Senate Democrats plan to hold the floor to protest inaction on gun legislation

I just can't deal with the stupidity. If people were willing to overcome their ignorance, that would be one thing, but to be stuck on stupid is completely another matter.
I have come to the conclusion the combinatuon of ignorance and wordsmithing is so very dangerous and cannot be reasoned with. We, as American citizens have the right to defend ourselves in the manner we see fit, and it is slowly being taken away from us. If some from the left have their way, it'll be stripped away all at once.
Instead of dealing with the real issues, mental health and criminality. It's like blaming the victim for the crime being commited against them.
i just find it funny we keep hearing "from the left" (generically speaking) we cant go by looks and so forth. yet, that is the ONLY thing they can do for the AR. it LOOKS mean.

great but how it is functionally different???


where the holy hell did that shit come from? for slade here, i'll wait for his reply and go from there.
Well, the over the top description is a bit much. Weapon of war? As they say on ESPN...C'mon Man
That’s the term Beto is using when stating his confiscation case. If that’s the standard he wants to use for confiscation then the convo turns to defining what a weapon of war is. If AR-15s don’t fit the definition of “weapons of war” then they shouldn’t be included in a confiscation plan.
On a one to one basis, I wouldn't give a flying shit as to what Beto wants. The problem is, he has the ear of far to many ignorant people that have not and will not take the time to educate themselves as to what is what.
Technically speaking, anything you can kill another person with is a weapon of war, and that's where this slippery slope starts. I, myself, am very comfortable with an AR. I prefer it because it is similar to the weapon I was assigned in the military. While similar, there are some very distictive differences, which may not mean much to those not educated in small arms and assorted weaponry, but as has been stated by others, you don't take an AR 15 into a combat zone and expect to live.
The problem is we have too many idiots clamoring about saying what is what and who flung the poo and the sheep that follow them believe them... unequivocally, and for no other reason than "that's my guy."
Beto is a 5 star ass, yet he has, for reasons that escape me, a following.
You have to consider that not everybody is a military trained vet like yourself. Some people get very scared when a gun is present. They see gun violence and don’t think, I need to get a gun to defend myself, they think I want to get guns off the streets and see less of them in my community. These are the people who support Betos cause and there are many of them.

I will say that Beto has given you a gift. His plan to confiscate guns just blew away any middle ground between the fringes and pushed the debate back into their corners. So doesn’t look like anything’s gonna get done which I’m sure you are very happy with.
I'm not sure why you'd think that, but it's your poragative, I suppose.
What I'd like to see is the actual implementation and enforcement of current gun laws. Not the feeble effort of so many failures across the line like my beloved military (well, the little sister Air Force) or the lack of law enforcement from Broward County as just 2 examples of shooters that should not, again NOT of been able to purchase weapons.
I am also on board with private sells having to go through an FFL before selling a firearm in that manner... It's a necessary move. I just don't get anyone selling a weapon to someone they don't know... Outside of initial ffl purchase that is. Goes against my grain I guess.
Anyways, no, I'm not real happy, as you say. Something needs to be done. However, we shouldn't be subject to knee jerk reactions because those rarely ever work as intended, but as long as we do something to be doing something.... Right?
Whatever is done needs to be well thought out and have as many unintended consequences addressed as possible before being enforced to make sure its within the confines of the 2A
The last thing this country needs is to pass any law that is proposed by the idiot Democrats. They always get everything wrong no matter what the issue.

Especially one that destroys our Constitutional rights.
You are right. It should be bipartisan which is why we need to stop making the opposing party the enemy.

The Democrats are the enemy of this country. Pretty much the scum of America. RINOs are just as bad when they go along with the Democrats.
Dems are your fellow Americans. You can be the grouchy douchebag bitching about them all the time or you can learn how to work with them like most mature adults learn how to do in a civilized society

Years ago I would have said the same thing.

