Seattle Mayor Challenges Authority of President Trump

Nobody was defending the a$$wipe$ in Seattle... merely stating the existence of Posse Comitatus, and noting Rump's rapidly deteriorating relationship with DoD.
Posse Comitatus is not applicable here and is a red herring. And if you think the military is suddenly going to stop responding to lawful order from the Commander in Chief then you aren't dealing in reality anymore.You have entered your own wishful reality where the things you want to happen are the things that do happen.
No. DoD personnel will obey lawful orders issued by the CiC. They will not obey UNlawful ones. Ask the ghosts of the Nuremburg Trials about that one.
...Bullshit! Who invited President Eisenhower to send troops into Little Rock Arkansas in 1957 to insure civil rights and segregate schools there? How many dimwitted leftists have to repeat this ignorant lie before is sinks in?...
1. go back and read the post again... you missed the last half of the sentence

2. Eisenhower invoked the Insurrection Act at that time to legalize deployment

How many dimwitted Orange Baboon-God Minions have to learn to read an entire sentence and then to comprehend what they've read before they open their mouths? :auiqs.jpg:
No. DoD personnel will obey lawful orders issued by the CiC. They will not obey UNlawful ones. Ask the ghosts of the Nuremburg Trials about that one.
Stop going down rabbit holes No disputes the Army will not follow unlawful orders.
I'm certainly not disputing that.
1. go back and read the post again... you missed the last half of the sentence

2. Eisenhower invoked the Insurrection Act at that time to legalize deployment

How many dimwitted Orange Baboon-God Minions have to learn to read an entire sentence and then to comprehend what they've read before they open their mouths?
Stop with your bullshit! Where did I claim, infer, or state Trump could take troops into Seattle
without any sort of legal justification for his actions whatsoever? How is this even in dispute?

You apparently have to make crap up in order to attack me. You are ridiculous.
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Your post is just full of the same bullshit, omissions, meaningless filler, UNTRUTHS and obfuscations as before. I won't waste my time going through your garbage and lies, except...

Well you remind me of someone I knew in the Navy too! He was a 90 day wonder, and even more full of shit after he made JG. He never learned TRUTH either.

Now go piss off, since you have nothing of relevance or of TRUTH to expound upon. Take the sophistry you peddle and haul that enormous pile of bullshit to the Useless Locke sure showed me (what a fool you are). Come back never when you have something
worthwhile to say.
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1. go back and read the post again... you missed the last half of the sentence

2. Eisenhower invoked the Insurrection Act at that time to legalize deployment

How many dimwitted Orange Baboon-God Minions have to learn to read an entire sentence and then to comprehend what they've read before they open their mouths? :auiqs.jpg:
And Trump can invoke the Insurrection Act right now too. That's exactly what the Autonomous Zone occupier freaks are doing > Insurrection.

Something you Russian trolls should know about OANN!

If the stories broadcast by the Trump-endorsed One America News Network sometimes look like outtakes from a Kremlin trolling operation, there may be a reason. One of the on-air reporters at the 24-hour network is a Russian national on the payroll of the Kremlin’s official propaganda outlet, Sputnik.​
Kristian Brunovich Rouz, originally from the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, has been living in San Diego, where OAN is based, since August 2017, reporting on U.S. politics for the 24-hour news channel. For all of that time, he’s been simultaneously writing for Sputnik, a Kremlin-owned news wire that played a role in Russia’s 2016 election-interference operation, according to an assessment by the U.S. intelligence community.​

Liberals are obsessed with Russia. Ha ha. Too funny. :laugh:
He has NO authority to send troops in. Serve notice? LoL!! Governors and/or mayors must REQUEST military assistance!
Did Eisenhower refuse to send troops into Little Rock because the governor and mayor did not want him to? are so stupid and so clearly out of touch with history and precedent. :fu:
You are a font of never ending ignorance! Your mother and father did a shameful job of raising
a thinking human being.
20 times the Insurrection Act was invoked in the last 200 years. 6 times without being invited in. 4 of those were because the Governors refused to comply with Federal Law.

This is not one of those cases.
1. go back and read the post again... you missed the last half of the sentence

2. Eisenhower invoked the Insurrection Act at that time to legalize deployment

How many dimwitted Orange Baboon-God Minions have to learn to read an entire sentence and then to comprehend what they've read before they open their mouths?
Stop with your bullshit! Where did I claim, infer, or state Trump could take troops into Seattle without any sort of legal justification for his actions whatsoever? How is this even in dispute? You apparently have to make crap up in order to attack me. You are ridiculous.
You emphatically asked "Who invited Eisenhower..." - emphasizing the first half of the sentence and ignoring the second half (Insurrection Act).

