Senator Ted Cruz volunteers to argue overturning the election before the US Supreme Court

It only involves an issue of state constitutionality of legislation passed on mail in voting. The Penn. SC said they had waited too long to argue the matter. If it rules in favor of the matter it only affect Penn. not any other state.
It decides if we are a country run by laws or men.

If they filed before the election they would have no standing. So by your logic you can’t sue before the election due to standing and you can’t sue afterward because it’s too late.

It takes time to meander through the courts and the issue argued is over state constitutionality of the legislature's approval to use non-reciprocal mail in voting ballots by legislation and not amending it to the state constitution.. You can take it for what it is and leave out yer suppositions and wild allegations.
When does such a thing become unconstitutional? The day it’s passed?

man unconstitutional law can’t be held as legal because of timing. Just because it wasn’t struck down earlier doesn’t mean we have to live with the results.
They waited to pull a gotcha moment and evidently waited too long...
Video evidence of a crime is a gotcha moment? Fuck off with that shit. It’s a crime caught on camera on election night. How the fuck is that too late to litigate against?
Know why I cannot stand dems? This thread is a perfect example. Trump said this, Trump said that...and it was during presidential debates so of course they are going to rag on each other. But Cruz is a wuss, Cruz was accused of that, Cruz is a butt kisser, blah blah blah.
Cruz has shown he does NOT hold grudges, nor takes seriously the bullshit thrown during an election debate/argument/etc. THAT is a leader. And I hope he runs again in 2024. I won't vote for him because why bother? It won't count due to Dominion and similar machines, but I will be on his side and hope he manages to win somehow.

Maybe monetary rewards should be given to hackers and vote machine makers to return the favor in 2024. Lets see how loud the dems screech.
If Ted Cruz was a man he'd stand up for his wife. End of. Politics is second to that, he put it first. He's a fuckin pussy, and his wife married a fuckin pussy, and his childrens' father is a fuckin pussy.
Biden and Harris were at each others throats too. But they kissed/sniffed and made up. No comment about that?
Biden and Harris were at each others throats too. But they kissed/sniffed and made up. No comment about that?
Yeah. They're not married, and they didn't say "your wife is ugly" and dirtbag/family attack shit like that Orange thingy says to people. The Trump Cult is a mentally disturbed group of daddy worshipper. He can do and say anything, the cult believes it. That's a danger. 80 million Americans said buh bye, cult.

The cult cries conspiracy.

Self fulfilling prophesy.
Know why I cannot stand dems? This thread is a perfect example. Trump said this, Trump said that...and it was during presidential debates so of course they are going to rag on each other. But Cruz is a wuss, Cruz was accused of that, Cruz is a butt kisser, blah blah blah.
Cruz has shown he does NOT hold grudges, nor takes seriously the bullshit thrown during an election debate/argument/etc. THAT is a leader. And I hope he runs again in 2024. I won't vote for him because why bother? It won't count due to Dominion and similar machines, but I will be on his side and hope he manages to win somehow.

Maybe monetary rewards should be given to hackers and vote machine makers to return the favor in 2024. Lets see how loud the dems screech.
I thought you were in California and could never vote for Cruz. No loss though. If Cruz and Donnie had been in a local election primary and donnie talked about his wife and accused his family of helping kill Kennedy, Ted would have beat shit out of donnie but this is the big league so he has done everything but fallate donnie.
that's my boy! it's a long shot but there is hope!

Volunteering on fox so called news isn't the same thing as actually doing it.

Nor is it the same thing as actually having a valid case to take before the Supreme Court.

Nor is it the same thing as the Supreme Court actually taking that case.

Keep desperately grasping at those flimsy straws.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

What are you going to do on January 20, 2021 when Biden is sworn into office?
Know why I cannot stand dems? This thread is a perfect example. Trump said this, Trump said that...and it was during presidential debates so of course they are going to rag on each other. But Cruz is a wuss, Cruz was accused of that, Cruz is a butt kisser, blah blah blah.
Cruz has shown he does NOT hold grudges, nor takes seriously the bullshit thrown during an election debate/argument/etc. THAT is a leader. And I hope he runs again in 2024. I won't vote for him because why bother? It won't count due to Dominion and similar machines, but I will be on his side and hope he manages to win somehow.

Maybe monetary rewards should be given to hackers and vote machine makers to return the favor in 2024. Lets see how loud the dems screech.
I thought you were in California and could never vote for Cruz. No loss though. If Cruz and Donnie had been in a local election primary and donnie talked about his wife and accused his family of helping kill Kennedy, Ted would have beat shit out of donnie but this is the big league so he has done everything but fallate donnie.
I said IF he ran for POTUS in 2024. Then again...yer right. I can't vote for any republican in Cali. It gets switched to a dem.
that's my boy! it's a long shot but there is hope!

Volunteering on fox so called news isn't the same thing as actually doing it.

Nor is it the same thing as actually having a valid case to take before the Supreme Court.

Nor is it the same thing as the Supreme Court actually taking that case.

Keep desperately grasping at those flimsy straws.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

What are you going to do on January 20, 2021 when Biden is sworn into office?

I am enjoying the Cult turds screeching as they swirl down the toilet bowl.

Buhhh byyyeeee Cult. Hello President Biden.

Orange Dufus will be forgotten about 2 news cycles after January 20th, and a few weeks later someone in the Cult is going to Volunteer Biden's kenyan birth certificate to placate their obsession for an enemy.
that's my boy! it's a long shot but there is hope!

Volunteering on fox so called news isn't the same thing as actually doing it.

Nor is it the same thing as actually having a valid case to take before the Supreme Court.

Nor is it the same thing as the Supreme Court actually taking that case.

