Seattle Mayor Challenges Authority of President Trump

Lock them up is a popular refrain among you Trumpians! Does justice and due process ever niter the question?

How can you Square the actual law prohibiting the use of the armed forces as law enforcement with justice?

And if federal control of local matters can be justified in this instance, why is it so difficult for you to accept federal control in matters like; fair housing, environmental justice, equal opportunities for decent, safe and sanitary housing, food assistance, educational opportunities and law enforcement that protects and serves rather than brutalizes minorities?
What in the world is all this jibberish about "law prohibiting the use of the armed forces as law enforcement with justice" ? Have any of you people ever gone to school ? Or did your libby teachers fail to educate you about the use of federal troops by President Eisenhower in 1957. Ever hear of the Insurrection Act ? More distortions coming out of our illustrious MISeducation system.

And in educational opportunities aka Affirmative Action, minorities are not brutalized. They are the BENEFICIARIES. It is the white victims who are brutalized, dummy.

Yes, LOCK THEM UP comes right after adjuduction of justice and due process , in this case, obstruction of justice, by removing the police department from its building, and the entire "autonomous zone" allowing mass extortion et al crimes. All illegal acts, by a criminal nutcase mayor, ans with the support of the governor.
Posse Commitatu
Lock them up is a popular refrain among you Trumpians! Does justice and due process ever niter the question?

How can you Square the actual law prohibiting the use of the armed forces as law enforcement with justice?

And if federal control of local matters can be justified in this instance, why is it so difficult for you to accept federal control in matters like; fair housing, environmental justice, equal opportunities for decent, safe and sanitary housing, food assistance, educational opportunities and law enforcement that protects and serves rather than brutalizes minorities?
What in the world is all this jibberish about "law prohibiting the use of the armed forces as law enforcement with justice" ? Have any of you people ever gone to school ? Or did your libby teachers fail to educate you about the use of federal troops by President Eisenhower in 1957. Ever hear of the Insurrection Act ? More distortions coming out of our illustrious MISeducation system.

And in educational opportunities aka Affirmative Action, minorities are not brutalized. They are the BENEFICIARIES. It is the white victims who are brutalized, dummy.

Yes, LOCK THEM UP comes right after adjuduction of justice and due process , in this case, obstruction of justice, by removing the police department from its building, and the entire "autonomous zone" allowing mass extortion et al crimes. All illegal acts, by a criminal nutcase mayor, ans with the support of the governor.
Posse Comitatus.

Why are urban schools and schools in poor rural communities crumbling? Are the minority students there "advantaged" by Affirmative Action?

Eisenhower sent in the 101st to enforce federal law. You want Trump to send in the armed forces to enforce LOCAL law!
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
By the words of your Prog leaders, all of the protesters/rioters should have been arrested for the corona virus edicts. Which proved they are of the Prog Socialist Agendas first and the citizens second.
Need a delivery of cholera tainted water to CHAZ. Also, the food delivered to these idiots needs to have lots of castor oil in it to induce outbreak of Hershey squirts.
Why are the protesters protesting?
Eisenhower sent in the 101st to enforce federal law. You want Trump to send in the armed forces to enforce LOCAL law!
Sorry you don't seem sharp enough to realize all the federal civil rights issues raised by some clown
declaring part of Seattle under HIS own personal dictatorship now.

I'll bet even you could think of one or two if you stopped and thought about it for a minute.
Hey dummy, read and try to understand Article 90 of the UCMJ!
Hey moron! Try to understand history and what happened when Eisenhower used US troops in Arkansas
to desegregate schools when state officials refused to comply with the law.

I already had this argument days ago with another fool! Trump would be well within his authority to restore order when Jay Inslee refuses to act and protect the civil rights of citizens in Seattle.

It may be more wise, however, to use William Barr to sue the state to clean up the mess they have allowed
to exist. Smack Inslee in the face.
Hey moron! Try to understand history and what happened when Eisenhower used US troops in Arkansas
to desegregate schools when state officials refused to comply with the law.
You be the Moron, sweetheart! Like the IDIOT I posted that to initially, you failed due diligence by not paying attention to the actual subject I was speaking to. Sort of like a coincidental premature overload of your mouth and colon joining in a Great Big Shit!

