Senate cannot try a private citizen !!!

The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
How would impeachment prevent that?

shouldn’t he be arrested for the crime of insurrection?
If he's convicted and prevented from running again, he can't run and lose again and then again convince his retarded base the election was stolen from him.
So you admit there was no actual crime.

Got it.

Who knows what I said that your deformed brain translated it into that ^^^

I assumed if you thought Trump actually committed sedition and insurrection you would want him locked up. My bad.

Nice that you don’t think he did that.
I never said he stormed the Capitol. I said he incited those who did. Which is a crime and yes, I believe he should be locked up for that. Does the brain-dead conservative understand now?
Why hasn’t Pedo Joe locked him up for trying to overthrow the govt?

Dumbfuck, an investigation has to precede filing charges. Are you new in this country??

Didn’t in Nazis’s House.

The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
Are you telling me that congress knows better? hmm, is this is a joke?
You don't think Congress has an obligation to do what they can to prevent attacks on our government?

I'm pretty sure they do as they swear to do exactly that.

“I _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...
How would impeachment prevent Trump from inciting another insurrection? It wouldn’t lock him up.
Asked and answered. Not my problem if you didn't understand the answer the first time I gave it.
Your “answer” didn’t sany how it would prevent him from doing it again. He could be massing the troops right now.
I said it would help prevent it. Reading comprehension is something you should practice better.

Trump is massing troops at Mar a does the Dimwinger Shampeachment prevent his next attempt to overthrow the govt?

Be specific.
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
Are you telling me that congress knows better? hmm, is this is a joke?
You don't think Congress has an obligation to do what they can to prevent attacks on our government?

I'm pretty sure they do as they swear to do exactly that.

“I _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...
How would impeachment prevent Trump from inciting another insurrection? It wouldn’t lock him up.
Asked and answered. Not my problem if you didn't understand the answer the first time I gave it.
Your “answer” didn’t sany how it would prevent him from doing it again. He could be massing the troops right now.
I said it would help prevent it. Reading comprehension is something you should practice better.

Trump is massing troops at Mar a does the Dimwinger Shampeachment prevent his next attempt to overthrow the govt?

Be specific.

Read the whole transcript of Trump's ravings on January 6th.

Trump said the virus would be gone by April..

Biden said he would take care of the COVID-19 problem once he got in office, promising to ensure 100 MILLION vaccines were given in his 1st 10p days...

So what's your point?

....and don't give us the already debunked Biden lie about the Trump administration did not have a distribution plan.

The head of operation Warp Speed and other members proved him to be a liar, explaining how their team held 300 meetings with Biden's team - which Biden publicly declared over a week ago were not experienced enough to handle the job .
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
Are you telling me that congress knows better? hmm, is this is a joke?
You don't think Congress has an obligation to do what they can to prevent attacks on our government?

I'm pretty sure they do as they swear to do exactly that.

“I _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...
How would impeachment prevent Trump from inciting another insurrection? It wouldn’t lock him up.
Asked and answered. Not my problem if you didn't understand the answer the first time I gave it.
Your “answer” didn’t sany how it would prevent him from doing it again. He could be massing the troops right now.
I said it would help prevent it. Reading comprehension is something you should practice better.

Trump is massing troops at Mar a does the Dimwinger Shampeachment prevent his next attempt to overthrow the govt?

Be specific.

Read the whole transcript of Trump's ravings on January 6th.

I did, show me what I missed.

Quote his exact words inciting an insurrection.

"It's Constitutional because I WAAAAAANT IIIIIIT!!"

A process that is used to charge, try, and remove public officials for misconduct while in office.

It's a bitch when all those messy words you tried to use to get what you want turn out to actually mean things.

Try again, troll. And the next time you want to quote the Constitution, try to understand what it says.

Yeah, I'll stick with the constitution rather than 'the free'.

And these are the punishments associated with the impeachment per the Constitution:

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States"

Its that second part that's relevant to our discussion.
In other words the people must be prevented from voting.

