Senate and WH agree to the $2 Trillion dollar stimulus.

Here comes the bailout money. If you can afford it, support your local businesses, they DESPERATELY need your patronage. Good night all.
WaPo has it up, if you need a link. But there's a paywall.

Here's one more--

I can hear those fingers typing away now.
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Thank you, Mike. We certainly do.

Walmart will survive this just fine. It's the Mom and Pops who are in trouble.
Curious, does the House still need to pass this?

Sounds like another opportunity for Pelosi to screw it up again.

Put your hate aside. The Slush Fund has been addressed. The problem was that it gave Rump carte blanche with about 500billion of funds where he would not be held accountable and not reportable. While the slush fund was not removed, the accountability was added where instead of waiting 6 months to see if it was necessary, instead, the funds have to be reported openly.

One hidden easter egg was removed. Part of the bill has a provision that NO President, VP, Congress, and many others are barred from benefit from any of these funds. This includes any businesses that they are connected with directly or through blind trust. It also covers their children.

This bill is NOT the bill that Moscow Mitch and Rump demanded. They were shamed. It was the bill that the bipartisans in the senate were working on all along. It's close to the House without some of the items the house Dems want. The House Dems are going to have to give a little as well. This is how our Government should work. It's been a very, very long time since it has. It's way past time it does.
Here comes the bailout money. If you can afford it, support your local businesses, they DESPERATELY need your patronage. Good night all.

I support local business ...

A good time to aid workers and small enterprises. A lousy time to try to stimulate continued over consumption. As for "Wall Street" and the big finance game, let them do for their losses what they do for their profit; not share them with us.
The Senate was never going to be a problem in all this. Pelosi's house, or whoever the hell is in charge there, will cause all the problems. They already have with their manifesto.

The Senate wasn't a Problem as long as the Slush Fund that was completely unaccountable to anyone other than Rump was part of the package. Rump, his kids and his buddies were frothing at the mouth on that one. Instead, a lot of Dems and Reps held fast and got it bounced. What you got was a real bi-partisan bill from the Senate with checks and balances where workers and small businesses were taken care of. And, yes, the large Corps were too but not with a blank check as with the Rump and Rumps butt baby.

There are still a few things to be hammered out but I think in a couple of days, the House will come to agreement with the bi-partisan senators. You see, rumpster, that's the way it's supposed to work.
The economics of trying to stimulate consumption right now is not solid. Helping the workers and the major engine of employment, small to medium enterprises, is logical and necessary. Bailing out botched billionaire banks and corrupt corporate crooks should be put on hold until the day after forever.
The Senate was never going to be a problem in all this. Pelosi's house, or whoever the hell is in charge there, will cause all the problems. They already have with their manifesto.

The Senate wasn't a Problem as long as the Slush Fund that was completely unaccountable to anyone other than Rump was part of the package. Rump, his kids and his buddies were frothing at the mouth on that one. Instead, a lot of Dems and Reps held fast and got it bounced. What you got was a real bi-partisan bill from the Senate with checks and balances where workers and small businesses were taken care of. And, yes, the large Corps were too but not with a blank check as with the Rump and Rumps butt baby.

There are still a few things to be hammered out but I think in a couple of days, the House will come to agreement with the bi-partisan senators. You see, rumpster, that's the way it's supposed to work.

Gee, no derangement going on there....:rolleyes:

Look, President Trump has been calling on the Senate to get this done since last week for the American people....Your post here just shows that there is NO circumstance in which you will even consider that Trump was doing anything good for this country.
The economics of trying to stimulate consumption right now is not solid. Helping the workers and the major engine of employment, small to medium enterprises, is logical and necessary. Bailing out botched billionaire banks and corrupt corporate crooks should be put on hold until the day after forever.

And what exactly of the employees of the larger businesses that are hurt because of this virus? Should they just fold? What about their employees? Screw them right?
The Senate was never going to be a problem in all this. Pelosi's house, or whoever the hell is in charge there, will cause all the problems. They already have with their manifesto.

The Senate wasn't a Problem as long as the Slush Fund that was completely unaccountable to anyone other than Rump was part of the package. Rump, his kids and his buddies were frothing at the mouth on that one. Instead, a lot of Dems and Reps held fast and got it bounced. What you got was a real bi-partisan bill from the Senate with checks and balances where workers and small businesses were taken care of. And, yes, the large Corps were too but not with a blank check as with the Rump and Rumps butt baby.

There are still a few things to be hammered out but I think in a couple of days, the House will come to agreement with the bi-partisan senators. You see, rumpster, that's the way it's supposed to work.

