Second Civil War Turning Violent?

If they bring-up Albany units, then they're just standing-down "unreliable" units, and piling-on one "reliable" unit on top of another, until they win - which they will.

Example: if the balloon goes up in Chicago, they'll bring-in units from the North Shore, Rockford, Peoria, Springfield, Danville, Joliet, etc.

Unreliable Chicago units will not even be mustered at their armories.

Guy, you keep pretending that's how it works. The reality is, they muster the units that are closest, and those units won't be doing police work.

The very fact Trump has failed this badly that you guys are talking this smack openly, says a lot.

And we haven't even gotten to the real fail of Trump yet. that comes when the recession breaks out.
If they bring-up Albany units, then they're just standing-down "unreliable" units, and piling-on one "reliable" unit on top of another, until they win - which they will.

Example: if the balloon goes up in Chicago, they'll bring-in units from the North Shore, Rockford, Peoria, Springfield, Danville, Joliet, etc.

Unreliable Chicago units will not even be mustered at their armories.

Guy, you keep pretending that's how it works. The reality is, they muster the units that are closest, and those units won't be doing police work.

The very fact Trump has failed this badly that you guys are talking this smack openly, says a lot.

And we haven't even gotten to the real fail of Trump yet. that comes when the recession breaks out.
National Guard units are mustered at the order of the Governor of the State, who has granular control, through his command structure, as to which units to mobilize.

A quick study of large-scale civil disturbances within the City of Chicago, which includes a roster of Guard units mustered, will bear that out.

You don't muster an inner-city unit, to quell an inner-city disturbance; too unreliable, in that context; no military professional will put questionable units on-line in such a context.

But you're correct about ONE thing, namely...

The Guard won't be engaged in police duties... until Martial Law is declared, and they're given orders to shoot-to-kill looters and rioters (*)

(*) a.k.a. expendable/disposable/worthless Democratic inner-city $hit-hole feral riff-raff...
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There is no second civil war going on. Claiming there is is just a sign of the arrogance and imagined self-importance of extremist. The civil rights era and the antiwar era during the Vietnam era were far more divisive and violent than what is happening today.
We may not have another Kent state but with the rise of antifia? The chances go up.
We don't have huge riots, churches with children in them being bombed, hundreds of thousands of protesters regularly filling the streets, civil rights workers being assassinated, university buildings being bombed and a whole lot of other violent incidents taking place. We have extremist brawling with each other and that is what you are comparing to the civil rights and anti-war movements of the sixties and seventies. That, and speculation that today's difficulties might get worse and reach those levels of violence and divisiveness.
I was alive during the build up to the riots and well remember the riots themselves. In 68 we moved my grandmother out of East St Louis where she had lived since the 30s. The riots are because of that new terrorist group antifia. And if you recall the mayor of Baltimore gave looters and rioters a place to steal and burn.

Mlk was peaceful and antifia is not. Antifia is going to bring us the same kind of riots that were regular in Belfast North Ireland. The stone throwing and malovtof cocktails are already present. Bombings will come soon enough.
Another example of what's coming would be Mandela's anc which burned bombed civilian stores and public gathering spots. Both antifia and the anc were or are communist based.

You simply are not facing the enemy of old for control of a government but the possible death of the system. That is their goal and it's always important to note the goal of the enemy because your ideas and rules do not apply to him. That is what he is fighting about. His idea of government is not Republican or Democrat it's communist and that party has no room for you if you are not them!

I suggest you buy a long gun and a sidearm because the day you think you might need one will be to late to get one.
The antifia is a splinter group with far fewer members or following than the right wing militias in this nation. I have little use for either of them, and both would destroy our nation if they got their way. Thus far, they have caused a bit of trouble, but they have not blown up buildings, killing a bunch of babies, and taken over a Federal installation by force of weapons as have the followers of the far right wing fringe.
Pot stirrers won't last and there are not as many as some would like the people to believe.

Agreed. It would be a very short war consisting of isolated incidents in the Democrat run-cities.
Typical ^^^ mental fantasy from the far right.