We cannot impeach a political office holder after his term is over no matter what the crime is. Even if he's in prison. Removal from office and a prohibition against running again is a single political act.

Democrat communists just don't trust people to vote the way they want the vote to go.
You're wrong again. Those require separate votes in the Senate. They are not a "single political act."

Nope, The Senate votes "guilty" or "not guilty." It doesn't have a separate to disqualify him from holding office in the future.

Says you, citing yourself as the sole legal authority. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Back in reality, the Constitution only states that removal requires the 2/3 majority. There is no such requirement for disqualification.

The Senate has found -twice- that a simple majority is all that is necessary for disqualification.

So your claim that they both have to be decided in a single vote is provable nonsense. Worse, the Senate determined that a simple majority is all that's necessary to disqualify.

So yes, the issues of removal and disqualification are divisible. And yes, disqualification requires only a simple majority.

Which the democrats have.
The Constitution says the Senate shall try the "PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES."

Nope. it doesn't. It says:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

You keep trying to ignore that.

We keep ignoring YOU. As your pseudo-legal gibberish and made up 'constitution quotes' have no relevance to anything being discussed.
I quoted the fucking Constitution, you witless baboon.
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
How would impeachment prevent that?

shouldn’t he be arrested for the crime of insurrection?
If he's convicted and prevented from running again, he can't run and lose again and then again convince his retarded base the election was stolen from him.
So you admit there was no actual crime.

Got it.

Who knows what I said that your deformed brain translated it into that ^^^

I assumed if you thought Trump actually committed sedition and insurrection you would want him locked up. My bad.

Nice that you don’t think he did that.
I never said he stormed the Capitol. I said he incited those who did. Which is a crime and yes, I believe he should be locked up for that. Does the brain-dead conservative understand now?
Why hasn’t Pedo Joe locked him up for trying to overthrow the govt?

Dumbfuck, an investigation has to precede filing charges. Are you new in this country??

Didn’t in Nazis’s House.

Dumbfuck, Congress doesn't file criminal charges such as what Twice Impeached Trump could be facing.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
Are you telling me that congress knows better? hmm, is this is a joke?
You don't think Congress has an obligation to do what they can to prevent attacks on our government?

I'm pretty sure they do as they swear to do exactly that.

“I _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...
How would impeachment prevent Trump from inciting another insurrection? It wouldn’t lock him up.
Asked and answered. Not my problem if you didn't understand the answer the first time I gave it.
Your “answer” didn’t sany how it would prevent him from doing it again. He could be massing the troops right now.
I said it would help prevent it. Reading comprehension is something you should practice better.

Trump is massing troops at Mar a does the Dimwinger Shampeachment prevent his next attempt to overthrow the govt?

Be specific.
I said it [disqualifying from holding office] would help prevent it. Reading comprehension is something you should practice better.
Here is something not considered in the thread, it is part way down in this article that drives home the trial is illegal.

American Thinker

January 27, 2021
The Senate Cannot Impeach Donald Trump
By Jonathon Moseley


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has delivered Articles of Impeachment of Donald J. Trump and the appointment of Impeachment Managers to the U.S. Senate on January 25. The Senate cannot legally hold a trial on impeachment of a President or other official who has already left office.

As we will watch, the Senate has extensive, long-established procedures -- but only as its own rules. The Senate must convene the next day at 1:00 P.M. But the Senate typically schedules the actual trial for later. Chuck Schumer says the trial will start February 8. Senate rules require a trial, whereas the Constitution only allows the Senate to hold a trial should they choose. No trial is required. But in any trial, a motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction must be taken up first.

Remember: Democrats in the House were conducting impeachment hearings of President Richard Nixon for some serious crimes. It appeared that the votes were there in the Senate to remove Nixon from office. But when Nixon resigned, the entire effort stopped. Democrats then believed that they did not have the jurisdiction to proceed with impeachment. In December 2019, when Rep. Matt Gaetz suggested impeaching Barack Obama no longer in office, the Washington Post “fact checked” the idea as unlikely, with more professors arguing against than for.



