Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Warren: 1/32nd Indian - claims to be Native American.
Obama: 1/2 white claims to be African American.

Can't either of them be just AMERICAN?

You can't manipulate people as easily if you don't ostrasize them from each other and appeal to interests you've convinced them they have.

Imagine if people just identified as Americans and rejected the hyphenated classifications.

The democrook party would implode without victims.
She's more corrupt than most in the senate:

Elizabeth Warren helped protect Dow Chemical against breast implant claims

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington?s ?Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? | Judicial Watch

And of course the high cheek bones that the OP is trying to preempt:

For Elizabeth Warren, a bump becomes a hurdle - The Washington Post

This lady is rotten and corrupt but as long as she has a D beside her name WC will play along and claim her innocence.

Wry has focused the thread on the ideas Sen. Warren proffered; you choose to derail the thread by attacking her character, and mine.

On the contrary, you posted a fluff piece and were shocked, "shocked I tell you!" that she is nothing more than your typical, average, corrupt politician who just happens to be a little more brazen than the others.

I welcome a run from this fraud. She's not as smart as Hillary, and will be destroyed if she goes national.

"fluff piece"? What is not true, and more importantly, what which she recommends do you have trouble with?
only a rabid left-wing Soros-tard of the kind infecting these boards uses Mother Jones as a source

this is the same kind of idiot leftist that dismisses anything put out there by anybody OTHER than far-Left sources

libs are crybabies who want it both ways

On some level you must know how stupid you truly are. I'd bet you 'learned' that you were a little slow by the second or third grade.
Mother Jones is not exactly an unbiased source. :lol:

As for the article about the 10 things the CFPB has done, most of that is bullshit. Foreclosures are up. And did you look at those paltry amounts the fines have been? It's a speeding ticket.

But like I said, I strongly believe in a level playing field. Unfortunately, the "reforms" that have been enacted have not even come close to achieving that. Reform was not just suffocated in the crib, it was gutted and eaten.

"Mother Jones" leans left, the posts above attacking Sen. Warren are not fair or balanced, are they?

Reform requires reformers and a willingness to compromise for the benefit of the many. Real Breaking News is when a member of the H. of Rep. Republican Caucus doesn't vote in lock-step.


comical; there is much more diversity of opinion in the Republican Party

libs are losers who lie to themselves

They really are retarded aren't they?

For instance exactly how many democrooks are staunch 2A supporters? Know any outspoken Pro-Lifers? How about a Dem who believes the EPA is out of control or opposes efforts to stifle our manufacturing and energy production? Who are all these beloved libtard "mavericks" who are celebrated by conservative media? Where are the democrooks who question the obozocare law and are doing their damnest to hold people accountable for the failures in it? Any lib political whores upset by the numerous scandals of this regime?

Fuck no, but when a republicrat strays from the pack they're exhalted in the media. They're showered with praise by democrook mouth pieces.

That is until they vote against democrook wishes and then they're "extremists" again. That's how bed wetters play the game.

only a rabid left-wing Soros-tard of the kind infecting these boards uses Mother Jones as a source

this is the same kind of idiot leftist that dismisses anything put out there by anybody OTHER than far-Left sources

libs are crybabies who want it both ways

On some level you must know how stupid you truly are. I'd bet you 'learned' that you were a little slow by the second or third grade.

Says the assclown who worships at the altar of obozo...

Here's your sign...

Obama a wealth distribution socialist? How so?

Seriously? Here's an example: ObamaCare. Obama's signature achievement. Forcing healthy people to buy health insurance so they can overpay in order to offset the subsidies which support health insurance for high school dropouts.

And look at all the increased taxes in ObamaCare which are there to pay for those subsidies.

That's wealth redistribution.

It's also socialism since the State is taking over the production of health care. It now acts as gatekeeper to your access to health care, and determines how much and what kind of insurance you must have, and how much your employer must give you, and how much profit the insurance corporations are allowed to make!