However, nowadays the Democrat Party and the assholes that vote Democrat are hell bent to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

They want to raid the money that was made under capitalism to feed their greed and they don't give a crap about the damage it will cause. Just look at all the "free" stuff the Democrats candidates are promising everybody. We saw that with Obama and the increase in poverty, decrease in family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth, didn't we?

I'm sorry. I can't get on board with that nor can I show respect to the people that want to destroy this country because they are too sorry to pay their own bills.

I have no respect for those Democrat yahoos demanding to take away my Constitutional Liberties. Like I said, the scum of this country.
I just can't deal with the stupidity. If people were willing to overcome their ignorance, that would be one thing, but to be stuck on stupid is completely another matter.
I have come to the conclusion the combinatuon of ignorance and wordsmithing is so very dangerous and cannot be reasoned with. We, as American citizens have the right to defend ourselves in the manner we see fit, and it is slowly being taken away from us. If some from the left have their way, it'll be stripped away all at once.
Instead of dealing with the real issues, mental health and criminality. It's like blaming the victim for the crime being commited against them.
i just find it funny we keep hearing "from the left" (generically speaking) we cant go by looks and so forth. yet, that is the ONLY thing they can do for the AR. it LOOKS mean.

great but how it is functionally different???


where the holy hell did that shit come from? for slade here, i'll wait for his reply and go from there.
Well, the over the top description is a bit much. Weapon of war? As they say on ESPN...C'mon Man
Shit. CNN had one pulsing like a dildo with a grenade launcher on it.
Was it Full semi automatic?
How fake news CNN thinks a bump stock works
I don’t support confiscation but my understanding of their position is they see over the top dangerous weapons made for war being used in these mass shootings and they want to take them out of circulation. The criminal element is a separate problem that needs to be dealt with by law enforcement.
name a modern military out there using the AR15.

then name what makes the AR15 different than say a semi-automatic browning longtrac.
I just said I don’t support confiscation. I’m explaining the position of those that do, as there are some valid concerned. There are things like high velocity rounds that shred people’s insides. Large capacity mags, and we’ve seen these guns used to shoot dozens of people in a minutes time. It’s not surprising that people are concerned about weapons with that kind of killing capacity.
A 6 shooter can do all that too. Except for high cap mags. :)

You described everything BUT the gun as the issue.
I guarantee the kid who shot dozens of people in a minute in a half a few weeks ago would not have done near as much damage if he was armed with a six shooter.
You can get off 12 shots in mere seconds.
Then what?
i just find it funny we keep hearing "from the left" (generically speaking) we cant go by looks and so forth. yet, that is the ONLY thing they can do for the AR. it LOOKS mean.

great but how it is functionally different???


where the holy hell did that shit come from? for slade here, i'll wait for his reply and go from there.
Well, the over the top description is a bit much. Weapon of war? As they say on ESPN...C'mon Man
That’s the term Beto is using when stating his confiscation case. If that’s the standard he wants to use for confiscation then the convo turns to defining what a weapon of war is. If AR-15s don’t fit the definition of “weapons of war” then they shouldn’t be included in a confiscation plan.
On a one to one basis, I wouldn't give a flying shit as to what Beto wants. The problem is, he has the ear of far to many ignorant people that have not and will not take the time to educate themselves as to what is what.
Technically speaking, anything you can kill another person with is a weapon of war, and that's where this slippery slope starts. I, myself, am very comfortable with an AR. I prefer it because it is similar to the weapon I was assigned in the military. While similar, there are some very distictive differences, which may not mean much to those not educated in small arms and assorted weaponry, but as has been stated by others, you don't take an AR 15 into a combat zone and expect to live.
The problem is we have too many idiots clamoring about saying what is what and who flung the poo and the sheep that follow them believe them... unequivocally, and for no other reason than "that's my guy."
Beto is a 5 star ass, yet he has, for reasons that escape me, a following.
You have to consider that not everybody is a military trained vet like yourself. Some people get very scared when a gun is present. They see gun violence and don’t think, I need to get a gun to defend myself, they think I want to get guns off the streets and see less of them in my community. These are the people who support Betos cause and there are many of them.

