Senator Danforth slams the Comrade

WASHINGTON — Former Missouri GOP senator John Danforth called President Trump "the most divisive president in our history" and warned Republicans not to let him tarnish the GOP's image.

"Trump is always eager to tell people that they don’t belong here, whether it’s Mexicans, Muslims, transgender people or another group. His message is, “You are not one of us',” Danforth wrote in a Washington Post op-ed posted online Thursday evening. "And when he has the opportunity to unite Americans, to inspire us, to call out the most hateful among us, the KKK and the neo-Nazis, he refuses."

Ex-senator John Danforth: Trump is 'the most divisive president in our history'

Nice piece. "The opposite of e pluribus unum" indeed, well put.
Tarnish the GOP image?

Danforth isn't the only one saying that Trump is unhinged. A former CIA director has also said that he's scared that Trump has access to the nuclear launch codes.

LOTS of people are starting to wake up to the fact we have a crazed idiot in the white house.
Who cares what a "FORMER" says? There are "EXISITING" that are saying #neverTrumper stuff. There were about 10 up on the stage..............some of them are still flapping gums. One with Brain damage.

They will all need to be "brought to heel" (like Beast says). Or I see trouble on the way.

Danforth isn't the only one saying that Trump is unhinged. A former CIA director has also said that he's scared that Trump has access to the nuclear launch codes.

LOTS of people are starting to wake up to the fact we have a crazed idiot in the white house.
All of them are corrupt fuckers or out right criminals, yet some Americans side with them. CRAZY!!!
Excuse me, I get all those alphabet agencies mixed up. It was Clapper who was the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). Here's the link and part of the article...............

“Having some understanding of the levers that a president can exercise, I worry about, frankly, the access to the nuclear codes,” Clapper told CNN, pointing to the current stand-off with North Korea.

If “in a fit of pique he decides to do something about Kim Jong-un, there’s actually very little to stop him. The whole system is built to ensure rapid response if necessary. So there’s very little in the way of controls over exercising a nuclear option, which is pretty damn scary.”

Ex-intelligence chief: Trump's access to nuclear codes is 'pretty damn scary'

And Clapper isn't the only one who is concerned. Read the link, because there are quite a few others who are worried as well.
Danforth isn't the only one saying that Trump is unhinged. A former CIA director has also said that he's scared that Trump has access to the nuclear launch codes.

LOTS of people are starting to wake up to the fact we have a crazed idiot in the white house.
All of them are corrupt fuckers or out right criminals, yet some Americans side with them. CRAZY!!!

Oh really!! John Danforth is a former minister so he is a man of God. You want to smear anyone who sees the truth you little fascist pig.
WASHINGTON — Former Missouri GOP senator John Danforth called President Trump "the most divisive president in our history" and warned Republicans not to let him tarnish the GOP's image.

"Trump is always eager to tell people that they don’t belong here, whether it’s Mexicans, Muslims, transgender people or another group. His message is, “You are not one of us',” Danforth wrote in a Washington Post op-ed posted online Thursday evening. "And when he has the opportunity to unite Americans, to inspire us, to call out the most hateful among us, the KKK and the neo-Nazis, he refuses."

Ex-senator John Danforth: Trump is 'the most divisive president in our history'

And Obama proved he was toxic to the Democrats!
WASHINGTON — Former Missouri GOP senator John Danforth called President Trump "the most divisive president in our history" and warned Republicans not to let him tarnish the GOP's image.

"Trump is always eager to tell people that they don’t belong here, whether it’s Mexicans, Muslims, transgender people or another group. His message is, “You are not one of us',” Danforth wrote in a Washington Post op-ed posted online Thursday evening. "And when he has the opportunity to unite Americans, to inspire us, to call out the most hateful among us, the KKK and the neo-Nazis, he refuses."

Ex-senator John Danforth: Trump is 'the most divisive president in our history'

Except he, AGAIN, condemned the klan.

Sooo, what Danforth says is pure bullshit.

What did Danforth think about Hillary smearing half the nation as deplorable? Or was that different?
Danforth isn't the only one saying that Trump is unhinged. A former CIA director has also said that he's scared that Trump has access to the nuclear launch codes.

LOTS of people are starting to wake up to the fact we have a crazed idiot in the white house.
All of them are corrupt fuckers or out right criminals, yet some Americans side with them. CRAZY!!!

Oh really!! John Danforth is a former minister so he is a man of God. You want to smear anyone who sees the truth you little fascist pig.

You know, while I do agree with Danforth that Trump is unhinged, I don't think that pointing him out as a former minister is very much help.

I mean Jim Bakker, Jimmy Falwell and Ted Haggard were all former men of God as well because they were ministers, but I wouldn't trust them any further than I can throw the Sun.

Saying someone was a former minister and therefore honest doesn't really resonate with me.
WASHINGTON — Former Missouri GOP senator John Danforth called President Trump "the most divisive president in our history" and warned Republicans not to let him tarnish the GOP's image.

"Trump is always eager to tell people that they don’t belong here, whether it’s Mexicans, Muslims, transgender people or another group. His message is, “You are not one of us',” Danforth wrote in a Washington Post op-ed posted online Thursday evening. "And when he has the opportunity to unite Americans, to inspire us, to call out the most hateful among us, the KKK and the neo-Nazis, he refuses."

Ex-senator John Danforth: Trump is 'the most divisive president in our history'

Except he, AGAIN, condemned the klan.

Sooo, what Danforth says is pure bullshit.

What did Danforth think about Hillary smearing half the nation as deplorable? Or was that different?

HRC was wrong, the number is somewhere between 27 and 34%
WASHINGTON — Former Missouri GOP senator John Danforth called President Trump "the most divisive president in our history" and warned Republicans not to let him tarnish the GOP's image.

"Trump is always eager to tell people that they don’t belong here, whether it’s Mexicans, Muslims, transgender people or another group. His message is, “You are not one of us',” Danforth wrote in a Washington Post op-ed posted online Thursday evening. "And when he has the opportunity to unite Americans, to inspire us, to call out the most hateful among us, the KKK and the neo-Nazis, he refuses."

Ex-senator John Danforth: Trump is 'the most divisive president in our history'

Except he, AGAIN, condemned the klan.

Sooo, what Danforth says is pure bullshit.

What did Danforth think about Hillary smearing half the nation as deplorable? Or was that different?

HRC was wrong, the number is somewhere between 27 and 34%

When you smear that large a percentage of a group, vilely and dishonestly, you smear the whole group, both by raising the possibility that you meant them personally, or because they are comfortable being allied to such people.

IN doing so, she fear mongered HALF the nation to be afraid of the other half, and she pissed off the half the nation she vilely insulted,

and as her vile filthy partisans have picked up on the lies and continued them, continue to further piss off most of MIddle America more and more each day.

Hard to imagine a better move, if setting Americans at each other's throats was your goal.

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