And Warren and her ilk are right there, cheering this on.

mmm, do you support those who do not buy auto insurance since they have never had an accident a good policy? Or believe we should all wait until we suffer a heart attack or cancer before we try to buy health insurance? Was the previous system better, when the tax payers subsidized the uninsured by providing them health care in emergency rooms and public hospitals?

I see what you are doing there. Allow me to unpack your argument.

1) I can buy auto insurance from any auto insurance company in America. I can also choose what kind of coverage I want. These two things give me tremendous bargaining leverage.

My employer does not subsidize my auto insurance, and so I do not lose my auto insurance if I change jobs. I can keep the same auto insurance for decades and receive big discounts for doing so. I can also bundle my various insurance policies, and get even more discounts.

Another benefit of not having my employer subsidize my auto insurance is that I am not held hostage as to what auto insurance plan I have to accept. If my employer were to subsidize my auto insurance, they would be able to buy it from any insurerer in the country, and therefore would have quite a lot of bargaining leverage with the insurance companies.

What's more, the goverment does not provide auto insurance for the poor or the elderly. The government is not the biggest player in the auto insurance market, not even a big player, and therefore is not tying its competitors hands by writing the rules which create a playing field to its advantage to everyone else's disadvantage.

Is ANY of this true for health insurance?


2) I would like to see evidence that the voluntarily uninsured are a net negative cost to our health care system.

You won't find any.

The Left is positively schizophrenic when it comes to the voluntarily uninsured. When the Left is exhibiting Split Personality A, they call the voluntarily uninsured "freeloaders" without providing any evidence they are a net negative. When the Left is exhibiting Split Personality B, they are demanding the voluntarily uinsured buy insurance because their money is needed for OTHER PEOPLE, which is clearly proof they are a NET POSITIVE.

This extra money being taken from the voluntarily uninsured will be going to the involuntarily uninsured, one third of whom are high school dropouts. THERE are your freeloaders! ObamaCare is all about wealth redistribution of the very worst sort.

3) The "previous system" was very bad. It definitely needed reform. It needs the reforms I touched on in 1). As for emergency rooms, the taxpayers only paid about $50 billion a year toward ER care for the indigent. Out of a total $2.4 trillion spent on healthcare each year in America.
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I believe in creating a level playing field. Warren believes in robbing from the rich, guilty and innocent alike, and giving to the poor, guilty and innocent alike.

Can you point me to some examples?

Examples of what? Warren being a class war redistributionist?

No problem!

Ok, well maybe that was just the quickest that you could come up with, but what she is saying in that video doesn't support what you are saying imho. But the point may be moot. I may never have the opportunity to vote for or against her. If I do have to, I'll do a lot more research. But thanks. I do see where some folks might assume that's what she is, but what she says in the video doesn't support it.
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But don't listen to me. According to some people around here, I am low information libtard who hates America.

Ok, well maybe that was just the quickest that you could come up with, but what she is saying in that video doesn't support what you are saying imho. But the point may be moot. I may never have the opportunity to vote for or against her. If I do have to, I'll do a lot more research. But thanks. I do see where some folks might assume that's what she is, but what she says in the video doesn't support it.

She wants to tax the rich more for roads and bridges. As if the rich are the only ones who use roads and bridges.

Simple as that.
Elizabeth Warren would punish the innocent and guilty alike.

The federal government, Right and Left, are aiding and abetting the thieves who are stealing from you. They are providing the thieves with police protection.

Should you come home and actually catch these thieves stealing your stuff, the feds then make the thieves pay a small fine, and they get to keep your stuff!

One of Elizabeth Warren's solutions to this problem is to make the guy who lives in a bigger house than you pay higher taxes. And that guy in the bigger house has probably had way more stolen from him than has been stolen from you.

Warren would then turn around and take this money and redistribute it to the innocent and guilty alike on the other end of the economic spectrum.

