Serious question for supporters of the J6 Committee:

I got what everyone on the world saw:

Trump incited an insurrection.
That's purely your imagination.
The insurrectionists tried to stop the certification of the election.
There were no "insurrectionists."

The insurrectionists had handcuffs for taking people prisoner.
You mean one person at the capital had handcuffs?


They failed.

The whole world knows it. Your continued attempts at gas-lighting the whole world FAILS.

The never tried, douchebag.
I got what everyone on the world saw:

Trump incited an insurrection.

The insurrectionists tried to stop the certification of the election.

The insurrectionists had handcuffs for taking people prisoner.

They failed.

The whole world knows it. Your continued attempts at gas-lighting the whole world FAILS.
The only insurrection that actually occurred was The DemNazi attack on our Democracy in the form of Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

People should be facing a firing squad for insurrection, treason, and sedition of that magnitude when they sought to overturn our election through collusion with Putin, The DNC, FBI by plotting a Bureaucratic COUP.
I got what everyone on the world saw:

Trump incited an insurrection.

The insurrectionists tried to stop the certification of the election.

The insurrectionists had handcuffs for taking people prisoner.

They failed.

The whole world knows it. Your continued attempts at gas-lighting the whole world FAILS.
Dear Dumbass, they DID have firearms - and other weapons. They also had other weapons stashed around the Capitol. Why are Trump NaziCons so pitifully stupid and uninformed? They even placed some bombs - which luckily didn't explode.
Those are some mighty bold claims you need to provide some proof for.
That's purely your imagination.

There were no "insurrectionists."

You mean one person at the capital had handcuffs?


The never tried, douchebag.

It's really humorous that you think that you can just say any nonsense and it will change anyone's mind!

Everyone in the world knows that there was an attempted insurrection.

People are going to prison for seditious conspiracy.

Nothing you say will change that.

But feel free to babble all you want! I could use the laughs!
Funny that they have not found anything to support your assumptions

They and the DOJ have found plenty to support my statements.

People are going to prison for seditious conspiracy.

But feel free to continue your delusions.
Nonsense. SWAT teams are heavily armed and have armored vehicles. Many people believe that SWAT teams are too militarized.

If the insurrectionist used enough force to overrun SWAT teams, the Maryland and Virginia National Guards would have come in with guns blazing.

This is all hypothetical, if the insurrectionists had used firearms and killed numerous Police, secret Service and Congress people, it would have delegitimized their insurrection entirely. One way or another the whole bunch would be killed or rounded up and charged with treason. It would have been a bloody mess, but in the end a total failure.

They may be stupid, but they're not that stupid.
SWAT teams have six to ten members, one or two sniper rifles and an entry team with (usually) submachine guns. That's not heavily armed. They are essentially less than an infantry squad in strength and capabilities. Their "armored vehicle" is at best an MRAP that is armored against rifle caliber fire. A Molotov Cocktail will easily take one out. SWAT are not combat units; they are trained to resolve situations using minimal levels of force. The maximum level of violence they are trained to handle is something like the North Hollywood Shootout where two heavily armed and armored robbers held off regular police for a couple of hours. SWAT never even engaged them. If you combined all the local SWAT units, the FBI's HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) and the Secret Service snipers you might put together a company sized formation without cohesion and that operate on different radio frequencies. It would take many hours to call up and arm the NG units. By the time that was done, if this was really an insurrection, the insurrectionists would have control of most of DC, and the majority of the crowd would be armed. If the NG tried to use force to retake DC, the city would be destroyed. The best solution would be to isolate the city and hope to starve the insurrectionists out, but at the same time the NG would be starving the population of DC as well as the trapped politicians and bureaucrats right along with the insurrectionists. Personally, I don't think the politicians have the moral courage to watch women and children starving to death while they lay siege to the nation's capital.
No they have not but carry on as if you have a clue

It's amazing that you're so out of touch with reality, yet still post your nonsense:

