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Sessions says "no" to second special counsel...

Hey little boy, it was Obama who turned the DOJ into his weaponized KGB, not Gestapo.

Hey little boy, take your looney tune fantasies elsewhere moron
Not fantasy. Reality!

Part of your wet dreams.
An ongoing investigation into it is already underway.

He waits for those reports...............Not to mention an ongoing IG investigation..........

At which point these reports can report possible criminal activity...........which would then force the DOJ to make the finding for a second independent investigation..............

As those they investigating will never take themselves down.

It looks like Sessions is passing the responsibility onto an Obama appointee, John W. Huber.
deep state!!

Shadow government!
Hey little boy, take your looney tune fantasies elsewhere moron

Hillary was caught red-handed breaking serious laws and the corrupt Obama regime made sure she skated. Others have gone to prison for less, but no Hillary. She was the DNC nominee for president - and you voted for her!

She was not. I suggest you read Comey's statement. This revolves around a handful of e-mails. I voted for McMulllen. He was the only honest one in the race.
Not fantasy. Reality!

He sounds like a radical, insane liberal that is completely deluded. In his world, Hillary and Obama were transparent, honest and full of integrity and Trump is evil and is neck-deep in Russian collusion. Like I said, insane.

You are the one who sounds radical and insane. Ronald Reagan would have nothing to do with these insane conspiracy theories. Trump is a con-artist extraordinaire. Obama was naïve. Clinton is dishonest however dishonesty does not equal criminal.
Despite the continuous mountain of evidence against Democrats, to include Hillary, Obama, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Holder, and Lynch, Sessions continues to refuse to appoint a 2nd Special Counsel.

This dereliction of Duty - borderline Obstruction in an attempt to continue to shield the criminals on the left from prosecution - should immediately result in his firing, if not HIS being investigated as well.
Not fantasy. Reality!

He sounds like a radical, insane liberal that is completely deluded. In his world, Hillary and Obama were transparent, honest and full of integrity and Trump is evil and is neck-deep in Russian collusion. Like I said, insane.

You are the one who sounds radical and insane. Ronald Reagan would have nothing to do with these insane conspiracy theories. Trump is a con-artist extraordinaire. Obama was naïve. Clinton is dishonest however dishonesty does not equal criminal.
Still pushing your 10lb bag of 'crazy', I see, BB.


Undeniable evidence - according to the FBI - exists proving Hillary committed THOUSANDS of counts of criminal activity, to include Illegal possession of classified, illegal - criminal - handling of classified, illegally sharing classified with persons who had no security clearance, illegal storage of classified, illegal destruction of classified, illegal non-compliance with federal subpoenas, Obstruction, Criminal negligence, and over 15,000 documented violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act.
-- That is just the charges that should be filed BEFORE we get to her violation of Campaign laws, violations of campaign finance laws, sedition, illegal collusion, influence peddling, accepting Bribes, and TREASON.


Evidence has now been revealed directly tying Obama to the illegal sedition / treason against the current President, his collusion / collaboration with the CIA (Brennan, who was already caught Perjuring himself before Congress), Holder (1st US AG / Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to be CENSURE...for the crime of PERJURY before Congress), Lynch (evidence shows she collaborated with the FBI Director Comey to affect Hillary's exoneration from her crimes before the investigation was far from over), FBI Director Comey and Deputy Director McCabe (Members of the 'Secret Society' that plotted against Trump with their 'Insurance Policy' should Trump win the election - McCabe's testimony before Congress revealed either HE committed Perjury or James Comey did, which would not be the 1st time he was proven to have done so), disgraced criminal FBI Agent Strzok (who illegally protected Hillary, Mills, and Abedin from criminal prosecution), and Lead Witch Hunter Mueller, himself, who hid Russian crimes while aiding and abetting their acquisition of Uranium One, not to mention his entire hand-picked Liberal Hillary Donor / Lawyer hit squad.....

The attempt to commit sedition and treason pre- and post-Hillary loss has not only boomeranged on the Democrats but has been detonated like a nuclear mushroom cloud above their own heads, as more and more evidence of their crimes is exposed every new day.

