Seattle Mayor Challenges Authority of President Trump

Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.
Try it and the military will be changed forever. It will be a enemy of this country and will have to be purged. The fact is that they are not a threat to anyone. Bloodthirsty thugs like you are the threat to this country.
The military will not be an enemy of the country because they took action against criminal lunatics seizing property not belonging to them. They will stop the lawlessness, and be heroes, as usual, just as they were (National Guard) in Minneapolis.
The fact is that lawlessness breeds more insurrection in other big cities run by bedwetting liberals

Americans have a right to law and order
It is not violence. Seattle chose to de-escalate the situation. They are handling this very well. We don't need the military. This is not a dictatorship. We don't need jerks like you to stick your nose in it.
BULLSHIT! On video, Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best is reporting calls to 911 from the 6 block area have tripled since the takeover, with rapes, robberies, assault and battery, been reported repeatedly. Also, because of not being able to be in the police precinct building, response times have tripled.

Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
The longer this farce goes on the worse it's going to be for the Mayor because she's the one who signed off on letting it happen in the first place! You think those idiots won't screw things up? They're progressives! They don't have a clue how things work in the real world! Unless someone is taking care of them...providing them with electricity, water and trash removal for free...that entire "zone" is going to be uninhabitable in a matter of weeks! If I were Trump I'd simply state it's Seattle's problem. You broke it! You fix it! Let the rest of the country see what we've got in store for us if we ever let the left wing of the Democratic Party run things!
The fact is that violence begets more violence. There needs to be a insurrection agains6t police violence in this country.
That's the BS line the left is trying to promote. Ho hum. Yawn**** Actually overall, police violence is down.
He's lost them. Threats against non violent civilians do not sit well with career military. They do what they do to to protect civilians, not attack them.
There is no threat against non-violent civilians. The takeover of the area now known as autonomous zone IS VIOLENCE, as are the extortions of business owners, to pay for "protection", as are the now racist demands that white occupiers each pay $10 to a black occupier, or person of color. And these are just the abuses we know of.

The civilians living in the autonomous zone, and having businesses there, being extorted, and being deprived of police protection, are the civilians who need to be protected, not the criminal occupiers. Trump needs to send the military in to protect THEM.

As for the opinions of the "military leadership", do you have a source/link on that ? Got their NAMES and RANKS ?..or do you just throw in the phrase "military leadership" and let it go at that ? :link: :link: :link:
That's all fake news.
Sure it's all fake just like I called the 2016 election 2020 will be the same Trump
FAIL! Here are the only 2 of what you call "the military" mentioned in your article, who voiced opposition to Trump using the military.

1. FORMER defense secretary, Jim Mattis - RETIRED.

2. FORMER Marine Corps four-star general John Allen - RETIRED

As for Sect of Defense Esper, he was called to the White House, and Trump took him to the woodshed. He "abruptly overturned an earlier decision to send a couple hundred active-duty soldiers home from the Washington, D.C., region" (from your link)

Here is who in the military is in opposition to Trump's use of troops > NOBODY. :biggrin:

President Donald Trump’s Pentagon chief shot down his idea of using active-duty troops to quell protests across the United States

Do you have a trouble reading?
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
The longer this farce goes on the worse it's going to be for the Mayor because she's the one who signed off on letting it happen in the first place! You think those idiots won't screw things up? They're progressives! They don't have a clue how things work in the real world! Unless someone is taking care of them...providing them with electricity, water and trash removal for free...that entire "zone" is going to be uninhabitable in a matter of weeks! If I were Trump I'd simply state it's Seattle's problem. You broke it! You fix it! Let the rest of the country see what we've got in store for us if we ever let the left wing of the Democratic Party run things!

Kinda like Wall Street. We have been providing for them for decades now. How about we quit and see how well they do on their own?
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
Sometime, the illusion of a crackdown is enough to diffuse a very dangerous situation like the one in Seattle. But a mayor or governor can't base their whole position on an illusion. You can't just call it a summer of love and wash your hands of all responsibility. This mayor and governor have totally abdicated their responsibilities to protect the people
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
Sometime, the illusion of a crackdown is enough to diffuse a very dangerous situation like the one in Seattle. But a mayor or governor can't base their whole position on an illusion. You can't just call it a summer of love and wash your hands of all responsibility. This mayor and governor have totally abdicated their responsibilities to protect the people

That might be a valid answer if not for the fact that this is how Trump reacts to everything. Even North Korea is noting his inability to follow through with anything.
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
Sometime, the illusion of a crackdown is enough to diffuse a very dangerous situation like the one in Seattle. But a mayor or governor can't base their whole position on an illusion. You can't just call it a summer of love and wash your hands of all responsibility. This mayor and governor have totally abdicated their responsibilities to protect the people

That might be a valid answer if not for the fact that this is how Trump reacts to everything. Even North Korea is noting his inability to follow through with anything.
What would you prefer, starting a nuclear war with NoKo? That would show them.
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
Sometime, the illusion of a crackdown is enough to diffuse a very dangerous situation like the one in Seattle. But a mayor or governor can't base their whole position on an illusion. You can't just call it a summer of love and wash your hands of all responsibility. This mayor and governor have totally abdicated their responsibilities to protect the people

That might be a valid answer if not for the fact that this is how Trump reacts to everything. Even North Korea is noting his inability to follow through with anything.
What would you prefer, starting a nuclear war with NoKo? That would show them.

N. Korea really isn't our problem but that's not the point. Just like with everything Trump said something to them and then failed to follow up. Just like he does with everything.
I answered this already. My answer wasn't acknowledged.
Yes it was. You "answered" in Post # 88. I refuted your pitifully insufficient "answer" link, in Post # 116.

My initial reply was not to you. All the same, I provided proof of what I said.

President Donald Trump’s Pentagon chief shot down his idea of using active-duty troops to quell protests across the United States ....................
President Donald Trump’s Pentagon chief shot down his idea of using active-duty troops to quell protests across the United States

Do you have a trouble reading?
Do YOU have a trouble reading?

Once again >>
As for Sect of Defense Esper, (ie. President Donald Trump’s Pentagon chief ) - he was called to the White House, and Trump took him to the woodshed. He "abruptly overturned an earlier decision to send a couple hundred active-duty soldiers home from the Washington, D.C., region" (from your link)

Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes:
President Donald Trump’s Pentagon chief shot down his idea of using active-duty troops to quell protests across the United States

Do you have a trouble reading?
Do YOU have a trouble reading?

Once again >>
As for Sect of Defense Esper, (ie. President Donald Trump’s Pentagon chief ) - he was called to the White House, and Trump took him to the woodshed. He "abruptly overturned an earlier decision to send a couple hundred active-duty soldiers home from the Washington, D.C., region" (from your link)

Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes:

In the end he has little choice but he told Trump no but Trump listens to no one. That's why so many who are no longer confined by their oath have condemned him.
My initial reply was not to you. All the same, I provided proof of what I said.

President Donald Trump’s Pentagon chief shot down his idea of using active-duty troops to quell protests across the United States ....................
You still don't get it. That "shot down" as you call it, was itself shot down, when Trump and Esper (the Pentagon chief) met in the White House, resulting in Esper eating his words, backpedaling, and the troops remaining where they were. GOT IT NOW ? After the 3rd time I had to explain this to you.

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