She's a twofer!
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"As a child in small-town Oklahoma, Elizabeth Warren yearned to go to college and then become an elementary school teacher—an ambitious goal, given her family’s modest means. Early marriage and motherhood seemed to put even that dream out of reach, but fifteen years later she was a distinguished law professor with a deep understanding of why people go bankrupt. Then came the phone call that changed her life: could she come to Washington DC to help advise Congress on rewriting the bankruptcy laws?

Thus began an impolite education into the bare-knuckled, often dysfunctional ways of Washington. She fought for better bankruptcy laws for ten years and lost. She tried to hold the federal government accountable during the financial crisis but became a target of the big banks. She came up with the idea for a new agency designed to protect consumers from predatory bankers and was denied the opportunity to run it. Finally, at age 62, she decided to run for elective office and won the most competitive—and watched—Senate race in the country.

In this passionate, funny, rabble-rousing book, Warren shows why she has chosen to fight tooth and nail for the middle class—and why she has become a hero to all those who believe that America’s government can and must do better for working families."

A Fighting Chance: Elizabeth Warren: 9781627790529: Books

Interiew on PBS: Sen. Warren on ?A Fighting Chance? for every American

And now the stupidest among us can replay Native American jokes since they have no ability to counter Sen. Warren's words.

A fake biography from Fauxcahontas? How can I resist, I will have to buy it right away.

I need a special classification for the crap that progressives write. I found this suggestion in the depths of the interwebs.

Bah! What the hell do I know. I should just narrow my thinking down to a bumper sticker bandwidth and just go around calling her Fauxcahontas and guffaw like a rube. Then accuse others of being low information voters. :lol:
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Ok, well maybe that was just the quickest that you could come up with, but what she is saying in that video doesn't support what you are saying imho. But the point may be moot. I may never have the opportunity to vote for or against her. If I do have to, I'll do a lot more research. But thanks. I do see where some folks might assume that's what she is, but what she says in the video doesn't support it.

She wants to tax the rich more for roads and bridges. As if the rich are the only ones who use roads and bridges.

Simple as that.

A progressive income tax (which I favor) does just that. So her advocating a progressive tax system isn't a deal breaker for me.
She's as phony as they get. Her primary accomplishment in life is being a fake Indian and a fake lawyer. Here answer to every problem is simple - redistribute the wealth and punish success at every level.

She's a great candidate. I hope she challenges Hillary for the Democrat nomination. Between Biden, Sanders, Warren, traumatic brain injured Hillary, and the various moonbats that will crawl out of the woodwork between now and then, the DNC debates will be highly entertaining.
Ok, well maybe that was just the quickest that you could come up with, but what she is saying in that video doesn't support what you are saying imho. But the point may be moot. I may never have the opportunity to vote for or against her. If I do have to, I'll do a lot more research. But thanks. I do see where some folks might assume that's what she is, but what she says in the video doesn't support it.

She wants to tax the rich more for roads and bridges. As if the rich are the only ones who use roads and bridges.

Simple as that.

A progressive income tax (which I favor) does just that. So her advocating a progressive tax system isn't a deal breaker for me.

We already have a progressive tax system. She wants MORE from the rich.

I'm perfectly okay with a progressive tax system. That is what Thomas Jefferson himself advocated.

There are progressive taxes, and then there are punitive taxes. Warren feeds into the mentality that all rich people's money are ill-gotten gains and are therefore pilferable. This is how they allay their guilty consciences. They have to justify in their minds that what they are stealing belongs to them.
Bah! What the hell do I know. I should just narrow my thinking down to a bumper sticker bandwidth and just go around calling her Fauxcahontas and guffaw like a rube. Then accuse others of being low information voters. :lol:

If you want to try and defend her policies, feel free to start a thread and challenge me to show you how stupid she is. Since this thread is about her fake biography, I get to deal with that any way I feel appropriate.

