Shame on the American flag

They can't find a place to send his sorry ass so in Gitmo he sits. He gets his own food, prays five times a day and doesn't have to worry about being beheaded.

Good deal for him and he should quitt whining like a campfire girl with his dress on fire.
Why do you care about an inmate's opinion ?

An innocent inmate?

Of course his opinion is relevant
Innocent? What is he innocent of?
No wonder the American hating Left wants to side with blood thirsty terrorists who have Ameican deaths on their hands.

Reading is Fun-damental

Four years ago, six U.S. government security agencies sat together and reviewed my case. Their conclusion? That I was innocent of any crime and should be released. The dirty and sadistic methods I endured -- which were then taken directly to Abu Ghraib -- achieved nothing, except to shame that American flag hanging in the prison corridor, which I was made to salute.
Why do you care about an inmate's opinion ?

An innocent inmate?

Of course his opinion is relevant
Innocent? What is he innocent of?
No wonder the American hating Left wants to side with blood thirsty terrorists who have Ameican deaths on their hands.

Reading is Fun-damental

Four years ago, six U.S. government security agencies sat together and reviewed my case. Their conclusion? That I was innocent of any crime and should be released. The dirty and sadistic methods I endured -- which were then taken directly to Abu Ghraib -- achieved nothing, except to shame that American flag hanging in the prison corridor, which I was made to salute.

No country wants to claim him dude, thats why hes still in Gitmo.
That poor Jihadist makes their progressive/liberal defenders uncomfortably sad. Poor, pathetic darlings all around.
I personally do not care what terrorists intent on destroying America think of us or our flat.
Why do you care about an inmate's opinion ?

An innocent inmate?

Of course his opinion is relevant
Innocent? What is he innocent of?
No wonder the American hating Left wants to side with blood thirsty terrorists who have Ameican deaths on their hands.

Reading is Fun-damental

Four years ago, six U.S. government security agencies sat together and reviewed my case. Their conclusion? That I was innocent of any crime and should be released. The dirty and sadistic methods I endured -- which were then taken directly to Abu Ghraib -- achieved nothing, except to shame that American flag hanging in the prison corridor, which I was made to salute.
I am happy to see you would take the word of a terrorist over that of the US government,
You, sir, are a disgrace to this country.
Why do you care about an inmate's opinion ?

An innocent inmate?

Of course his opinion is relevant
Innocent? What is he innocent of?
No wonder the American hating Left wants to side with blood thirsty terrorists who have Ameican deaths on their hands.

Reading is Fun-damental

Four years ago, six U.S. government security agencies sat together and reviewed my case. Their conclusion? That I was innocent of any crime and should be released. The dirty and sadistic methods I endured -- which were then taken directly to Abu Ghraib -- achieved nothing, except to shame that American flag hanging in the prison corridor, which I was made to salute.
I am happy to see you would take the word of a terrorist over that of the US government,
You, sir, are a disgrace to this country.


When was he convicted?
Why do you care about an inmate's opinion ?

An innocent inmate?

Of course his opinion is relevant
Innocent? What is he innocent of?
No wonder the American hating Left wants to side with blood thirsty terrorists who have Ameican deaths on their hands.

Reading is Fun-damental

Four years ago, six U.S. government security agencies sat together and reviewed my case. Their conclusion? That I was innocent of any crime and should be released. The dirty and sadistic methods I endured -- which were then taken directly to Abu Ghraib -- achieved nothing, except to shame that American flag hanging in the prison corridor, which I was made to salute.
I am happy to see you would take the word of a terrorist over that of the US government,
You, sir, are a disgrace to this country.


When was he convicted?
I didnt realize one had to be convicted to be a terrorist I guess bin Laden was no terrorist then.
An innocent inmate?

Of course his opinion is relevant
Innocent? What is he innocent of?
No wonder the American hating Left wants to side with blood thirsty terrorists who have Ameican deaths on their hands.