I will say that Beto has given you a gift. His plan to confiscate guns just blew away any middle ground between the fringes and pushed the debate back into their corners. So doesn’t look like anything’s gonna get done which I’m sure you are very happy with.
I'm not sure why you'd think that, but it's your poragative, I suppose.
What I'd like to see is the actual implementation and enforcement of current gun laws. Not the feeble effort of so many failures across the line like my beloved military (well, the little sister Air Force) or the lack of law enforcement from Broward County as just 2 examples of shooters that should not, again NOT of been able to purchase weapons.
I am also on board with private sells having to go through an FFL before selling a firearm in that manner... It's a necessary move. I just don't get anyone selling a weapon to someone they don't know... Outside of initial ffl purchase that is. Goes against my grain I guess.
Anyways, no, I'm not real happy, as you say. Something needs to be done. However, we shouldn't be subject to knee jerk reactions because those rarely ever work as intended, but as long as we do something to be doing something.... Right?
Whatever is done needs to be well thought out and have as many unintended consequences addressed as possible before being enforced to make sure its within the confines of the 2A
Thank you, I think you have the right attitude.

What was it that I said that you didn’t agree with? People being scared of guns or how Beto divided the debate?
The last thing this country needs is to pass any law that is proposed by the idiot Democrats. They always get everything wrong no matter what the issue.

Especially one that destroys our Constitutional rights.
You are right. It should be bipartisan which is why we need to stop making the opposing party the enemy.

The Democrats are the enemy of this country. Pretty much the scum of America. RINOs are just as bad when they go along with the Democrats.
Dems are your fellow Americans. You can be the grouchy douchebag bitching about them all the time or you can learn how to work with them like most mature adults learn how to do in a civilized society

Years ago I would have said the same thing.

However, nowadays the Democrat Party and the assholes that vote Democrat are hell bent to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

They want to raid the money that was made under capitalism to feed their greed and they don't give a crap about the damage it will cause. Just look at all the "free" stuff the Democrats candidates are promising everybody. We saw that with Obama and the increase in poverty, decrease in family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth, didn't we?

I'm sorry. I can't get on board with that nor can I show respect to the people that want to destroy this country because they are too sorry to pay their own bills.

I have no respect for those Democrat yahoos demanding to take away my Constitutional Liberties. Like I said, the scum of this country.
What are your thoughts about debt under Trump?
Democrats Want Red Flag Laws for Everyone Except Gang Members
Democrats want to pass Red Flag Laws, so long as they do not target gang databases.
September 15, 2019
in Gun Rights, The Hill

House Democrats on Wednesday refused to include gang members in a list of who should have their guns removed via red flag laws.

Democrats were advancing a measure in the House Judiciary Committee that would encourage states to pass extreme protection orders, also known as red flag laws, when an amendment was proposed that anyone who was put on a police gang database should automatically be targeted under the orders.

Democrats Want Red Flag Laws for Everyone Except Gang Members
Thank you for answering the question and providing a link. Sounds like the tit for tat continues as the dems are using the same argument that the gop used against red flagging people on the No Fly List, saying the list is not accurate and includes many innocent names.

The amendment sounds fair to me and the dem opposition doesn’t make a lot of sense... I’d think they would jump at the opportunity to red flag as many people as possible.

Perhaps they are worried about the appearance of targeting minorities as the majority of people on the gang lists are brown and black people.

