Sex Slave or Consenting Adult?

I couldn't tell you about that. All I know is that if your sex in any way involves choking, you're kinky by one standard or another.
the only chicks I've ever known who didn't enjoy 'choking' (blood choke, not breath) were those with psychological issues that lead them to feel extremely uncomfortable with any sense of being vulnerable- usually a result of past abuse.

Physiology and usually psychologically, women as a rule seem to enjoy it, whether they generally speak about it or not.
Holy crap!!! :eek:

I always knew that you were some kind of a pervert.

But I just didn't know what kind..

You are one SICK, SICK, SICK individual and need to be locked up!!! :evil:

No worries, Sunni Man...he is just a 'net bullshit artist.
let me clear up one thing i said....broken bones....are normally the result of suspension gone bad...most of your accidents are from suspension. i have heard the number 80% or so....

again no one is gonna change anyones mind
True. But defense lawyers have only one client -- the accused. Prosecutors (are supposed to) serve the interests of justice of their entire communities, and have (additional, higher) different duties.
You know nothing about the American legal system. Ours is a moronic and adversarial system. I am in favor of reform. While the British system is also imperfect, it is better in some regards and has lessons to teach us.

The three bars I belong to would be astounded to learn "I know nothing about the American legal system", JB. So would all the clients I have represented in the past 20 or so years.

Ordinarially I do not mind you talking out of your ass, but I care about the disinformation peddled on this topic; you obviously know little, so try to avoid feigning expertise, please?

You wouldn't be the only incompetent and mentally deficient attorney.
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You're an idiot, Mad.

Even your own link says 'till [sic] right before they pass out'.

And auto-erotic asphyxiation is nothing new.

BTW, as an aside: Mommies and Daddies, this is being peddled to kids in part as a form of abstinence.


You need to stop listening to the voices in your head.

The physiology of the body before, during and after unconsciousness is a complex medical matter and NOT NOT NOT suitable for do-it-yourself posts on USMB. Can I say "irresponsible" enough?
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Sadly, the author gathered some of his medical knowledge preparing to be an expert witness in homicide cases brought after the death of the bottom during breath play. This is an EXTREMELY risky sexual behavior and MOST people should go nowhere near it.
Death during erotic asphyxiation is rare, especially when only the hand is used. As your own link gets at, it's primarily in cases of auto-erotic asphyxiation that things go wrong, since if you pass out you're SOL.

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You know nothing about the American legal system. Ours is a moronic and adversarial system. I am in favor of reform. While the British system is also imperfect, it is better in some regards and has lessons to teach us.

The three bars I belong to would be astounded to learn "I know nothing about the American legal system", JB. So would all the clients I have represented in the past 20 or so years.

Ordinarially I do not mind you talking out of your ass, but I care about the disinformation peddled on this topic; you obviously know little, so try to avoid feigning expertise, please?

You wouldn't be the only incompetent and mentally deficient attorney.

Better you should talk through your ass about the law than about breath play -- and you clearly know fuck-all about either one.
I couldn't tell you about that. All I know is that if your sex in any way involves choking, you're kinky by one standard or another.
the only chicks I've ever known who didn't enjoy 'choking' (blood choke, not breath) were those with psychological issues that lead them to feel extremely uncomfortable with any sense of being vulnerable- usually a result of past abuse.

Physiology and usually psychologically, women as a rule seem to enjoy it, whether they generally speak about it or not.

What utter bullshit. Bottoms who enjoy breath play are rare

You're an illiterate twit.
let me clear up one thing i said....broken bones....are normally the result of suspension gone bad...most of your accidents are from suspension. i have heard the number 80% or so....

again no one is gonna change anyones mind

You mean the hooks in the back (and sometimes arms and legs) or more along the lines of tripods and tortoise shell knots?
let me clear up one thing i said....broken bones....are normally the result of suspension gone bad...most of your accidents are from suspension. i have heard the number 80% or so....

again no one is gonna change anyones mind

Maybe its just a local phenomena.

Like Quilting, decorating your front porch with old washers and dryers, and eating possum.
let me clear up one thing i said....broken bones....are normally the result of suspension gone bad...most of your accidents are from suspension. i have heard the number 80% or so....

again no one is gonna change anyones mind

Maybe its just a local phenomena.

Like Quilting, decorating your front porch with old washers and dryers, and eating possum.

watch it samson....dont make me beat ya

noooooooo not that hook stuff..that stuff is know dangling some from the ceiling or floor joists....
let me clear up one thing i said....broken bones....are normally the result of suspension gone bad...most of your accidents are from suspension. i have heard the number 80% or so....

again no one is gonna change anyones mind

You mean the hooks in the back (and sometimes arms and legs) or more along the lines of tripods and tortoise shell knots?