Gee, no derangement going on there....:rolleyes:

Look, President Trump has been calling on the Senate to get this done since last week for the American people....Your post here just shows that there is NO circumstance in which you will even consider that Trump was doing anything good for this country.

Until yesterday, Moscow Mitch wasn't allowing the bi-partisan senate bill to be presented. He only wanted the one that Rump wanted which pretty well gave Rump Carte Blanche. I guess Moscow Mitch decided he wanted to stay Majority Leader after all.
The Senate was never going to be a problem in all this. Pelosi's house, or whoever the hell is in charge there, will cause all the problems. They already have with their manifesto.

The Senate wasn't a Problem as long as the Slush Fund that was completely unaccountable to anyone other than Rump was part of the package. Rump, his kids and his buddies were frothing at the mouth on that one. Instead, a lot of Dems and Reps held fast and got it bounced. What you got was a real bi-partisan bill from the Senate with checks and balances where workers and small businesses were taken care of. And, yes, the large Corps were too but not with a blank check as with the Rump and Rumps butt baby.

There are still a few things to be hammered out but I think in a couple of days, the House will come to agreement with the bi-partisan senators. You see, rumpster, that's the way it's supposed to work.

Gee, no derangement going on there....:rolleyes:

Look, President Trump has been calling on the Senate to get this done since last week for the American people....Your post here just shows that there is NO circumstance in which you will even consider that Trump was doing anything good for this country.

Until yesterday, Moscow Mitch wasn't allowing the bi-partisan senate bill to be presented. He only wanted the one that Rump wanted which pretty well gave Rump Carte Blanche. I guess Moscow Mitch decided he wanted to stay Majority Leader after all.

See, that's the problem with you liberals...You can't grasp the concept that the people hurt by this virus are beyond your partisan hatred....Also, that when you are the minority, you're NOT in charge of what goes on....The arrogance at the cost of the people's well being is stunning.
The Senate was never going to be a problem in all this. Pelosi's house, or whoever the hell is in charge there, will cause all the problems. They already have with their manifesto.

The Senate wasn't a Problem as long as the Slush Fund that was completely unaccountable to anyone other than Rump was part of the package. Rump, his kids and his buddies were frothing at the mouth on that one. Instead, a lot of Dems and Reps held fast and got it bounced. What you got was a real bi-partisan bill from the Senate with checks and balances where workers and small businesses were taken care of. And, yes, the large Corps were too but not with a blank check as with the Rump and Rumps butt baby.

There are still a few things to be hammered out but I think in a couple of days, the House will come to agreement with the bi-partisan senators. You see, rumpster, that's the way it's supposed to work.

Gee, no derangement going on there....:rolleyes:

Look, President Trump has been calling on the Senate to get this done since last week for the American people....Your post here just shows that there is NO circumstance in which you will even consider that Trump was doing anything good for this country.

Until yesterday, Moscow Mitch wasn't allowing the bi-partisan senate bill to be presented. He only wanted the one that Rump wanted which pretty well gave Rump Carte Blanche. I guess Moscow Mitch decided he wanted to stay Majority Leader after all.

See, that's the problem with you liberals...You can't grasp the concept that the people hurt by this virus are beyond your partisan hatred....Also, that when you are the minority, you're NOT in charge of what goes on....The arrogance at the cost of the people's well being is stunning.

You still don't get it. Moscow Mitch had his Rump Puppy bill he was trying to cram down everyone's throat that was not even considered partisan since even the hard core Republicans couldn't support it. But it was "My way or the Highway". The other Republicans finally stood on their hind legs and said, enough. And now, the Dems and the Reps are on the same page. So if anyone here is not in charge, it's you party of rumpers. Moscow Mitch does more damage than even rump does.

As for minority V majority, all, except for Moscow Mitch and a handful of other Rumpers, are on the same page and getting a solid bill passed. Not it's not everything either side wants but it's what we need RIGHT NOW. I listened to Moscow Mitch in his speech about passing it. Talk about spoiled milk. Since he didn't get his way, he's ready to bomb it if it even fails in a remote way. Even Rump isn't doing that although Rump will change his mind at the drop of a tweet.

Moscow Mitch and Rump didn't win on this one. America is winning for a change. Afterall, we are in a bad way and a win is in serious order right now.
The Senate was never going to be a problem in all this. Pelosi's house, or whoever the hell is in charge there, will cause all the problems. They already have with their manifesto.

