Sen. Wyden (D) is a godsend in re: Russiagate

Wyden looks like he's done a Caitlyn Jenner on himself....hideous little creep...


Hitlery Clinton without her make-up.........

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Adults are talking Tinfoil Dale

And I am one of them....this is the time that you should STFU and listen for a change.....
Have any of you obedient rw 'tards viewed the video? That was a rhetorical question

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Have any of you obedient rw 'tards viewed the video? That was a rhetorical question

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I know that Wyden is a dickwad.......I didn't think that you were defending him or giving him props because I wouldn't give that sack of shit the time 'o day. I simply shared my experience about the ass-wipe and for some reason you saw it as an opportunity to claim that I wasn't "an adult"?????? And why was that????

I "punked" Wyden on his facebook page about his despicable behavior as it pertained to how the protesters at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge were treated and how he tucked tail and ran instead of addressing the BLM land grab and in particular, that of the Hammond family. His supporters took up his cause and they bailed right quickly when I laid out what the protest was about. It sickens me that sacks of shit like him are still able to remain in office.

It's Oregon, I expect nothing out of Oregon and they have never failed me. Sick pukes for electing Why?den.
ad homs against Whyden noted as well as your ducking the fact that he had Sessions dead to rights
My opinion is that the Turd Widen looks like as bad a Fool as the Original Poster does for bringing this matter up.

The Southern boy Sessions made Widen look like a complete Ass, which of course he is....if you only have enough of a brain to understand what is going on in this exchange...which the Original Poster clearly does not.

Comey said that Sessions was going to have to recuse himself because of something "problematic" which he could not discuss in open session. This of course caused liberal bolshevik turds like the Original Poster to go Orgasmic over what that might be.

So, off the Committee goes into Private Session--that very day, right after the public session ended---where Comey told the Committee, including the Fool Widen exactly what this "problematic" issue was---and it turns out that it was no more than the fact that both Sessions and the Russian Ambassador were at the Mayflower Hotel for a Trump Speech, and they MIGHT have bumped into each and shook hands at this huge public event. Sessions says, if they did, he has no memory of it. Comey apparently could not prove even the handshake, he just reported that they were at the same huge public event.

Then this Widen Creep & Turd interrogates Sessions about it, as if it hasn't already been explained in Private Session to be Bullshit...and that is why Sessions said "Widen, you tell me what the "problematic" matter was...he said that because Widen, the turd, having been in the private session with Comey, when Sessions was not...was in a better position to know than Sessions. Yet he pretended, for the public and fools like the Original Poster that he didn't know.

Three things come out of this rank absurdity:

1) Comey is a grandstanding Ass for making such a big sounding deal over this supposedly "problematic" matter, when it was pure bullshit.

2) Widen is a fraud for pretending he didn't already know it was pure Bullshit. And Sessions called him out for it, as he should have.

3) The Original Poster looks like a complete fool for falling for the whole charade...a Moron actually, and he ought to quit posting on this board out of pure embarrassment.

But, he won't because Liberalism is in fact a Mental Illness akin to Dementia, as this damn Fool Original Poster has so clearly demonstrated by this ridiculous thread.

Sessions kicked hid punk teeth in. Just that simple.

figures YOU'D say that considering you're one of the pre- eminent eXtreme Rightards here

Excuse me, wasn't Wyden in the closed hearing with Comey? I guess the punk Wyden either wasn't paying attention or Comey didn't elaborate on his insinuation. Either way so far the only things being reported are insinuations, assumptions and innuendo when it comes to collusion. So until you assholes stop doing that and just STFU until Muller has done his job, you can expect to be blasted for your zero evidence accusations, that includes Wyden, Harris and the whole commiecrat clan.


Sessions kicked hid punk teeth in. Just that simple.

figures YOU'D say that considering you're one of the pre- eminent eXtreme Rightards here

Excuse me, wasn't Wyden in the closed hearing with Comey? I guess the punk Wyden either wasn't paying attention or Comey didn't elaborate on his insinuation. Either way so far the only things being reported are insinuations, assumptions and innuendo when it comes to collusion. So until you assholes stop doing that and just STFU until Muller has done his job, you can expect to be blasted for your zero evidence accusations, that includes Wyden, Harris and the whole commiecrat clan.

these fks accused one of their own members a traitor while he was a senator. I mean there isn't less respect in a government facility than that. And all without any evidence. the ignorant live.
Leftist Loon Tards still aren't getting it. Bernie Sanders called you Losers and Failures, and now you are pissing Diane Feinstein off.

Schummer "The Putin Cockholster That Roared", being the coward that he is, suddenly clammed up.

He's distancing himself from the pile of shit in his own shorts, because it is rancorous as the words that came out of his mouth daily.


The Only Evidence of Crimes were committed by Clinton, Obama and their Underlings, and THE INVESTIGATION is going to turn towards that.

Like I said, a year ago......this is going to end up being a major Phuck Up by The Dems, because if you start a FAKE Conspiracy, and try to throw shit to the wall, and there is actually NO EVIDENCE of crimes, you become desperate and have to take more and more risks to make your FAKE ACCUSATIONS STICK.....and then you start committing CRIMES.

It's like a guy with a gambling problem that talks himself in to embezzlement because he just knows if he "borrows" the companies money, he'll hit it big and get out of the hole and pay the money back before anyone notices.

He NEVER gets out of THE HOLE. The Dems are Never getting out of THIS HOLE.
He starts off as a casual gambler, becomes an addict, then becomes a criminal.

And boy oh boy were there a lot of crimes committed, and because they tried to make what they were doing look legit.....THERE IS A PAPER TRAIL.

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The only major good thing Wyden has ever done was to expose the Obama administration:

Is it me or do all of these old fking senators look like they haven't slept for fking ages? I mean McCain couldn't get off his own tongue, this fk couldn't see straight if he had coke bottle glasses on. what a bunch of old fks taking our money for doing absolutely nothing. I'm saying.
Leftist Loon Tards still aren't getting it. Bernie Sanders called you Losers and Failures, and now you are pissing Diane Feinstein off.

Schummer "The Putin Cockholster That Roared", being the coward that he is, suddenly clammed up.

He's distancing himself from the pile of shit in his own shorts, because it is rancorous as the words that came out of his mouth daily.


The Only Evidence of Crimes were committed by Clinton, Obama and their Underlings, and THE INVESTIGATION is going to turn towards that.

Like I said, a year ago......this is going to end up being a major Phuck Up by The Dems, because if you start a FAKE Conspiracy, and try to throw shit to the wall, and there is actually NO EVIDENCE of crimes, you become desperate and have to take more and more risks to make your FAKE ACCUSATIONS STICK.....and then you start committing CRIMES.

It's like a guy with a gambling problem that talks himself in to embezzlement because he just knows if he "borrows" the companies money, he'll hit it big and get out of the hole and pay the money back before anyone notices.

He NEVER gets out of THE HOLE. The Dems are Never getting out of THIS HOLE.
He starts off as a casual gambler, becomes an addict, then becomes a criminal.

And boy oh boy were there a lot of crimes committed, and because they tried to make what they were doing look legit.....THERE IS A PAPER TRAIL.

tl;dr Rightard :thup: :anj_stfu:

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