Serious question for supporters of the J6 Committee:

Not by you. And not by Joe Biden's F-15's either.

But it's a moot point. Righties don't start stuff. We don't pick fights. Lefties do that.

We will defend ourselves.

Fraudulent elections are a DIRECT threat to this democracy, a very serious one.

They're a direct threat to MY children, and lots of other people in this country.

I'll tell you point blank: Stalinism will NOT be allowed in this country. At all. Ever.

Yes, we'll take apart the fuckers that insist on bringing it to our table. You have my word on it.

You'll defend yourselves against the Neo-GOP proclaimed fraudulent elections? A claim is not based on a decision of any court of law in any state of the Union. It's when you convince yourself that you're really doing it for the Children that makes me wonder......

You sat that table, not the Democrats.
He showed 242 people making over 3,000 trips to drop boxes and non-profits between 12 AM until 5AM. That proves it to me.
No he didn't silly.

He had cell phone data, but there is NO video Evidence of a particular person dropping of multiple ballots on multiple occasions.

If you have the video evidence of Person A dropping off multiple ballots on multiple occasions, then post it.

Don't deflect and say something like......

you already posted it
find it yourself

If you have it, then PROVE it and POST it NOW.
They're not Stalinists.

Did Trump have a gulag?

Did Trump's FBI engage in panty raids?
Did Obama abscond with top secret documents, refuse to return them for a year, then lie about returning them?

You'll defend yourselves against the Neo-GOP proclaimed fraudulent elections?

We have a right to free and fair and SECURE elections

We require CONFIDENCE in our electoral process

A claim is not based on a decision of any court of law in any state of the Union. It's when you convince yourself that you're really doing it for the Children that makes me wonder......

You sat that table, not the Democrats.

We were minding our own business.

Hey - I'm a libertarian, I have nothing to do with Hobbs, and I'm not a cop and I'm not black and I have nothing to do with George Floyd either.

So far I've been called a racist, a Magaturd, a Republican, a Trumpist in seventeen different forms....

None of those things are true.

I'm a libertarian, I stand for liberty. I believe that rules are made by agreement, and when they're disrespected there are no rules at all.
He showed 242 people making over 3,000 trips to drop boxes and non-profits between 12 AM until 5AM. That proves it to me.
Waiting for you to post that video evidence.

Cell tower 'pings' don't prove ANYTHING.

I want to see your ( and D'Snooza) video evidence of Person A dropping off multiple Ballots on Multiple Occasions.

You can't and you will deflect.
Trumps mentor, Steve Bannon has openly and publicly declared himself to be a Stalinist.

But I've never supported Steve Bannon, and Steve Bannon is not the target of panty raids. Why do you bring him up?

All you're doing is exposing the fucked up leftard thinking process. (If you can call it thinking)
Riots do not have the explicit intent of overturning democracy. Insurrections do.
Exactly. Any analysis of this riot shows an out of control mob, hardly an organized attempt to "overturn democracy". They were far less insurrectionists than say, the idiots who set up that "autonomous zone" where they occupied US land and declared themselves and it free from the authority of the US, state, and city governments they lived under. That lasted until someone figured out no one was obligated to feed them or charge their cell phones for them.
We have a right to free and fair and SECURE elections

We require CONFIDENCE in our electoral process

We were minding our own business.

Hey - I'm a libertarian, I have nothing to do with Hobbs, and I'm not a cop and I'm not black and I have nothing to do with George Floyd either.

So far I've been called a racist, a Magaturd, a Republican, a Trumpist in seventeen different forms....

None of those things are true.

I'm a libertarian, I stand for liberty. I believe that rules are made by agreement, and when they're disrespected there are no rules at all.

There was no proven wide spread fraud in any state that would have changed the outcome of the election. It was the most recorded and observed election in history.

Trump projected his plan to yell "Fraud" at every loss he suffered from the primaries to the general in 2016 and in 2020 so it was no surprise at all to hear it coming from his gaping maw after his loss was announced nationally. He had the support of major national networks to spew his poison.

