Seriously, who here STILL believes that Mueller's report "fully exonerates" Trump?

I'm okay with Trump with two exceptions.
1) His neocon cabinet
2) His ignorance about climate change and clean energy
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He knew the emails were coming from Russia, "Russia if your listening?
“I was going to fire Comey knowing, there was no good time to do it. And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won,” Trump told Holt.
Trump says he didn't fire Comey 'because of Russia,' contradicting past statements
Donald Tramp Jr, "I love it".

And obstruction is so obvious in the report and he is still doing it.

Tramp said he loved wiki leaks so much and so often he probably wet his pants just saying it.

TRUMP was talking about Hillary's 30,000 lost emails, not the DNC "hacked" emails. At the time many people were questioning if Hillary's use of a non-secure server and other forms of communication were a security risk.
Doesn't matter, he wanted dirt on his opponent and was asking Russia for it.
As I once stated.........Trump acolytes and sycophants CAN foolishly believe that

Barr "fully exonerated" Trump

Trump "fully exonerated" Trump

Conway "fully exonerated" Trump

Putin and the Russian so-called media "fully exonerated" Trump

BUT........if your read the damn report, ANYONE with an education above 3rd grade would HAVE TO conclude that Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump.

Mueller......working under the CLEAR DOJ policy that a sitting president CANNOT be indicted........did the next best thing....

Mueller laid out clear evidence that TWO options are offered to the American public based on his findings:

1. Congress can undertale impeachment hearings.........and

2. Trump CAN be rightfully indicted AFTER he vacates the oval office....

Really.......simple as that IF one reads the entire report and not stooge Barr's mornic "summary."

May I use THAT cartoon when you morons bring up Uranium One and Benghazi???
He knew the emails were coming from Russia, "Russia if your listening?
“I was going to fire Comey knowing, there was no good time to do it. And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won,” Trump told Holt.
Trump says he didn't fire Comey 'because of Russia,' contradicting past statements
Donald Tramp Jr, "I love it".

And obstruction is so obvious in the report and he is still doing it.

Tramp said he loved wiki leaks so much and so often he probably wet his pants just saying it.

TRUMP was talking about Hillary's 30,000 lost emails, not the DNC "hacked" emails. At the time many people were questioning if Hillary's use of a non-secure server and other forms of communication were a security risk.
Doesn't matter, he wanted dirt on his opponent and was asking Russia for it.
He was mocking Hillary for having her government emails on a insecure and unauthorized server.
Pelosi is in a pickle.

She can't admit Trump didn't commit impeachable offenses without being dragged out by the radical nuts controlling the party.

She can't impeach because Trump and the GOP would rub her nose in it.

Actually Pelosi is VERY SMART..........She well knows that impeachment.......right now......would make you cult members cry "VICTIMIZATION".........the "poor, poor orange, picked-on clown"............

RATHER, Pelosi wants that DARK CLOUD hanging over this corrupt administration to linger there and make independent voters that made the huge mistake of voting for a moron.....THINK !!!!
Your "Hope America Fails" strategy for gaining power is why Trump won.
As I once stated.........Trump acolytes and sycophants CAN foolishly believe that

Barr "fully exonerated" Trump

Trump "fully exonerated" Trump

Conway "fully exonerated" Trump

Putin and the Russian so-called media "fully exonerated" Trump

BUT........if your read the damn report, ANYONE with an education above 3rd grade would HAVE TO conclude that Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump.

Mueller......working under the CLEAR DOJ policy that a sitting president CANNOT be indicted........did the next best thing....

Mueller laid out clear evidence that TWO options are offered to the American public based on his findings:

1. Congress can undertale impeachment hearings.........and

2. Trump CAN be rightfully indicted AFTER he vacates the oval office....

Really.......simple as that IF one reads the entire report and not stooge Barr's mornic "summary."

Well, even if it didn't, you spent every day creating multiple posts promising Muller report would end Trump, but in the end your just another libtard who got penis slapped by Trump. That’s funny shit.
As I once stated.........Trump acolytes and sycophants CAN foolishly believe that

Barr "fully exonerated" Trump

Trump "fully exonerated" Trump

Conway "fully exonerated" Trump

Putin and the Russian so-called media "fully exonerated" Trump

BUT........if your read the damn report, ANYONE with an education above 3rd grade would HAVE TO conclude that Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump.

