Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

Please ask the public who the sequester belong to. The overwhelming majority will tell you the GOP. Yup, they are the ones screaming austerity. They own it and they will pay for it.
Only in a world where the propaganda arm of the White House ensures that the people hear no other truth.

In fact, the White House has admitted it was their idea, and applied the power of the bully pulpit to drive the spineless GOP into accepting it. They have done this for one reason only, to continue the crisis governance of this administration.

There is very real talk that Boner may lose his speakership if he caves in on his stance that he will not stop sequestration.

If he goes through with it, and the dire circumstances do not come about, the people will see that the scare tactics for what they are.

So run along chicken little, and blame anyone but yourselves for the panic inspired by the power mongers.
If the TEA PARTY had caused the Sequester we would have cut the government by at least half. You would still have a bloated government with that. Who can't look at congress and not say half and not worthless? How about DHS, Commerce dept etc. Elected or appointed at least half are worthless.
The truth is our government has been over spending for years and it should have been stopped right after the first year they over spent. They didn't care then because the money used for them to overspend came from the surpluses of taxes collected that were earmarked to pay for expenses for that year.

What is happening now is the expenses are more then the funds that are earmarked for those purposes so no extra play money for the government to spend and this is what they are crying about.
Please ask the public who the sequester belong to. The overwhelming majority will tell you the GOP. Yup, they are the ones screaming austerity. They own it and they will pay for it.

All that says is they are misinformed and lazy which points to inescapable fact that the overwhelming majority you speak of are liberal.
Democrats on their sequester idea.
blaming the tea party-controlled gop for sequestration isn't partisan, it's factual

the republican policy position on sequestration is, on the surface, seemingly irrational. There is near universal agreement that the deep cuts from the sequester that are due to take place in a few days will be damaging to the economy, costing in the neighborhood of a million jobs (based on a nonpartisan estimate) and threatening our economic recovery (the congressional budget office estimates growth to be reduced by 0.6 percent). But the republicans in congress are nevertheless willing to take the pocketbooks of the american people hostage, all to try and ransom spending and entitlement cuts that would, in the opinion of many economists, cause further economic damage to all but the wealthiest americans (paul krugman does a good job explaining this point).

mitchell bard: Blaming the tea party-controlled gop for sequestration isn't partisan, it's factual
Bull Crap
You Don't Know Jack
Dow off 216 today. Sequester kicks in all bet are off on any recovery. I'll say if the sequester kicks in on Friday we will go into the weekend under 38,000, maybe way under.
Dow off 216 today. Sequester kicks in all bet are off on any recovery. I'll say if the sequester kicks in on Friday we will go into the weekend under 38,000, maybe way under.

I would almost guess it's 'first come, first get' on gains, if any.

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Dow off 216 today. Sequester kicks in all bet are off on any recovery. I'll say if the sequester kicks in on Friday we will go into the weekend under 38,000, maybe way under.

Tell ya what...................go ahead and Google "dow italy and drops".

You'd find out it's not the sequester that caused the problem, but rather the possibility that Italy is gonna re-elect Berlesconi (sp?).
Blaming the Tea Party-Controlled GOP for Sequestration Isn't Partisan, It's Factual

The Republican policy position on sequestration is, on the surface, seemingly irrational. There is near universal agreement that the deep cuts from the sequester that are due to take place in a few days will be damaging to the economy, costing in the neighborhood of a million jobs (based on a nonpartisan estimate) and threatening our economic recovery (the Congressional Budget Office estimates growth to be reduced by 0.6 percent). But the Republicans in Congress are nevertheless willing to take the pocketbooks of the American people hostage, all to try and ransom spending and entitlement cuts that would, in the opinion of many economists, cause further economic damage to all but the wealthiest Americans (Paul Krugman does a good job explaining this point).

Mitchell Bard: Blaming the Tea Party-Controlled GOP for Sequestration Isn't Partisan, It's Factual

Obama fails Bob Woodward?s fact check on sequestration | Power Line
The GOP started it as a way to fight for what they thought was right for the debt ceiling.'s not gonna work.