SWAT teams have six to ten members, one or two sniper rifles and an entry team with (usually) submachine guns. That's not heavily armed. They are essentially less than an infantry squad in strength and capabilities. Their "armored vehicle" is at best an MRAP that is armored against rifle caliber fire. A Molotov Cocktail will easily take one out. SWAT are not combat units; they are trained to resolve situations using minimal levels of force. The maximum level of violence they are trained to handle is something like the North Hollywood Shootout where two heavily armed and armored robbers held off regular police for a couple of hours. SWAT never even engaged them. If you combined all the local SWAT units, the FBI's HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) and the Secret Service snipers you might put together a company sized formation without cohesion and that operate on different radio frequencies. It would take many hours to call up and arm the NG units. By the time that was done, if this was really an insurrection, the insurrectionists would have control of most of DC, and the majority of the crowd would be armed. If the NG tried to use force to retake DC, the city would be destroyed. The best solution would be to isolate the city and hope to starve the insurrectionists out, but at the same time the NG would be starving the population of DC as well as the trapped politicians and bureaucrats right along with the insurrectionists. Personally, I don't think the politicians have the moral courage to watch women and children starving to death while they lay siege to the nation's capital.

So? As I said, if the insurrectionists shot up the SWAT teams and other police units, it would have delegitimized their insurrection entirely.

Whatever actions they took, it would have been only a matter of time before they were either dead or taken into custody.

As I said before, they were stupid, but not that stupid.
The only insurrection that actually occurred was The DemNazi attack on our Democracy in the form of Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

People should be facing a firing squad for insurrection, treason, and sedition of that magnitude when they sought to overturn our election through collusion with Putin, The DNC, FBI by plotting a Bureaucratic COUP.
Everyone agrees the Russians were all over the internet in 2016 with garbage and hacked hillary e-mails. Trump told them to go ahead and hours later they did...all they wanted duh....Your crap they won't try in court- lies and idiocy....It's called perjury....
Everyone agrees the Russians were all over the internet in 2016 with garbage and hacked hillary e-mails. Trump told them to go ahead and hours later they did...all they wanted duh....Your crap they won't try in court- lies and idiocy....
Hillary's Emails and Podesta's were hacked by The Very Pakistani Hackers Clinton hired to plant fake evidence on Trump Tower Servers and Russia Alpha Bank, and who were hired by Clinton to hack into Congressional files to look for dirt on their political rivals.

Clinton and The DNC's Pakistani Hackers were fine doing that as they were criminals anyways, but they were also Bernie Bros, and when they and Seth Rich got into Podesta's emails and found out Clinton and The DNC rigged their own primaries against Sanders and for Hillary Clinton, the Pakistani Hackers gave the emails to Rich to give to who then gave them to Julian Assange to publish and expose how Evil and Corrupt The Democrat Party really is.

Both Assange and have sworn out statements that this is what happened.
The DemNazis tried to somehow pin this on LOL Roger Stone and blame The Russians. Laughable.
It was their own criminal hackers that double crossed them.

Seth Rich paid with his life to get The Podesta and Clinton Emails to
Do you believe that the rioters of J6 intended to take over the U.S. Federal Government, and install Donald Trump as a permanent President/Dictator?

If so, how do you explain that absence of any firearms?

I know this may be futile, but I'm looking for honest answers.
Actually, several of the insurrectionists were armed. And there were quick reaction forces stationed around the Capitol ready to move in on signal.

Trump knew they were armed, too. He was told the police were finding armed people in the crowd he was going to speak to, and he told the police to let them in since he knew they were not there to harm him.

I'm sorry your propagandists have kept you in the dark about all this. Maybe you should reconsider where you get your information from.

The aim of the insurrectionists was to stop the electoral count and overthrow the duly elected government. Pure and simple.

They were misled by a man who feels no qualms about lying to them for his own personal gain. Trump holds the rubes in utter contempt. He would not lie to them so prodigiously if he didn't.
Actually, several of the insurrectionists were armed. And there were quick reaction forces stationed around the Capitol ready to move in on signal.

Trump knew they were armed, too. He was told the police were finding armed people in the crowd he was going to speak to, and he told the police to let them in since he knew they were not there to harm him.

I'm sorry your propagandists have kept you in the dark about all this. Maybe you should reconsider where you get your information from.

The aim of the insurrectionists was to stop the electoral count and overthrow the duly elected government. Pure and simple.

They were misled by a man who feels no qualms about lying to them for his own personal gain. Trump holds the rubes in utter contempt. He would not lie to them so prodigiously if he didn't.
LOL, they were armed with a single fire extinguisher. Go back to blowing Putin you pole smoking propagandist.

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