The Constitution says in Article I, Section 3, that: “Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States.”

Trump is already out of office, the Senate Trial is no longer valid.
Where is the part that claims a trial is illegal?
"When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside"

And that's a requirement of the Chief Justice. Not on the Senate or the impeachment trial.

As demonstrated by the fact that Justice Roberts in NOT presiding over Trump's impeachment trial. Leahy is instead.
I marvel at how you are able to get everything ass backwards.

Or.....once again, you simply have no idea what you're talking about.

As there's no requirement that the Chief Justice preside over an impeachment trial of someone who isn't president.

Trump is no longer president. Thus, Roberts has no obligation to preside over his impeachment trial.
Only someone who is holding a federal office can be tried as a result of impeachment, you brain damaged NAZI.
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
How would impeachment prevent that?

shouldn’t he be arrested for the crime of insurrection?
If he's convicted and prevented from running again, he can't run and lose again and then again convince his retarded base the election was stolen from him.
So you admit there was no actual crime.

Got it.

Who knows what I said that your deformed brain translated it into that ^^^

I assumed if you thought Trump actually committed sedition and insurrection you would want him locked up. My bad.

Nice that you don’t think he did that.
I never said he stormed the Capitol. I said he incited those who did. Which is a crime and yes, I believe he should be locked up for that. Does the brain-dead conservative understand now?
Why hasn’t Pedo Joe locked him up for trying to overthrow the govt?

Dumbfuck, an investigation has to precede filing charges. Are you new in this country??

Didn’t in Nazis’s House.

Dumbfuck, Congress doesn't file criminal charges such as what Twice Impeached Trump could be facing.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

He's not facing criminal charges of any kind.
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
How would impeachment prevent that?

shouldn’t he be arrested for the crime of insurrection?
If he's convicted and prevented from running again, he can't run and lose again and then again convince his retarded base the election was stolen from him.
So you admit there was no actual crime.

Got it.

Who knows what I said that your deformed brain translated it into that ^^^

I assumed if you thought Trump actually committed sedition and insurrection you would want him locked up. My bad.

Nice that you don’t think he did that.
I never said he stormed the Capitol. I said he incited those who did. Which is a crime and yes, I believe he should be locked up for that. Does the brain-dead conservative understand now?
Why hasn’t Pedo Joe locked him up for trying to overthrow the govt?

Dumbfuck, an investigation has to precede filing charges. Are you new in this country??

Didn’t in Nazis’s House.

Dumbfuck, Congress doesn't file criminal charges such as what Twice Impeached Trump could be facing.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

Never said they did. Learn to read.
"It's Constitutional because I WAAAAAANT IIIIIIT!!"

A process that is used to charge, try, and remove public officials for misconduct while in office.

It's a bitch when all those messy words you tried to use to get what you want turn out to actually mean things.

Try again, troll. And the next time you want to quote the Constitution, try to understand what it says.

Yeah, I'll stick with the constitution rather than 'the free'.

And these are the punishments associated with the impeachment per the Constitution:

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States"

Its that second part that's relevant to our discussion.
In other words the people must be prevented from voting.

We cannot impeach a political office holder after his term is over no matter what the crime is. Even if he's in prison. Removal from office and a prohibition against running again is a single political act.

Democrat communists just don't trust people to vote the way they want the vote to go.
You're wrong again. Those require separate votes in the Senate. They are not a "single political act."

Nope, The Senate votes "guilty" or "not guilty." It doesn't have a separate to disqualify him from holding office in the future.

Says you, citing yourself as the sole legal authority. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Back in reality, the Constitution only states that removal requires the 2/3 majority. There is no such requirement for disqualification.

The Senate has found -twice- that a simple majority is all that is necessary for disqualification.