Is there some particular reason you are so desperate that we should all view you as a wild sexual adventurer, JB? Read over this one besides you has claimed to have done these outre' BDSM acts, and your desperate bid for attention via Google-Fuing here is preposterous.

What's worse, it is dangerous. Some person who doesn't know you are full of shit might read this post of yours and believe you, and someone could be hurt. Try to suck it up and behave like an adult. You can brag on your imaginary sexual conquests on some other thread.

In short, STFU.
So more like this, then?

let me clear up one thing i said....broken bones....are normally the result of suspension gone bad...most of your accidents are from suspension. i have heard the number 80% or so....

again no one is gonna change anyones mind

You mean the hooks in the back (and sometimes arms and legs) or more along the lines of tripods and tortoise shell knots?

Is there some particular reason you are so desperate that we should all view you as a wild sexual adventurer, JB? Read over this one besides you has claimed to have done these outre' BDSM acts, and your desperate bid for attention via Google-Fuing here is preposterous.

What's worse, it is dangerous. Some person who doesn't know you are full of shit might read this post of yours and believe you, and someone could be hurt. Try to suck it up and behave like an adult. You can brag on your imaginary sexual conquests on some other thread.

In short, STFU.
wtf are you babbling about?

You seem to be confusing me with Cecile.

And I never said I was involved in suspension. Just because I know what classical libertarianism is doesn't make me a classical libertarian, either.

Come back when you know how to read.
I couldn't tell you about that. All I know is that if your sex in any way involves choking, you're kinky by one standard or another.
the only chicks I've ever known who didn't enjoy 'choking' (blood choke, not breath) were those with psychological issues that lead them to feel extremely uncomfortable with any sense of being vulnerable- usually a result of past abuse.

Physiology and usually psychologically, women as a rule seem to enjoy it, whether they generally speak about it or not.

What utter bullshit. Bottoms who enjoy breath play are rare; the average bottom will never engage in any form of this behavior. 99% of this play occurs between VERY committed couples and is done to demonstrate trust, not enhance orgasm.

Jesus H. Christ, now bottoms who reject breath play have "issues"? You are a lying, irresponsible, self-important hack.

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You mean the hooks in the back (and sometimes arms and legs) or more along the lines of tripods and tortoise shell knots?

Is there some particular reason you are so desperate that we should all view you as a wild sexual adventurer, JB? Read over this one besides you has claimed to have done these outre' BDSM acts, and your desperate bid for attention via Google-Fuing here is preposterous.

What's worse, it is dangerous. Some person who doesn't know you are full of shit might read this post of yours and believe you, and someone could be hurt. Try to suck it up and behave like an adult. You can brag on your imaginary sexual conquests on some other thread.

In short, STFU.
wtf are you babbling about?

You seem to be confusing me with Cecile.

And I never said I was involved in suspension. Just because I know what classical libertarianism is doesn't make me a classical libertarian, either.

Come back when you know how to read.

Cecilie has only spoken about the things she has NOT done. She clearly knows a thing or two about BDSM, but she isn't on here laying out her latest breath play technique. The only braggart afflicting this thread is YOU. Men like you cause harm, by what they write on the 'net and by the acts they attempt without knowing WTF they are doing.

They are sometimes called insty-Doms. If you want to discuss the riskier BDSM play techniques in greater detail, do it on a website that excludes children.
she isn't on here laying out her latest breath play technique.

Nor is anyone else. What's your point?

And the only harm I've ever inflicted on a partner was from biting a bit too hard. It's a flaw of mine.

Again, learn how to read. You don't even know the difference between auto asphyxiation and play with a partner, nor the difference between a blood choke and a breath choke.

Here's a hint: One's a lot more painful and likely to cause bruising or more serious injuries like a crushed larynx. (Hell, a properly done blood choke doesn't even get you anywhere near the larynx)
she isn't on here laying out her latest breath play technique.

Nor is anyone else. What's your point?

And the only harm I've ever inflicted on a partner was from biting a bit too hard. It's a flaw of mine.

Again, learn how to read. You don't even know the difference between auto asphyxiation and play with a partner, nor the difference between a blood choke and a breath choke.

Here's a hint: One's a lot more painful and likely to cause bruising or more serious injuries like a crushed larynx. (Hell, a properly done blood choke doesn't even get you anywhere near the larynx)

How can I be any more clear? This is neither the time nor the place to discuss your favorite breath play techniques. It is irresponsible and can and does cause harm. No one -- NO ONE -- learns breath play merely from reading about it. Not safely, anyway.

I don't give a blazing flying monkey fuck about your sex life, and I wouldn't under any circumstances -- but if you need to preen, do so elsewhere.

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