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See ya DACA “kids”...new SCOTUS will send you back to where you belong.

SCOTUS will defer to the legislature and not make a final ruling on DACA.

SCOTUS will rule that the judiciary does not have the authority to extend an executive action of a POTUS.
Yes and that the eventual decision on DACA will be made by Congress.

It’ll be the same as it’s always been...Congress don’t have the nuts to touch immigration...the DACA issue will dissolve between Congress and SCOTUS.
Latinos just gave the Democratic Party the proverbial and lateral FINGER because the Democrats prove to them that they have no desire to pass DACA into law. They proved they would rather have it as in an emotional issue with which to manipulate people during the midterm elections. Latinos showed they don't like to get played or used by democrats, so they walked...
You're a broken record, you bootlicking bitch.

Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.


Being under 16 at the time they arrived DACAs are not responsible for the crimes of their parents in bringing them here and that is settled law. By the same token they are guilty of the crimes that they commit themselves. Therefore they are in legal limbo. By not seeking refugee status at a border crossing their parents are permanently banned from reentry. If SCOTUS rules, as is likely due to the accepted Peter Pan flights from Cuba in the 60s, that they can stay if they keep their nose clean only that is what Obama should have done. The current mess is due entirely to Obama screwing the pooch as was his way. he should have cited the existing law and had the children adopred.
Being under 16 at the time they arrived DACAs are not responsible for the crimes of their parents in bringing them here and that is settled law. By the same token they are guilty of the crimes that they commit themselves. Therefore they are in legal limbo. By not seeking refugee status at a border crossing their parents are permanently banned from reentry. If SCOTUS rules, as is likely due to the accepted Peter Pan flights from Cuba in the 60s, that they can stay if they keep their nose clean only that is what Obama should have done. The current mess is due entirely to Obama screwing the pooch as was his way. he should have cited the existing law and had the children adopred.

There was no legal precedent set by Operation Peter Pan that would be applicable in the DACA case.
The DACA “NightMARES” are headed home to their native shitholes...PERIOD.
Why can't Mexicans skip all this drama and play fair by the rules (and stop dragging their children into this ) and and stop blaming ICE or laws or unfair slings and arrow of outrageous fortune whatever. Most other immigrants from other countries follow the laws and this isn't an an issue with any other group.Just Mexicans. Who else gets sanctuary above and without the expressed consent of American people? We talk about foreign collusion here, well, that seems to be a pretty deep issue.
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Why do Mexicans always have this aura of unquestioned victimhood? What did they do that exempts THEM from immigration laws? I am a liberal, and I remember the mantra liberals used to chant; Nobody is above the law. well, it seems some people want to redefine the law (shades of Nixon) in terms of what they think the law should be, instead. And sanctuary cities: where the hell did that come from? When was that ever on any ballot initiative? When was that ever up to a vote? As far as I can tell, sanctuary cities for illegal aliens were never a part of the democratic process. And even modern liberals should be shocked at THAT.
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Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank God, a lot more decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.
Dreamers suck ass
The Tuskegee thing was a aberration. Police hosing off blacks and the dogs, that happened. But when blacks out and out lie and exaggerate, about something that was't a racial issue, that takes this to a another level. The boy that cried wolf comes to mind.
Right wing minimialization of racial history comes to mind also.
Left wing minimization comes to mind. How did any city become sanctuary to illegals, without the voters consent? Explain that to us.
That ifalse statement is rectified by the truth that the minimalization remains on racialization almost entirely on the right.
The Dems may allow such legislation to pass, but when they take the House the will will renege.
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.

I have much less of a problem with Dreamers, at least those that pay taxes and keep their noses clean, than I do with their parents.

I can see allowing the Dreamers themselves being permitted to stay as Permanent Residents- but no whey in Hades should the parents or other adults who brought them here illegally should even be allowed to visit America on a tourist visa much less be given residency.

To bring a child to America illegally, and subject that child to school shootings, bullying, racism, etc. in the USA, is unconscionable and IMHO, inhuman
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.


To bring a child to America illegally, and subject that child to school shootings, bullying, racism, etc. in the USA, is unconscionable and IMHO, inhuman

That’s your problem? That life in America is so bad? Are you out of your mind?
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank God, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.
Republicans are casting off the Hispanic vote for generations

DACA, separation of families, harassment of Hispanics

Texas, Florida, Arizona California take note

Now, they can all get the fuck out.

This will never end until we finally admit that we are at war with Mexico.
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank Fod, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.

Trump won the election on one pitch....FUCK WETBACKS!
But suddenly all Americans love wetback kids...makes sense in LibTardia.
How America ‘feels” about the “Nightmares” matters not...a POTUS was never gifted the authority to write immigration policy.....third graders know this.
Young adults who broke no law, who knows no other country but this one and who have succeeded by any metric used to measure success deserve American justice, not the scorn of mouth breathing bigots.

Bleeding heart nobility based semantics....we have laws, checks and balances.
Sorry, that scrawny black dude with the big ears and unAmerican name dished out unconstitutional false hope all over the place. Blame the Kenyan Zulu.
This is what is known as doubling down on your retardation.
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.

The American Dream is intended for Americans?

That is likely to constitute the stupidest thing I'll read all day -
But the day is young and you could top it. :)
Obama restored American sensibility to the process, Trump is trying and failing to overthrow it, and we will soon be rooting out any attempts of retaining a Trump legacy.
Bleeding heart nobility based semantics....we have laws, checks and balances.
Sorry, that scrawny black dude with the big ears and unAmerican name dished out unconstitutional false hope all over the place. Blame the Kenyan Zulu.

On any given day, we see a ton of racist posts.
But you sir are in rare form today - Don't think anyone is gonna top ya.
Do continue!
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank Fod, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.

Trump won the election on one pitch....FUCK WETBACKS!
But suddenly all Americans love wetback kids...makes sense in LibTardia.
How America ‘feels” about the “Nightmares” matters not...a POTUS was never gifted the authority to write immigration policy.....third graders know this.
Young adults who broke no law, who knows no other country but this one and who have succeeded by any metric used to measure success deserve American justice, not the scorn of mouth breathing bigots.

Bleeding heart nobility based semantics....we have laws, checks and balances.
Sorry, that scrawny black dude with the big ears and unAmerican name dished out unconstitutional false hope all over the place. Blame the Kenyan Zulu.
This is what is known as doubling down on your retardation.

When people expose me to truths that I wanted to pretend wasn’t true it hurts my feelings and I always spin it into “you’re a retard”. It makes me feel better about my self manipulation.
I don't know about sides, but as a American, I am bloody tired of Mexican illegal aliens given sanctuary without the consent of you know, WE, the PEOPLE.I see this playing up in the press particularity overseas ( BBC, NHK to DW) I live with Mexicans here illegally . They are not the victims the press makes them out out to be. Americans are being dispossessed by illegals but that is ignored or overlooked. Here or overseas. That is telling, if not heartbreaking.

Most of the people showing up at the border escaping unimaginable violence are central American women and children - Not Mexicans.
Mexican crossings are rare at present - Lowest level in 46 years.
Where did your ancestors come from Mary? .. because we all came from somewhere.
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.

The American Dream is intended for Americans?

That is likely to constitute the stupidest thing I'll read all day -
But the day is young and you could top it. :)

All unAmerican bottom feeders want to believe the American Dream is for foreigners...that’s how the commie mind works.

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