Seattle Mayor Challenges Authority of President Trump

How can you call for smaller federal government and a return of control to localities then advocate Trump's authority on this local matter?
By doing it selectively, depending on the particular issue. Trump is right. When the local authorities (batshit crazy Democrats) refuse to enforce the law, and let criminals run amok, the federal govt must step in to restore law and order. Simple as that.

That restoration should include lots of arrests of occupiers of the 6 square blocks + the nutjob mayor, and equally nuts governor. LOCK THEM UP.
Lock them up is a popular refrain among you Trumpians! Does justice and due process ever niter the question?

How can you Square the actual law prohibiting the use of the armed forces as law enforcement with justice?

And if federal control of local matters can be justified in this instance, why is it so difficult for you to accept federal control in matters like; fair housing, environmental justice, equal opportunities for decent, safe and sanitary housing, food assistance, educational opportunities and law enforcement that protects and serves rather than brutalizes minorities?

Nosmo freaking OWNS this thread!
...He has every legal right to do so, the weak protests of leftist know nothings notwithstanding.
Only at the invitation of the Washington State governor, or if he actually invokes the Insurrection Act.
Bullshit! Who invited President Eisenhower to send troops into Little Rock Arkansas in 1957 to insure civil rights and segregate schools there? How many dimwitted leftists have to repeat this ignorant lie before
is sinks in?

All the people in the middle of the CHAZ are being denied their civil rights! Everyone of them whether they
agree with WarLord Raz or not.
Plus the illegal appropriation of US territory is something that cannot stand whether moron Jay Inslee likes it or not.
He doesn't have the authority to just give United States land away. Period!

What makes you people so fucking stupid?
You almost gotta laugh at hypocrite lefties these days if they weren't so disturbed. They are tearing down statues of people who challenged the authority of president Lincoln.
Nobody was defending the a$$wipe$ in Seattle... merely stating the existence of Posse Comitatus, and noting Rump's rapidly deteriorating relationship with DoD.
Posse Comitatus is not applicable here and is a red herring. And if you think the military is suddenly going to stop responding to lawful order from the Commander in Chief then you aren't dealing in reality anymore.
You have entered your own wishful reality where the things you want to happen are the things that do happen.

The military has already told Trump "no".
Something you Russian trolls should know about OANN!

If the stories broadcast by the Trump-endorsed One America News Network sometimes look like outtakes from a Kremlin trolling operation, there may be a reason. One of the on-air reporters at the 24-hour network is a Russian national on the payroll of the Kremlin’s official propaganda outlet, Sputnik.​
Kristian Brunovich Rouz, originally from the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, has been living in San Diego, where OAN is based, since August 2017, reporting on U.S. politics for the 24-hour news channel. For all of that time, he’s been simultaneously writing for Sputnik, a Kremlin-owned news wire that played a role in Russia’s 2016 election-interference operation, according to an assessment by the U.S. intelligence community.​

I'm thinking of the PUSH movement in Philadelphia and how Frank Rizzo reacted. I'm thinking of the Branch Dafidians in Waco and how that turned out.
I would be the first to agree that if someone went in and set fire to occupants of CHAZ, like Rizzo and Janet Reno did in Philly and Waco everyone would be horrified.
Who is saying otherwise?

Who is the dictator in Seattle? Is there an individual calling the shots at CHAZ?
"War Lord Raz" claims he is the man in charge.

Why are people protesting? Police brutality. What is the Trumpian answer? More police brutality.
And how do propose getting Raz and his people to abandon the property they have taken over?
The police "brutality" will be proportional to the resistance put up by people who have crapped all over
all known law and rational behavior.

It's a matter of Right Wing hubris. How did hubris serve the Greeks?
It's a matter of left wing lawlessness and idiocy.
You seem to think there is an individual in charge at Capitol Hill in Seattle. The Seattle police chief doesn't think there is an individual in charge there. I wonder, of the two of you, who has the most reliable information?

Are the choices of rectifying the Seattle situation binary? Let the occupation continue or Frank Rizzo helicopter bombings?
I'm betting they won't go, with the way the military leadership has been reacting to his threats.
Trump commands the military leadership. They don't command him.
He's lost them. Threats against non violent civilians do not sit well with career military. They do what they do to to protect civilians, not attack them.
That can't be True.... There is a 7 block enclave of extremely violent insurrectionists in Seattle and the Military Brass has gone pussy....

