Senator Ted Cruz volunteers to argue overturning the election before the US Supreme Court

Actually, Trump is trying to turn us into a Banana Republic where a Dictator uses political power to overrule the will of the people.
Evidence shows the people's will is denied when Biden and his cabal of thieves cheat their way into the
White House. Of course you can't understand.

Well, unfortunately for Crooked Donnie
Our courts are requiring him to provide credible evidence. Not evidence of the latest wild conspiracy theory.

Crooked Donnie applying political pressure to Governors and Sec States to overturn the will of the people and appoint Electors that are loyal to him is election tampering
that's my boy! it's a long shot but there is hope!

That’s your ignorant idiot.

Cruz stomps the shit out of you idiots daily. The worst thing you could do is dismiss him.

C'mon Ted!
that's my boy! it's a long shot but there is hope!

He has a winning record at the Supreme Court.
that's my boy! it's a long shot but there is hope!

This thread didn't age well:
that's my boy! it's a long shot but there is hope!

He has a winning record at the Supreme Court.


How's that record now?

Pres. Trump needs to stop putting all of his eggs in one basket. He needs to spread it around a little bit by letting others, but not just one to argue in his defense.
He needs to hire more investigators but all of them work separately, but not knowing what the evidence that the other investigators have came up with. But they will only report to him on their findings
Some are all talk but no action. Having one to represent a case is bad news. It is because that one could prend to be working real hard on a case. But actually they are dragging the case until it reached the expiration date. Then it will be a waste of time.

that's my boy! it's a long shot but there is hope!

Thread fail: U.S. Supreme Court throws out Texas lawsuit contesting 2020 election results in four battleground states

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