So your claim that they both have to be decided in a single vote is provable nonsense. Worse, the Senate determined that a simple majority is all that's necessary to disqualify.

So yes, the issues of removal and disqualification are divisible. And yes, disqualification requires only a simple majority.

Which the democrats have.
The Constitution says the Senate shall try the "PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES."

Nope. it doesn't. It says:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

You keep trying to ignore that.

We keep ignoring YOU. As your pseudo-legal gibberish and made up 'constitution quotes' have no relevance to anything being discussed.
I quoted the fucking Constitution, you witless baboon.
Fucking moron, you falsely claimed the Constitution says the Senate shall try the president of the United States when it states no such thing. So when you "quote" the Constitution, you really have no idea what it means.
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
How would impeachment prevent that?

shouldn’t he be arrested for the crime of insurrection?
If he's convicted and prevented from running again, he can't run and lose again and then again convince his retarded base the election was stolen from him.
So you admit there was no actual crime.

Got it.

Who knows what I said that your deformed brain translated it into that ^^^

I assumed if you thought Trump actually committed sedition and insurrection you would want him locked up. My bad.

Nice that you don’t think he did that.
I never said he stormed the Capitol. I said he incited those who did. Which is a crime and yes, I believe he should be locked up for that. Does the brain-dead conservative understand now?
Why hasn’t Pedo Joe locked him up for trying to overthrow the govt?

Dumbfuck, an investigation has to precede filing charges. Are you new in this country??

Didn’t in Nazis’s House.

Dumbfuck, Congress doesn't file criminal charges such as what Twice Impeached Trump could be facing.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

He's not facing criminal charges of any kind.
Imbecile, "could be facing" is also above your G-d given comprehension limitations?? My shocked face --> :ack-1:
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
Are you telling me that congress knows better? hmm, is this is a joke?
You don't think Congress has an obligation to do what they can to prevent attacks on our government?

I'm pretty sure they do as they swear to do exactly that.

“I _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...
How would impeachment prevent Trump from inciting another insurrection? It wouldn’t lock him up.
Asked and answered. Not my problem if you didn't understand the answer the first time I gave it.
Your “answer” didn’t sany how it would prevent him from doing it again. He could be massing the troops right now.
I said it would help prevent it. Reading comprehension is something you should practice better.

Trump is massing troops at Mar a does the Dimwinger Shampeachment prevent his next attempt to overthrow the govt?

Be specific.
I said it [disqualifying from holding office] would help prevent it. Reading comprehension is something you should practice better.
How? He is massing the troops RIGHT NOW!

If he got back into the White House why the fuck would He want to overthrow the govt? You really are a brainless moron.
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
How would impeachment prevent that?

shouldn’t he be arrested for the crime of insurrection?
If he's convicted and prevented from running again, he can't run and lose again and then again convince his retarded base the election was stolen from him.
So you admit there was no actual crime.

Got it.

Who knows what I said that your deformed brain translated it into that ^^^

I assumed if you thought Trump actually committed sedition and insurrection you would want him locked up. My bad.

Nice that you don’t think he did that.
I never said he stormed the Capitol. I said he incited those who did. Which is a crime and yes, I believe he should be locked up for that. Does the brain-dead conservative understand now?
Why hasn’t Pedo Joe locked him up for trying to overthrow the govt?

Dumbfuck, an investigation has to precede filing charges. Are you new in this country??

Didn’t in Nazis’s House.

Dumbfuck, Congress doesn't file criminal charges such as what Twice Impeached Trump could be facing.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

He's not facing criminal charges of any kind.
Imbecile, "could be facing" is also above your G-d given comprehension limitations?? My shocked face --> :ack-1:
I could be flying to the moon by flapping my arms if the laws of physics changed.
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
How would impeachment prevent that?

shouldn’t he be arrested for the crime of insurrection?
If he's convicted and prevented from running again, he can't run and lose again and then again convince his retarded base the election was stolen from him.
So you admit there was no actual crime.