On the other hand I say let Seattle handle it....they're full of shit on that one... They will eventually beg for the

You be the Moron, sweetheart! Like the IDIOT I posted that to initially, you failed due diligence by not paying attention to the actual subject I was speaking to. Sort of like a coincidental premature overload of your mouth and colon joining in a Great Big Shit!

THAT TOPIC was the point that any military person subject to the UCMJ sent into the Capitol Hill area doing economic or bodily harm to any person or any other unlawful act under Federal or State law would be subject to Article 90 of the UCMJ! An unlawful order should never be obeyed by a subordinate, as anyone who has taken that Oath knows!

If you're old enough to remember, think about the very nasty incident in My Lai, Vietnam, or look it up if you're just a smart ass know nothing kid!!
Your comments are needlessly cude and contentious especially considering how idiotic they are.
Why are the nastiest most combative comments always made by the stupidest people? Overcompensation
it seems to me.

The linchpin of your so called argument is that by reclaiming US property and restoring civil rights to all the citizens suddenly made underlings to a not very bright "war lord" Donald Trump would be committing
an illegal act and that's not apparent at all.

Just the opposite is true. Could you imagine a boat of Somali-type pirates landing on one of the nearby
San Juan Islands and declaring it an "autonomous zone" under their control?

Who could possibly claim Trump would have no authority to take that island back?
Who would be so stupid? It sounds like you would be.
Your comments are needlessly cude and contentious especially considering how idiotic they are.
Why are the nastiest most combative comments always made by the stupidest people? Overcompensation
it seems to me.
And what were your very first words to me? Let me remind you.
Hey moron! Try to understand history and what happened when Eisenhower used US troops in Arkansas
to desegregate schools when state officials refused to comply with the law.
Not only were you crude and vulgar right from your very first words, but you were totally off topic to the point I had made to another, piggybacking so you could interject your own venom, you fucking ass wipe! (<-- your deserved fruits)

Don't care for my descriptions of you...then the fix would be to Shut The Fuck up and cease being such a Pompous Ass!
The linchpin of your so called argument is that by reclaiming US property and restoring civil rights to all the citizens suddenly made underlings to a not very bright "war lord" Donald Trump would be committing an illegal act and that's not apparent at all.
That is a total false and misleading reconstruction of what I posted. You're shading the truth with black paint in the bucket, fool! Try rereading what I actually wrote:
THAT TOPIC was the point that any military person subject to the UCMJ sent into the Capitol Hill area doing economic or bodily harm to any person or any other unlawful act under Federal or State law would be subject to Article 90 of the UCMJ! An unlawful order should never be obeyed by a subordinate, as anyone who has taken that Oath knows!
Does your dumb ass see a word about the Orange Clown, or does it speak to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 90? You were either confused when you tried to interpret American English or you lied through your fucking teeth!
Just the opposite is true. Could you imagine a boat of Somali-type pirates landing on one of the nearby
San Juan Islands and declaring it an "autonomous zone" under their control?

Who could possibly claim Trump would have no authority to take that island back?
Who would be so stupid? It sounds like you would be.
Your last pile of shit is this bit of sophistry which is so far off tropic and relevance that it's still traveling out beyond the limits of our galaxy. Somali are not US citizens and they are sure as Hell not going to transit the Indian and Pacific Oceans to occupy one of the US Islands on the Inside Passage.

Boi, you sure got your head up Trump's ass given you just have to inject him into your posts when he was not a subject, even remotely, in my post.

BTW, it's time for you to piss off now unless you get your dumb ass up to speed and get on topic!
I'm betting they won't go, with the way the military leadership has been reacting to his threats.
Trump commands the military leadership. They don't command him.
He's lost them. Threats against non violent civilians do not sit well with career military. They do what they do to to protect civilians, not attack them.
That can't be True.... There is a 7 block enclave of extremely violent insurrectionists in Seattle and the Military Brass has gone pussy....

On the other hand I say let Seattle handle it....they're full of shit on that one... They will eventually beg for the

They have already asked for ice and clothes and cell phones and stuff.