No fantasy. You idiots keep pushing, you'll get shoved back.
LOL Since it is people like you that keep making the threats on this board, I would say you are doing all the pushing. And the law will take care of you when you cross the line. LOL
All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.
And this is what your buddies did;

The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building two days after the bombing
Location Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.
35°28′22.4″N 97°31′01″WCoordinates:
35°28′22.4″N 97°31′01″W
Date April 19, 1995; 22 years ago
9:02 a.m. CDT (UTC-05:00)
Target U.S. federal government
Attack type
Truck bombing
Domestic terrorism
Mass murder
Weapons ANNM fertilizer truck bomb
Glock 21 (not used)
Deaths 168 confirmed + 1 possible additional fatality
Non-fatal injuries
Perpetrators Timothy McVeigh
Terry Nichols
Motive Retaliation for the Ruby Ridge and Waco sieges
All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.

The right isn't fomenting violence oh no not them.

Even your idiot name "Dark Fury". Why the Anger? You're all spoiling for a fight. Cheering bombings, and violence.

Get a job, do something useful with your life. Stop spouting hate and anger on the internet.

Keyboard kommandos. Real tough guys. You remind me of my roommate back in the 1980's. Read Soldier of Fortune and talked about going to South Africa and shooting terrorists. Him and his right wing survivalist buddies. Worked in the monitoring office of a security company.
My idiot name Dark Fury? WTF, I'm a totally separate life entity and have no other accounts here.

You have the intellect of a paper sack. I'm this, I'm that I'm all the stupid stereotypes running through your pea brain. The right did not behave this way when we lost the last two elections, you are packed full of bullshit!

My apologies for the incorrect quote. I was trying to quote Dark Fury who had been itching for a fight since Teumo was elected.

The right started by attacking protesters at Trump rallies at the behest of Trump himself. After the election, the fringe right was painting swastikas on synagogues, attacking blacks, Muslims and immigrants and left wingers went after them for it.

And of course, these twits blame the left. Yes it's all their fault. They fought back.

Do you REALLY just make this stuff up? I bet you sit on the toilet and come up with this shit.

The supposed attacks by the right were in response to the violence of the left. The inability of the left to put forth a cogent argument simply heightens the volume of their nonsense. The left isn't interested in substantive discussion - they want mindless obedience. The left has no problem - in fact, prefers - denying rights and freedoms to those who oppose them.

Maybe you an tell us just exactly what the left at Berkely was fighting back against. Maybe you can explain why the left thinks it is appropriate to muzzle dissenting speech.

Maybe you can tell us why the left considers opposition so abhorrent that they want to create "safe spaces" so you don't have to be subjected to opposing political views.

Maybe you can explain how the left can claim "violence as free speech" while simultaneously claiming "free speech is violence".

Maybe you can tell us why the left is content with denying seniors healthcare and pension payments, while complaining about being forced to live up to a contract they knowingly participated in.

Maybe you can tell us why virtually all antisemitism and overt racism in the past 10 years has come from the left.

God - you people are pitiful.

No - not pitiful -- selfish and self absorbed.

YOU are a true threat to our way of life, and to our freedoms.

Left uses violence but decries ‘speech as violence’
Liberal left employs violence to accomplish goals
Typical minion of the senile old orange clown. There has been far more terror attacks in the US from the right fringe, than from the left fringe.

One Type Of Terrorism Really Is Underreported -- Right-Wing Terrorism
Many Of The Cases Trump Omitted Were Inspired By Conservative Misinformation And The American "Alt-Right"

One Type Of Terrorism Really Is Underreported -- Right-Wing Terrorism
All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.
And this is what your buddies did;

The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building two days after the bombing
Location Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.
35°28′22.4″N 97°31′01″WCoordinates:
35°28′22.4″N 97°31′01″W
Date April 19, 1995; 22 years ago
9:02 a.m. CDT (UTC-05:00)
Target U.S. federal government
Attack type
Truck bombing
Domestic terrorism
Mass murder
Weapons ANNM fertilizer truck bomb
Glock 21 (not used)
Deaths 168 confirmed + 1 possible additional fatality
Non-fatal injuries
Perpetrators Timothy McVeigh
Terry Nichols
Motive Retaliation for the Ruby Ridge and Waco sieges
My buddies? Fuck you, you sick twisted subhuman maggot. Spineless asshole. I'd love for you to say that to my face.
Typical minion of the senile old orange clown. There has been far more terror attacks in the US from the right fringe, than from the left fringe.

One Type Of Terrorism Really Is Underreported -- Right-Wing Terrorism
Many Of The Cases Trump Omitted Were Inspired By Conservative Misinformation And The American "Alt-Right"

One Type Of Terrorism Really Is Underreported -- Right-Wing Terrorism
There's no shortage of leftist propaganda and alligator mouth assholes to spread it around like fertilizer trucks. Take your media matters shit and stuff it back where it came from. You are too sick and retarded to make any distinction between conservatives and anti-government militants.
Pot stirrers won't last and there are not as many as some would like the people to believe.

