Sen. Elizabeth Warren

From the OP:

"And now the stupidest among us can replay Native American jokes since they have no ability to counter Sen. Warren's words."

Was I prescient? You Betcha!

you predicted people would logically concentrate on her lies and distortions?

why wouldnt they?

and you want a cookie for that?

No, I predicted the stupidest among us would replay Native American attacks; I'm not interested in "a cookie". Try to comprehend what is written and keep your biases to a minimum.

I'm not defending Sen. Warren nor any pol, but to classify her as a purveyor of "lies and distortions" puts her in the class of all elected officials. Thus, such an assertion is nothing more than an attack on her character, for no probative evidence has been posted to refute that she believes she has Native American Roots.
you know left-wing political correctness has fun amok when White Libs go around trying to inject some victimhood into their background

ironic; the can only get worse for White liberals; as correctly noted the nation is getting "browner"
there will be a LOT more White liberals desperate to stay in the game; wanting to contribute their visions toward the goal of advancing the left-wing agenda.

how rich!! they are victims of their own race obsessions. in reality the Left only needs liberal White people for their money first; their slavish loyalty second; and their votes third
She's obviously a Cherokee- look at those cheekbones!!


Apache, not Cherokee, but, yes, she definitely looks Native American.


i'm not seeing that

then again we're dealing with left-wing losers that see "forward progress" in RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS
Which words? Where she claimed she was part Indian to get hiring preference at Harvard?
The words where she claims the deck is stacked against people while she lives in a $14M house and makes over $1M a year?
The words where she claims that business owners didnt really build their businesses?

You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to flack for that nasty lying piece of shit. But you're just the cocksucker to do it.

From the OP:

"And now the stupidest among us can replay Native American jokes since they have no ability to counter Sen. Warren's words."

Was I prescient? You Betcha!

you predicted people would logically concentrate on her lies and distortions?

why wouldnt they?

and you want a cookie for that?

No, I predicted the stupidest among us would replay Native American attacks; I'm not interested in "a cookie". Try to comprehend what is written and keep your biases to a minimum.

I'm not defending Sen. Warren nor any pol, but to classify her as a purveyor of "lies and distortions" puts her in the class of all elected officials. Thus, such an assertion is nothing more than an attack on her character, for no probative evidence has been posted to refute that she believes she has Native American Roots.

Wrong, her false statements, claims, lies, distortions, corruptive tendencies place her squarely in with all of the other reprobates.
I like her work on holding financial institutions accoutable and her work on protecting consumers.

But that's about all I know about her.

I'll dig deeper if I need to consider a vote for or against her.
Most of the criticisms I see in the linked articles are pretty lame. She used to think she had some "Indian" blood. So what? ANYONE who had that belief would include it in applications to schools and for government jobs. So what? She was not entirely graceful in confronting the fact that her "family lore" was all made-up bullshit. So what?

She consulted with a lot of big corporations on how to protect themselves from blood-sucking lawyers who were trying to get rich on the asbestos thing. So shoot her.

She tried to have the Bankruptcy laws modified to make them more friendly to consumers, many of whom are very unsophisticated when making decisions that affect their financial affairs.

The work she was doing for the law firms in Mass. and for herself were on the periphery of practicing law, but not actually going to court or giving "legal" advice. I've been doing the same things for 30 years and although I've kept up my Bar membership, it probably hasn't mattered.

She is not at all out of the mainstream of the Democrat party, and would undoubtedly do well in a national election. The crap that is being brought up to discredit her isn't worth the paper it's (not) written on.
"As a child in small-town Oklahoma, Elizabeth Warren yearned to go to college and then become an elementary school teacher—an ambitious goal, given her family’s modest means. Early marriage and motherhood seemed to put even that dream out of reach, but fifteen years later she was a distinguished law professor with a deep understanding of why people go bankrupt. Then came the phone call that changed her life: could she come to Washington DC to help advise Congress on rewriting the bankruptcy laws?

Thus began an impolite education into the bare-knuckled, often dysfunctional ways of Washington. She fought for better bankruptcy laws for ten years and lost. She tried to hold the federal government accountable during the financial crisis but became a target of the big banks. She came up with the idea for a new agency designed to protect consumers from predatory bankers and was denied the opportunity to run it. Finally, at age 62, she decided to run for elective office and won the most competitive—and watched—Senate race in the country.