You have no one to blame but yourself for your inattention or failed attempt at emphasizing the least-likely scenario for deploying Regulars rather than the most likely.

And all the Teenage Angst and faux indignation on the face of the planet cannot save you from your failure in this sequence; that is simply not my cross to bear.
...And Trump can invoke the Insurrection Act right now too. That's exactly what the Autonomous Zone occupier freaks are doing > Insurrection...
Yep. But if your Orange Baboon-God didn't invoke it two weeks ago when the situation was worse, he's not going to invoke it now, either.

Your boy is all talk... an Empty Suit... they don't call him Cadet Bone Spurs for nothing... :p
Trump needs to serve notice before he sends the troops in. Then the mayor and governor need to make a decision.

100% correct.

Trump should not do anything without a specific request from Washington State.

It’s their problem.
And then insist that the request only come through the governor and that it go through all the proper bureaucratic channels before even being considered. Heck, even have Congress take a vote on it. Heaven knows they're ticked off every time he does something without them. Maybe in 5 or 6 months something will be done, after Seattle is reduced to ashes.
You emphatically asked "Who invited Eisenhower..." - emphasizing the first half of the sentence and ignoring the second half (Insurrection Act).

You have no one to blame but yourself for your inattention or failed attempt at emphasizing the least-likely scenario for deploying Regulars rather than the most likely.

And all the Teenage Angst and faux indignation on the face of the planet cannot save you from your failure in this sequence; that is simply not my cross to bear.
I feel for you trying to gin up some sort of argument with your weak shit. You must really, really need attention from me.
Get a cat to talk to. Your posts are fucking worthless.
FAIL! Here are the only 2 of what you call "the military" mentioned in your article, who voiced opposition to Trump using the military.

1. FORMER defense secretary, Jim Mattis - RETIRED.

2. FORMER Marine Corps four-star general John Allen - RETIRED

As for Sect of Defense Esper, he was called to the White House, and Trump took him to the woodshed. He "abruptly overturned an earlier decision to send a couple hundred active-duty soldiers home from the Washington, D.C., region" (from your link)

Here is who in the military is in opposition to Trump's use of troops > NOBODY. :biggrin:
I'm betting they won't go, with the way the military leadership has been reacting to his threats.
Trump commands the military leadership. They don't command him.
He's lost them. Threats against non violent civilians do not sit well with career military. They do what they do to to protect civilians, not attack them.

These are NOT non violent citizens. Oh, I have a question though. Why do you lie?
They are not violent.

I do not lie.

Your "media" sources are though.
So they are peacefully deface the city and if peaceful why the blockades?
All that needs to be done with this is you don't use rubber bullets or tear gas. If someone is looting you put a 165 grain spear point right in their head. Problem solved. If these idiots want to protest on freeways you use maze on them not tear gas you put a canister on a stick and stick it right in their face and let them rip open their eyes every morning for a month. If there is a next time they won't even show up. We have seen every way that don't work so lets try a couple that will work. Killing 10 looters would have saved 20 innocent people.Matter of fact kill em all. Their dirt could be used to grow crops.
That can't be True.... There is a 7 block enclave of extremely violent insurrectionists in Seattle and the Military Brass has gone pussy....

On the other hand I say let Seattle handle it....they're full of shit on that one... They will eventually beg for the

Trouble with that is in the meantime, people in the AZ are suffering. Police Chief Carmen Best is reporting calls to 911 from the 6 block area have tripled since the takeover, with rapes, robberies, assault and battery, been reported repeatedly.

Trump needs to get the troops in there now, and restore law & order, and arrest the criminals, including Dunce Durkan and Insane Inslee.
All that needs to be done with this is you don't use rubber bullets or tear gas. If someone is looting you put a 165 grain spear point right in their head. Problem solved. If these idiots want to protest on freeways you use maze on them not tear gas you put a canister on a stick and stick it right in their face and let them rip open their eyes every morning for a month. If there is a next time they won't even show up. We have seen every way that don't work so lets try a couple that will work. Killing 10 looters would have saved 20 innocent people.Matter of fact kill em all. Their dirt could be used to grow crops.
Sounds reasonable. Thanks Bob.
Yep. But if your Orange Baboon-God didn't invoke it two weeks ago when the situation was worse, he's not going to invoke it now, either.

Your boy is all talk... an Empty Suit... they don't call him Cadet Bone Spurs for nothing.
Well, he did say he would give the worthless governor and mayor a chance to fix things themselves.

You know if Trump rushed in with the army you butt hurt crybabies would call him a fascist. like people already have.

If he waits and shows a sense of moderation then he's "all talk".

So basically the a-holes will find fault no matter what he does. So rub some Vaseline on that diaper rash
and try to relax. Whatever happens you'll bitch about it.

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