The real question is why are they worried about mistaken identity only with gang members and not law abiding American citizens who are not gang members?
I think I addressed that... seems like they don’t want to appear to target minority groups. Still doesn’t make sense though. I think they have a very weak argument
You want to get away from the partisan politics?
Stop with the political correctness bullshit.
PC went out the door with Trump. Do you see things getting better?
Let's not go "Orange man bad" here okay?
Trump is not pc, furthest thing from it. So let's stop ALL the faux PC bullshit and just do for our citizens first and then worry about the next teir after that.
Well, the over the top description is a bit much. Weapon of war? As they say on ESPN...C'mon Man
That’s the term Beto is using when stating his confiscation case. If that’s the standard he wants to use for confiscation then the convo turns to defining what a weapon of war is. If AR-15s don’t fit the definition of “weapons of war” then they shouldn’t be included in a confiscation plan.
On a one to one basis, I wouldn't give a flying shit as to what Beto wants. The problem is, he has the ear of far to many ignorant people that have not and will not take the time to educate themselves as to what is what.
Technically speaking, anything you can kill another person with is a weapon of war, and that's where this slippery slope starts. I, myself, am very comfortable with an AR. I prefer it because it is similar to the weapon I was assigned in the military. While similar, there are some very distictive differences, which may not mean much to those not educated in small arms and assorted weaponry, but as has been stated by others, you don't take an AR 15 into a combat zone and expect to live.
The problem is we have too many idiots clamoring about saying what is what and who flung the poo and the sheep that follow them believe them... unequivocally, and for no other reason than "that's my guy."
Beto is a 5 star ass, yet he has, for reasons that escape me, a following.
You have to consider that not everybody is a military trained vet like yourself. Some people get very scared when a gun is present. They see gun violence and don’t think, I need to get a gun to defend myself, they think I want to get guns off the streets and see less of them in my community. These are the people who support Betos cause and there are many of them.

I will say that Beto has given you a gift. His plan to confiscate guns just blew away any middle ground between the fringes and pushed the debate back into their corners. So doesn’t look like anything’s gonna get done which I’m sure you are very happy with.
I'm not sure why you'd think that, but it's your poragative, I suppose.
What I'd like to see is the actual implementation and enforcement of current gun laws. Not the feeble effort of so many failures across the line like my beloved military (well, the little sister Air Force) or the lack of law enforcement from Broward County as just 2 examples of shooters that should not, again NOT of been able to purchase weapons.
I am also on board with private sells having to go through an FFL before selling a firearm in that manner... It's a necessary move. I just don't get anyone selling a weapon to someone they don't know... Outside of initial ffl purchase that is. Goes against my grain I guess.
Anyways, no, I'm not real happy, as you say. Something needs to be done. However, we shouldn't be subject to knee jerk reactions because those rarely ever work as intended, but as long as we do something to be doing something.... Right?
Whatever is done needs to be well thought out and have as many unintended consequences addressed as possible before being enforced to make sure its within the confines of the 2A
Thank you, I think you have the right attitude.

What was it that I said that you didn’t agree with? People being scared of guns or how Beto divided the debate?
Specifically... How I was happy nothing would be done.
First, and foremost, I would love to see American citizens mental health addressed as well as current laws enforced the way they were meant to be. Call them priorities 1 and 1A. If someone slips through the cracks like the 2 cases I posted, then hold those agencies accountable as well.
The laws we have on the books time now could have and should have stopped many of the shootings we have had. The fact that there are agencies that have not reported individuals or slow reported individuals to the NICS database is a wrong on so many levels.
More laws for law abiding citizens only make it more difficult, and it shouldn't be. The right to own a firearm should be just as easy to uphold as the right to free speech.
name a modern military out there using the AR15.

then name what makes the AR15 different than say a semi-automatic browning longtrac.
I just said I don’t support confiscation. I’m explaining the position of those that do, as there are some valid concerned. There are things like high velocity rounds that shred people’s insides. Large capacity mags, and we’ve seen these guns used to shoot dozens of people in a minutes time. It’s not surprising that people are concerned about weapons with that kind of killing capacity.
A 6 shooter can do all that too. Except for high cap mags. :)

You described everything BUT the gun as the issue.
I guarantee the kid who shot dozens of people in a minute in a half a few weeks ago would not have done near as much damage if he was armed with a six shooter.
You can get off 12 shots in mere seconds.
Then what?
Keep reloading n shooting.
I had to look up the definition of this one. Apparently, they're going to throw a temper tantrum and cause a disruption. Might be fun to watch on CSPAN

ˌhold the ˈfloor
speak at a public meeting, etc. for a long time, often stopping others from speaking:

hold the floor

"Senate Democrats are planning to hold the floor on Tuesday evening for an hours-long talk-a-thon on the issue of gun violence.