Edmund Burke wrote / said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

I highly doubt US AG Sessions is a 'good' man, more like a weak, cowardly man if not intimidated and / or corrupt; however, he is doing NOTHING but stand in the way, to obstruct, and thus protect - intentional or not - the Democrats from all tumbling like a house of cards under a 2nd Special Counsel investigation. The US IG has already investigated several different issues regarding the Witch Hunt and have implicated Hillary, Strzok, McCabe especially, and the entire FBI leadership as having committed crimes ....WHAT MORE DOES SESSIONS NEEED? Now the IG is investigating the Obama administration FBI's and DOJ's massive abuses of the FISA process in their illegal acquisition of warrants to politically spy on a GOP Presidential candidate during an election AND to conduct illegal investigations resulting in 'Scooter Libby' indictments.

The administration the US IG is beginning to investigate is the same administration that illegally spied on American citizens, illegally spied on reporters and the media, illegally spied on US Senators, and illegally spied on USSC Justices. It should come as no surprise to anyone when the IG report details the heinous illegal abuses committed by Obama's DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA in the illegal spying on of American citizens at every level, to include the spying on of the GOP candidate in the 2016 election, making Watergate seem like a harmless case of high school males holding cups up to a door and trying to listen to the girls talking in the other room!
-- During Obama's illegal spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices, it was proven that CIA Chief Brennan and Head of the NSA, James Clapper, were proven to have committed Felony Perjury by lying to Congress under oath. In Clapper's case, he was afforded the opportunity by Democrats in Congress to come back under oath in front of Congress again to 'amend' his earlier testimony to avoid Felony Perjury charges / indictment.

ALL OF THIS is documented, recorded, proven FACTUAL, supported by multiple sources and plenty of evidence...which makes it F*ING AMAZING that day after day mentally deranged / self-delusional, reality-denying twits like yourself come on this board and push the same BS ... every single day! You have no shame whatsoever....and obviously no grasp on reality.

You and your ilk have spent over a year ripping this country apart in defense a woman:

-- Who is the worst criminal politician in US history,

-- Who is a career sexual criminal ENABLER

-- Who insulted/attacked/threatened/silenced her husband's victims to protect her power and potential political aspirations

-- Who is notoriously haunted by massive scandal throughout her public / political life - the outcome of which has been the vast amount of other people involved ended up in jail or dead while they skated, a woman notorious for Influence Peddling

-- Who abandoned and needlessly sacrificed the lives of 4 Americans and covered it up to save her own ass...again...

-- Who criminally endangered national security for her own benefit...

-- Who violated campaign laws, violated campaign finance laws, committed sedition, and even committed treason to attempt to seize the office of the Presidency because of her own bloated ego and sense of self-entitlement (It's My Turn)

-- Who did not even win her own party's nomination but instead rigged primaries, engaged in election fraud, cheated in debates, then ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history

-- And Finally who should have been in federal prison wearing an orange jumpsuit with a number on the back instead of having her name on the ballot, all of which would have happened if had not been for the criminal protection by the Obama administration - Barry, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc....

You and your fellow socialist Leftist Extremist snowflakes have helped to push the Russian operation / agenda of dividing this country to help defend and protect ALL THAT!

WTF is wrong with you people?

THIS is what happens when American citizens are indoctrinated into the Socialist Left that has hijacked the Democratic Party, what happens when PARTY becomes more important than COUNTRY, more important than the CONSTITUTION, more important than the RULE OF LAW or the specific Laws themselves!

Before you collectively respond by saying, "Uh-UH" take a step back and realize your party is actively, diligently, stringently, avidly justifying the intentional violations of US LAW, the complete act of violating US Immigration Law, defending and protecting Federal Law-violating violent criminal illegals and the criminal US state and federal politicians who provide for these criminal Sanctuary cities, and it is one of your party's reps that recently warned extremely violent criminal illegals who had victimized US citizens that ICE was coming, aiding and abetting criminals and breaking more US laws to do so....

....and so many of you have and continue to defend this.

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