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Seriously...What is The Deal with Abortion?


They don't give a shit about that. This is about politics, owning da libs.
More CNN talking points. Y'all are good at regurgitating that crap.

I wish you butt monkeys would all just be honest and admit that you are going to fuck like dogs and are never going to be held accountable for the results, and quit even trying to convince us that you own a single fucking square inch of moral high ground. Then we could spay/neuter you like those feral dogs, Problem solved.

The fact humans have a very high rate of reproduction is not good.
It is a left over from before humans had not yet learned how to make defensive weapons, but no longer lived in the safety of treetops either.
It is a fatal reproductive rate that can not be sustained.
If not stopped, we will go extinct just as any species that over populates its resources does.
That will kill hundreds of times more people than abortions do.
And what better people to kill than those who do not yet care?
Would you rather they all got to be adults so they could die in horrible agony in the perpetual wars that over population always cause?

You act like sex is bad.
It isn't.
We are programmed to need sex, in order to even just be normal.
Implying sex is the problem is totally wrong.
Sex drive is inherent and can't be changes and should not be ignored.
Curious. If someone disagrees with you they are indoctrinated. Have you considered that you might be indoctrinated instead of them?

Isn’t it possible that people can think about the issue and come up with a different conclusion?

You are. Now go
I wonder if you are aware that those rights were listed in the Declaration of Independence.

Not the Constitutional rights I mentioned. However I’ll play along. A child born at four months has what odds of survival? What about his right to life? Hasn’t the medical staff violated that right? Isn’t the Government responsible for failing to ensure that child’s life?

The people who signed that Declaration swore they would purchase those things. They were bought with the lives, honor, and fortunes of the signers. But help me out.

What right to life does a man have who is drowning in the ocean? What about two men stranded in a life boat and the only way to survive is to have one consume the other. Which ones right to life is paramount?

With children going hungry today shouldn’t we increase the assistance given to those families? I mean the children have a right to life don’t they? Hard to be happy when your belly aches from hunger.

So should we double the amounts provided? Or increase it even more with the high price of food these days? You are certain to support that aren’t you? Concerned as you are with the lives of children.

If we are so concerned with the right to life. Why do we have the death penalty? Isn’t it wrong to deprive someone of their right to life?

Wow, you commies have a history of going to the absurd when you're cornered. You might want to review the 5th and 14th amendments.

I go back to the anti war/Vietnam days when the media was very conventional, patriotic, etc.
We had to deliberately find ways to force the media to cover things that most people did not even want to hear about.

Oh you were a pasificst hippie?
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Wow, you commies have a history of going to the absurd when you're cornered. You might want to review the 5th and 14th amendments.


The 5th and 14th amendments are to protect against government intervention, not the opposite, where government deliberately interveins to infringe upon the freedom of the woman/mother.
Government simply does not have the authority to do anything involving abortion, demanding one thing or the opposite.
Curious. If someone disagrees with you they are indoctrinated. Have you considered that you might be indoctrinated instead of them?

Isn’t it possible that people can think about the issue and come up with a different conclusion?
Good point. I USED to be indoctrinated, just like you. I used to believe everything that you libs believe. The difference is that I could never quite get to the point where I could completely ignore that small voice that told me that I was doing wrong. I knew it was wrong but did it anyway. It felt good, so I did it anyway. Can't honestly tell you what circumstances occurred to wake my sorry ass up, but awake I am and so glad for it!
Oh you were a pacisct hippie?

No, I believe in fighting and killing if necessary for what is right, but that it was illegal for the US to act against the wishes of the majority of the Vietnamese people. It was an evil war. Ho Chi Minh was wildly popular in all of Vietnam.
He was the hero who fought the Japanese and beat the French.
How could any one in Vietnam have wanted any other leader?
The Vietnamese certainly did not want Diem, whom we later had assassinated.
Similarly, I will fight and kill for abortion, something way too personal to allow government have any say in.
Good point. I USED to be indoctrinated, just like you. I used to believe everything that you libs believe. The difference is that I could never quite get to the point where I could completely ignore that small voice that told me that I was doing wrong. I knew it was wrong but did it anyway. It felt good, so I did it anyway. Can't honestly tell you what circumstances occurred to wake my sorry ass up, but awake I am and so glad for it!

And what is wrong with ensuring everyone gets to decide what they "small voice" is telling them, instead of forcing the large government voice on people, with guns, clubs, handcuffs, prisons, etc?
If you allow government to dictate personal choice over something like abortion, then we all become slaves to whatever else government decides to start dictating.
No, I believe in fighting and killing if necessary for what is right, but that it was illegal for the US to act against the wishes of the majority of the Vietnamese people. It was an evil war. Ho Chi Minh was wildly popular in all of Vietnam.
He was the hero who fought the Japanese and beat the French.
How could any one in Vietnam have wanted any other leader?
The Vietnamese certainly did not want Diem, whom we later had assassinated.
Similarly, I will fight and kill for abortion, something way too personal to allow government have any say in.

Abortion is killing, pacifist.

Cripes you're confused
Then indoctrinated by the MSM
Yep, drooling mouth breathers who get so completely fastened to the glowing rectangle that they can't begin to take back their minds. They are lost to us. Like that Dr. Who episode called "The Idiot's Lantern".

No, I believe in fighting and killing if necessary for what is right, but that it was illegal for the US to act against the wishes of the majority of the Vietnamese people. It was an evil war. Ho Chi Minh was wildly popular in all of Vietnam.
He was the hero who fought the Japanese and beat the French.
How could any one in Vietnam have wanted any other leader?
The Vietnamese certainly did not want Diem, whom we later had assassinated.
Similarly, I will fight and kill for abortion, something way too personal to allow government have any say in.

Sorry for the inconveniences but Vietnam was a demoquack thingy
Do Democrats really suppose that the female population is too stupid and careless to react appropriately to restrictions (or a ban) on abortions?
There are deadbeat democrat dads who patronize sex workers and don't want to risk incurring child support obligations.

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