Senator Ted Cruz Releases Canadian Birth Certificate: He Is A Citizen Of Canada

No, a natural born citizen is one who was an American citizen at birth, as opposed to naturalizing later. Cruz is certainly that.
Since Cruz was born abroad, he is a Citizen by statute. He is not a natural born Citizen born within the jurisdiction of the United States. Again, the principal framer of the 14th Amendment Representative John Bingham explained the founders original intent defining a natural born Citizen.

“Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

Cruz's father Rafael owed allegiance to Cuba

Barack Obama Sr. owed allegiance to Great Britain.
He is a natural born citizen, as opposed to a naturalized citizen like Schwarzenegger. A comment by someone I've never heard of is not authoritiative here. That makes him eligible for office. Until you can produce some legislation or court ruling on the matter you are simply wrong.

No........he is not a natural born Citizen. He is a Citizen by statute and John Bingham should know, he wrote the Citizenship part of the 14th Amendment. He was an attorney well aware of the founders original intent to how they defined a nbc. Cruz acquired citizenship derivatively through his US citizen parent by operation of law Pub. L. 82-414 § 301(a)(7), the citizenship was temporary and conditional, for citizenship to be retained actions must be taken per Pub. L. 82-414 § 301(b).

By operation of these statutes Cruz is in law “Citizen” but not "natural born Citizen."

See 66 Stat. 163, 236

US Government Printing Office - FDsys - Citation Search
Except Obama was born in the U.S., while Cruz was born in Canada.

No one has really seen evidence of that.
This is an official document from which jurisdiction, again?

Refresh my memory. :lol:


Good question!:cool:
Just proves that there are Left Wing Birthers also.

No it doesn't. There is no conspiracy theory involved, just straight constitutional argument.

Right Wing Birthers had to believe all manner of lies to get to "AND HE CAN'T BE PRESIDENT, BECAUSE OBAMA!"

Obama was born in Hawaii, two years after Hawaii became a state, to a woman who was born in America and was of legal age. Full stop, period. There is nothing beyond that point that doesn't require a complete suspension of critical thought.
To me, it should be quite simple

You are natural born if you have never been a citizen of another country. If at birth, you were a US citizen you are qualified to be president regardless of where you were born

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

Just like Obama, dual citizenship disqualifies him from being President. Unlike obama he is a Republican so now the democrats feel we should follow the law. Bunch of hypocrites.

Obama was a citizen since birth

Hawaii was a state at that time and still is

It's just too bad it was prior to Roe V. Wade.
has anyone seen obama's college applications yet? NO? don't you wonder why?

could it be that he applied as a foreign student in order to get free money for tuition? could it be that he applied as a muslim? If he is an american citizen as you all believe, did he commit fraud?

why has he paid lawyers to keep his college records sealed from view?

fear not----some day we will know the truth. Just as someday we will know the truth about Kennedy's killing.

I've read that his mother had to renounce his US citizen ship so that he could go to the madrass in Indonesia where he dined on dog meat.

But the only part of that we know for certain is true is that he ate the dog.

It is entirely plausible he pretended to be a foreign student, everything else about the guy is a fraud anyway.

It's also entirely plausible his real father is Frank Marshal Davis.
Since Cruz was born abroad, he is a Citizen by statute. He is not a natural born Citizen born within the jurisdiction of the United States. Again, the principal framer of the 14th Amendment Representative John Bingham explained the founders original intent defining a natural born Citizen.

“Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

Cruz's father Rafael owed allegiance to Cuba

Barack Obama Sr. owed allegiance to Great Britain.
He is a natural born citizen, as opposed to a naturalized citizen like Schwarzenegger. A comment by someone I've never heard of is not authoritiative here. That makes him eligible for office. Until you can produce some legislation or court ruling on the matter you are simply wrong.

No........he is not a natural born Citizen. He is a Citizen by statute and John Bingham should know, he wrote the Citizenship part of the 14th Amendment. He was an attorney well aware of the founders original intent to how they defined a nbc. Cruz acquired citizenship derivatively through his US citizen parent by operation of law Pub. L. 82-414 § 301(a)(7), the citizenship was temporary and conditional, for citizenship to be retained actions must be taken per Pub. L. 82-414 § 301(b).

By operation of these statutes Cruz is in law “Citizen” but not "natural born Citizen."

See 66 Stat. 163, 236

US Government Printing Office - FDsys - Citation Search

8 USC 1401 gives the definition of natural born citizen. Cruz certainly qualifies.
End of discussion.
Since Cruz was born abroad, he is a Citizen by statute. He is not a natural born Citizen born within the jurisdiction of the United States. Again, the principal framer of the 14th Amendment Representative John Bingham explained the founders original intent defining a natural born Citizen.

“Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

Cruz's father Rafael owed allegiance to Cuba

Barack Obama Sr. owed allegiance to Great Britain.
He is a natural born citizen, as opposed to a naturalized citizen like Schwarzenegger. A comment by someone I've never heard of is not authoritiative here. That makes him eligible for office. Until you can produce some legislation or court ruling on the matter you are simply wrong.

No........he is not a natural born Citizen. He is a Citizen by statute and John Bingham should know, he wrote the Citizenship part of the 14th Amendment. He was an attorney well aware of the founders original intent to how they defined a nbc. Cruz acquired citizenship derivatively through his US citizen parent by operation of law Pub. L. 82-414 § 301(a)(7), the citizenship was temporary and conditional, for citizenship to be retained actions must be taken per Pub. L. 82-414 § 301(b).

By operation of these statutes Cruz is in law “Citizen” but not "natural born Citizen."

See 66 Stat. 163, 236

US Government Printing Office - FDsys - Citation Search

Again, Bingham did not address those children who are born outside the US to US citizens. All he defined were those who were born IN the United States. He was silent on those born outside the US to citizens.

This does: Naturalization Act of 1790

And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens

I repeat, Bingham did not address those children born outside the US to US citizens. And he came along 79 years after the Founders used the term in the Constitution, and 76 years after they defined children born to US citizens outside the US as natural born citizens in the Naturalization Act.

You can't possibly pretend our Founders meant something different in the Constitution than what they specifically spelled out in the Naturalization Act three years later.
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This story is breaking and it has a lot of people upset. Cruz released his birth certificate to the 'Dallas Morning News' Friday and it wasn't a American birth was Canadian from the Edmonton Dept. Of Health. This means that since Ted had a American mother, he is a true dual Citizen. Representative John Bingham, the father of the 14th Amendment who wrote the first section of it on citizenship defined a natural born Citizen as this:


He is American citizen - plenty of people have been born in Canada and now live and are being elected in the US. LEGALLY.

What's the beef?
He is a natural born citizen, as opposed to a naturalized citizen like Schwarzenegger. A comment by someone I've never heard of is not authoritiative here. That makes him eligible for office. Until you can produce some legislation or court ruling on the matter you are simply wrong.

No........he is not a natural born Citizen. He is a Citizen by statute and John Bingham should know, he wrote the Citizenship part of the 14th Amendment. He was an attorney well aware of the founders original intent to how they defined a nbc. Cruz acquired citizenship derivatively through his US citizen parent by operation of law Pub. L. 82-414 § 301(a)(7), the citizenship was temporary and conditional, for citizenship to be retained actions must be taken per Pub. L. 82-414 § 301(b).

By operation of these statutes Cruz is in law “Citizen” but not "natural born Citizen."

See 66 Stat. 163, 236

US Government Printing Office - FDsys - Citation Search

8 USC 1401 gives the definition of natural born citizen. Cruz certainly qualifies.
End of discussion.
Show me the exact specific term 'natural born Citizen' in 8 USC 1401. Copy and paste it if you like.
This story is breaking and it has a lot of people upset. Cruz released his birth certificate to the 'Dallas Morning News' Friday and it wasn't a American birth was Canadian from the Edmonton Dept. Of Health. This means that since Ted had a American mother, he is a true dual Citizen. Representative John Bingham, the father of the 14th Amendment who wrote the first section of it on citizenship defined a natural born Citizen as this:


He is American citizen - plenty of people have been born in Canada and now live and are being elected in the US. LEGALLY.

What's the beef?
To be president, you have to be a 'natural born Citizen'. Not a 'Citizen' by statute.
This story is breaking and it has a lot of people upset. Cruz released his birth certificate to the 'Dallas Morning News' Friday and it wasn't a American birth was Canadian from the Edmonton Dept. Of Health. This means that since Ted had a American mother, he is a true dual Citizen. Representative John Bingham, the father of the 14th Amendment who wrote the first section of it on citizenship defined a natural born Citizen as this:


He is American citizen - plenty of people have been born in Canada and now live and are being elected in the US. LEGALLY.

What's the beef?
To be president, you have to be a 'natural born Citizen'. Not a 'Citizen' by statute.

The term "natural born citizen" that is in the Constitution was spelled out three years later in the Naturalization Act.

And that definition includes children born outside the US to US citizens. They are "natural born citizens" as defined by the First US Congress.
No........he is not a natural born Citizen. He is a Citizen by statute and John Bingham should know, he wrote the Citizenship part of the 14th Amendment. He was an attorney well aware of the founders original intent to how they defined a nbc. Cruz acquired citizenship derivatively through his US citizen parent by operation of law Pub. L. 82-414 § 301(a)(7), the citizenship was temporary and conditional, for citizenship to be retained actions must be taken per Pub. L. 82-414 § 301(b).

By operation of these statutes Cruz is in law “Citizen” but not "natural born Citizen."