Agreed. It would be a very short war consisting of isolated incidents in the Democrat run-cities.
Typical ^^^ mental fantasy from the far right.

No fantasy. You idiots keep pushing, you'll get shoved back.
LOL Since it is people like you that keep making the threats on this board, I would say you are doing all the pushing. And the law will take care of you when you cross the line. LOL

What threats have I made here? Be specific.
Pot stirrers won't last and there are not as many as some would like the people to believe.

Agreed. It would be a very short war consisting of isolated incidents in the Democrat run-cities.
Typical ^^^ mental fantasy from the far right.

No fantasy. You idiots keep pushing, you'll get shoved back.
LOL Since it is people like you that keep making the threats on this board, I would say you are doing all the pushing. And the law will take care of you when you cross the line. LOL

What threats have I made here? Be specific.
He can't. He can't see the individuals he disagrees with, only an evil force to be reckoned with. Makes Don Quixote look like a sharp shooter.
There`s no shortage of right wing goonery here in western Pa. Check out these lovelies not far from where I live.
Police investigate possible hate crime in West Deer
What's that got to do with anything? Does the Unibomber represent you?
There was only 1 unibomber but when we`re talking about gun hugging swastika worshipping losers, there`s millions of you.

Difference is that we don't condone their actions. Left wing media and even left wing politicians promotes and supports marches which half of the time turn to riots or other illegal activities.

Sent from my iPhone using
There`s no shortage of right wing goonery here in western Pa. Check out these lovelies not far from where I live.
Police investigate possible hate crime in West Deer
What's that got to do with anything? Does the Unibomber represent you?
There was only 1 unibomber but when we`re talking about gun hugging swastika worshipping losers, there`s millions of you.
Fuck you, feces breath. You're a know nothing hate filled bigot hating what he is.





Even heavily armed these people don't scare me. For one, you could simply stroll away and they would never be able to "catch up". Take away their food supply. They would need to eat their own arm to find a ham big enough to satisfy them for a single meal. There is nothing to fear here.
Your lack of knowledge astounds me, amazes me, and disappoints me.

But ... it doesn't surprise me.

Guy, i've forgotten more about the National Guard than you'll ever know.. but that's okay. Just pretend all those colored kids you promised a college education to are going to shoot other kids upset about Trumpenfuhrer.
"colored kids" ..... seriously?

You need to grow up.
All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.

The right isn't fomenting violence oh no not them.

Even your idiot name "Dark Fury". Why the Anger? You're all spoiling for a fight. Cheering bombings, and violence.

Get a job, do something useful with your life. Stop spouting hate and anger on the internet.

Keyboard kommandos. Real tough guys. You remind me of my roommate back in the 1980's. Read Soldier of Fortune and talked about going to South Africa and shooting terrorists. Him and his right wing survivalist buddies. Worked in the monitoring office of a security company.
My idiot name Dark Fury? WTF, I'm a totally separate life entity and have no other accounts here.

You have the intellect of a paper sack. I'm this, I'm that I'm all the stupid stereotypes running through your pea brain. The right did not behave this way when we lost the last two elections, you are packed full of bullshit!

My apologies for the incorrect quote. I was trying to quote Dark Fury who had been itching for a fight since Teumo was elected.

The right started by attacking protesters at Trump rallies at the behest of Trump himself. After the election, the fringe right was painting swastikas on synagogues, attacking blacks, Muslims and immigrants and left wingers went after them for it.

And of course, these twits blame the left. Yes it's all their fault. They fought back.

Do you REALLY just make this stuff up? I bet you sit on the toilet and come up with this shit.

The supposed attacks by the right were in response to the violence of the left. The inability of the left to put forth a cogent argument simply heightens the volume of their nonsense. The left isn't interested in substantive discussion - they want mindless obedience. The left has no problem - in fact, prefers - denying rights and freedoms to those who oppose them.

Maybe you an tell us just exactly what the left at Berkely was fighting back against. Maybe you can explain why the left thinks it is appropriate to muzzle dissenting speech.

Maybe you can tell us why the left considers opposition so abhorrent that they want to create "safe spaces" so you don't have to be subjected to opposing political views.