Keep desperately grasping at those flimsy straws.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

What are you going to do on January 20, 2021 when Biden is sworn into office?

Deal with it. Like an American should. Might not like it, but...there it is. Don't know about anyone else.
Know why I cannot stand dems? This thread is a perfect example. Trump said this, Trump said that...and it was during presidential debates so of course they are going to rag on each other. But Cruz is a wuss, Cruz was accused of that, Cruz is a butt kisser, blah blah blah.
Cruz has shown he does NOT hold grudges, nor takes seriously the bullshit thrown during an election debate/argument/etc. THAT is a leader. And I hope he runs again in 2024. I won't vote for him because why bother? It won't count due to Dominion and similar machines, but I will be on his side and hope he manages to win somehow.

Maybe monetary rewards should be given to hackers and vote machine makers to return the favor in 2024. Lets see how loud the dems screech.
I thought you were in California and could never vote for Cruz. No loss though. If Cruz and Donnie had been in a local election primary and donnie talked about his wife and accused his family of helping kill Kennedy, Ted would have beat shit out of donnie but this is the big league so he has done everything but fallate donnie.
I said IF he ran for POTUS in 2024. Then again...yer right. I can't vote for any republican in Cali. It gets switched to a dem.
I'm going to do like a Moses thing, not voting for any Republican for President, as they wander in the desert for years until the entire generation dies off after their sinful ways turning their back on all that is holy, and never being allowed to reach the promised land. That's just me, though.:eek:
Know why I cannot stand dems? This thread is a perfect example. Trump said this, Trump said that...and it was during presidential debates so of course they are going to rag on each other. But Cruz is a wuss, Cruz was accused of that, Cruz is a butt kisser, blah blah blah.
Cruz has shown he does NOT hold grudges, nor takes seriously the bullshit thrown during an election debate/argument/etc. THAT is a leader. And I hope he runs again in 2024. I won't vote for him because why bother? It won't count due to Dominion and similar machines, but I will be on his side and hope he manages to win somehow.

Maybe monetary rewards should be given to hackers and vote machine makers to return the favor in 2024. Lets see how loud the dems screech.
I thought you were in California and could never vote for Cruz. No loss though. If Cruz and Donnie had been in a local election primary and donnie talked about his wife and accused his family of helping kill Kennedy, Ted would have beat shit out of donnie but this is the big league so he has done everything but fallate donnie.
I said IF he ran for POTUS in 2024. Then again...yer right. I can't vote for any republican in Cali. It gets switched to a dem.
I'm going to do like a Moses thing, not voting for any Republican for President, as they wander in the desert for years until the entire generation dies off after their sinful ways turning their back on all that is holy, and never being allowed to reach the promised land. That's just me, though.:eek:
You don't have to bother to vote at all. The fix is in.
Know why I cannot stand dems? This thread is a perfect example. Trump said this, Trump said that...and it was during presidential debates so of course they are going to rag on each other. But Cruz is a wuss, Cruz was accused of that, Cruz is a butt kisser, blah blah blah.
Cruz has shown he does NOT hold grudges, nor takes seriously the bullshit thrown during an election debate/argument/etc. THAT is a leader. And I hope he runs again in 2024. I won't vote for him because why bother? It won't count due to Dominion and similar machines, but I will be on his side and hope he manages to win somehow.

Maybe monetary rewards should be given to hackers and vote machine makers to return the favor in 2024. Lets see how loud the dems screech.
I thought you were in California and could never vote for Cruz. No loss though. If Cruz and Donnie had been in a local election primary and donnie talked about his wife and accused his family of helping kill Kennedy, Ted would have beat shit out of donnie but this is the big league so he has done everything but fallate donnie.
I said IF he ran for POTUS in 2024. Then again...yer right. I can't vote for any republican in Cali. It gets switched to a dem.
I'm going to do like a Moses thing, not voting for any Republican for President, as they wander in the desert for years until the entire generation dies off after their sinful ways turning their back on all that is holy, and never being allowed to reach the promised land. That's just me, though.:eek:
You don't have to bother to vote at all. The fix is in.
Cheer up, Gracie. I don't think it was fixed, but who knows? You do what you think you got to do for whatever reason you think you got to do it. Pretty sure, we both got a lot more election votes behind us than we have in front of us. Enjoy! :cool:
Sen. Cruz is so fixated on obtaining greater power he’s willing throw his wife, father, and, principles under bus if he thinks it will better his future odds at becoming president. Shamelessly spineless.
Know why I cannot stand dems? This thread is a perfect example. Trump said this, Trump said that...and it was during presidential debates so of course they are going to rag on each other. But Cruz is a wuss, Cruz was accused of that, Cruz is a butt kisser, blah blah blah.
Cruz has shown he does NOT hold grudges, nor takes seriously the bullshit thrown during an election debate/argument/etc. THAT is a leader. And I hope he runs again in 2024. I won't vote for him because why bother? It won't count due to Dominion and similar machines, but I will be on his side and hope he manages to win somehow.

Maybe monetary rewards should be given to hackers and vote machine makers to return the favor in 2024. Lets see how loud the dems screech.

Cruz is a limp-wristed cuck. No sack. Had Trump de-nut him not once, but twice. Forced to go to the White House and kiss the ring. Exactly what he's trying to do now.
Yeah, there won't be any Cruz run for President in 2024. No one has any respect for him.
Cruz is a weasel, but he is also a very capable Constitutional lawyer and debater. He could probably win the case where many others couldn't, if he had the necessary bribe money. Even the crooks realize what a disaster Harris will be as President; she's China Joe's 'poison pill' protection against being forced to resign as planned, I guess.

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