I'm betting they won't go, with the way the military leadership has been reacting to his threats.
Trump commands the military leadership. They don't command him.
He's lost them. Threats against non violent civilians do not sit well with career military. They do what they do to to protect civilians, not attack them.
That can't be True.... There is a 7 block enclave of extremely violent insurrectionists in Seattle and the Military Brass has gone pussy....

On the other hand I say let Seattle handle it....they're full of shit on that one... They will eventually beg for the

They have already asked for ice and clothes and cell phones and stuff.

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Frankly I have changed my mind about this....there is no need to do anything but wait. Let them have their cancer.

You seem to think there is an individual in charge at Capitol Hill in Seattle. The Seattle police chief doesn't think there is an individual in charge there. I wonder, of the two of you, who has the most reliable information?
A man named War Lord Raz stepped forward and called himself the leader of the Capital Hill
Autonomous Zone. I haven't seen anyone contradict or dispute that claim and I don't know why the matter is so important to you.
I hope you get that worked out.
Are the choices of rectifying the Seattle situation binary? Let the occupation continue or Frank Rizzo helicopter bombings?
I never said there are only two choices here so, again, I don't know why you insist I think so.
I think the military option is the least likely though it's a perfectly viable option.

I already see signs of internal collapse (autonomy is hard) and I think the steam in the George Floyd movement (remember him) itself is slowing down.
Soon enough the famous Seattle weather will kick in and all the street games and fun fairs will pack it in.

If I was Trump I would be turning up the heat on the governor and mayor through sanctions and civil rights legal actions while waiting for the whole house of cards to collapse.

Inslee's term in office ends in January 2021 so the most effective way to kill several birds at once is to
pour money into a candidate and let Inslee explain the CHAZ debacle and that evil witch mayor too .

There are many ways this could go however the most efficient and sure way is to send about 200-300 troops in and gain an nearly instantaneous victory and the bitching and wailing of babies notwithstanding,
the problem is over and the people of Capital Hill could have their lives back.
And what were your very first words to me? Let me remind you.
Oh. Is it not alright to post this way? I thought after reading your post (#53) this is how you like things to go.
Crude, vulgar, insulting, personalized, etc.

Yes, I understood your point about personnel refusing unlawful orders. How does one get away from the person issuing unlawful orders in making a point about the unlawful orders, which are by the way well within
the president's purview as proved by about a half dozen posts about Eisenhower sending troops into
Arkansas in '57?
I guess you were so busy being crude, angry and vulgar that slipped your mind.
How wrong are you? Very very wrong.
Your last pile of shit is this bit of sophistry which is so far off tropic and relevance that it's still traveling out beyond the limits of our galaxy. Somali are not US citizens and they are sure as Hell not going to transit the Indian and Pacific Oceans to occupy one of the US Islands on the Inside Passage.

Boi, you sure got your head up Trump's ass given you just have to inject him into your posts when he was not a subject, even remotely, in my post.
Yes.... :fu: I said Somali like pirates. Not actual Somali pirates per se. :rolleyes:
That's what I get for giving you credit
for a bare modicum of intelligence. I was trying to get you to see how stupid it is to accept the premise of
an "autonomous zone" in the middle of Seattle in the first place but I suppose it was too much for you
to handle and like all stupid people you take a simple analogy and fuck it all up by interpreting it in
a pointlessly literal manner.
That's my fault, I guess. I should have known better given who I am dealing with.

And if you don't think Trump is a subject of your post, whether you specifically brought him up or not (though you did by bringing up soldiers reacting to his orders) then you must be even dumber than I
thought which isn't even possible. I'm sure, and you've demonstrated it, you are very, very, very stupid!
My bad. You remind me of people I knew in the Navy...not smart, good at doing what they've been told to do, as crude as a dog turd on the bottom of your shoe.
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You seem to think there is an individual in charge at Capitol Hill in Seattle. The Seattle police chief doesn't think there is an individual in charge there. I wonder, of the two of you, who has the most reliable information?
A man named War Lord Raz stepped forward and called himself the leader of the Capital Hill
Autonomous Zone. I haven't seen anyone contradict or dispute that claim and I don't know why the matter is so important to you.
I hope you get that worked out.
Are the choices of rectifying the Seattle situation binary? Let the occupation continue or Frank Rizzo helicopter bombings?
I never said there are only two choices here so, again, I don't know why you insist I think so.
I think the military option is the least likely though it's a perfectly viable option.