The Senate wasn't a Problem as long as the Slush Fund that was completely unaccountable to anyone other than Rump was part of the package. Rump, his kids and his buddies were frothing at the mouth on that one. Instead, a lot of Dems and Reps held fast and got it bounced. What you got was a real bi-partisan bill from the Senate with checks and balances where workers and small businesses were taken care of. And, yes, the large Corps were too but not with a blank check as with the Rump and Rumps butt baby.

There are still a few things to be hammered out but I think in a couple of days, the House will come to agreement with the bi-partisan senators. You see, rumpster, that's the way it's supposed to work.

Gee, no derangement going on there....:rolleyes:

Look, President Trump has been calling on the Senate to get this done since last week for the American people....Your post here just shows that there is NO circumstance in which you will even consider that Trump was doing anything good for this country.

Until yesterday, Moscow Mitch wasn't allowing the bi-partisan senate bill to be presented. He only wanted the one that Rump wanted which pretty well gave Rump Carte Blanche. I guess Moscow Mitch decided he wanted to stay Majority Leader after all.

See, that's the problem with you liberals...You can't grasp the concept that the people hurt by this virus are beyond your partisan hatred....Also, that when you are the minority, you're NOT in charge of what goes on....The arrogance at the cost of the people's well being is stunning.

You still don't get it. Moscow Mitch had his Rump Puppy bill he was trying to cram down everyone's throat that was not even considered partisan since even the hard core Republicans couldn't support it. But it was "My way or the Highway". The other Republicans finally stood on their hind legs and said, enough. And now, the Dems and the Reps are on the same page. So if anyone here is not in charge, it's you party of rumpers. Moscow Mitch does more damage than even rump does.

As for minority V majority, all, except for Moscow Mitch and a handful of other Rumpers, are on the same page and getting a solid bill passed. Not it's not everything either side wants but it's what we need RIGHT NOW. I listened to Moscow Mitch in his speech about passing it. Talk about spoiled milk. Since he didn't get his way, he's ready to bomb it if it even fails in a remote way. Even Rump isn't doing that although Rump will change his mind at the drop of a tweet.

Moscow Mitch and Rump didn't win on this one. America is winning for a change. Afterall, we are in a bad way and a win is in serious order right now.

Good grief...How can anyone get something so convoluted as you just did here...
The Senate was never going to be a problem in all this. Pelosi's house, or whoever the hell is in charge there, will cause all the problems. They already have with their manifesto.

The Senate wasn't a Problem as long as the Slush Fund that was completely unaccountable to anyone other than Rump was part of the package. Rump, his kids and his buddies were frothing at the mouth on that one. Instead, a lot of Dems and Reps held fast and got it bounced. What you got was a real bi-partisan bill from the Senate with checks and balances where workers and small businesses were taken care of. And, yes, the large Corps were too but not with a blank check as with the Rump and Rumps butt baby.

There are still a few things to be hammered out but I think in a couple of days, the House will come to agreement with the bi-partisan senators. You see, rumpster, that's the way it's supposed to work.

Gee, no derangement going on there....:rolleyes:

Look, President Trump has been calling on the Senate to get this done since last week for the American people....Your post here just shows that there is NO circumstance in which you will even consider that Trump was doing anything good for this country.

Until yesterday, Moscow Mitch wasn't allowing the bi-partisan senate bill to be presented. He only wanted the one that Rump wanted which pretty well gave Rump Carte Blanche. I guess Moscow Mitch decided he wanted to stay Majority Leader after all.

See, that's the problem with you liberals...You can't grasp the concept that the people hurt by this virus are beyond your partisan hatred....Also, that when you are the minority, you're NOT in charge of what goes on....The arrogance at the cost of the people's well being is stunning.

You still don't get it. Moscow Mitch had his Rump Puppy bill he was trying to cram down everyone's throat that was not even considered partisan since even the hard core Republicans couldn't support it. But it was "My way or the Highway". The other Republicans finally stood on their hind legs and said, enough. And now, the Dems and the Reps are on the same page. So if anyone here is not in charge, it's you party of rumpers. Moscow Mitch does more damage than even rump does.

As for minority V majority, all, except for Moscow Mitch and a handful of other Rumpers, are on the same page and getting a solid bill passed. Not it's not everything either side wants but it's what we need RIGHT NOW. I listened to Moscow Mitch in his speech about passing it. Talk about spoiled milk. Since he didn't get his way, he's ready to bomb it if it even fails in a remote way. Even Rump isn't doing that although Rump will change his mind at the drop of a tweet.

Moscow Mitch and Rump didn't win on this one. America is winning for a change. Afterall, we are in a bad way and a win is in serious order right now.

Good grief...How can anyone get something so convoluted as you just did here...

Yes, in your world, Facts and Reality are convoluting.

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