The floor marathon comes as the White House is struggling to find a place to land in the weeks-long debate over potential gun-law reforms.

“Many of my colleagues have seen their communities torn apart by gun violence; some by horrific mass shootings, others by a relentless, daily stream. Many of them have worked for years to bring commonsense gun safety measures before the Senate,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday, in announcing the plan from the Senate floor..."

Senate Democrats to hold the floor to protest inaction on gun violence
We should have a law that requires all gun control legislation be debated in German.
If Germany had the NRA in the 1930s it would have saved millions of lives.
Senate Democrats plan to hold the floor to protest inaction on gun legislation

Good deal, hope they successfully keep this protest going for years.
Sounds like you’re missing the point all together. If you think gun control advocates assume gang bangers will turn in their guns then you are a world away from understanding their position. Try listening more and talking less
then why do they keep saying they want them out of the hands of the criminals if "gang bangers" are not the intended "criminal"?
I don’t support confiscation but my understanding of their position is they see over the top dangerous weapons made for war being used in these mass shootings and they want to take them out of circulation. The criminal element is a separate problem that needs to be dealt with by law enforcement.
name a modern military out there using the AR15.

then name what makes the AR15 different than say a semi-automatic browning longtrac.
I just can't deal with the stupidity. If people were willing to overcome their ignorance, that would be one thing, but to be stuck on stupid is completely another matter.
I have come to the conclusion the combinatuon of ignorance and wordsmithing is so very dangerous and cannot be reasoned with. We, as American citizens have the right to defend ourselves in the manner we see fit, and it is slowly being taken away from us. If some from the left have their way, it'll be stripped away all at once.
Instead of dealing with the real issues, mental health and criminality. It's like blaming the victim for the crime being commited against them.
Defending yourself and processing the ability to inflict mass carnage in a matter of seconds are two very different things, wouldn’t you agree?
Thing is we all have heard and seen the language from liberals stating the nonsense that the founders couldn't see the technological advances of guns.

Same could be argued about instant global communications, social media, false narratives regarding the First Amendment.

Mass carnage can be inflicted by a variety of "tools".
then why do they keep saying they want them out of the hands of the criminals if "gang bangers" are not the intended "criminal"?
I don’t support confiscation but my understanding of their position is they see over the top dangerous weapons made for war being used in these mass shootings and they want to take them out of circulation. The criminal element is a separate problem that needs to be dealt with by law enforcement.
name a modern military out there using the AR15.

then name what makes the AR15 different than say a semi-automatic browning longtrac.
I just said I don’t support confiscation. I’m explaining the position of those that do, as there are some valid concerned. There are things like high velocity rounds that shred people’s insides. Large capacity mags, and we’ve seen these guns used to shoot dozens of people in a minutes time. It’s not surprising that people are concerned about weapons with that kind of killing capacity.
A 6 shooter can do all that too. Except for high cap mags. :)

You described everything BUT the gun as the issue.
I guarantee the kid who shot dozens of people in a minute in a half a few weeks ago would not have done near as much damage if he was armed with a six shooter.

Nor near as much damage against an armed attacker as well.

See, if you knew anything about guns, you'd understand that most shots miss their targets. The longer the distance between the shooter and target, the more inaccurate shots there will be.

I would never want to be in a gunfight with anything, but if I were forced into that position, I wouldn't want to do so with a revolver against an attacker(s) armed with a semi-automatic. You can get off six shots with a semi-automatic by the time you shoot two from a revolver. That puts the victims at an extreme disadvantage.