THAT TOPIC was the point that any military person subject to the UCMJ sent into the Capitol Hill area doing economic or bodily harm to any person or any other unlawful act under Federal or State law would be subject to Article 90 of the UCMJ! An unlawful order should never be obeyed by a subordinate, as anyone who has taken that Oath knows!

If you're old enough to remember, think about the very nasty incident in My Lai, Vietnam, or look it up if you're just a smart ass know nothing kid!!
True... right up to the moment when he gives an Illegal or Unconstitutional Order... at which point, disobedience to the CIC is a legal imperative.
We've sunk to an all time low in public discourse when someone who takes public and private land for his
own purposes is defended and the president is said to be acting against the constitution when theoretically he acts to reclaim that land and restore rights. Shameful ignorance.
How can you call for smaller federal government and a return of control to localities then advocate Trump's authority on this local matter?
By doing it selectively, depending on the particular issue. Trump is right. When the local authorities (batshit crazy Democrats) refuse to enforce the law, and let criminals run amok, the federal govt must step in to restore law and order. Simple as that.

That restoration should include lots of arrests of occupiers of the 6 square blocks + the nutjob mayor, and equally nuts governor. LOCK THEM UP.
Lock them up is a popular refrain among you Trumpians! Does justice and due process ever niter the question?

How can you Square the actual law prohibiting the use of the armed forces as law enforcement with justice?

And if federal control of local matters can be justified in this instance, why is it so difficult for you to accept federal control in matters like; fair housing, environmental justice, equal opportunities for decent, safe and sanitary housing, food assistance, educational opportunities and law enforcement that protects and serves rather than brutalizes minorities?
How about you assholes answer first the question of why fucking idiots like her don't live up to the oath they swore upon entering ANY public office in this nation to uphold the constitution, shitforbrains?
True... right up to the moment when he gives an Illegal or Unconstitutional Order... at which point, disobedience to the CIC is a legal imperative.
We've sunk to an all time low in public discourse when someone who takes public and private land for his
own purposes is defended and the president is said to be acting against the constitution when theoretically he acts to reclaim that land and restore rights. Shameful ignorance.

Kinda like what happened with Bundy?
You be the Moron, sweetheart! Like the IDIOT I posted that to initially, you failed due diligence by not paying attention to the actual subject I was speaking to. Sort of like a coincidental premature overload of your mouth and colon joining in a Great Big Shit!

THAT TOPIC was the point that any military person subject to the UCMJ sent into the Capitol Hill area doing economic or bodily harm to any person or any other unlawful act under Federal or State law would be subject to Article 90 of the UCMJ! An unlawful order should never be obeyed by a subordinate, as anyone who has taken that Oath knows!

If you're old enough to remember, think about the very nasty incident in My Lai, Vietnam, or look it up if you're just a smart ass know nothing kid!!
Your comments are needlessly cude and contentious especially considering how idiotic they are.
Why are the nastiest most combative comments always made by the stupidest people? Overcompensation
it seems to me.

The linchpin of your so called argument is that by reclaiming US property and restoring civil rights to all the citizens suddenly made underlings to a not very bright "war lord" Donald Trump would be committing
an illegal act and that's not apparent at all.

Just the opposite is true. Could you imagine a boat of Somali-type pirates landing on one of the nearby
San Juan Islands and declaring it an "autonomous zone" under their control?

Who could possibly claim Trump would have no authority to take that island back?
Who would be so stupid? It sounds like you would be.
Kinda like what happened with Bundy?
The point is the Bundy situation was nothing like CHAZ take over we have in Seattle in
many ways.

And if you want to cite and connect the two events you have to acknowledge how law enforcement
in Oregon went in and used force to evict Bundy from that grazing land he claimed a right to.
And the by extension you would have to admit President Trump has that same option to remove
CHAZ occupiers with force of this own provided by our military.

He has every legal right to do so, the weak protests of leftist know nothings notwithstanding.
True... right up to the moment when he gives an Illegal or Unconstitutional Order... at which point, disobedience to the CIC is a legal imperative.
We've sunk to an all time low in public discourse when someone who takes public and private land for his
own purposes is defended and the president is said to be acting against the constitution when theoretically he acts to reclaim that land and restore rights. Shameful ignorance.
Nobody was defending the a$$wipe$ in Seattle... merely stating the existence of Posse Comitatus, and noting Rump's rapidly deteriorating relationship with DoD.
Kinda like what happened with Bundy?
The point is the Bundy situation was nothing like CHAZ take over we have in Seattle in
many ways.