Then again, I actually have enough of a brain to actually post on the topic instead of attacking the poster, which would be really easy in Wry's case.
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Ok, well maybe that was just the quickest that you could come up with, but what she is saying in that video doesn't support what you are saying imho. But the point may be moot. I may never have the opportunity to vote for or against her. If I do have to, I'll do a lot more research. But thanks. I do see where some folks might assume that's what she is, but what she says in the video doesn't support it.

She wants to tax the rich more for roads and bridges. As if the rich are the only ones who use roads and bridges.

Simple as that.

A progressive income tax (which I favor) does just that. So her advocating a progressive tax system isn't a deal breaker for me.

"Progressive" tax systems are anything but "progress".

When the rich pay nearly all the taxes, their voices are much louder in the halls of congress. If everyone paid the same %, no one has more influence on how the money is spent. Furthermore everyone is aware of how much is being stolen from them.
I made an illustration of my last post during the 2012 election season:


Did you know Mitt Romney bought an elevator for his car?!?


What?!?! How could he do that?


He didn't EARN that money!!!


That's OUR money.


Let's tax the rich more!

"As a child in small-town Oklahoma, Elizabeth Warren yearned to go to college and then become an elementary school teacher—an ambitious goal, given her family’s modest means. Early marriage and motherhood seemed to put even that dream out of reach, but fifteen years later she was a distinguished law professor with a deep understanding of why people go bankrupt. Then came the phone call that changed her life: could she come to Washington DC to help advise Congress on rewriting the bankruptcy laws?

Thus began an impolite education into the bare-knuckled, often dysfunctional ways of Washington. She fought for better bankruptcy laws for ten years and lost. She tried to hold the federal government accountable during the financial crisis but became a target of the big banks. She came up with the idea for a new agency designed to protect consumers from predatory bankers and was denied the opportunity to run it. Finally, at age 62, she decided to run for elective office and won the most competitive—and watched—Senate race in the country.

In this passionate, funny, rabble-rousing book, Warren shows why she has chosen to fight tooth and nail for the middle class—and why she has become a hero to all those who believe that America’s government can and must do better for working families."

A Fighting Chance: Elizabeth Warren: 9781627790529: Books

Interiew on PBS: Sen. Warren on ?A Fighting Chance? for every American

And now the stupidest among us can replay Native American jokes since they have no ability to counter Sen. Warren's words.

Elizabeth Warren could and WOULD promote the kind of public policies that would do far more to help poor and middle class White conservatives in terms of education, job training, and economic opportunity than all the conservative politicians put together. That means that she's a threat to politically conservative hegemony in the red states. Consequently, I think it's a forgone conclusion that she will be portrayed as a communist and worse.

I keep waiting for middle class conservatives to wake up and smell the coffee, but it's like trying to rouse a person who's in a coma. Some conservatives don't seem to grasp the concept that the rich get richer off the cheap labor of the poor and the favorable policies of the state gov'ts toward the wealthy which the wealthy pay for with campaign contributions. Yet these people keep supporting politicians who essentially give away the rights to natural resource exploitation to well-connected business interests for next to nothing and who also support policies that only serve to hobble the average person when it comes to moving up and out of the economically poorer strata of society like generations of Americans have previously been able to do far easier than can be done today.
She wants to tax the rich more for roads and bridges. As if the rich are the only ones who use roads and bridges.

Simple as that.

A progressive income tax (which I favor) does just that. So her advocating a progressive tax system isn't a deal breaker for me.

We already have a progressive tax system. She wants MORE from the rich.

I'm perfectly okay with a progressive tax system. That is what Thomas Jefferson himself advocated.

There are progressive taxes, and then there are punitive taxes. Warren feeds into the mentality that all rich people's money are ill-gotten gains and are therefore pilferable. This is how they allay their guilty consciences. They have to justify in their minds that what they are stealing belongs to them.

In the video she doesn't say these are "ill-gotten gains" she congratulates the business owner. And of course the video doesn't say she wants MORE from the business owner either. I haven't seen her proposed rate structure, but that would be something that would be a strike against imho.

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