See 66 Stat. 163, 236

US Government Printing Office - FDsys - Citation Search

8 USC 1401 gives the definition of natural born citizen. Cruz certainly qualifies.
End of discussion.
Show me the exact specific term 'natural born Citizen' in 8 USC 1401. Copy and paste it if you like.

You are one stupid motherfucker

8 USC § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth | Title 8 - Aliens and Nationality | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;
There's another part of CONUS that needs changing. It's discriminatory and therefore evil.

To me, it should be quite simple

You are natural born if you have never been a citizen of another country. If at birth, you were a US citizen you are qualified to be president regardless of where you were born

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no
I don't think Canada issues birth certificates to anyone except Canadians.

Canada is one of the few countries that bestows upon children born in Canada citizenship. Just like the United States...

...under the Citizenship Act of 1947, those born in Canada were automatically citizens at birth unless their parent was a foreign diplomat...

He is American citizen - plenty of people have been born in Canada and now live and are being elected in the US. LEGALLY.

What's the beef?
To be president, you have to be a 'natural born Citizen'. Not a 'Citizen' by statute.

The term "natural born citizen" that is in the Constitution was spelled out three years later in the Naturalization Act.

And that definition includes children born outside the US to US citizens. They are "natural born citizens" as defined by the First US Congress.
If you are talking about the Naturalization Act of 1790.....It was repealed 5 years later.
This story is breaking and it has a lot of people upset. Cruz released his birth certificate to the 'Dallas Morning News' Friday and it wasn't a American birth was Canadian from the Edmonton Dept. Of Health. This means that since Ted had a American mother, he is a true dual Citizen. Representative John Bingham, the father of the 14th Amendment who wrote the first section of it on citizenship defined a natural born Citizen as this:


He is American citizen - plenty of people have been born in Canada and now live and are being elected in the US. LEGALLY.

What's the beef?
To be president, you have to be a 'natural born Citizen'. Not a 'Citizen' by statute.

I do not think he has a shot at presidency anyway, so being born abroad is irrelevant.
To be president, you have to be a 'natural born Citizen'. Not a 'Citizen' by statute.

The term "natural born citizen" that is in the Constitution was spelled out three years later in the Naturalization Act.

And that definition includes children born outside the US to US citizens. They are "natural born citizens" as defined by the First US Congress.
If you are talking about the Naturalization Act of 1790.....It was repealed 5 years later.

It was replaced with another Naturalization Act which made it harder for non-citizens to acquire citizenship. It also defined acts of sedition.

It did NOT redefine "natural born citizen". Nice try.

Our Founders plainly included children of US citizens born outside the US in the meaning of "natural born citizens". Their definition three years after the writing of the Constitution is unequivocal.
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The term "natural born citizen" that is in the Constitution was spelled out three years later in the Naturalization Act.

And that definition includes children born outside the US to US citizens. They are "natural born citizens" as defined by the First US Congress.
If you are talking about the Naturalization Act of 1790.....It was repealed 5 years later.

It was replaced with another Naturalization Act which made it harder for non-citizens to acquire citizenship. It did NOT redefine "natural born citizen". Nice try.

I'm not sure there was even a definition of the term 'Citizen' prior to the 14th Amendment. In fact, I KNOW there wasn't

Most of the laws prior to that and even the Constitution itself (prior) simply referred to "The People" of the United States and its possessions.

Anyway, you can have your little playground argument about what was going on before the 14th Amendment but the fact is..... None of it matters.

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution changed all that.

And Ted Cruz is a Natural Born Citizen able to run for President and Vice President.

If you don't get that, you're too stupid to breathe the same air as the rest of us

He is American citizen - plenty of people have been born in Canada and now live and are being elected in the US. LEGALLY.

What's the beef?
To be president, you have to be a 'natural born Citizen'. Not a 'Citizen' by statute.

I do not think he has a shot at presidency anyway, so being born abroad is irrelevant.

I actually want to keep him in the senate, he's too great an asset to the state, and I don't want to share. I certainly hope he's in the primary race though. Along with a guy like Rand Paul, we would have candidates trying to out conservative each other rather than pander to so called moderates. I think he actually does have a chance though. Clearly the moonbats are already out trying to destroy him. That's a good indication he'd be a good choice.
The term "natural born citizen" that is in the Constitution was spelled out three years later in the Naturalization Act.

And that definition includes children born outside the US to US citizens. They are "natural born citizens" as defined by the First US Congress.
If you are talking about the Naturalization Act of 1790.....It was repealed 5 years later.

It did NOT redefine "natural born citizen". Nice try.

Our Founders plainly included children of US citizens born outside the US in the meaning of "natural born citizens". Their definition three years after the writing of the Constitution is unequivocal.
Really? Well don't forget that according to the Naturalization Act of 1790, 'being a free white person' was only considered natural born Citizens. That must still be in force too, right?
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Parthian (aka; Parting) shot.....

Certificates of Non Citizen Nationality

Section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act:

The term "national of the United States" means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.

I am surrounded by mental midgets

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