Six shooter? Well.......better hope your accuracy is 100%, because six shots against a group of attackers is not very good odds, especially if they have semi-automatics. And remember, not everybody is dead, seriously injured or even disabled from shooting back if you shoot them.

3 Georgia Teens Shot And Killed In Alleged Botched Robbery Attempt | HuffPost
The last thing this country needs is to pass any law that is proposed by the idiot Democrats. They always get everything wrong no matter what the issue.

Especially one that destroys our Constitutional rights.
You are right. It should be bipartisan which is why we need to stop making the opposing party the enemy.

The Democrats are the enemy of this country. Pretty much the scum of America. RINOs are just as bad when they go along with the Democrats.
Dems are your fellow Americans. You can be the grouchy douchebag bitching about them all the time or you can learn how to work with them like most mature adults learn how to do in a civilized society

Right, because Democrats certainly look at us that way, don't they?

The last thing this country needs is to pass any law that is proposed by the idiot Democrats. They always get everything wrong no matter what the issue.

Especially one that destroys our Constitutional rights.
You are right. It should be bipartisan which is why we need to stop making the opposing party the enemy.

Bipartisan to a Dem is doing everything the Dem way and getting nothing in return.
then why do they keep saying they want them out of the hands of the criminals if "gang bangers" are not the intended "criminal"?
I don’t support confiscation but my understanding of their position is they see over the top dangerous weapons made for war being used in these mass shootings and they want to take them out of circulation. The criminal element is a separate problem that needs to be dealt with by law enforcement.
name a modern military out there using the AR15.

then name what makes the AR15 different than say a semi-automatic browning longtrac.
I just said I don’t support confiscation. I’m explaining the position of those that do, as there are some valid concerned. There are things like high velocity rounds that shred people’s insides. Large capacity mags, and we’ve seen these guns used to shoot dozens of people in a minutes time. It’s not surprising that people are concerned about weapons with that kind of killing capacity.

Outside a revolver, all weapons have that capacity. The problem is most leftists don't know WTF they are talking about when discussing guns. All they do is repeat what the Democrat party or MSM told them.

If they were ever able to accomplish this ban on ARs, and the next mass shooting takes place with a semi-automatic handgun, that's the next thing they will demand be banned.
It’s all in the definition. I think most people agree that the restrictions on full autos makes sense and is fair. So there is a line that makes sense. I personally think that high capacity, high velocity, high damage equipment are the areas that can be regulated. Spraying bullets and blowing shit up is an offensive tactic not defensive. There can be a fair conversation about this

When you shoot an enemy, you shoot to kill. That's it in a nutshell. All my ammo (outside of practice) are hollow point bullets. They go in the size of a pen and come out the size of a dime. I want to rip up as much of my enemy in the least amount of shots possible, especially if I"m facing several enemies like that story I posted.
What exactly are they saying that is trying to block gangs from red flag lists. I haven’t heard this plan yet

Democrats Want Red Flag Laws for Everyone Except Gang Members
Democrats want to pass Red Flag Laws, so long as they do not target gang databases.
September 15, 2019
in Gun Rights, The Hill

House Democrats on Wednesday refused to include gang members in a list of who should have their guns removed via red flag laws.

Democrats were advancing a measure in the House Judiciary Committee that would encourage states to pass extreme protection orders, also known as red flag laws, when an amendment was proposed that anyone who was put on a police gang database should automatically be targeted under the orders.

Democrats Want Red Flag Laws for Everyone Except Gang Members
Thank you for answering the question and providing a link. Sounds like the tit for tat continues as the dems are using the same argument that the gop used against red flagging people on the No Fly List, saying the list is not accurate and includes many innocent names.

The amendment sounds fair to me and the dem opposition doesn’t make a lot of sense... I’d think they would jump at the opportunity to red flag as many people as possible.

