Senators Graham & Ted Cruz Announce Legislation Allowing Victims Of Violence To Sue Sanctuary Cities

Schumer & Merkely have a counter bill to end family separation & improve living conditions for illegals
They don't need improved living conditions. They need a one was bus ticket home.

Considering what awaits them, it's not really what they need, it's only what you want. Let's remember you're the ex-felon, not them.
Exfelon who is a tax paying CITIZEN. They can all die trying to cross the river for all I care.

Of course you don't care about people. Not surprised.

Who paid to lock you up? Your past is exactly what the right scapegoats immigrants as, criminals. Plus these are asylum seekers, they have a legal right to enter the country.
Schumer & Merkely have a counter bill to end family separation & improve living conditions for illegals
They don't need improved living conditions. They need a one was bus ticket home.

Considering what awaits them, it's not really what they need, it's only what you want. Let's remember you're the ex-felon, not them.
Exfelon who is a tax paying CITIZEN. They can all die trying to cross the river for all I care.

Of course you don't care about people. Not surprised.

Who paid to lock you up? Your past is exactly what the right scapegoats immigrants as, criminals. Plus these are asylum seekers, they have a legal right to enter the country.
They are illegal aliens asswipe
Schumer & Merkely have a counter bill to end family separation & improve living conditions for illegals
They don't need improved living conditions. They need a one was bus ticket home.

Considering what awaits them, it's not really what they need, it's only what you want. Let's remember you're the ex-felon, not them.
Exfelon who is a tax paying CITIZEN. They can all die trying to cross the river for all I care.

Of course you don't care about people. Not surprised.

Who paid to lock you up? Your past is exactly what the right scapegoats immigrants as, criminals. Plus these are asylum seekers, they have a legal right to enter the country.
They are illegal aliens asswipe

I was referring to asylum seekers but yeah, even many of those who are undocumented pay taxes. Grampa sure had at least for a time a tax burden, so I don't really respect his views here.
They don't need improved living conditions. They need a one was bus ticket home.

Considering what awaits them, it's not really what they need, it's only what you want. Let's remember you're the ex-felon, not them.
Exfelon who is a tax paying CITIZEN. They can all die trying to cross the river for all I care.

Of course you don't care about people. Not surprised.

Who paid to lock you up? Your past is exactly what the right scapegoats immigrants as, criminals. Plus these are asylum seekers, they have a legal right to enter the country.
They are illegal aliens asswipe

I was referring to asylum seekers but yeah, even many of those who are undocumented pay taxes. Grampa sure had at least for a time a tax burden, so I don't really respect his views here.
Your respect is neither sought nor needed.

That pedestal your on is kind of cool tho
Considering what awaits them, it's not really what they need, it's only what you want. Let's remember you're the ex-felon, not them.
Exfelon who is a tax paying CITIZEN. They can all die trying to cross the river for all I care.

Of course you don't care about people. Not surprised.

Who paid to lock you up? Your past is exactly what the right scapegoats immigrants as, criminals. Plus these are asylum seekers, they have a legal right to enter the country.
They are illegal aliens asswipe

I was referring to asylum seekers but yeah, even many of those who are undocumented pay taxes. Grampa sure had at least for a time a tax burden, so I don't really respect his views here.
Your respect is neither sought nor needed.

That pedestal your on is kind of cool tho

I'm not on a pedestal. The right claims that many immigrants are criminals and rapists. This is your side, I'm just pointing out that they don't need to pretend to find criminals, they have you. You are a convicted criminal and our taxes went to pay for your existence. These are the same claims made by the right about immigration. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the argument when you are involved in it.
I'd guess that the proposed law would be ruled unconstitutional. My understanding is that federal law enforcement is the responsibility of the federal government. If I had to place a bet though I'd limit it to $10, because my background on this mostly consists of old movies in which G-man and revenuers handle bootleggers and moonshiners.

Instead of just wrapping everything you personally want to be true in "the Constitution" - ie. "I don't like it, therefore it must be Unconstitutional" - why don't you try explaining to me exactly where it violates the Constitution to allow victims of violence to sue jurisdictions which pursue official policies that put their safety at risk.