I already see signs of internal collapse (autonomy is hard) and I think the steam in the George Floyd movement (remember him) itself is slowing down.
Soon enough the famous Seattle weather will kick in and all the street games and fun fairs will pack it in.

If I was Trump I would be turning up the heat on the governor and mayor through sanctions and civil rights legal actions while waiting for the whole house of cards to collapse.

Inslee's term in office ends in January 2021 so the most effective way to kill several birds at once is to
pour money into a candidate and let Inslee explain the CHAZ debacle and that evil witch mayor too .

There are many ways this could go however the most efficient and sure way is to send about 200-300 troops in and gain an nearly instantaneous victory and the bitching and wailing of babies notwithstanding,
the problem is over and the people of Capital Hill could have their lives back.

Trump should leave Chaz alone...
it has become a festering boil on the face of liberalism. The area will become
Poorly maintained and filled with disease sickness and want. The internal tensions will become unbearable that there will be competition among the the alpha personalities. This is inevitable. You couldn't ask for a better demonstration of the failure of left-wing ideologies then simply to sit back and watch them starve. At the moment I have not heard that they are detaining people so anyone who wants to leave is able to do so. The perfect irony in all of this is that they're mostly White and whether or not people here on this board want to believe it they are composed of the Shadowy Soros funded ANTFA thugs who are becoming a target of dislike and even disgust in the black community. No....let Seattle sacrifice itself to the anarchists....

Trump should leave Chaz alone...
it has become a festering boil on the face of liberalism. The area will become
Poorly maintained and filled with disease sickness and want. The internal tensions will become unbearable that there will be competition among the the alpha personalities. This is inevitable. You couldn't ask for a better demonstration of the failure of left-wing ideologies then simply to sit back and watch them starve. At the moment I have not heard that they are detaining people so anyone who wants to leave is able to do so. The perfect irony in all of this is that they're mostly White and whether or not people here on this board want to believe it they are composed of the Shadowy Soros funded ANTFA thugs who are becoming a target of dislike and even disgust in the black community. No....let Seattle sacrifice itself to the anarchists....
Yes, there is much to that way of thinking too. I've never actually said I want Trump to attack Seattle
but I have always said he has every right to do that and it would be the simplest and quickest way to
end this leftist insanity.

I'm waiting for area businesses and residents of Capital Hill to get messages to the city council and mayor
explaining their profound unhappiness though I know, like with Berkeley, Portland and San Francisco,
people will be very reluctant to complain because it will be seen, in their diseased minds, as a betrayal of
blacks and equality, to bitch.
Trump should leave Chaz alone...
it has become a festering boil on the face of liberalism. The area will become
Poorly maintained and filled with disease sickness and want. The internal tensions will become unbearable that there will be competition among the the alpha personalities. This is inevitable. You couldn't ask for a better demonstration of the failure of left-wing ideologies then simply to sit back and watch them starve. At the moment I have not heard that they are detaining people so anyone who wants to leave is able to do so. The perfect irony in all of this is that they're mostly White and whether or not people here on this board want to believe it they are composed of the Shadowy Soros funded ANTFA thugs who are becoming a target of dislike and even disgust in the black community. No....let Seattle sacrifice itself to the anarchists....
Yes, there is much to that way of thinking too. I've never actually said I want Trump to attack Seattle
but I have always said he has every right to do that and it would be the simplest and quickest way to
end this leftist insanity.

I'm waiting for area businesses and residents of Capital Hill to get messages to the city council and mayor
explaining their profound unhappiness though I know, like with Berkeley, Portland and San Francisco,
people will be very reluctant to complain because it will be seen, in their diseased minds, as a betrayal of
blacks and equality, to bitch.

Seattle has developed a fatal wound.
Fixing the wound won't solve the problem. Letting it fester will though.

You remind me of people I knew in the Navy...
Your post is just full of the same bullshit, omissions, meaningless filler, UNTRUTHS and obfuscations as before. I won't waste my time going through your garbage and lies, except...

Well you remind me of someone I knew in the Navy too! He was a 90 day wonder, and even more full of shit after he made JG. He never learned TRUTH either.

Now go piss off, since you have nothing of relevance or of TRUTH to expound upon. Take the sophistry you peddle and haul that enormous pile of bullshit to the Useless Locker.

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