Mueller......working under the CLEAR DOJ policy that a sitting president CANNOT be indicted........did the next best thing....

Mueller laid out clear evidence that TWO options are offered to the American public based on his findings:

1. Congress can undertale impeachment hearings.........and

2. Trump CAN be rightfully indicted AFTER he vacates the oval office....

Really.......simple as that IF one reads the entire report and not stooge Barr's mornic "summary."

May I use THAT cartoon when you morons bring up Uranium One and Benghazi???
Sure, but that beast too is dead, and beating her would be about the same thing.
As I once stated.........Trump acolytes and sycophants CAN foolishly believe that

Barr "fully exonerated" Trump

Trump "fully exonerated" Trump

Conway "fully exonerated" Trump

Putin and the Russian so-called media "fully exonerated" Trump

BUT........if your read the damn report, ANYONE with an education above 3rd grade would HAVE TO conclude that Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump.

Mueller......working under the CLEAR DOJ policy that a sitting president CANNOT be indicted........did the next best thing....

Mueller laid out clear evidence that TWO options are offered to the American public based on his findings:

1. Congress can undertale impeachment hearings.........and

2. Trump CAN be rightfully indicted AFTER he vacates the oval office....

Really.......simple as that IF one reads the entire report and not stooge Barr's mornic "summary."

Well, even if it didn't, you spent every day creating multiple posts promising Muller report would end Trump, but in the end your just another libtard who got penis slapped by Trump. That’s funny shit.
Slapping penises is just Wrong!
I'm okay with Trump with two exceptions.
1) His neocon cabinet
2) His ignorance about climate change and clean energy.

On the other hand, I could write a whole chapter of a book on why Hillary Clinton would be a terrible president.
Mueller was able to find enough evidence to find Trump guilty of how many crimes?

Mr. Fuckhead.........should we AGAIN repeat the DOJ policy that told Mueller that REGARDLESS of the evidence he could NOT indict the orange moron???

READ the fucking report instead of learning all you "think" you know from Hannity.......LOL
You will never be happy untill you get a lynching .

He never sat for an interview. He worked very hard to avoid it in fact.

An interview with one of Mueller's goons was nothing more than a perjury trap......An unknown subject said recall something you're a liar and will be charged with perjury and obstruction...stand up and put your hands behind your back. Sorry Candyass...your Stalinist paradise has been derailed once again. MAGA!

You’re dumb as fuck

Will, must hear that a
As I once stated.........Trump acolytes and sycophants CAN foolishly believe that

Barr "fully exonerated" Trump

Trump "fully exonerated" Trump

Conway "fully exonerated" Trump

Putin and the Russian so-called media "fully exonerated" Trump

BUT........if your read the damn report, ANYONE with an education above 3rd grade would HAVE TO conclude that Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump.

Mueller......working under the CLEAR DOJ policy that a sitting president CANNOT be indicted........did the next best thing....

Mueller laid out clear evidence that TWO options are offered to the American public based on his findings:

1. Congress can undertale impeachment hearings.........and

2. Trump CAN be rightfully indicted AFTER he vacates the oval office....

Really.......simple as that IF one reads the entire report and not stooge Barr's mornic "summary."
All our white zero college rubes do.
How many do you think read it.?
All you have to do is watch knees news
It fully exonerates him on the crucial issue of Russian collusion.

And you are missing the forest for the trees on obstruction. If Mueller had had anything approaching clear-cut evidence of obstruction, he would have recommended an indictment. Such a recommendation alone would have been devastating, even if Barr had rejected it. The simple fact of the matter is that Mueller's examples of "potential obstruction" range between weak and absurd, and Mueller knew it, and that's why he declined to even claim obstruction, much less recommend an indictment over it.
f Mueller had had anything approaching clear-cut evidence of obstruction, he would have recommended an indictment.

What the fuck is the matter with you DENSE Trump cult sycophants............Tell me HOW Mueller, working UNDERS the DOJ oversights, could have neglected the following governing policy............GO ON, tell us.....

Date of Issuance:
Monday, October 16, 2000

The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.

A Sitting President’s Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution

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