Take your time. I know a person's very first reading of the Constitution doesn't go quickly.
What a really shitty piece of legislation. Local government should be able to step out of the picture. If the orange slut wants to send his henchmen, let them do their jobs themselves without forcing the locals to cooperate with them.

"I think this is shitty legislation based on something I assume it does but doesn't actually do, because all I can see is my personal political goal at the moment, not far-reaching consequences. At no point in time will I ever stop screeching about the presumed evils of this bill to actually learn any facts about it."
Lindsay and Ted's Most Excellent Adventure! Bust those sanctuary cities.

I agree. Sue the pants off those cities when illegals who should have been deported but weren't because the city is a self proclaimed sanctuary city. If those illegals kill American citizen then the city should be held liable.

Hope the survivors make a fortune.

So can we sue any one who doesn't vet a person who the sell or give a gun to as well... So you give a wife beater a gun, would they not be complicit.. Actually the Government for not tracking that is complicit as well...

"So let me shoehorn my personal obsession in here, never mind if it's not at all comparable. If you won't let me harass all gun makers, sellers, and owners, then you aren't allowed to pass any laws at all, EVER!"
Can't see this going far, so called 'sanctuary' cities/states aren't breaking any laws.
I agree, Sanctuary cities should remain the cesspools they are, lawlessness is a great cure for stupidity.

And you still can't afford to live in most of them.

That would be part of the whole "cesspool" concept. Only a dumbass leftist thinks paying insanely high housing prices is a point of pride.
The courts, mainly. How do you prove that the violence still wouldn't have happened even if the city didn't have sanctuary status?
No proximate cause. This legislation would give cities a legal duty to remove illegals, but the plaintiffs must prove that "but for the failure of the city to ______ (whatever legal duty they have), the tort (or crime) would not have occurred." There is a whole host of subsequent or more proximate "but fors" that will likely remove any liability.

This is also somewhat akin to trying to make gun manufacturers liable for gun crimes.

We would need to radically alter tort law to remove any subsequent intervening causes, like any other agency or entity's failure to act prior to the illegal alien becoming part of the sanctuary city.

And, we're not even getting into Sovereign Immunity of Cities/States. This would usurp a shit ton of State power.


You can't force municipalities to enforce federal law, dope. That would be unconstitutional.
Exfelon who is a tax paying CITIZEN. They can all die trying to cross the river for all I care.

Of course you don't care about people. Not surprised.

Who paid to lock you up? Your past is exactly what the right scapegoats immigrants as, criminals. Plus these are asylum seekers, they have a legal right to enter the country.
They are illegal aliens asswipe

I was referring to asylum seekers but yeah, even many of those who are undocumented pay taxes. Grampa sure had at least for a time a tax burden, so I don't really respect his views here.
Your respect is neither sought nor needed.

That pedestal your on is kind of cool tho

I'm not on a pedestal. The right claims that many immigrants are criminals and rapists. This is your side, I'm just pointing out that they don't need to pretend to find criminals, they have you. You are a convicted criminal and our taxes went to pay for your existence. These are the same claims made by the right about immigration. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the argument when you are involved in it.
With your absurd logic all the illegals belong in prison then

Just ship the motherfuckers back and build the damn wall. Want in the US? APPLY LIKE EVERYONE ELSE
I'd guess that the proposed law would be ruled unconstitutional. My understanding is that federal law enforcement is the responsibility of the federal government. If I had to place a bet though I'd limit it to $10, because my background on this mostly consists of old movies in which G-man and revenuers handle bootleggers and moonshiners.

Instead of just wrapping everything you personally want to be true in "the Constitution" - ie. "I don't like it, therefore it must be Unconstitutional" - why don't you try explaining to me exactly where it violates the Constitution to allow victims of violence to sue jurisdictions which pursue official policies that put their safety at risk.

Take your time. I know a person's very first reading of the Constitution doesn't go quickly.

In my post where did I express what I "personally want"? From what you made of that very brief statement of my view, you'd be the last one I'd take advice from concerning reading comprehension
If you really want to fix the illegal immigration policy, fix the U.S. foreign policies in Central America.

The U.S. fucked up central America and now we're getting the fall out.

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