I'm sorry for those who were poisoned by his vitriol.
He showed 242 people making over 3,000 trips to drop boxes and non-profits between 12 AM until 5AM. That proves it to me.
We want to see this VIDEO evidence........LLOOLLOOLLOOLLOLLOOLL
Waiting for you to post that video evidence.

Cell tower 'pings' don't prove ANYTHING.

I want to see your ( and D'Snooza) video evidence of Person A dropping off multiple Ballots on Multiple Occasions.

You can't and you will deflect.
or ignore, run away and hide.
Where you at and where's the video evidence?
Looks like you realized you mistake after 19 replies and left the building. Now a question for you. . Are you really so poorly informed that you really thought that there were no weapons? Or, did you think that people were stupid enough to believe you?
Hey dumbfuck, take your own advice and STFU. You go owned because the people YOU cited had NO weapons at the site. Seems, as usual, keeping your head up your boyfriend’s ass leaves you uninformed. Did you think people wouldn’t call out your blatant bullshit?

Observers were asked to leave, they were told to go home.

They LIED about a water main break, it never happened.

Someone's been feeding you a pack of lies
You know that whole event was recorded, right? The Ga sec of state answered questions and gave a blow by blow accounting of all the events you see on the screen. But the certain news outlets didn't show the entire event. They only showed partial clips with their own interpretations and allegations of what was going on. The reason they didn't make it to court is because their propaganda simply wasn't true.
They had concealed firearms.
Of course they did.

Just because they weren't searched inside the Capitol doesn't take away the fact they some had firearms.

Are you two that ignorant?
Of course they had firearms.
Too bad the FBI testified UNDER OATH that no weapons were found at the Capitol building that day. Thank God you are no longer able to pollute the minds of children with your utter bullshit.
Your 'Election Fraud' BULLSHIT was old when you started it, now it's just plain childish.

The only problem with the elections were attempted by unauthorized MAGA idiots to force their way into the election facilities to stop valid votes from being counted.

Everyone has seen your 'proof' of election fraud and knows that it's pure BULLSHIT.

Everyone knows that Trump declared that there would be 'election fraud' - unless he won. His plan to overthrow democracy, if he lost, was started long before election day.

I know who wants a civil war. His name is Putin, and all you MAGA morons are just his 'USEFUL IDIOTS".
This Marxist moron, but i repeat myself, has just made the ignore list with the other Marxists who frequent the board. Pretty soon, it will be a nice board again.

Dear Dumbass, they DID have firearms - and other weapons. They also had other weapons stashed around the Capitol. Why are Trump NaziCons so pitifully stupid and uninformed? They even placed some bombs - which luckily didn't explode.
So? You be thankful they didn't burn the place down. BLM would have.
Did Obama abscond with top secret documents, refuse to return them for a year, then lie about returning them?
As a matter of fact, that traitor Obozo absconded with 30 million documents that to this day have not been released or even allowed to be looked at by anybody. Over $20 million spent by Obozo and his “foundation” (that has control of those documents, not NARA, hmmmm) fighting FOIA requests for said documents. None digitized, and none returned over 6 years later. Checkmate.
As a matter of fact, that traitor Obozo absconded with 30 million documents

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Obama administration records are exclusively held and maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency confirmed on Friday. Millions of unclassified documents were transferred after Obama left office to a NARA facility in Chicago, but neither Obama’s personal foundation nor the facility set to house his presidential memorabilia have control over those papers.

He showed 242 people making over 3,000 trips to drop boxes and non-profits between 12 AM until 5AM. That proves it to me.
Where's the VIDEO evidence?
Waiting for you to post that video evidence.

Cell tower 'pings' don't prove ANYTHING.

I want to see your ( and D'Snooza) video evidence of Person A dropping off multiple Ballots on Multiple Occasions.

You can't and you will deflect.
Still Waiting.

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