And if you want to cite and connect the two events you have to acknowledge how law enforcement
in Oregon went in and used force to evict Bundy from that grazing land he claimed a right to.
And the by extension you would have to admit President Trump has that same option to remove
CHAZ occupiers with force of this own provided by our military.

He has every legal right to do so, the weak protests of leftist know nothings notwithstanding.

I thought that with Bundy it was a civil matter. With that being the case I believed the government way over reacted and was pleased Bundy got out of the charges.

Which is the way I feel about many actions committed by the government. (like arresting someone for selling loose cigarettes.)
Eisenhower sent in the 101st to enforce federal law. You want Trump to send in the armed forces to enforce LOCAL law!
Sorry you don't seem sharp enough to realize all the federal civil rights issues raised by some clown
declaring part of Seattle under HIS own personal dictatorship now.

I'll bet even you could think of one or two if you stopped and thought about it for a minute.
I'm thinking of the PUSH movement in Philadelphia and how Frank Rizzo reacted. I'm thinking of the Branch Dafidians in Waco and how that turned out.
Who is the dictator in Seattle? Is there an individual calling the shots at CHAZ?

Why are people protesting? Police brutality. What is the Trumpian answer? More police brutality.

It's a matter of Right Wing hubris. How did hubris serve the Greeks?
Nobody was defending the a$$wipe$ in Seattle... merely stating the existence of Posse Comitatus, and noting Rump's rapidly deteriorating relationship with DoD.
Posse Comitatus is not applicable here and is a red herring. And if you think the military is suddenly going to stop responding to lawful order from the Commander in Chief then you aren't dealing in reality anymore.
You have entered your own wishful reality where the things you want to happen are the things that do happen.
How can you call for smaller federal government and a return of control to localities then advocate Trump's authority on this local matter?
By doing it selectively, depending on the particular issue. Trump is right. When the local authorities (batshit crazy Democrats) refuse to enforce the law, and let criminals run amok, the federal govt must step in to restore law and order. Simple as that.

That restoration should include lots of arrests of occupiers of the 6 square blocks + the nutjob mayor, and equally nuts governor. LOCK THEM UP.
Lock them up is a popular refrain among you Trumpians! Does justice and due process ever niter the question?

How can you Square the actual law prohibiting the use of the armed forces as law enforcement with justice?

And if federal control of local matters can be justified in this instance, why is it so difficult for you to accept federal control in matters like; fair housing, environmental justice, equal opportunities for decent, safe and sanitary housing, food assistance, educational opportunities and law enforcement that protects and serves rather than brutalizes minorities?
How about you assholes answer first the question of why fucking idiots like her don't live up to the oath they swore upon entering ANY public office in this nation to uphold the constitution, shitforbrains?
You're not articulate enough to merit a response. If profanity is your means of communication, I suggest you grow up before you engage with the wider, mature society.
I'm thinking of the PUSH movement in Philadelphia and how Frank Rizzo reacted. I'm thinking of the Branch Dafidians in Waco and how that turned out.
I would be the first to agree that if someone went in and set fire to occupants of CHAZ, like Rizzo and Janet Reno did in Philly and Waco everyone would be horrified.
Who is saying otherwise?

Who is the dictator in Seattle? Is there an individual calling the shots at CHAZ?
"War Lord Raz" claims he is the man in charge.

Why are people protesting? Police brutality. What is the Trumpian answer? More police brutality.
And how do propose getting Raz and his people to abandon the property they have taken over?
The police "brutality" will be proportional to the resistance put up by people who have crapped all over
all known law and rational behavior.

It's a matter of Right Wing hubris. How did hubris serve the Greeks?
It's a matter of left wing lawlessness and idiocy.
He has NO authority to send troops in. Serve notice? LoL!! Governors and/or mayors must REQUEST military assistance!
Did Eisenhower refuse to send troops into Little Rock because the governor and mayor did not want him to? are so stupid and so clearly out of touch with history and precedent. :fu:
You are a font of never ending ignorance! Your mother and father did a shameful job of raising
a thinking human being.

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