tweets blasting both the mayor and the governor. Both responded back..... go back to your bunker.

Is that sign of a president or a goons?
I went to Seattle news papers to see pictures of the area, no idea how it will end up But sure looks different than how its being portrayed by right wing media.

Fox News published digitally altered and misleading images on its website's homepage Friday that made a demonstration in Seattle, in which a group of largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters have occupied six city blocks, appear violent and dangerous.

The deceitful tactic was called out by The Seattle Times. The local newspaper reported that when it asked Fox News about the images, the network removed them.
Trump has not even talk to the mayor and the governor.
I dont know who trump talked to and neither do you

there is no love lost between trump and far left politicians like the ones running Washington State

the two sides are so far apart on the issues that the choice is simple

if the lib mayor and governor dont want trump messing in their business then they should get off their ass and do something
Problem with that is ........ Trump has not even talk to the mayor and the governor. Trump sents these tweets blasting both the mayor and the governor. Both responded back..... go back to your bunker.

Is that sign of a president or a goons?
He talked to them. He said fix the problem or I will.

And it shouldn't matter if Trump talked to them or not. These 2 stooges are in charge, and they are not doing their jobs. Simple as that.

Fox News published digitally altered and misleading images on its website's homepage Friday that made a demonstration in Seattle, in which a group of largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters have occupied six city blocks, appear violent and dangerous.

The deceitful tactic was called out by The Seattle Times. The local newspaper reported that when it asked Fox News about the images, the network removed them.
If the Seattle Times said the takeover was not violent and dangerous, they are either uninformed, or they lied. The police chief has reported crime has tripled, as has response time.

My guess is not for long.

Try it and the military will be changed forever. It will be a enemy of this country and will have to be purged. The fact is that they are not a threat to anyone. Bloodthirsty thugs like you are the threat to this country.
My guess is not for long.

Try it and the military will be changed forever. It will be a enemy of this country and will have to be purged. The fact is that they are not a threat to anyone. Bloodthirsty thugs like you are the threat to this country.
The fact is that they are not a threat to anyone.
The fact is that lawlessness breeds more insurrection in other big cities run by bedwetting liberals

Americans have a right to law and order
He's lost them. Threats against non violent civilians do not sit well with career military. They do what they do to to protect civilians, not attack them.
There is no threat against non-violent civilians. The takeover of the area now known as autonomous zone IS VIOLENCE, as are the extortions of business owners, to pay for "protection", as are the now racist demands that white occupiers each pay $10 to a black occupier, or person of color. And these are just the abuses we know of.

The civilians living in the autonomous zone, and having businesses there, being extorted, and being deprived of police protection, are the civilians who need to be protected, not the criminal occupiers. Trump needs to send the military in to protect THEM.

As for the opinions of the "military leadership", do you have a source/link on that ? Got their NAMES and RANKS ?..or do you just throw in the phrase "military leadership" and let it go at that ? :link: :link: :link:

It is not violence. Seattle chose to de-escalate the situation. They are handling this very well. We don't need the military. This is not a dictatorship. We don't need jerks like you to stick your nose in it.
My guess is not for long.

Try it and the military will be changed forever. It will be a enemy of this country and will have to be purged. The fact is that they are not a threat to anyone. Bloodthirsty thugs like you are the threat to this country.
The fact is that they are not a threat to anyone.
The fact is that lawlessness breeds more insurrection in other big cities run by bedwetting liberals

Americans have a right to law and order

The fact is that violence begets more violence. There needs to be a insurrection agains6t police violence in this country.
Conservatives support states rights.
Not always >>

US Army troops sent by President Eisenhower to Little Rock Arkansas, under the Insurrection Act, protecting black students in now desegregated high school. (1957) In doing so, Eisenhower overruled Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus' order to keep the school segregated.

View attachment 350189

The Insurrection Act has been amended since then. A President does not have free rein to do anything he wants.
The fact is that violence begets more violence. There needs to be a insurrection agains6t police violence in this country.

the vast majority of police interactions with black people do not end in death

but the anarchist insanity unleashed during the past 3 weeks has claimed 17 deaths and uncounted billions of dollars in damage

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