'Shaking My Head': Bill Hemmer Appears Stunned As Andy McCarthy Lays Out How Biden 'Scheme' Works


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

'Shaking My Head': Bill Hemmer Appears Stunned As Andy McCarthy Lays Out How Biden 'Scheme' Works

21 Aug 2023 ~~ By Brianna Lyman

Fox Newsā€™ Bill Hemmer appeared stunned and frustrated as former U.S. Assistant District Attorney Andy McCarthy laid out how the Biden ā€œschemeā€ works Monday.
Hunter Bidenā€™s lawyers allegedly threatened to put President Joe Biden on the witness stand if the Department of Justice brought charges for an illegal firearm purchase, Politico reported.
In a letter to then-U.S. attorney David Weiss, Hunterā€™s lawyer, Chris Clark, argued that a leak indicating prosecutors had enough evidence to charge Hunter over a false statement related to buying a gun was ā€œillegalā€ and any charges brought would be viewed as a partisan attack.
ā€œPresident Biden now unquestionably would be a fact witness for the defense in any criminal trial,ā€ Clark reportedly wrote. ā€œThis of all cases justifies neither the spectacle of a sitting President testifying at a criminal trial nor the potential for a resulting Constitutional crisis.ā€
ā€œShaking my head, Andy, thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing. Iā€™m smh over here today. By the way, do you think David Weiss testifies in October or November, or is that not even gonna happen at all now?ā€
McCarthy said he doubts it, with Hemmer expressing more shock before the segment ended.
Hunter was later charged with misdemeanor tax charges and a felony gun charge after his initial sweetheart deal fell apart over a provision granting sweeping immunity to the presidentā€™s son.

The intent by Garland and Weiss is to run out the clock on all charges.
When Hunter beats the gun charges, Joe and his Maoist/DSA Democrats will hypocritically continue their anti-gun crusade. If they do, then they should release everyone convicted of falsifying their ATF gun purchasing documents. Of course that will not happen.
What is said about the Bidenā€™s is true. He`s created a mob style governance. Each has equally enough to gain and lose.
The Quisling Media isnā€™t going to investigate because theyā€™re rapped up in ideology and also complicit. Another issue is that the blow back will take out the leftist God named Obama. GOP isnā€™t a victim trying to get justice. No way. RINO`s are just as complicit in the cover up. The RINO`s have a lot to lose because itā€™s pretty obvious that many are monetarily corrupt and that they have no interest in exposing their level of complicity in election fraud 2020 and 2022. They worked with Democrats to overthrow Trump and the big lie is that they are te opposition party of they helped install. Letā€™s be honest, the RINO`s spent years profiting off of China and illegal immigration. What you see today, with MAGA or Trump Supporters or grassroots is actually the people trying to reign in government and corporate America. This is why both parties are panicking. Thereā€™s a large and growing group of Americans who are not party first and country maybe, if at all. They are the actual pro-Constitutional, limited government people who want individual rights and civil liberties. They`re the ones who are being overly taxed to pay for the grift of the ultra wealthy and the extreme poor. Theyā€™ve had enough and they can see through the Kabuki theater being played out by Biden his Attorney General, and fellow Maoist Commies.
LOL....I saw that live, I learned a new term....SMH.

I get it though, it's about all you can do when you hear of what a cluster-fuck our "legal" system has become.

Small wonder people just do what they want these days.

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