Reading is Fun-damental

Four years ago, six U.S. government security agencies sat together and reviewed my case. Their conclusion? That I was innocent of any crime and should be released. The dirty and sadistic methods I endured -- which were then taken directly to Abu Ghraib -- achieved nothing, except to shame that American flag hanging in the prison corridor, which I was made to salute.
I am happy to see you would take the word of a terrorist over that of the US government,
You, sir, are a disgrace to this country.


When was he convicted?
I didnt realize one had to be convicted to be a terrorist I guess bin Laden was no terrorist then.
Depends on ones point of view.
The guy is a piece of America-hatng shit. So of course a traitor like Nutjobber gloms on to him.
On April 25, 2011, whistleblower organization WikiLeaks published formerly secret assessments drafted by Joint Task Force Guantanamo analysts.[19][20] The Telegraph published Moqbel's 10 page assessment, which had been drafted in April 2008.[21] His assessment was signed by camp commandant Mark H. Buzby, and recommended Moqbel's continued detention.[22]

The Telegraph quoted from his JTF-GTMO assessment, the claim that Moqbil had acknowledged participating in hostilities.[21] JTF-GTMO assessed him as having served in the 55th Arab Brigade, as well as Osama bin Laden's bodyguard team. JTF-GTMO assessed him as having participated at the Battle of Tora Bora. JTF-GTMO called him as a member of the dirty thirty. They claimed he had trained at the Al Farouq training camp, and that he had staffed al Qaeda guesthouses. They claimed his name was found on a suspicious list. They claimed "he acknowledged he was recruited by known al-Qaida member, Marwan Jawan, who also facilitated his travel to Afghanistan."

Russia Today pointed out that the JTF-GTMO assessment said "Moqbel poses a low threat to prison personnel and is of only medium intelligence value."[23]
Gitmo inmate My treatment shames U.S. flag -

The cell door opens. The next session, seemingly the 100th in a row. I think my first period of interrogation lasted three full months. Two teams of interrogators running shifts, day and night.
Each session begins with shouting, to wake me up. Then they hit me on the face and the back. I am so desperate for sleep, my head is swimming. There are photographs of faces stuck all around the walls of this room. They demand that I identify the individuals, but I can barely focus to see if I might know them.
They throw food on the floor of the room and tell me to eat like a pig. They won't let me go to the restroom. They watch as it gets more painful, and laugh as they get the translator to describe how they will rape me if I pee in my pants.
The freezing cold cell. The cell door opens. They make me stand and salute the American flag.
I'm in a sort of cinema room, where I have to watch videos of other prisoners being abused. Then they tell me that I have to dance for them, and run in circles whilst they pull on my chains. Every time I try and refuse, they touch me in my most private areas.

Now it's the pornography room. Awful pictures everywhere. There is one with a man and a donkey. I'm stripped naked and have my beard shaved, in a gratuitous insult to my religion. I'm shown pornographic pictures of women. I'm told to make the noises of different animals, and when I refuse, they just hit me. It ends with them pouring cold water all over me.
Hours later in my cell, I am discovered, nearly frozen. The doctor tells them to bring me urgently to the clinic, where I am given a blanket and treatment. Over the next hours, they observe me as I warm up. They are just waiting for the moment that they can sign off on my return to interrogation

Four years ago, six U.S. government security agencies sat together and reviewed my case. Their conclusion? That I was innocent of any crime and should be released. The dirty and sadistic methods I endured -- which were then taken directly to Abu Ghraib -- achieved nothing, except to shame that American flag hanging in the prison corridor, which I was made to salute.

\You should go volunteer to take him in with your family since you seem so enamored.
As a cop for 20 years, I have yet to meet someone in prison who does not contend that they are innocent.

Having said that, the biased report on CIA interrogation techniques is a joke. Nothing more than a political statement made by the left. The holes in that report are simply big enough to fly a 747 through. Feinstein should be ashamed of herself, but of course, like Pelosi, that is not a personality trait she has.

Every time someone tries to tell me how horrible it was for these terrorists, I remember those people jumping from the Twin Towers. I have no time for apologists, sympathizers, and cowards.

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