Setting the record straight, regarding Cohen and Hannity

The reading of those files by the FBI may end up answering your question, Soggy.
The reading of those files by the FBI may end up answering your question, Soggy.

Perhaps.. just doesn't make sense, the man's a talk show host.. that's all.
This is all speculation of course but the trade of legal services for campaign or political promotion to an audience of millions hits a grey area and smells like a quid pro quo, don’t you think?
Born into an agricombine family that ranched, farmed, and dairyed, I never remembered a day until we moved to the city that did not involve some type of work, even if it was only paper work. That is a tough life, and I honor you for it, TyroneWeaver.
But,much more damaging to the Cohen-Hannity relationship COULD BE the exchange of legal advice (by Cohen) for the "payment" (by Hannity) in providing good press for Trump on his TV/Radio shows. .

Yeah because that obsequious apparatchik Sean Hannity needs to be bribed to provide completely devoid of objectivity, bootlicking coverage for Republicans. :rolleyes:

And ABC, CBS,NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, Washington Post, and the New York Times are the bootlicking PR spokesman for the DNC!

Uh-huh but what has that got to do with Sean Hannity and his not requiring any external incentive to provide completely biased , fawning coverage of Republicans?

Are you attempting to put forward some sort of "They have their lying propagandists so it's only fair that our side has some too" argument?

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
The reading of those files by the FBI may end up answering your question, Soggy.

Perhaps.. just doesn't make sense, the man's a talk show host.. that's all.
Unless he is something else as well.

It is probably nothing more than Cohen's specialty, paying off women to go away.

As I recall, the Clinton "Bimbo Eruption Team" had a talent for silencing women as well!
(1) whataboutism is a losing technique, and (2) the OP is about Cohen and Hannity now.
Oh, the alt right angst!

Cohen outed Hannitty, folks, no one else.

Trump cultists will now claim that hannity is owed his privacy......and I would say that Hannity is owed the same level of privacy that he showed toward the Seth Rich family.

No.....there is the truth and then the lies he left sells....

Here is the truth....

On Attorney-Client Privilege And The Question Before Judge Wood « The Hugh Hewitt Show

After the raid on Michael Cohen’s office, home and hotel, I took the time with both of my law school classes later in the day to make sure my law students understand this as well:

You can end up being someone’s lawyer in the blink of an eye, so be careful about that. Further, the attorney-client privilege belongs to the client, not the attorney, and if advice is asked of a lawyer as a lawyer in confidence, whether or not paid for, and whether or not a retainer agreement is signed, that confidential communication is attorney-client privileged unless either the lawyer asked is explicit in rejecting the appeal or conditioning it on the response not being covered, or subject to an exception such as its being part of a criminal enterprise.

I stressed these things to my students because, unlike journalism, the law is a profession, and breaking its rules often means disbarment and worse. The late, great Michael Kelly, a regular guest on my radio show until his death on April 3, 2003 during the invasion of Iraq and the march to Baghdad, said a dozen times on air that “journalism is a craft, not a profession.”

Professions have rules that are enforceable, crafts have different standards and enforcement belongs to a thousand different organizations with just as many standards.

Not so the law. Keeping a client’s confidences is one of the highest obligations a lawyer has, and to get the parameters and importance of that obligation right I asked for some specifics from my law partner, former Former Federal District Court Judge Stephe Larson —also formerly the head of the Organized Crime and Racketeering United of the United States Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles— why the privilege mattered so.

“The attorney client communication privilege is one of the foundational cornerstones of our constitutional justice system,” Larson wrote back. “Anyone committed to liberty and the rule of law should view government intrusion into that relationship, especially when accomplished by sealed affidavits and proceedings, with grave concern.”
The fact is that attorney-client privilege is not absolute.

The privilege can be pierced in a judge determines a high enough level evidence has been presented to demonstrate that a crime or criminality has or will happen and has or will be hidden away behind the privilege.

This is what the judge will need to determine.

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