Hopefully, Boehner, McConnell and Cantor are going to be able to find other work after 2014.
The GOP started it as a way to fight for what they thought was right for the debt ceiling.'s not gonna work.

Hopefully, Boehner, McConnell and Cantor are going to be able to find other work after 2014.

That's a lie that I and others have already debunked.
Blaming the Tea Party-Controlled GOP for Sequestration Isn't Partisan, It's Factual

The Republican policy position on sequestration is, on the surface, seemingly irrational. There is near universal agreement that the deep cuts from the sequester that are due to take place in a few days will be damaging to the economy, costing in the neighborhood of a million jobs (based on a nonpartisan estimate) and threatening our economic recovery (the Congressional Budget Office estimates growth to be reduced by 0.6 percent). But the Republicans in Congress are nevertheless willing to take the pocketbooks of the American people hostage, all to try and ransom spending and entitlement cuts that would, in the opinion of many economists, cause further economic damage to all but the wealthiest Americans (Paul Krugman does a good job explaining this point).

Mitchell Bard: Blaming the Tea Party-Controlled GOP for Sequestration Isn't Partisan, It's Factual

Obama fails Bob Woodward?s fact check on sequestration | Power Line
The completely discredited Boob Woodward again. :eusa_liar:
The GOP started it as a way to fight for what they thought was right for the debt ceiling.'s not gonna work.

Hopefully, Boehner, McConnell and Cantor are going to be able to find other work after 2014.

That's a lie that I and others have already debunked.
It is not a lie and neither you or anyone else has debunked anything, and you know it!
He didn't "add" 6 trillion..he PAID down what was added by Bush.

Izzatrite, you lying fucktard?

So the national debt is less today than when your little tin god took office?

And if you think that's an easy thing to do..try counting to a trillion.

Why don't you be honest, for once in your fucking life?


You have zero integrity - zero.
He didn't "add" 6 trillion..he PAID down what was added by Bush.

Izzatrite, you lying fucktard?

So the national debt is less today than when your little tin god took office?

And if you think that's an easy thing to do..try counting to a trillion.

Why don't you be honest, for once in your fucking life?


You have zero integrity - zero.

Yes. That's it.


By gosh and golly.

In fact, now that you mention it, we have no debt of any kind.

We're running a surplus. Yeah, that's the ticket.

A SURplus!
The roughly 85 billion to be sequestered (eventually) come to like 1/2 of 1% of the year's deficit.

The law which created the fucking "sequester" would spread the "savings" around. But President Obama is trying to focus it like a laser beam on the things that will CAUSE as much discomfort as he can generate in that manner. All the better to make the sequester a "heartless Republican created problem."

Nobody can ever honestly accuse Obama of being honest of reasonable.

its called the Washington monument syndrome.

see, they want the public to think that they have to cut the most vital services first- kill tourism and piss people off by shutting down the wash. memorial, cut police, cut tsa, cut border control, like the first tax $$$ we pay is directly tied to those venues and events and jobs...its dishonest, totally dishonest.

when it comes to spending cuts this is what you're dealing with, everything is sacrosanct, heres an oldie but a goodie- harry reid can get up their and whine about a $56,000 federal subsidy yes 56k cut to a Cowboy Poetry festival....but hey we have cut fireman:rolleyes:...unreal.

[ame=]Harry Reid Cowboy Poetry - YouTube[/ame]

What does that have to do with sequestration?

Just in case your curious.

Elko Convention and Visitors Authority, Elko Nevada
ELKO NEVADA (Western Folklife Center) - The National Cowboy Poetry Gathering is a week-long celebration of life in the rural West, featuring the contemporary and traditional arts that arise from lives lived caring for land and livestock, fixing fences and raising families.

Poetry, music, stories, gear, film, photography, food - all contribute to the texture of an event that has become an annual ritual for thousand of people who value the people and cultures that live and work in the West.

Uhmmm, survey says no, I am not curious. I actually don't give a shit.

should I?:eusa_eh:

The festival costs what, 350-450K to get going? we have to give them 56K and in the middle of a huge budget crunch, this is whine worthy?

If that doesn't tell you where their heads are at, nothing does.

Do I really need to explain how this ties into the sequestration issue?

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