Got it.

Who knows what I said that your deformed brain translated it into that ^^^

I assumed if you thought Trump actually committed sedition and insurrection you would want him locked up. My bad.

Nice that you don’t think he did that.
I never said he stormed the Capitol. I said he incited those who did. Which is a crime and yes, I believe he should be locked up for that. Does the brain-dead conservative understand now?
Why hasn’t Pedo Joe locked him up for trying to overthrow the govt?

Dumbfuck, an investigation has to precede filing charges. Are you new in this country??

Didn’t in Nazis’s House.

Dumbfuck, Congress doesn't file criminal charges such as what Twice Impeached Trump could be facing.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

Never said they did. Learn to read.
Well that's what we were talking about...

Faun: I said he incited those who did. Which is a crime and yes, I believe he should be locked up for that.

Dumbfuck: Why hasn’t Pedo Joe locked him up for trying to overthrow the govt?

Faun: Dumbfuck, an investigation has to precede filing charges.

Dumbfuck: Derp
"It's Constitutional because I WAAAAAANT IIIIIIT!!"

A process that is used to charge, try, and remove public officials for misconduct while in office.

It's a bitch when all those messy words you tried to use to get what you want turn out to actually mean things.

Try again, troll. And the next time you want to quote the Constitution, try to understand what it says.

Yeah, I'll stick with the constitution rather than 'the free'.

And these are the punishments associated with the impeachment per the Constitution:

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States"

Its that second part that's relevant to our discussion.
In other words the people must be prevented from voting.

We cannot impeach a political office holder after his term is over no matter what the crime is. Even if he's in prison. Removal from office and a prohibition against running again is a single political act.

Democrat communists just don't trust people to vote the way they want the vote to go.
You're wrong again. Those require separate votes in the Senate. They are not a "single political act."

Nope, The Senate votes "guilty" or "not guilty." It doesn't have a separate to disqualify him from holding office in the future.

Says you, citing yourself as the sole legal authority. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Back in reality, the Constitution only states that removal requires the 2/3 majority. There is no such requirement for disqualification.

The Senate has found -twice- that a simple majority is all that is necessary for disqualification.

So your claim that they both have to be decided in a single vote is provable nonsense. Worse, the Senate determined that a simple majority is all that's necessary to disqualify.

So yes, the issues of removal and disqualification are divisible. And yes, disqualification requires only a simple majority.

Which the democrats have.
The Constitution says the Senate shall try the "PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES."

Nope. it doesn't. It says:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

You keep trying to ignore that.

We keep ignoring YOU. As your pseudo-legal gibberish and made up 'constitution quotes' have no relevance to anything being discussed.
I quoted the fucking Constitution, you witless baboon.
Fucking moron, you falsely claimed the Constitution says the Senate shall try the president of the United States when it states no such thing. So when you "quote" the Constitution, you really have no idea what it means.
It says exactly what I said it says. I quoted it over a dozen times, goat fucker.
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
How would impeachment prevent that?

shouldn’t he be arrested for the crime of insurrection?
If he's convicted and prevented from running again, he can't run and lose again and then again convince his retarded base the election was stolen from him.
So you admit there was no actual crime.

Got it.

Who knows what I said that your deformed brain translated it into that ^^^

I assumed if you thought Trump actually committed sedition and insurrection you would want him locked up. My bad.

Nice that you don’t think he did that.
I never said he stormed the Capitol. I said he incited those who did. Which is a crime and yes, I believe he should be locked up for that. Does the brain-dead conservative understand now?
Why hasn’t Pedo Joe locked him up for trying to overthrow the govt?

Dumbfuck, an investigation has to precede filing charges. Are you new in this country??

Didn’t in Nazis’s House.

Dumbfuck, Congress doesn't file criminal charges such as what Twice Impeached Trump could be facing.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

Never said they did. Learn to read.
Well that's what we were talking about...

