Second Civil War Turning Violent?

That's why God invented the National Guard.

Throw a ring of steel around any rebellious inner-city region, let the feral riff-riff burn down their own neighborhoods, shoot a few dozen for shits and giggles, then stand down.

Hey, dummy, you know who is in the National Guard? A lot of that inner city "riff-raff" you hate so much.

Not, as in extreme not.
Not, as in extreme not.

Unit I was in when I was in College, about 60% black and Hispanic.

There was another unit, the 178th Infantry, which the officers jokingly called "The Governor's African Rifles" because it was nearly all black.
By Dennis Prager -

In a recent column, I made the case that Americans are fighting the Second Civil War. The deep chasm that has opened up between the left -- not liberals, the left -- and the rest of the country is so wide and so unbridgeable that there is no other way to describe what is happening. But I noted that at least thus far, unlike the First Civil War, this war is not violent.

Unfortunately, there is now reason to believe that violence is coming. In fact, it's already here. But as of now, it's only coming from one direction.

Left-wing thugs engage in violence and threats of violence with utter impunity. They shut down speakers at colleges; block highways, bridges and airport terminals; take over college buildings and offices; occupy state capitals; and terrorize individuals at their homes.

In order to understand why more violence may be coming, it is essential to understand that left-wing mobs are almost never stopped, arrested or punished. Colleges do nothing to stop them, and civil authorities do nothing to stop them on campuses or anywhere else. Police are reduced to spectators as they watch left-wing gangs loot stores, smash business and car windows, and even take over state capitals (as in Madison, Wisconsin).

It's beginning to dawn on many Americans that mayors, police chiefs and college presidents have no interest in stopping this violence. Left-wing officials sympathize with the lawbreakers, and the police, who rarely sympathize with thugs of any ideology, are ordered to do nothing by emasculated police chiefs.

Consequently, given the abdication by all these authorities of their role to protect the public, some members of the public will inevitably decide that they will protect themselves and others.

This ability of the left to get away with violence is one of the gravest threats to American society in its modern history. Since the Civil War, I can think of only two comparable eruptions of mob violence that authorities allowed. One was when white mobs lynched blacks. The other was the rioting by blacks, such as the Los Angeles riots 25 years ago, and the recent riots in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland.

Today, authorities in what we once proudly proclaimed the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" are intimidated to the point of paralysis.

And exactly what do they fear? Not violence -- they have made peace with left-wing violence. What they fear is the left-wing media. If the Black Lives Matter movement is forcefully prevented from blocking tens of thousands of cars from entering or leaving San Francisco, the police and local authorities will be labeled racist by black leaders, a smear that will then be echoed by The New York Times and rest of the left-wing media.

Likewise, if a college president requests enough police to come to a college campus so that a Heather Mac Donald, a Charles Murray or an Ann Coulter can deliver a lecture, some of the student-gangsters engaged in violence might be injured -- and that college president will then be pilloried by the mainstream media.
Second only to Muslims, progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet… Fact

That's why God invented the National Guard.

Throw a ring of steel around any rebellious inner-city region, let the feral riff-riff burn down their own neighborhoods, shoot a few dozen for shits and giggles, then stand down.

Hey, dummy, you know who is in the National Guard? A lot of that inner city "riff-raff" you hate so much.

Sorry --- you ain't even close.

81% of National Guards is male.
74% of National Guards is white.
34% of National Guards are under 25.
32% of National Guards are over 35.
21% of National Guards have at least a Bachelor's Degree.
92% of National Guards have a minimum of a high school diploma (or equivalent) (starting on page 56)
Black or not is not the issue. You said "inner city riff-raff".

What year were you in college?

back in the 1980's... and when you racists say "inner city", it's pretty much you guys realizing you can't say the N-word in polite company anymore.

81% of National Guards is male.
74% of National Guards is white.

we aren't talking about the National Guard out in Moosefuck Idaho, we are talking about the units that would be called on to put the "inner city riff raff" in its' place in every Racist fantasy...

and those units- Majority of people of color.
Who would refer to relatively calm political times as a "civil war" except maybe wannabe anarchists or historically impaired millenniums? You could say that we were relatively close to civil war during the 60's when people like Jane Fonda and John Kerry tried to unite Black anger with anti-war demonstrators and create complete anarchy and crazy "revolutionary" bombers like Bill Ayers (who would become a political adviser to a democrat president) terrorized Americans with indiscriminate chaos. Even while a losing political party continues to agitate hatred and anger the rule of Constitutional law and political discourse prevails today.
If we didn't fall in to a Civil War in the 60s we will not do it now

Your plan is to marginalize and discriminate against and oppress the largest ethnic group in the US forever.

We might not "fall into Civil War", but an increasingly level of political violence is going to be part of the new normal.