In this passionate, funny, rabble-rousing book, Warren shows why she has chosen to fight tooth and nail for the middle class—and why she has become a hero to all those who believe that America’s government can and must do better for working families."

A Fighting Chance: Elizabeth Warren: 9781627790529: Books

Interiew on PBS: Sen. Warren on ?A Fighting Chance? for every American

And now the stupidest among us can replay Native American jokes since they have no ability to counter Sen. Warren's words.

Your opening post amounts to spam. A self-serving ad for her book!

You know, I firmly believe Wall Street is robbing everyone blind. I have no doubt of it. I can provide evidence of this for days. I therefore feel some resonance toward Warren's reform efforts.

But...and it is a very strong but...Warren is a classic wealth redistribution socialist in the same vein as Barack Obama.

I believe in creating a level playing field. Warren believes in robbing from the rich, guilty and innocent alike, and giving to the poor, guilty and innocent alike.

That is the big difference between her and me, and is why I cannot stand her.
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Most of the criticisms I see in the linked articles are pretty lame. She used to think she had some "Indian" blood. So what? ANYONE who had that belief would include it in applications to schools and for government jobs. So what? She was not entirely graceful in confronting the fact that her "family lore" was all made-up bullshit. So what?

She consulted with a lot of big corporations on how to protect themselves from blood-sucking lawyers who were trying to get rich on the asbestos thing. So shoot her.

She tried to have the Bankruptcy laws modified to make them more friendly to consumers, many of whom are very unsophisticated when making decisions that affect their financial affairs.

The work she was doing for the law firms in Mass. and for herself were on the periphery of practicing law, but not actually going to court or giving "legal" advice. I've been doing the same things for 30 years and although I've kept up my Bar membership, it probably hasn't mattered.

She is not at all out of the mainstream of the Democrat party, and would undoubtedly do well in a national election. The crap that is being brought up to discredit her isn't worth the paper it's (not) written on.

ok i'm glad you have so many reasons why she isnt that bad.

love the way the Left lowers the bar

anyway she appears to be just another redistributionist
I believe in creating a level playing field. Warren believes in robbing from the rich, guilty and innocent alike, and giving to the poor, guilty and innocent alike.

Can you point me to some examples?
She's obviously a Cherokee- look at those cheekbones!!


Apache, not Cherokee, but, yes, she definitely looks Native American.


i'm not seeing that

then again we're dealing with left-wing losers that see "forward progress" in RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS

One of the dumbest among us ^^^!? Well, let's see if we can rule out such an assessment.

How does dummy define a "left-wing loser"?
What reasons can be cited by the dummy to explain why "RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS" (?) [I infer the dummy means more Americans are receiving more aid].
Apache, not Cherokee, but, yes, she definitely looks Native American.


i'm not seeing that

then again we're dealing with left-wing losers that see "forward progress" in RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS

One of the dumbest among us ^^^!? Well, let's see if we can rule out such an assessment.

How does dummy define a "left-wing loser"?
What reasons can be cited by the dummy to explain why "RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS" (?) [I infer the dummy means more Americans are receiving more aid].

not so hard dummy: you reason is..................
wait for it........................
wait for it...........................
my bad leftard; i forgot; making as many Americans as possible dependent on the Government for survival IS a Progressive's idea of "forward progress"!

go see if you can get a hold of one of them "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" BANNERS

You ever actually listen to that song. Right there is where the crude jokes about Warren being Native American lose all their humor and it is time to get real. We backed Brown the fuck up on this matter and we will back the fuck up anyone else who wants to play this card in 2016. Anyone wants to run a campaign against Warren is more than welcome. When the race card gets played we are putting them at the bottom of the deck.
I believe in creating a level playing field. Warren believes in robbing from the rich, guilty and innocent alike, and giving to the poor, guilty and innocent alike.

Can you point me to some examples?

Examples of what? Warren being a class war redistributionist?

No problem!

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good grief, the drool is dripping through my computer screen

icky.... but they do love their commies even in their women

we need to be saved from all these people in this Democrat/progressive party

don't fall for THEM or their lies dressed up in honey like you did with Obama...
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Drop the Indian thing, guys. It just makes you look like idiots with no substance. There are far better, more important, reasons to oppose Warren. If you can't address the things that really matter, STFU. You are hurting the cause.

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