Senator Warren wants to pack 4 more judges on the Supreme Court

Wars. If I come into your house and take your shit because I feel like it, you won’t like it very much. We have laws and rules for a reason. You Fascists just don’t get it.
Invalid comparison. The things I am suggesting are not against the law or against any rules.

Got anything else?
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Oops, you fell into fantasyland again. The things I am suggesting are not against the law or against any rules. Try to focus, this is like herding cats.
Sure it is. Packing the court = changing the rules. Just like in my example we changed the laws to survival of the fittest. There you lose. Try to keep up. I know you’re behind based on who you are but come on.
Congress set that rule and it has been in place since 1870?
Right,just change it to 13. Change the rules, just like they did in 1870.Eliminate the filibuster first, just to keep the GOP in the corner.

Not too complicated. No rules broken, no laws broken.
Right,just change it to 13. Change the rules, just like they did in 1870.Eliminate the filibuster first, just to keep the GOP in the corner.

Not too complicated. No rules broken, no laws broken.
When did I say broken? I said You want to Change the rule. You said show me the rule and I did? Why are you angry at me? You look stupid. It’s OK. Not the first time. When did I say the word “law”?
Right,just change it to 13. Change the rules, just like they did in 1870.Eliminate the filibuster first, just to keep the GOP in the corner.

Not too complicated. No rules broken, no laws broken.
so change a rule and change the law…so change the rules
When you made an analogy about burglarizing my home. Stop playing dumb.

So, no rules broken, no laws broken.

So, shall we proceed? Time to stack the court.
Playing dumb? I said You want to change the rules and that leads to wars. Simple even for a simpleton like you. Stack all you want. Will just make 2022 that much more red.
By not blocking the law in the first place the court lowered itself to an arm of the legislature. The texas law under Roe is clearly unconstitutional and the court sanctioned vigilante aspect unprecedented for our country.
The Supreme Court doesn't rule on laws until they wind their way through the lower courts. You think the law is unconstitutional, many other people don't. Those are nothing more than personal opinions.
I have always said that the Court was political.

It was never THIS bad but the fact that it IS more about politics than the law or the Constitution is has been clear for a long time.

Republicans got that decades ago.
It's been worse than this for decades, it'd just YOUR ox being gored now. For probably the first time since FDR we don't have a liberal, activist SCOTUS.
You look stupid as you asked me to show you the RULE and I did and now you’re lashing out
No, vapid whiningon your part. I said we just change the rule.

Just be honest and say "me no likey" and move on. Because, frankly, you have nothing else. Them's the breaks.
Dem legislators don’t want to do it. They’re beginning to realize that they have no choice.

We have a SC that represents a minority of the electorate
SCOTUS doesn't reflect the electorate. Its purpose is to rule soley on the constitutionality of laws, not their popularity.
The Supreme Court doesn't rule on laws until they wind their way through the lower courts. You think the law is unconstitutional, many other people don't. Those are nothing more than personal opinions.
All kind of irrelevant. The law was designed to sideline the court. So the correct response to that piece of shit law is to pass other similar piece of shit laws that Republicans hate. Then maybe we will come to an understanding.
Elizabeth Warren has said 'it's time' to start packing the Supreme Court, claiming that the current set of judges 'threaten the democratic foundations of our nation.'
She said she supported expanding the high court by at least four seats and urged Congress to act after the 'extremist' justices upheld the 'racist Muslim ban' and 'threatened to eliminate Roe v. Wade.'

Warren is a delusional far left extremist.
There was no "Muslim ban" and Muslims are not a race.
Reversing Roe v Wade would just make abortion a State issue.
The real threat to our democracy are the corrupt Democrat Party's abuses of power.
Obama illegally used the IRS, CIA, FBI, DOJ and FISA court as political weapons, and he got away with it.
The corrupt Democrat Senator Adam Schiff is fabricating evidence in a 110% political witch hunt.
The corrupt Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton illegally destroyed incriminating evidence, and she got away with it.
The Democrat Party's crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy and the Mueller Report was a thinly veiled coup attempt against President Trump.
Pelosi's two bogus impeachments against Trump were a blow against our democracy.
The Democrats are using the Tech Giants to censor political opinions.
Blocking Voter ID laws and mandating Mail-In ballots are a threat to legitimate secure elections and a threat to our democracy.
But finally, packing the Supreme Court with far left extremist judges does not girder our democracy, it does the opposite.
The Voters of MA should be ashamed of themselves.
Fauxcahontas heap big fascist.
When you made an analogy about burglarizing my home. Stop playing dumb.

So, no rules broken, no laws broken.

So, shall we proceed? Time to stack the court.
packing the court without changing the law would violate both rules and law
Playing dumb? I said You want to change the rules and that leads to wars. Simple even for a simpleton like you. Stack all you want. Will just make 2022 that much more red.
yeah, he’s a dembot that didn’t realize there was a law setting the number…he was parroting talking points from the propagandist that hadn’t yet told him
All kind of irrelevant. The law was designed to sideline the court. So the correct response to that piece of shit law is to pass other similar piece of shit laws that Republicans hate. Then maybe we will come to an understanding.
how was it met to sideline the court???

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