Perhaps they are worried about the appearance of targeting minorities as the majority of people on the gang lists are brown and black people.

The real question is why are they worried about mistaken identity only with gang members and not law abiding American citizens who are not gang members?
I think I addressed that... seems like they don’t want to appear to target minority groups. Still doesn’t make sense though. I think they have a very weak argument

Sure it makes sense when you consider the lefts position on immigrants and wanting to keep the dangerous people armed.
You have to consider that not everybody is a military trained vet like yourself. Some people get very scared when a gun is present. They see gun violence and don’t think, I need to get a gun to defend myself, they think I want to get guns off the streets and see less of them in my community. These are the people who support Betos cause and there are many of them.
I grew up as an army brat. The town I graduated high school from, when I graduated, wasn't the biggest, but by no means was it a little huckleberry town. Gun racks with rifles and shot guns were "normal" and nobody messed with them. We had classes on gun safety, if I'm not mistaken they were part of the health classes we had to take. Nothing dedicated to an entire year muchless a semester.... Just part of a class somewhere, every year from early on. What was frown upon is if someone decided to bring a pistol onto school grounds....and it happened and was handled at the appropriate level at the time.

My military training has little to do with my attitude towards firearms. My preference for me to be able to defend me and mine yes... I prefer a ar 15 with a collapsible stock to allow for use in confined spaces, chambered for .308 as I have used the .223/5.56 and should I have to shoot someone, I only want to do it once... Not multiple times. Unless its absolutely necessary.

I don't know when schools got away from teaching firearm safety... Like I said, it was something that was touched upon from an early age for many of us. The vast amount of ignorance about firearms could be abated from an early age if those classes were brought back and taught to our kids. Instead of letting the lack of knowledge (re ignorance) be the rule and saying kids don't need to know.
Kids get all sorts of shit pushed down their proverbial throats, in the guise of education, tolerance, and understanding. I can tell you there were things my children had to "learn" I had grave reservations about... And no, I will not express what they were as they are very off targert here, but I will say they were under that very guise of "tolerence."
Bring back firearm education... I would even suggest allowing the NRA to assist, if not provide instructors, for the necessary classes.... That will be a very unpopular idea for a bunch on the left.... But the NRA isn't a bad guy organization and actually push for education and training... If folks would actually read for themselves what they do.
I had to look up the definition of this one. Apparently, they're going to throw a temper tantrum and cause a disruption. Might be fun to watch on CSPAN

ˌhold the ˈfloor
speak at a public meeting, etc. for a long time, often stopping others from speaking:

hold the floor

"Senate Democrats are planning to hold the floor on Tuesday evening for an hours-long talk-a-thon on the issue of gun violence.

The floor marathon comes as the White House is struggling to find a place to land in the weeks-long debate over potential gun-law reforms.

“Many of my colleagues have seen their communities torn apart by gun violence; some by horrific mass shootings, others by a relentless, daily stream. Many of them have worked for years to bring commonsense gun safety measures before the Senate,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday, in announcing the plan from the Senate floor..."

Senate Democrats to hold the floor to protest inaction on gun violence
Pretty sure they are about to violate numerous rules in The Senate and The Sergeant At Arms and his staff are going to have to remove them at gunpoint!
So they won't "Red Flag' Gang Members with illegal firearms.
The won't allow ICE to enforce The Law and arrest Illegal Aliens who have committed gun Crimes
The Loser Illegal who was deported 9 times who callously shot and killed Kate had every single one of his charges overturned by a Marxist, Communist American Hating Leftist Court in California.

The DemNazis refuse to pass Kate's Law, and they let her murderer go, while telling us they want to disarm us and confiscate our guns, and prevent us from defending ourselves, our homes and our families.

Yet they pretend they want to protect America from Gun Violence?

No, they want to disarm America so that their private armies of Illegals and Gang Members and other Criminals can Terrorize America like they do in Omar's District.

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