Maybe you can explain how the left can claim "violence as free speech" while simultaneously claiming "free speech is violence".

Maybe you can tell us why the left is content with denying seniors healthcare and pension payments, while complaining about being forced to live up to a contract they knowingly participated in.

Maybe you can tell us why virtually all antisemitism and overt racism in the past 10 years has come from the left.

God - you people are pitiful.

No - not pitiful -- selfish and self absorbed.

YOU are a true threat to our way of life, and to our freedoms.

Left uses violence but decries ‘speech as violence’
Liberal left employs violence to accomplish goals
Typical minion of the senile old orange clown. There has been far more terror attacks in the US from the right fringe, than from the left fringe.

One Type Of Terrorism Really Is Underreported -- Right-Wing Terrorism
Many Of The Cases Trump Omitted Were Inspired By Conservative Misinformation And The American "Alt-Right"

One Type Of Terrorism Really Is Underreported -- Right-Wing Terrorism
All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.

The right isn't fomenting violence oh no not them.

Even your idiot name "Dark Fury". Why the Anger? You're all spoiling for a fight. Cheering bombings, and violence.

Get a job, do something useful with your life. Stop spouting hate and anger on the internet.

Keyboard kommandos. Real tough guys. You remind me of my roommate back in the 1980's. Read Soldier of Fortune and talked about going to South Africa and shooting terrorists. Him and his right wing survivalist buddies. Worked in the monitoring office of a security company.
My idiot name Dark Fury? WTF, I'm a totally separate life entity and have no other accounts here.

You have the intellect of a paper sack. I'm this, I'm that I'm all the stupid stereotypes running through your pea brain. The right did not behave this way when we lost the last two elections, you are packed full of bullshit!

My apologies for the incorrect quote. I was trying to quote Dark Fury who had been itching for a fight since Teumo was elected.

The right started by attacking protesters at Trump rallies at the behest of Trump himself. After the election, the fringe right was painting swastikas on synagogues, attacking blacks, Muslims and immigrants and left wingers went after them for it.

And of course, these twits blame the left. Yes it's all their fault. They fought back.

Do you REALLY just make this stuff up? I bet you sit on the toilet and come up with this shit.

The supposed attacks by the right were in response to the violence of the left. The inability of the left to put forth a cogent argument simply heightens the volume of their nonsense. The left isn't interested in substantive discussion - they want mindless obedience. The left has no problem - in fact, prefers - denying rights and freedoms to those who oppose them.

Maybe you an tell us just exactly what the left at Berkely was fighting back against. Maybe you can explain why the left thinks it is appropriate to muzzle dissenting speech.

Maybe you can tell us why the left considers opposition so abhorrent that they want to create "safe spaces" so you don't have to be subjected to opposing political views.

Maybe you can explain how the left can claim "violence as free speech" while simultaneously claiming "free speech is violence".

Maybe you can tell us why the left is content with denying seniors healthcare and pension payments, while complaining about being forced to live up to a contract they knowingly participated in.

Maybe you can tell us why virtually all antisemitism and overt racism in the past 10 years has come from the left.

God - you people are pitiful.

No - not pitiful -- selfish and self absorbed.

YOU are a true threat to our way of life, and to our freedoms.

Left uses violence but decries ‘speech as violence’
Liberal left employs violence to accomplish goals
Typical minion of the senile old orange clown. There has been far more terror attacks in the US from the right fringe, than from the left fringe.

One Type Of Terrorism Really Is Underreported -- Right-Wing Terrorism
Many Of The Cases Trump Omitted Were Inspired By Conservative Misinformation And The American "Alt-Right"

One Type Of Terrorism Really Is Underreported -- Right-Wing Terrorism
Media Matters? Really?

That is so fucking stupid it doesn't even deserve a comment ... so it doesn't get one.
National Guard units are mustered at the order of the Governor of the State, who has granular control, through his command structure, as to which units to mobilize.

A quick study of large-scale civil disturbances within the City of Chicago, which includes a roster of Guard units mustered, will bear that out.

You don't muster an inner-city unit, to quell an inner-city disturbance; too unreliable, in that context; no military professional will put questionable units on-line in such a context.

But you're correct about ONE thing, namely...

The Guard won't be engaged in police duties... until Martial Law is declared, and they're given orders to shoot-to-kill looters and rioters (*)

Okay, buddy, by the time that happens, most of the Guard plain old won't show up. Again, you've never been in a Guard unit, or you'd realize just how silly your statements are.

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