Shenandoah County (Virginia) School Board votes to restore the Confederate memorial names of schools ...

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It's not about honoring's about remembering history exactly as it was. Erecting a statue need not be an act of can just as well be a beacon of avoidance.

In any case where do you draw the line? George Washington owned many slaves. Shall we take down all the Washington remembrances? Shall we re-name Washington state? DC?

The line between good and evil is often blurred. Had the northern industrialists been granted permission to use slave labor...the Civil war might never have happened.
No. It's about building memorials to losers and traitors. And people whose sole goal in fighting a civil war was to have the right to enslave another race.
The lion share of those statues were put up by the Klan between WW1 and WW2.

I don't remember George Washington ever committing insurrection against the United States after 1789. So your comparison here leaves a bit to be desired.
Another sign that We the People, the Posterity, have had enough.

Slowly, inch by inch, reclaiming our birthrights. But the battle will take years and we must not grow weary.

MAGATS do love them some murdering traitors.

Its ok. The school district confirmed ots a place for MAGA Klan lovers and substandard schools. New businesses will avoid it.
What is also notable with renaming schools and streets that have Confederate names - Jackson Memorial Highway, Lee Middle School, JEB Stuart High school - is that they are ALWAYS renamed with that of a black person.

Can they not be named for a Union leader once in a while? Or another white who contributed immensely to our society? Why does EVERYTHING have to favor blacks?

Let’s see if they keep the name of the Francis Scott Key Bridge.



Tell us again alllll about your love of Unions.


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You forgot the Emancipation Proclamation.
The Emancipation Proclamation ...

Had no legal effect anywhere.
It only applied in states that were in rebellion and therefore didn't apply at all in those states.
It did not apply in states that were not in rebellion.

The Emancipation Proclamation ...

Had no legal effect anywhere.
It only applied in states that were in rebellion and therefore didn't apply at all in those states.
It did not apply in states that were not in rebellion.

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The argument was that slavery was not addressed until after the war. The proclamation shows that to be wrong.
Any kind? I never said that. I explained why it's irrelevant if this book was 100% her words.
Well, that's the story the Holocaust Industry is pushing. I guess she got into a blue box and picked up a box of ballpoint pens from 1951.

Schindler's List wasn't a documentary but still a very powerful movie.

I guess. Frankly, I get tired of watching Holocaust Porn. There are so many other genocides and mass murders that happened, and none of them get a movie every year because a Jewish producer is trying to do a mitzvah.

If the Chinese ran Hollywood, we'd finally find out what a bunch of bastards the Japanese were in WWII.

You didn’t ask questions you repeated the neo nazi propaganda that it wasn’t real…even linking to well known holocaust denier

Do you have links that he's a Holocaust denier. I couldn't find anything on the author one way or the other. I did find that Otto Frank and Levin sued each other over what was in the book.
The Emancipation Proclamation ...

Had no legal effect anywhere.
It only applied in states that were in rebellion and therefore didn't apply at all in those states.
It did not apply in states that were not in rebellion.

View attachment 945715
Yes states in rebellion Dumbass.

13th Amendment was passed in January (four months before the end of the Civil War) and Ratified December 1865.

Your argument is utterly stupid you Cracker Moron.
Holocaust industry? Wow, there is certainly nowhere to go after that.

That there is a whole industry of movies, films, books, museums that keep the story alive and make money off of it.

I don't see the same with the Killing Fields of Cambodia (I think the only movie about that was about how a white guy was inconvenienced his friend was left behind.) or The Belgian Congo, or the Rape of Nanking,
That there is a whole industry of movies, films, books, museums that keep the story alive and make money off of it.

I don't see the same with the Killing Fields of Cambodia (I think the only movie about that was about how a white guy was inconvenienced his friend was left behind.) or The Belgian Congo, or the Rape of Nanking,

WWII was kinda a big historical event.
WWII was kinda a big historical event.
Yes it was. My father fought in it. (For the US, even though he was born in Germany). a lot of the world suffered, but most it has moved on.

I personally get a little tired of the perpetual guilt trip that is used to justify all sorts of crappy actions. Try having a discussion about Israel and Palestine that doesn't go full Godwin. Don't you dare question any part of it. They sent a guy to prison just for questioning the authenticity of the fake diary, even though Levin and Otto Frank sued each other over it back in the 1950s.
Yes it was. My father fought in it. (For the US, even though he was born in Germany). a lot of the world suffered, but most it has moved on.

I personally get a little tired of the perpetual guilt trip that is used to justify all sorts of crappy actions. Try having a discussion about Israel and Palestine that doesn't go full Godwin. Don't you dare question any part of it. They sent a guy to prison just for questioning the authenticity of the fake diary, even though Levin and Otto Frank sued each other over it back in the 1950s.

I addressed any issue with "fake". It all actually happened whether or not every single bit happened to Anne.
Yes it was. My father fought in it. (For the US, even though he was born in Germany). a lot of the world suffered, but most it has moved on.

I personally get a little tired of the perpetual guilt trip that is used to justify all sorts of crappy actions. Try having a discussion about Israel and Palestine that doesn't go full Godwin. Don't you dare question any part of it. They sent a guy to prison just for questioning the authenticity of the fake diary, even though Levin and Otto Frank sued each other over it back in the 1950s.
bronze shoes on the Danube at Budapest representing Jews kidnapped and murdered by the Nazis. Also a pair of new shoes from a teenager kidnapped by Hamas on 10/7.
I addressed any issue with "fake". It all actually happened whether or not every single bit happened to Anne.

Um, no, if it was fictionalized to emphasize a point, then you should classify it as a work of fiction. Same thing with Alex Halley's Roots, which was all a big thing until they found out Halley plagiarized large sections of texts from other books.

bronze shoes on the Danube at Budapest representing Jews kidnapped and murdered by the Nazis. Also a pair of new shoes from a teenager kidnapped by Hamas on 10/7.

No one denies the holocaust happened.


1) It didn't only happen to the Jews. It also happened to the Roma, Sinti, Slavs, Gays, the disabled, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, Trade unionists, etc.
2) It wasn't the only crime against humanity that happened during the Second World War/Second Sino-Japanese War
3) It shouldn't be used as a perpetual excuse for Israel to abuse the human rights of Palestinians.
Um, no, if it was fictionalized to emphasize a point, then you should classify it as a work of fiction. Same thing with Alex Halley's Roots, which was all a big thing until they found out Halley plagiarized large sections of texts from other books.

No one denies the holocaust happened.


1) It didn't only happen to the Jews. It also happened to the Roma, Sinti, Slavs, Gays, the disabled, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, Trade unionists, etc.
2) It wasn't the only crime against humanity that happened during the Second World War/Second Sino-Japanese War
3) It shouldn't be used as a perpetual excuse for Israel to abuse the human rights of Palestinians.
Agreed. However its not.
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