YOu already see it starting. Thanks to your leftists' brown shirt tactics.
Black or not is not the issue. You said "inner city riff-raff".

What year were you in college?

back in the 1980's... and when you racists say "inner city", it's pretty much you guys realizing you can't say the N-word in polite company anymore.

81% of National Guards is male.
74% of National Guards is white.

we aren't talking about the National Guard out in Moosefuck Idaho, we are talking about the units that would be called on to put the "inner city riff raff" in its' place in every Racist fantasy...

and those units- Majority of people of color.
61% of New York National Guards are white .... just saying.

Quit making shit up .... prove your point or shut up.
Your plan is to marginalize and discriminate against and oppress the largest ethnic group in the US forever.

We might not "fall into Civil War", but an increasingly level of political violence is going to be part of the new normal.

YOu already see it starting. Thanks to your leftists' brown shirt tactics.

Naw, man, most White people are pretty decent...

The only ones who will be marganlized are your racists..

61% of New York National Guards are white .... just saying.

Quit making shit up .... prove your point or shut up.

You realize that New York is a big state, right... and if they are having to call up Albany units to restore order in NYC, you've already lost.
61% of New York National Guards are white .... just saying.

Quit making shit up .... prove your point or shut up.

You realize that New York is a big state, right... and if they are having to call up Albany units to restore order in NYC, you've already lost.
Your lack of knowledge astounds me, amazes me, and disappoints me.

But ... it doesn't surprise me.
It's a chicken or egg question.

Did conservatives join TheParty because they were already violent thugs, or did TheParty train them to be violent thugs?

Conservatives, which was it for you personally?

The two sides are very different. All the liberals here condemn violence, and all the conservatives make excuses for it.
It's a chicken or egg question.

Did conservatives join TheParty because they were already violent thugs, or did TheParty train them to be violent thugs?

Conservatives, which was it for you personally?

The two sides are very different. All the liberals here condemn violence, and all the conservatives make excuses for it.
Your perverted sense of reality is ... uhhh ... perverted.

Pretty sure those aren't conservatives we see rioting in the streets cuz someone MIGHT say something that hurts their widdle feelings.
61% of New York National Guards are white .... just saying.

Quit making shit up .... prove your point or shut up.

You realize that New York is a big state, right... and if they are having to call up Albany units to restore order in NYC, you've already lost.
If they bring-up Albany units, then they're just standing-down "unreliable" units, and piling-on one "reliable" unit on top of another, until they win - which they will.

Example: if the balloon goes up in Chicago, they'll bring-in units from the North Shore, Rockford, Peoria, Springfield, Danville, Joliet, etc.

Unreliable Chicago units will not even be mustered at their armories.
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You idiots are doing what the mega wealthy on both sides want.....taking your eye off the big picture. Do you actually believe they care about you? They have bigger fish to fry like making millions more...while you are for the table scraps. Think....please think.
Your perverted sense of reality is ... uhhh ... perverted.

So you can't remember when your violent nature surfaced. So noted.

The two sides are very different.

Conservatives point to isolated incidents of violence, and call for more violence.

Liberals point to much more numerous incidents of violence, and call for peace.

Considering how violent you conservative thugs are, that's a major credit to liberals. We're risking our lives by turning the other cheek and working for peace.
Your perverted sense of reality is ... uhhh ... perverted.

So you can't remember when your violent nature surfaced. So noted.

The two sides are very different.

Conservatives point to isolated incidents of violence, and call for more violence.

Liberals point to much more numerous incidents of violence, and call for peace.

Considering how violent you conservative thugs are, that's a major credit to liberals. We're risking our lives by turning the other cheek and working for peace.

Liberals-Progressives are - by an order of magnitude - more violent than their Conservative counterparts.

It's an Emotional Control thing - or, actually, a lack thereof - widespread amongst them - violence... deep and profound.
Your perverted sense of reality is ... uhhh ... perverted.

So you can't remember when your violent nature surfaced. So noted.

The two sides are very different.

Conservatives point to isolated incidents of violence, and call for more violence.

Liberals point to much more numerous incidents of violence, and call for peace.

Considering how violent you conservative thugs are, that's a major credit to liberals. We're risking our lives by turning the other cheek and working for peace.

So what conservative violence do you speak of? Did conservatives start fights, destroy property, attack police officers when DumBama won his two elections? Did conservatives riot or block streets so traffic could not get through? Did conservatives try to stop Hillary or Obama from speaking using violence or threat thereof? What conservative violence????
Your lack of knowledge astounds me, amazes me, and disappoints me.

But ... it doesn't surprise me.

Guy, i've forgotten more about the National Guard than you'll ever know.. but that's okay. Just pretend all those colored kids you promised a college education to are going to shoot other kids upset about Trumpenfuhrer.

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