Faun: I said he incited those who did. Which is a crime and yes, I believe he should be locked up for that.
Dumbfuck: Why hasn’t Pedo Joe locked him up for trying to overthrow the govt?
Faun: Dumbfuck, an investigation has to precede filing charges.
Dumbfuck: Derp
They aren't investigated him, NAZI. The evidence that he is innocent has been viewed online about 500 million times.
The impeachment trial is over. They had a snap impeachment trial with no witnesses, no testimony and no evidence. There was to be a senate hearing scheduled for Feb 9th. That hearing was to remove Trump from office. That hearing will nit go forward because Trump is out of office and the senate no longer has jurisdiction to even hear the matter.

All the arguments supporting further action is over. If you don't want Trump to win another election don't vote for him.
That is exactly my point. Don't vote for him. End of the story.
We did that last time. It resulted in this....


Who the hell ever wants to go through that again??
haha, if that is the truth, W T F dems wants to impeachment then 14th him. :eusa_shhh:
Again, to help prevent another seditious insurrection on our Capitol like we had a few weeks ago.
Are you telling me that congress knows better? hmm, is this is a joke?
You don't think Congress has an obligation to do what they can to prevent attacks on our government?

I'm pretty sure they do as they swear to do exactly that.

“I _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...
How would impeachment prevent Trump from inciting another insurrection? It wouldn’t lock him up.
Asked and answered. Not my problem if you didn't understand the answer the first time I gave it.
Your “answer” didn’t sany how it would prevent him from doing it again. He could be massing the troops right now.
I said it would help prevent it. Reading comprehension is something you should practice better.

Trump is massing troops at Mar a does the Dimwinger Shampeachment prevent his next attempt to overthrow the govt?

Be specific.
I said it [disqualifying from holding office] would help prevent it. Reading comprehension is something you should practice better.
How? He is massing the troops RIGHT NOW!

If he got back into the White House why the fuck would He want to overthrow the govt? You really are a brainless moron.

He's massing troops, is he? How's he doing that? And who said he would get back into the White House??
"It's Constitutional because I WAAAAAANT IIIIIIT!!"

A process that is used to charge, try, and remove public officials for misconduct while in office.

It's a bitch when all those messy words you tried to use to get what you want turn out to actually mean things.

Try again, troll. And the next time you want to quote the Constitution, try to understand what it says.

Yeah, I'll stick with the constitution rather than 'the free'.

And these are the punishments associated with the impeachment per the Constitution:

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States"

Its that second part that's relevant to our discussion.
In other words the people must be prevented from voting.

We cannot impeach a political office holder after his term is over no matter what the crime is. Even if he's in prison. Removal from office and a prohibition against running again is a single political act.

Democrat communists just don't trust people to vote the way they want the vote to go.
You're wrong again. Those require separate votes in the Senate. They are not a "single political act."

Nope, The Senate votes "guilty" or "not guilty." It doesn't have a separate to disqualify him from holding office in the future.

Says you, citing yourself as the sole legal authority. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Back in reality, the Constitution only states that removal requires the 2/3 majority. There is no such requirement for disqualification.

The Senate has found -twice- that a simple majority is all that is necessary for disqualification.

So your claim that they both have to be decided in a single vote is provable nonsense. Worse, the Senate determined that a simple majority is all that's necessary to disqualify.

So yes, the issues of removal and disqualification are divisible. And yes, disqualification requires only a simple majority.

Which the democrats have.
The Constitution says the Senate shall try the "PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES."

Nope. it doesn't. It says:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

You keep trying to ignore that.

We keep ignoring YOU. As your pseudo-legal gibberish and made up 'constitution quotes' have no relevance to anything being discussed.
I quoted the fucking Constitution, you witless baboon.
Fucking moron, you falsely claimed the Constitution says the Senate shall try the president of the United States when it states no such thing. So when you "quote" the Constitution, you really have no idea what it means.

Here ya go, Simpleton....

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

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